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�',".'.. � � � {� <br />�$f. . � . i ��'` . <br />� , . � _. . . . . . . . . �� . +u�.. � . <br /> �' � � . . . . . � . <br /> . �T� O(11;3b'�,' <br /> ..4.1-5URY�VOR54�IP\WARRAN7Y DEEO� �. . F�lio�G���olf Co�,pn�r,Lincoln,Ne6r, � � .�� <br /> SURVIVORSI�IP WARRANTY DEEU <br /> Wey Rathryn A. Bishcip, ait u�remarried widow, H. Lugene Bishup �nd <br /> E�aibe J. Dishop� his wife; <br /> � <br /> ; hrt•ein enII�±d fhe �!i•nutoi•�chekher mie ur itiot�e, <br /> iii cousidArltion of�'�v� �ttd affeCtion <br /> ceceived from grnntees, aoes gtaut, 1�argnin; sell e�m�•e�• and co�ifirnt iu�to <br /> A: �u�ene Liehop and �laine J. I3lshop, spouse of each ather, <br /> , nF joiitt tennnts �r•itii right of survivut�ship, n�id nui, as ienants in ��omrumt, t.hi+ follotcinq desi�riUr.d i•cal <br /> pa�•t o� th� South�rest qunrter <br /> : Prupnrty in .,.....: I�811 ....:.... Countr,�eUraskn: O� �h8 SoUi;he�st 9,uarter OS <br /> scetion 3, Township 12 North, �Ran�e 9, T�teet:of the 6th P.Ai� in Hall Cuunty3 <br /> Nebraska, more particularly described as foJ.laes: Be�i.nning at s� point an <br /> the South line of eaid 6ection 3, said point being �+1$.0 feet L�ast af the <br /> 6outhi?e�t corner of sald 8outheast �uarter; tlieiice Easterly along attd u�on <br /> the 5nuth line of said 5outheset G�uarter, a dietanoe of 322.0 feet; thenae <br /> deflaoting left Syo 35' and running NortherlY, a dlstai�ce df 328.Q feet; <br /> then�� ties�e�ly parallel to saici 3.�uth line oS said Southeast Quartex, a <br /> diatsnce ct 322�0 Seet; thence deflectin� lePt 69° 35' flnd running �outh- <br /> orly, a distanoe of 32Fi,0 Peet to tlie place �f begS.nnin� �.nd oontainin� <br /> � 2.425 acres, more or 1ees, of wllicli a.2144 acres, more or lees, are presentl� <br /> accupied by county road right-of»way <br /> Tu hn��c o��d tu huld tlie nb�er, defieriUcd ��rrmi5es io�etlicr ��•ith ;�ll te�ic�ucnts. hereditniacnts <br /> nnd u����urteuuueea I.liercta belonuinq mrto ihe �;rnntc��r and ta ihcir asGieus, ur tt> A�c hci�� aud ,issi�us <br /> , �>f ihe snrciti�or of tLr.m forceer. _ <br /> �1nd grnvtm• duea Lercby encen�nt �citL th�� (!C1LItCCP :lll(I a�ith tLeir nssiuns nnd ���iih tUr, hr.irs <br /> nnd nssi�rns uf tBc sm•ci�•or of them tUxt qrnufor is la«•I'a�ll� �ri<ed uf snid premisea;th�;t thec nr��trrr from <br /> ,. ? encumbrnnee _ <br /> t. <br /> � <br /> Umt: Rrnntar haa Kuod riFht and Li«�fui anthm•if;v to cou��oc thc samep twd tl�nt t�r:int.or �cnrrmits and ���ill <br /> defeud tl:e titir, to enid premisefi �i�uinst� ]n���ful clain�s nf nll peisuns ���hr.msoe��er. <br /> Tt is the Inie�ition of :ill partiea hereto thnt in f.he eeent of the dentl� ot eii.her of ttir, gt;iuter.a, <br /> ' ; <br /> thr rnt.ire f��e siuLplr. title tn tLe renl �wtttte shnll t-eel in tbr nn•cicinsz �ntnteo. <br /> � <br /> i>at�d �eptember 19 ts G7 <br /> ; . ��, ,� __ ._. — :��'LL��a. e�c. :.{ ! �.-, � . <br /> --- � <br /> . _ ..fv�l Fc,j�I�.�..� � �� ::�;1•r?fi 1:...1............ .. . ;2 t`-�:. <br /> :.. <br /> � :�.1;1..!' L\:< <br /> �Ca��YT1 �....b...E3�1C.. �. <br /> '� �"• , <br /> .- .......... . A3:'�ft. j ��,}'i........................ �. s' 1;. �: i� ..�, r�... 5.�.;ft.�r'�..... .... <br /> .........i�ir,�l �� - .x....�.'�ll�'TZ�� �9�10� j <br /> . <br /> .• •,_ <br /> � • � <br /> .=� '�'"" .. . <br /> / � �. <br /> „ � <br /> - . �'1 <br /> . . .......... ... .....,, � '� y � �. <br /> , <br /> fi�`J _ c ..T.:..t;:�::.:<�.,�--?.... <br /> •.�;. �_F?� a.! ........... ........�,'laine.:���:...L��l'c�T�op <br /> ; , __.............9iAT�111bM3..A1.7hL1;M4!....................... .................................................................................... <br /> " ; 81'ATF ON ..:Ne�raeka.................................. G,�u�i, ��i Hell <br /> lle[ure me, u�rotnry publie yunlified for snid con�ity, prr��ou,illc �•n�nr <br /> Aathrvn A. Biehop, att unremarried NL(ION� fi. Ettgeue I7S.ehon �nd Elaine J. <br /> b�ahop�,,,,, hig xiPe, <br /> - ?.�,�'��� . � _� <br /> ; i ,� �,.. ``.t` �.'-i . _�� � .. <br /> �ki4�tikn';1{�9u �lo iie tliu ideutim�l perr,ou or persuus n•ho si�:ned the forekoinr� instrumeut nnd acknun•lcd�ed � <br /> �. h1ye+E�¢ti�Ciu�thtiteo[to Ue Lie,hcr or their ruluntnry� aat ��ml deed. �cy <br /> . . . ' �-,. �� ,b���. . h. q . <br /> �Yltne�s uis l�tlnd aud uotnrinl nenl o«..Se te�uber...19.. � .............. �,�..G.T.:...... <br /> ��r ,>� / / tf � , / . .�. <br /> f\� 't;' 1 <br /> �����." ......Y..��:L...S....r... i��.lrf. -�' ....... ........ Jutarr Publte <br /> , ..� .. <br /> �- <br /> , � . <br />� : . )It fC 11Y1.A..... ..� `.� / 4 <br /> i <br /> i: :� � <br />.-� hf�� c��nnnisai� ' <br />�, � ; : <br /> , � �: ...�....L...................... 19..a...r....::.. <br />�. <br /> � .- _ � <br />