<br /> : ` -�`
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<br /> i�;. .
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<br />�' ��� t�013 51
<br />� The �Ufl'ABLE E.ife Assurance Soci�ty �f the United States
<br /> �as�
<br />� r
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE,dacrd as of the........lst...........day of...........Sanuary...... ....., 19..�7. ��ern Wi111Hm
<br /> Dibbern and J"oy Joan Dibbei-n, husband and wife, each individually in his
<br /> �and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> Wo�d Pa1er, Nebraska 68S$3
<br /> u•hose ost office address is............................................................................................... ..... .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> . ......................... .......................... .......
<br /> hereina ttr rallcd "1t4art�c,�a�," nnd 'I7iE EQUITASLE 3.IFE ASSUFANCF.SOCIETY'OF 1'HE U:�TITED STATTS,a Nrw� York
<br /> co�ration,hzrin�its prinapai oRice snd post office address at t 285 Avenue oF the Americas,New York,IQew York 700t9,hece�naiter
<br /> celled"Afon�aged';
<br /> ��REAS,thc Mortgagor is jvstly indcbted to che Mortg� in che sum of....�'7O..xundmd Serent�-nine Thousand and
<br /> NoliO �79 Ofl0 c� .....................................................
<br /> ------------------
<br /> ` .......................:.................................Dollars (5...�.._..t.......'....................)with intetest,a11 u sM forth in his cartain promizsory note
<br /> ,. (.�Note")oF nrn datrherea�ith maturing................kiarc�..7......,.........2002.....,f'y�.....
<br /> NqW,THEREFORE,THIS MQRTGAGE WiT:�'ESSETH,thst,to u•cute thc paymrnt of the prinripal ot`snd inttrest on the Nnrc
<br /> snd the�+erfortnmto of tht cuti�rnants thecein and bercin contained,xnd in cunsidetation of thr premises,the biortFagor by�:hese presrnts
<br /> dtus gtant,bargain, s.^ll,conveq, transfrr, usign, mort;cag4 pledge, warrant and mntirm unt�thc Mortfizgce all Yh: proxm• ("tlie
<br /> ,'�fortgageJ Pmpe!•��"} hereinaftcr drscribrd,to-a�it:
<br /> I. T'he fot!oa�ing described real�+roprrty�located in ihe Cuunty oC ._..................:jali
<br /> . .............................._.......................................
<br /> Srate of...........�ebzast:s .. to•w�ir.
<br /> .............................. ...
<br /> , SouthU�est Quarter (Si,�'�) of Section Eight (S) and the Northeast Quarter
<br /> (NE�) and :�orth Ha1f of the Southeast Quarter (h,SE�) of Section Nine
<br /> (9), a11 in To�anship Eleven (11) `�orth, Range Eleven (11), idest oi the
<br /> Gth P.M.
<br /> This r�ortga�:e is given to secure aa indebtecness oi $279,Q00,00, of k�hich ;4J,p00.Q9 hss
<br /> been withheid bv *he :wrtca ee at the time of cLosin� for future disbursement (hereinafter
<br /> falied "Future ?�di+ancc),` �e Future Advance shsil 5e made onij> upon corapiiance with the
<br /> � 011Ok'111�' conditions at' the ti:ae of t:ae :`uture Adrance; ��) thc.e shall hsve been co:n�leted,
<br /> to the satisfactian oi the �ortcsgee, constr�ctien of a nek* dc;elli:xE and installatian or �a
<br /> i==_g,tion »�cil .; t,e aremis�s described in �nis �artgnrc• (o) the mortfiagor s?ia11 be :?�e
<br /> L�>ne: oL Lhe pre..^iises desexibed in t?�is mortgnfie; {d) the Future ,Advance sha11 be s�cured bv
<br /> t:�is nort�aee and sha12 constitnte a vnlid iirst licn on the �ottgaged prexnises, as evidenced
<br /> b,y such title searches, abstrac� continuations, opinions of couasel, title policy ea3orser�eats
<br /> ,oz other evidence of title ss t..e �ort�agee ;r.aq .equire; (e) all ea-penses o: title searches,
<br /> +abstsact contir.vations, opiniors of ti�le aad *itle oo2icy endorsemen[s required by ti:e c�o::gagec
<br /> ;shall be �aia ey the awrtga�or• (f) the ;aortrs�or shall n_t be afzected b� am• insol�enc�
<br /> 'nroceedings no: sizail thc morL�aFor '.2sve ;aaae an assi�n:aent f�,r :?:e ber��i� o� c��u;,��F;�
<br /> �g? the �:zF�^ee s;;ail --t be c�ui.iged �c r.vi�:e nore tlian one ruzure ;d�ance, nor shall the
<br /> �rt�e or be obiieed to :�};e an}• Futu:e :1d�-aace svbseyuent to the fi_st dap of �lczober, 197j;
<br /> and �:�� ,ot less thaa thir_y da�s' u-ritten aotice shall hnve been �it*en to t�ie swrtgagee p—.i,or
<br /> to the intended date u: �he Pu.ure :dtancc.
