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<br /> In considt�mtian�tif'fall p:tynu;nt nnil romPliunce w(fh thr.'couditions of n mottgnge
<br /> ,,i� mctdc�hyJerry :1�. F.ingsl�y anci-N,,zn�. J. �:inyslc:l; ca;ct. ;r.,his �ind hc.r o�m z�cht,xnd
<br /> � � bs `a���soou�e.�.of�ct3;h�ci�t3cr . � . . � . � .. . .� . . .
<br /> ta THG'I:QUTTi1t2T.I;'I3L'IL'DT!MC A:^!D L;Ot1T�.AS50Cli�7'IO',ti'flF"(;AAA7L'� 7St.t�1JD,NS:BFASKA,`nn.the
<br /> [ollo�ving dr.usibed:prqperLy;'tu-wtt: `�he;3:>uL'hc�_lf -``i�ty "_':io iS<7 �'�:.t o` t.t�:t ;^<:rtoi.^. fv11
<br /> `:.ut�ompri5ed �f,the i'o]:lowi.na ursrr�ae� L•ra�.. us �,round: r.r;�caonsi i:ot r^nut {Gj
<br /> in P'rt�c:ianal �"1ak ��rt.v itirtc-. (499 Yr Ru5se1 ,Ihc-e2eP's R7;iitian, And T'��s �nmp'lemerit.
<br /> 2't�.-'rli't. r'racta:���A�-i.i� �'�ur :iq) _ ...-2xr•;��r7 .Fi.�it'�_ 5) �,� i'�.�,_�� .. ,.uf:��icn,
<br /> - 9�i:ts �e:in4 ;f��a:tions to the ;:1 s� �f �_,�n,' Islan:; ileT>t�3sl:t�.
<br /> ' whia3isuld•mortgape `he;�rs unte :t�� �=`.'�a7nst 19 �� atul
<br /> is recar8r.ii in'Hocik 140 of.inorignges nn T�a}�e ��<i�,
<br /> pf dhe rr.cortLc+of'Hnll'Lloun!¢,Nebrn;kn,snid:Assnciatior.herehg :icknowlrtl�e; full satisfaction of.nnd-releases<ihe
<br /> '; snme. _ < .
<br /> 7n wit�u;;c wheret�f #hc :aid Ti3E EQL'ITtifiLr Bl7iLDIMG A?JI9 'liUA!� ASSOCIATION flF
<br /> CRAND.1SL'.9?+1D, :�d�f3RA$IiA,'has catiseu.this in;lrumerii t� be si�ned 6y.its Pr�sidenT'and ziUested bv its
<br /> c ' .
<br /> Sr.ezetnra.ihis'`'Jth �l:�y of c;er,tetn�er A,D.,.19 74.,
<br /> 'fhe Ec�uitabie $uilding an�! Loa�iatian �af Grand lsisnd; .Nebraska
<br /> M ,r":
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<br /> 6n this q,_�; ciec n! _...;.rnber A.D„ 'i1 . I,nlnre me, a Notatt• P�tblic
<br /> duty cmnmitisionr.0 and tiiuilificd inr anu reiiilin�'in snid rnuuty. nanomilh cnme , ;;t '-ti +::;•s.ts.:r,e
<br /> :�n:l r� .7� �:crkw�r
<br /> 4 ;, To me-lmnwn to'he flte idrnti�al n^±�nns µ•hnse names nre:iFfixed t�d�r�i�hnvr rcirucr•as Prrs�iie.nt nnd�c<»ehL-�•
<br /> o.suic A;socintion and iu-t:now]edecd fhc said inshumenr to hc- Yhcir voluntoi-c ;iac and tler.d nnd the voluutstry
<br /> act:oiti ilced of fhe'saicl 7T?E'E�iIIITAfiLE BI"TlillI`.�C htiU LOA� :ASS�1CI:qTIGti C�:' i,Fh:�D TSZA.\1�,
<br /> :tiEBfi:+�5�9.
<br /> 4t'itnecz ir.y hanti an3 noia:iul_aezil Yhe duy a�nd ce:�r L•�st ��hove wrinen.
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