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<br /> STAT�.Y)4�' NEBRaAKA C'aunty nf----.. _..___......... .....____
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<br />��+ N51ed ferrecnrci on . ......�. ......... . 19.......,at.. .....,._..........:,.. o'cleck ................_..,...'.�t,��ur e�-Sis�!�';
<br /> F�. .. . . . . . . . . . . . R�aew.nw...... .. .
<br />� anii aeoorded ui tha llced Itt�cord g
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<br /> Hegi�ter of L1��ds L)e�u} Hegister # 1Tec3s }
<br /> � 4,.t;; n� ` i
<br /> � �`�- Q C�13�� S�3RV�ORSI-�IP WA�:�ANTY DEE
<br /> ��. ��'J,�.��•��
<br /> �_-____�.__._ .._._.__-__.
<br /> „ ; _ Dr�RREi, 0. �.�DERGOlv aad GO1:NI� L. .1ND�RSO?�, vusband �raci wife, r:aat� in
<br /> � his and t�er or�n ri�bt and .�s spous� of each ntber
<br /> + ,�e:tiia rnlled i'ae graator�hether:. ..-�a�,
<br /> <'z
<br /> iacaasidrratianaf TWEriTY-�IGHT T'F30t1S�21D :�IIr'E HU\'DRED ($:�'8,!�OO.UO� DOLL,ARS
<br /> received from granteea, does �rant, hargaio. seii �aure;� aud enhiici� c�ntu A4ALGt3LA� L. PEARSIIh
<br /> and LILLI�I. J. P�ARSQN, hushand and +.ife
<br /> � ss jc:mt tettants srith ri6ht of snrrirorship, and r.ot �s ie�s�is in e.n�:u�u, the fo1?ou�ing described rr:il
<br /> .,S��: . . . . .
<br /> � j,. , � . . . � . � . . _
<br /> ^ .. . . . . _ _ . ..
<br /> _„ p�parts in .........._.__�i�:ll._....................:........... Couni,-.:�et�ras's-s:
<br /> Lot ,�Tinet,y-one (9t) and tbe Sou�;is 'Ten (10} Feet af'
<br /> � Lot :�inety-tw•o (U2�, ia iia�,•thorne P1acN, an Addition .
<br /> - to the �ity of Grand Island, Ha31 Covnty. ':e�raska.
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> Te l�ace and to hold ihe aboce desecited prniniscs tagethcr with_sii .enements, here�ii�amcnts
<br /> ` snd appurtenances thernto belongin� anto the �rantees snd to t?zeir ss,iqns, �r ta the :�esrs a:;d as;i,.-�i=_
<br /> s of the surcicor of il:em forr�er.
<br /> And gmntor d�es hereb� coreaant nith G�N �rsntres and tirith their sssi�s and �ris� t2:u t�ei:s
<br /> `? and as�igns of the surciver of them t?�ai gr.�ior i�ln�rficii�-�eised of said premises;.hst the} sm in.e iroru
<br /> enenmLrance excapt for easements and resirictions of rrcord
<br /> thst g�rantt�r has good ri�ht nad Is�rful autl�e:ity So ce::+'e>• t�.e ?3`S:C; 4ll�] thst rrnn,ar narrsr.;s a^:i u:!!
<br /> 3efen3 We tit3e to wi3 pn.a:i�es.igainst 1he l,�n•iu, clai:ns ef si: per.'or,s t�•i;mceoc�'rr.
<br /> It is ihc intentioa of all �>arties hemto t1�at m t'�e e�-riu of t!ie ucsth of rither �+t tne i;:ar,ccs,
<br /> ilie avtire fee tiQe Sa t�is mal prot>rrtr ahnil cesi in t?ie�etr�-i�ing Frsnf�e.
<br /> / t.•� � �'�
<br /> Dafed Ofl�+�� �,c.'.� `"� 19 "% �
<br /> ` ,
<br /> ; ..............................._.._.._........._._........_......._..._.... �'; Z:t:4 � :.:�t f:.......:?:\._.._.._._...._........_.
<br /> " Darr�i U. an�erson
<br /> � _
<br /> , ..Y._..w...
<br /> ..............._._..._........_r........_.._........_._..........._.._... ......,,..._ ..... ...:...,.. ...........:....:�: ,�.-
<br /> Connie�Y,. 1nc�erson
<br /> ST�TF OF ........._..Vebraska . l'auut� nf .......I��311................_._.....:
<br /> Before mt,a notsry puhlic qnnli:ied for=sici re�isutc, persa±i:ilt�• .ame �ARR�L 0. ANDERSUh
<br /> and CO2dNIE L. ANDERSO;i, Y�usband and r:iie, eacl� in tiis �iaci t�or own right
<br /> and as spause of each other
<br /> knon`a to me to be t3c identicst pereen or persons�cbo �ignrii thc i��regoing in�tzzunent and nel:nu��led�d ,..�i _
<br /> � the esecution tLernof to be his,her or their�•oluntsry� �et nnd riec3. '�.
<br /> rn ,
<br /> 1� � / �.,,�:�` .�.,
<br /> �- \Fitness m,p hand and notariul xeal on�.+•' <e�n'�.LC;�t_......(.................. �., 19...�..�.... I � ,
<br /> ��j � ` �tr;•�.-C' �
<br /> a t10�AJ1NRGROSF ...��.��..i i���:•.'�?......LC.....i. ' :........._ 1ot�r;• Ful�lic
<br /> ; t� 6�ewtllolrr3L�b a mo�, t
<br /> --�'L- WI�m+�on E�wve° .r. �.
<br /> � +�-'a 1ubZs.19J8 �ic commic�ien espims �:�:i.�.�.......�.a:........... 19.!...�..... �
<br /> Form�3 To �e t�ppra�'ed by\ebraska 5tste Bsr�\s�or.iatiun �3M"i w��'•ua�ota NeM.
<br />�;'.
<br /> ' � . . � �.!
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