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<br /> � t.7soWnLtiMclvxvrt�:szrxGSEx15:'rnet Robert J, Citter and Patricia L, bittei�, each in his
<br /> a�d her ow� right and as spouse of each other, �
<br /> �e v., c F �t 1�llnfJ1'P(I dt1CI NOI�O�---'--'-Murtgnga,wherheroneormore,in�vnsiAerateunoft}�sumoP
<br /> '�:_r.t, tw.o Thou_�nd .e_r • __.._____.._----------..--------..t�L�,��
<br /> aoaned to said mortgegoc 6y i'ht Equiteble Bmlding end Loan AssocBation nCl�cand Island,Nebrs�;a,Mortgsgce,u�+on 22Q shnrrs nt stock of
<br /> saiS ASSOCIAI'tOtr,Certifiate No.L ( 2�F�7 ,di�herr6y�pnai,con.ey and rmxtgage unto the said ASSOiIA'i'[ON the fo)lowing
<br /> drscrt'bed real enate,'siti�ated in Haii Covnty, ��raskb:
<br /> LOT TEN (.10) IN BLOCK FORTY OYE (411 OF
<br /> mgether w�th all the tenementa,hemditnments snd appmteaances thereunro belonging,indudiry4 alteched Il�wr cu�e�irtgs,att Nimiow ecrrms,
<br /> Rli7,JW S�18d25,'JliiidS�SYOIIIl R'fI1�JN'!,ER11i11$S,heating,air�vn3itn}ninR,snd ptumhing snd waterei�uipnxnt snd acres�ries thereto,{WCflpS�ECJ�'Ei� � � -
<br /> tcirigerators,and uther tictvren aqd equipmcnt noa�cx hemaiier xttached tu or used in�vnnr�Kion�'ith�aid rtal estate.
<br /> s And whereas the svid mo�tgagor has ngreed and d�:hereby agme that the morcga�v�shelt enS w511 pny sll texes and esxummts le�ied or
<br /> a�aesr.�d u}wn said nrcmisea and i�n ihic mongagc and thc bond�r vrrd there6y hefore�hc.zma ehail be�vme dalinquenl;to fumish npprot�i
<br /> inevcxn e u}wn thc bw'{dinge on raid premises situeced in the sum ot s�2��QQ,Ql� �r��abit ta sai5 .4SS6i'iATi3� and io Seirtes t��i�
<br /> ASSOC1A7T0`the p�tichs for ui1 insurance;and not w�vrcmit or pnmi�any w�asie on or ai>uui raid premi�es:
<br /> In cxer of defauit in ihe pxcformancc of eny of fhe terms and amditions uf ihis mortgage o� the tk�nd searred hereby,the morcga�ree snatt,
<br /> on Acmand,Ix entideS to immediate passession o1 the nwngaged premi�es and the mottgagor htreby assigns, tronsfen end a�ii orer m iF.r.
<br /> nti?rtgaEee all ti�e rmh,Tevrnuea and inmme to be�teri��ed from thr nw�tgaged premises duric�such iime as the moccqege indebtedrreas shaii rtmnin
<br /> a�
<br /> �npaid;and ihe murcga(tee nAall hatt the Eww•er to np{wini an}�agcnl or xgrntc it may desire f�r ihe pm}wse u(repairing seid prcmises end xemiruc . � � �� . �
<br /> '��; 7hx same and i�n[Icttirtg the rems,re�eniue an3 incrome,and it ma��pay out ot�mi3 inrome aH t�}�,rnus of re�rairing said Fxenixs em1-m+�sxuv �� � - �� -� �
<br /> �ammiRions and er,penses invrted sn rcnci�g and msnaging che s.gme ayd of colkKinR rentals thxmf�vm;tha balan��e raniavina,if any,co be
<br /> aE�lied toa•ard the dischargc ot said murtgsge indebiedneu:these tiyhts ol the cnurtga�ee ma�•be exenia�d at am�cime dminX f he e�istena vF slrch
<br /> defauit,ircespzcti�e e(any tem�xarv a•si�cr of the xame.
<br /> � 1'hese Presents�I7JN'CtCf�are u�xm�he Condition,lhai i(thr�aid\toripa�r shalt repay�»id ioan on.i�ttfara ehe macii+itv�ii�aid shnrrK uy
<br /> ira�menr,pay rtronth[y to said ASSO('IATl01 of the szmi spedficd in tht B.md sarureci hereb�as interest and pcinripat un s.vd 3oan,en or bei'om
<br /> zhd'[Wentiethday al cach and e�ery rtmnth,uN�l said 1oa�is fulh paid;pay xll tx�es and as�ssmrnts le�ie�i epninsti said prenvnes end on this Atorcgaga
<br /> �'
<br /> ' an3 ihe Bond eccured thrreby,lx(ore delinyuenc�:tiuhish appnnrd insuran�Y tyvn the 6ufldiit¢s lhertvn in the sum oi� 22,QQQ.QQ paqaBle �
<br /> to said ASSi,tiIATIQ\;repay ro said ASS(?ClAilO\u{xm damand ali m�nev 6��it pa�d ro�n�ch taxes,as�esvttents and insurance u:�h interrst at . .