<br /> : Defsult Sy t:tc :aor��a�or under am other iastr�mea� eecurir.g t;:c r.ebt hereb� secured shall
<br /> .orstitute a dcfault un�cr :iiis in,tr:.-�c^.t,
<br /> ;L Th: \lonexSor's irtc.^;st as Icssnt m ali icases �includ�nc hut ant lini;cd tn, oil, qa< anri nineral irausl now on c�:caftrr
<br /> aAr,:i,c ch:abo�o-drs;r:h;•d re;.l p;epert� nr ar.y part rherc„i.
<br /> TO.;ETHER �C'ITIi t?�;crnts, ;,�uc�,and pr.i;its thcrrn(, resen�ine,howcr�r, �ur.!css,:�tficra�is:p.n�•idcd hrmia or in a se�+aratc
<br /> .,s:zum:nt o: as,iLna�r^.;1. u^to!hr�lortr.Fnr thr r.th:. }�nor ;o ::nr de;xult ia lh: ,ltn;nt of :hc �nte�v :n �:rEorman.e nf ant'
<br /> c �,:n!h:r.:_nd.r i4 :ana :cta:n u h rrnts,usun.cad p:ont}.•:hi� b:��vnc.i::c an;nacahir.snd co¢c�hcr aisn with�li and
<br /> � � :thc tcr.rm;: hc..:...am,^;s. r.o-' ,pur.eni�:o thrrcvatn b,io:�cir.c.i`du�iae i;;iz,:�nr...3;�:nate.:,nd watcr richh ot nc��
<br /> irn.1�r.d dcs:rpt�on. '
<br /> TO ii.i\'??.1\P,T<l}inLl�:h:,sme uncn the Aiortcaree.�:s so�:r�+ors::r.d a.s!ens. t.�rece:
<br /> PRO\iPlll. At.\\.41'S,;ha; .( ;5c\;,�rt�a�rn 4is hr:n. rc.^.m•,cnt,t.�n..u,ic,,,,;.�a :.,�� n h:il pa� unro thc \fortc?cce, its
<br /> a- �so: or assir�5. :hc .a�d wm�,(mo�:1 m:nti.ncd •,n thr�of:a.id ihc�nt:rrv th�;a�n,vt �c n,.ict an:i pi:,x.nd in thc m:nnc
<br /> � � t .1 \o; � th� .�u� _ t5n ��at h.-�i-�r ;u: :,nd nw-��iC i��th;A!,�:c �c .i;�i�n �
<br /> ' t �c ��rt�. 1... :C..,t'^7 .: t�:<,:i '�.,m arna cnar:a co.^,iaro:d:n t'i;. •�ior i.:�c`_.5: . �,.1 ,h ..� `�� ., . a�c
<br /> 1 thc trm- ��c^a�:s
<br /> :.i�hne}`resen;s and t.
<br /> c. ....r:�i ;_.,..a�h.;Ii�._.,.dc4cr.unc:rd b:��nid ��:h:;a�.:to rcmain:��lu i l;,.u�:md cnc::
<br /> A\I)�l�;il::CT:o d�c�ov.�tnt� sa� coad�linns hcrc•iaahc:set lor;h
<br /> FIE:ST: Ihc 'd�;,\czCo:herc:c co�caanu and acrccs. �o thc cx;cn� txrmi:tcd b� i:;W,as f��llo�i.: �a) to par t.rom�:lt'whrn duc
<br />' �c� i
<br />��_:� � r �,c c r.;nthcr c��Z�i�t^�,m;ti rrn�ru.i(n: n thc\o; +��� �thi� 51-rtcA�c ot rithcr. lhl tr,f�:�c all I,sc�.asscs:.
