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<br /> h10RTGACGL0ANN0. LZZ,582 M�t�
<br /> KhOWALLMENBYTHESEPRFSENI'S:Thxt Charles A. Jakubowski and Cheri K. �dkUbOWSkI each 1❑
<br /> �r� �
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other Mortgagor,whetheroneormore,inconsideracionofdmsumof
<br /> � ' Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Fifty and No/100-----------------------------------pot��
<br /> � loaned to svid murtgagorby 1'he L•quila6le Bullding and Loan Associslion of Crand Island,Nebraska,�tortgagee,upon 193 sharcs of stock af
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certi�cste No.L 22�5$2 MGIC�do hereby grant,convey end mortgnge unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situatrd in Ha(I County,Nebrnska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> together wilh ntl the tenements,heceditaments anS appurtenances thercunto bclonging,including sttached Iloor coverings,all e�indow screens,
<br /> window sliades,blinds,storm w�indows,awnings,heating,air canditioning,and plumbing and water equipment anS accenories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> reirigerators,and odur fucturcs and equipmen now or herealter attached to m used in connectia�wi�h said mal es[nte.
<br /> And wherea:the said mortgagor has agceed and does herehy agrec Ihat the mu�tgagor shalt and will pay all taces and assessments levied or
<br /> f assesxd upun said promists and upon this mortgage and tl�e bond seared dcere6v beCore the same shall baconte dcliuquent:w fumi4i appmced
<br /> insur�nca upon the buildings on vid premius vtuated in the sum of$19,350.00 payabl� w said ASSOClAT10N and to deGver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATtON the policies(or said insurance;and not ro cummi[or permit any waste un or about said pmmises;
<br /> In case of de(ault in the perlurmance o(any oC the terms and conditions o(dtis moc�gage or the bond uwred hereby,the mortgagee sliall,
<br /> on demand,be entided ro immediate possession of thc mongaged premises and the mottg�gor hereby as:i�ns, «ansters and scu orrr to the
<br /> mortgagee alt the rents,revenues and income to be derived from the mortcaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remaui
<br /> unpaid;and the mortgagee shal!have the puwer to appoinl any agent or agents it may desirc for thc purpou o(rcpsiring said premiscs and renting �. . � � . . .
<br /> � the same and wllecting the rents,revenues and incvme,and it may pay out of s�id income all expenses uf repairing said prcmises and neassuy
<br /> comnussions and expenses incurrcd in ranting and managing the same anJ of collocting rentals tlteteCrom;the balantt remaining,if any,m he
<br /> applied toward the disch�rge of said mmtgage indebtedneu;lhese richts of the mortgagee may be exercised at a��y timt during the esistentt of such � . �
<br /> defaul[,irrcsptctive of any temporaq�waiver uf the sama
<br /> These Preunt:,however,ara upon the Condition.Tliat if thc said Alongagor shall repay said loan un ur btforo the matu�ity of said shxrcs by �. �. �
<br /> p�yment;pay monthlp to said ASSOCIATI04 of the sum s�:•cified in the Bund secumd here6y:�s intercsi and principal un said loan,on or 6eforc
<br /> �.. � thc Twentieth day u(cach anJ every month,until saiJ loan is fully paid;pay all taxcs�nd assessments levied asainst said prcmises and on this�tortgage � �
<br /> and the Bond secured lhcreby,6cfore delinyuenc�;Curnislr approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in dm sum of S j 9>350.OO P�Yablr � � �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOClATIO�upon demand all money by it p�id for sucli tsxts,asse�sments anJ insurance with in[errst at � -
<br /> the maximum legal rate thereon Gom dace of payment all of whicli t�tortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;permi[no waste on said premises;keep snd comply
<br /> - wi�h all thn agreements and conditions o(the Bond for S19,350.�� this day gi�rn by the said�tortgagur to s�id ASSOCIATION,3nd cumpty
<br /> w�ith all A�a mquircments o(the Constitution and[iyLaa•s of said ASSOCIATION;then these presents sliall 6amme null and void,otherwiu thry
<br /> ' shall remain in full fortt and may be fineclosod at the option uf the said ASSOCIATION a(ter failurc for thcec muntLs to make sny of said
<br /> ' payments or be three months in ar�ears in making said munthly paymrnts,or to kcep and cumply w•ith the agrcements and conditions oC said Bond:
<br /> and Mortgagor agrres to have a rccciver appuinted Corthw•ith in such foreclusurc pwccedings.
<br /> . If Ihere is any change in uwncrship of the real estate mortgagcd hertin,by sale or otherwise,then tlm entirc remaining inde6tedness horeby �
<br /> ucured sliall,at the option of Tha Gquita6la�uilding and Loan Aswcialion oCGcand Island,NeUraska,bemme immedis[ely due and payable without
<br /> � further nutice,and ihe amounl remsining due under uid bond,and any other bond for nny addidonal advances made thercunder,thall,Gum the
<br /> - date o(exetcise of eaid optiun,bcar inurast at the maximum legal rate,xnd this mongage may chen bc forecloxd to sntisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for adeiitional advanas,together with alt sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Association oC C.rand Istand,
<br /> Nebraska(or insurance,tazes and assessments,and abstracting extension chargcs,with interest thereon, Gom date of payment at the maximum
<br /> leaalrale.
<br /> As providtd in the Bond tecured hereby,while this mortgage remains in etfect dm morigagee msy lie�eafter ad�ance additional sums to the
<br /> makers o(said Bond,their assigns or succeswrs in interest,which sums shalt be within q�c xcurity u(this mor[gsge the same as the funds origirully
<br /> .xcured thereby,the total amount o(principal debt nut tu exceed at any time the original amount oC dus mortgaga .
<br /> D ted this 17th�� d�v��� ; March �.�.,t977
<br /> ; � l/ /
<br /> ,,t-r /'1 � �,��'r��-�..st' .
<br /> ar es 7� �Tka,��l �
<br /> :a' r i.�� :.,
<br /> Cheri K. Jakubowski
<br /> STATCOFNEBRASKA, u Ont}us 1]th dayuf F�dPCh 19J� ,be(oreme,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� (
<br /> - tlie undersigned,a Notnry Public in and for said County,personally came �� �` �i�•.'�-��
<br /> I Charles A. Jakubowski and Cheri K. Jakubowski each in his and her ow� right and as s ouse� N •�
<br /> of each other W ° gre peraonally�Cnown o • y
<br /> a
<br /> � �. mt to bc ihc identipl perwn S whosc name S hc'8 affixed to the above instrurticAt,as mortgsgu�g and t hey severally � ."�.
<br /> acJcnawledged the;aid instrumrnt to be thei r voluntary an and deed. � �7 �� n `
<br /> k4TNESS my hand and Notaria!Se�l the date nCoresaid. ` ``� ;/ ��,' �
<br /> "'EI"Covimission cx ircs
<br /> J �, _
<br /> a.� � � � r,iM1 i t nv,-r.,. Y . P �`�i���� � � .� .
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