<br /> ttie nxximvm tegal�att thereon iiom date oC�+s�•ntcnt all of W6ich\ioitgagor hzrrby asares lo px}�;��mit no aaste on said prtmias:ketp and�ompl�� . .
<br /> g ui�A ail thc agrcemems and conditions of the Nond Ea 5 ��Z r'��Q•��thts ds� givrn b��the vid�tungngor tu said ASSOi 1.1Tf0\,and�wmp[y
<br /> wiYh xll the requirementi of'the Constitu�ion and Uy-La��a ul said ASS(X lATiO\;then thex preeenls ahati hea�roe null and�vid,othrn�isc thn�
<br /> shall rcmain in fnll fors and may L•e tbrrdosed at the opuon of the said ASS(X'1At10\ al'ter �AlILL2 1'ur threc it1U11�I11[O 01aI�1`EIl)'JC SA/G
<br /> " paymrnta or be three mon�hs in arrears in makiny�said monihly paymems,ar m kcep and�rompt>with the agreemems and vndiiion:o!aaid LionS:
<br /> and!�lottpagM n�tree�to havs a recei�er a��}winted fonhwilh in svch foirclonire pnxt•edin¢�. �
<br /> Y,
<br /> r._ � IC t4ciY is any change in owmership of ihe rcal entatt mo`Iga¢r3 herein,ba�alc nr oltiern�ise,then ihe entire r�naininµindebtcdaess hrrt6y �
<br /> �n�rc3 shall,at the option of Che LQuilaUle 13uildinq and 1.uan A:Ax.�iatnm o!i��anS island,\rbresAa,tY�ume immediatetq due end pa��aUle witirout
<br /> iLiihzr noece,anS Ihe amount rcmnininR duc un�ier said bond,and any c�her bond 1'or any additional ad�an�Ys made chcrcunder,ehe3l,tium ihe
<br /> date uf e�ercise o(said op�ion,bear intercst at ihe maaimum teRat roce,nnd this nxsngage may then t e forectosed to utuCy the am�iunt dve rn eaiS
<br /> hmd,and any other iwnd f�x additional aA�ances,tupethcr aith all n�ms paid hy aid 1'he liquitnbte Buildina and L,oan Asskiation u[(=iand t�innd,
<br /> � Netmaska fot inrwance,�aze:arni asteesment�and aNstroctinq exteneion charges,with intere�t thereun, Gum dnh u(px}rxnt et iL+e mncimmn
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> As protided in 1he Burtd xtured htm6y,white this mortge¢e rcmains in et}cct the mo�tengee mar hercafter ad�amr ndditionat sums to ihc
<br /> maken of said►iond,their auigne ur suceesa�n in intereat,which sums sfi311 Ue wi�hin Uce a�v�iq�of thfc moregape 1he avm es the funds o�iginallr
<br /> ticured therchy,the total anwunt uf'princtipal dc6t nut to ezcecS ai any�ime the uricinnl emuunt of this mwtuage.
<br /> r: _
<br /> DateS ilua /r? "�i. day uf ,��t::c,'k: ,1 ll t9 ;
<br /> . ,,,�-a,�r�.+...tc� �, �"'� _ � .s '` � 4S..� _S___��
<br /> 4v L, .L���'i 3
<br /> � er , er _�atricia�.--T)itt'er
<br /> STAl1:OF nE•DRASF:A,��. pn lhis da �[ y%i .hefere me.
<br /> CUUNTYOFI{ALL lltll Y� M31'Ch � ,e
<br /> ' Robert J. Qitter and Patric.ia.L, Uitte��, each'"na�uned�n���ier`�'1v�1�n,end������c�,�s�'�3o5s��`�'�` � .
<br /> p CdC�t Ot�18Y � . . `�I» 31'Q ��erxmetlqknu�vrotu �
<br /> L mc ta be tltc ideniipl�xrwn 5 a�hute fltms 5 dN@ '�` eflixed to the nbwe insttumcnl as mo�ycagur S and C�1CV se«�elly �}
<br /> t '
<br /> a�naatedged the said inetrumeat,to @c: -��1�11^ ,inlwitb�y s�N nnd deeS. �
<br /> N9trir.ss my tttlha nnd tVuuei,t StAt u,a�fate�arocrRaia. �
<br /> � inj�JidiiL rsnyiica !)�,�. •�u.(• )' !��• .. �,. :� ..-
<br /> �i I i/•,+�1 < '��i a. �-�+
<br /> . ..�'� - ;���nrv I'vbiic
<br /> F?y: til-€N At . ..•. '
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