<br />��' �t.- � h r ch:.trc.� nilu� rc �ixh. -�at rc rn��r nr nlhcr a-a,c:�ti rr<s. u � �sas�mr,:sl .,rpoxd F� lau ur;�n;hc'.i:�rt�
<br /> �,� c rr � 7 .hc'�1 ¢z�r.� r.r.c�t:hcr .or u�a;,U:: �t x c�Lc i.� h \,, . �.;�:.,d h,•wr�cr. that. ir, th;cvcn: ot th; ius-
<br /> � '�1 l�w i5� i ri hc�au t�u t� t au c.� ��1 n tta cs r 1�h�. , u c h�m r�z w a. [ ic.t this �{artq ee.thc rntirc
<br />�`�; i :c5 7n . _c rc �i c�c h� tS �ti i � hc�f� t¢zrre 'a +�c in p.c l c ( t r, l< f,thc Afortca�rd Pr ix�t�'and iin-
<br />� c�cr ti i c i � ,� �, di � „ r���r nd n t t�u mmi �r � c nastc P cui,end c�cpt .s nuth�n:cv in�nt' Khcucie
<br /> i ir� :.h d � i, „ �. c.t. ..:ith:r to rrr,�c no -m�;:h ��.� -! � � ;,,;I,
<br />�v�'s � ��,<. i 9 r.c, cx,. �rrrai.�;nn:.
<br />�'r�.. � . t �- - ' . ni,1 th'p•i-r t i c.s�i .�.cnc ol thc \� f..L'c � 1 Fi:'L:::.:ir and ?c"f ct t Itc\�',-;qsccc
<br />�R�'�!. .- ��:' T: . �-^h . . �n c�hi.i;��. n�.0 ,.r hr (frr �+.-� c� �r t ir \t. ,L':ccc Pm�,rrti a f'�c \1or'Caccc ma�.
<br /> f� i. � �. .� 7 - nt � -�.', � i »...,nd��.th.,ich I ..i,i�a.`�Ir i�L�r, �..I t : �,ir .c \t�.- iCcc:that•n:hc c�rr.!nt
<br />,x+�� 1 c \t �i� e � � �c�. � t,Ir 'cd ln�r;IL nr � �� rnni c -.a��i ,r � s 1 , �� �: E vc . �:ll lx�.i.a to.hc\;nrl
<br />,,.�`'y°j� ��cc� i. �c 1 n � ;:�t � r th;tcy,1 nn thc i�a 1 idnc.. .�v :h c.'�� �r r �� t�ic ._.i.� u-,o.,or rc air�t .+i,]hmi.i ^�-� '.
<br />� � .�. ��.. rc�� . ic ,.�h. S�o•.itC�,: tcl to�v���ns I.rn.;I;�m r.r..h..,cc ai�i::1;I.:\1�., c:.i t.nr. e
<br /> � C r't c hi h riirht t lc ncdcnrc N
<br /> �y. � .0 : h c ��:( 1 +�:i�m d-r�an�a'i 1-�v rs{+cn.� t�tl �t . rn < <�� cu�i� I ii >>�� r r�+ud t•t h \t� .caCc-r �7
<br /> y� .; - � �t tic\ t �� :��..c r� :hc li n c:i;� �t czcc I Cl t:at n t� c _ hc `� i l �, ,�� ���,h.h< i c.���s•,ns n, �
<br /> ti.t;'S' � i. 1 �. :..'' -i b, c .hc\l..rtii cc �,�at t tic.uch.�.�„n��i�r.x��.a;c .i.,.�,.�c:�� ,i.h �.:.li.t:a.,..,.� t,�,:. �,:.',h� ,hc \S.:nc.,cc. .<t. .
<br />,r:.;, � ,. ..;'��.�;.�xr'y i.-r s ;;th r te her n�� r ;:�+�i::d sh 1! � ..i:, c � � i v��.� ti \r,.r.t.. r P-.��:-r;c. �hall �c � urc,7..�,i ��" .
<br /> ti h\\r ..:�'n!h imi i 'i r� .�ii�a ° c�-n�ti?� ,hc\1�rtc�in ���� ;,. . �i ��: �c cr �i;� �;r �r t5� .. r:. �
<br />.� aC� is a .n n 1�io;c th�i - i ��r u - �I, ti.,ll�: s � r i o � c c' ,,r:r. � ,,Cnn
<br /> ..
<br /> = ._�.cc.n,cnr.crs�+n�. „.h,t�mc;hr ir.dc xdn;,� c,ur..�h.r�:c h.:� !�.;�r h�;: : ..i.�.,, ,c !.�..�c u. � �a�^+vr.t m. :�;;�
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