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<br /> � TIi0h:A3 A. PT'EIFEI2 AND SiffItLI:Y J. PPLTFrit, i:ACH IN HI5 OR fi�:l� OWN ltic}I�T
<br /> 9 � � � � �
<br /> f AND AS SFQUSL 0� �ACH OTfiliR , Lr,re(u oalled the grentoe�vhet6er ona or mom,
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<br /> � LOT I"IV� (5) OT�' I�,OCK '['iv'U (2) ;Itd THk; DALr 1iQUSIi SECci1JD ;iUIjllIV[S(_ON 'Pn
<br /> .i H�iLL COUNTY, NliDItASKA.
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<br /> � af tUo survivor of i6um fore�•er,
<br /> ? And gruutor due9 hcreby aovennnt «�ith thc grnntces nud with their nesigns nnd `�•ith tha helre
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<br /> � � thnt grantor hae good right und lateFui untlwrity to cou��cy� the namc; und ihnt grnntor �eurrnuts nud trill
<br /> dafend tlm titlu to enid �.iremises nRninst tl�e lun•ful clniute uf nll perHone n•homeoever.
<br /> It ie thc iuteutiou of ull purtias hereto that iu tho evont of tt�e denth of cithar of tttc greuteoe,
<br /> Uie ciitira fee title to t1�iF rc+il pruprrt}� Al�r�ll �•cat in tlic eurvivinR gratttee.
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<br /> � llclore tua,n uo4ary puUlio yuulifted for enid euiu�ty, pereouully enmo
<br /> ' 4'homacr A. YSoif�r tu�d Shirley J. Pl'oi.for, oacli in hi� on c��r o�ru riF;ht
<br /> and as epouee of each other
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<br /> the exeaul,ian tlicrcof to bo hie,hur or their voluntnry nnb iui3 deed. � tv �
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