�G� � .. . . . . � � 1�
<br />� I }�� ;
<br />.�, . ;.r��
<br />�;, � _ -�
<br />� . � � 2.1—WARRAN7Y 06ED � . F�Iton G WoII Campnay,Lincoln,Na6r. ..
<br />�,
<br />� �. . � . � . � .
<br /> 77. �(113 4. :3
<br /> �; Marian E. Brandt and Clarence Brandt, her husband,
<br /> � , lierein cnited tLu �rnntor «�I�utlior on� or more�
<br /> ; .i
<br /> ; in�one�acration of Fifty-Three Thousand One Hundred Thirty and No/l0U Dallars
<br /> ; �553,'130.00)
<br /> � ; recoived from gruntee, docs grant, Uurgiiin,,scll, cu�n�e,v nnd cotifirui uuto Wj�ltdm H. D7bbeP11 dfld'
<br /> Joy J. Dibbern, as tenants in cormnon,
<br /> �
<br /> � hcrein culled thc grt�ntee whetLer one or more, tlic� 1'otlo�riug described real property in
<br /> ..'�i. . . - . . . . .
<br /> s
<br /> ; ............................Ha.1.1.................................. coUvtY, I�'ebrnsicn:
<br /> .- �
<br /> 9 Al1 the undivided one-fourth 9nterest of said Marian E. Brandt (being all of
<br /> the interest owned by her) in and to the Southwest Querter (SW�) of Section
<br /> � E9ght (8), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11), 4dest of the 6th P.M.
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> ; Clarence Brandt joins in this deed for the purpose of releasing all rights,
<br /> title and interest which he may have in said property.
<br /> ,.;,� �
<br /> x ���i � ,
<br /> '� NEBIZ.ASKA Dih;Ut�iL'(�7l.f2'( �
<br /> �
<br /> _ j STAPAF TA;t
<br /> :
<br /> I IfTATFMENT 11TTAO1� rriAi� 1 ( I;7/7
<br /> i
<br /> i., 3
<br /> i $ � �-J E�Y_��
<br /> i To li:�ve und ta l�nld the :ibove descriLed preiuiscs togettier wittr ull leuements, horeditnments
<br /> � aud appurtenxnces tl�creto belonging unto the grnutce nud to grnntce's Lcirs an�l nssigns f.ore��en
<br /> , � And tlte grxntor docs LereUg corenuiit with tfte grnntce nnd rvitl� �r,intcc'.y hcirs tmcl ussi�ns
<br /> ' # th;it gruntor is lnwfuily seised of snid prewises; tl�at i.hey are frce Irom encuuibrauce ;
<br /> ;.:i
<br /> ' that grantor hus gooS riglit and luwEi�l nuthority to eoneey the srime; tuid that grnntor �vnrrnnts nnd will
<br /> - a dcfend tLe titic to snid premises agninst tlic lnwful eluiuis of ail persons whomsocver.
<br /> " ; Dated /���2-lc�. � 7J 77.
<br /> ? ..� . �
<br /> � �, ......::�,:.I.�.I.4:��;�ti....4:.......r.!`.:.'.�..°'CL?�C��; � � . .
<br /> , ................................................................................... Marian E. Drandt
<br /> I .................................................................................... ..�G,E l`..:4:?-.^..-c,R.......1,.�:::{iu�.,:6'.�`
<br /> Clarence Brandt "��""�'
<br /> : ...................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> - � .................................................................................... ..,.................................................................................
<br /> , �
<br /> ' = S'PATE OF NEBR�ISI�A,Couuty af.............Hd.l.l...................................:
<br /> Beforc me, a notary pn6lic qunlified for snid cumrt�•, personally came Marian E. Drandt
<br /> and Clarence Brandt, her husband,
<br /> .1 � � � . 4.� J . L.
<br /> N"
<br /> � I kno�rn to me to Ue the identical person or persons ��•ho eigned the forc};oi��F instrunuut and ncicno�cledged �
<br /> tLe o�ecutiou thereof to Ue l�is,Lcr or their voluntru•�� n� nd decd. � '�'
<br /> ^ ,
<br /> i ;;✓� _ � '
<br /> Nitnesa my hnnd nnd notnrinl senl on..... ,,,,�C?'L'� J tq
<br /> ................................ 1J..�.J.... �. .
<br /> lj l,� _
<br /> � CENEPAlNOTARY•SUboltl�0. � � ..,....... �;�G�._.�:7.v.�:..;�slo/�....:.r......... Nntnr}� 1'nblic. ..
<br />" � V�ryLBUR J.McCUMBER , � � �� .
<br />'si:.. mJl,r`,��`"'+—'MyComm.6p.Sa+° &t87 hIy commission �xpih�es � �-• �Y- l
<br /> �,. . . . . - ....�.`a�:.`.�::`..... . .................. I:)..�.;.....
<br />� ,. �
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<br />