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� � � � .. .`�j' . . <br />�' ' .. � . � . . . . � '� � . <br /> . �+1�sw. . . . .. . ' . . .. � . . . . ... . � ' <br /> .� . .. . . . . . , . . . .. . . . . .. .. <br /> . MORT6AGE--3avinq��and Loan Pmm�-{plrect Crsdit�P1om1 2553 fS�ecWD � . . . . . � <br /> �j::xr.«,.........�.,.......,.....,......�..�...,....... w..�.,..,.,^..^.. .�^,."'�.^s^�-^,x:�z�.,,M„# <br /> �� �z- a��33� ��a�����: <br /> �xo_ � <br /> � � .. ��. �rxts iT'P�SSLIAE.maae tlil� �;�th�� � aay a! � M'�rch � � .is_��kr ana nssaa+n � <br /> ARTHUR.A'. ST�WART, JR. A,ND Kli17iLEEN f,. STEl�'ART, husL�and sntl wife, eac"i in his nr,d hei- <br /> t3 cwr� right �nd as spouse cf the othsr ` <br /> *}{ ..oi..�. �h�°.�� . .. � �Cauntp.NabrmJca.m mottgagtx�5���and 4ieme Federvl Savinge md�2oan�Aseoclallon o!Grand leTand. .. <br /> ��:.�S a��coTpwman arqonlzed'and exi�tinq'undcr:�he�Iaw�of Hebraeka�with in'p`indpa2 offire aad place e1 Euainees m Grand islm�d,NeDratka,. � � � <br /> . � m moztqagee� � � �. � � . <br /> � f ��1L7TNfSSEY34:� ihai emd-mat4aqoz s tor aad in coauideration of.the eam ol___.�- ' � ��.. . <br /> : t <br /> T1dEhT';-SiX TH�tJSAf�D EiGHT Ni!NDR�D AND NOi 100 -------------------- 'ti `'L'�G.�O �, <br /> ��� ..... � ���.. :. .. . . . ------ nollan fS_._..__`' '� ...,. f . <br /> i <br /> 1ae receipt of ASich 3e hereLp adrnowtedged do.__�y�theee presentt mortqaqe�and warrant�unto nald menqagoo, ite euccenno»�emd <br /> r <br /> �$ aseigne.forever,atl fM to3lewing don�.'ribed rw�l-esurte,aiturned in tAx county of------ liai 1__� -- > .. <br /> $ and Stcte o[Nehmaka,to�wi�: � <br /> � � <br /> �i #; <br /> �,� �£ - lv^T FiFTY-FI'�E (5ti? I,h�� �OU+cT!; S:,"�'1iISi0ti, i'v ii;E f� . <br /> � 1'iLLr".GL GF liLDA, t;7LL C��U4i`', '��;�4�.�Y.A #' <br /> i $�� . .. � �. . �. <br /> i f� <br /> ?; i <br /> ;� {F <br /> ff ` <br /> .i�; �.- . � � . :' � . <br /> �, ,i <br /> ;. �s <br /> #� '� <br /> = Sf �� <br /> Together with�a71 1�ecting, llghtlag, cnd p}umb(r.q nquipmnnt�and fixturas.includinq stei� burnen,eeTeans,awninq4�stqrm window� 1�>t - � . <br /> s��, �and dc.urs.and a-indo�v shadee or btinda.veed on or fm m�ncctirn with eaid propetig.erl�ether the enme are aow tee¢;ed on eQid preperly� }5�.. . <br /> !� �or 6nzeafret Dlaced�hhe:eon. . £ .. . _ . . _ <br /> . +�<I TO HAVE AND TO HGLD TfiE SAME,roget�er wi�A oll cmd sincvlcr the trnemantn.hettditamenu ar,d appunenonecr the:runta Mlonq� 3 - � <br /> �3;n ona�vine appe»ainina,forevnr,ao3 warrant r1�e ht?e tu the aame. Said mo:tqaqar_�...Ae:eF,p covenant_vcith aai3 mortaayev S . � � � . - <br /> 'i ihr.t_..._31�e.�____<'t C nt the dolioer}•1�ere.vl,the law;ul ownsr�%_o:the Fremiees abo�•e cam�eyed and dnecnbed,end_ `'•�+' ;� - . <br /> P <br /> ��. ceize3 M a qrod anfl�ndeteaa�bte eetate ot inheritacce theroin. (rev�rtnd denr ot¢ll encumbrancee,ann thet-.he�_w�li wvtscmt ead F � <br /> detrnd tAc ar,le tLereto torever aqainnt�he dsima and demcndn oi ail�reonn w•�omeoever. � � <br /> � �> <br /> $# � PROViD`'..D ALt47115. .r.�d thta ir:ntru:eent :s erecvted enc deti�•rre3 to eecure tTe poyment et tho eua ot_ ,� � <br /> �t3 --i i�,F`3 iY-�I>. TH lU$A`40 E iGHT P�\:RED A�i) �Qi i�0 -------__-_----- ' 80:..QQ-- s <br /> n,lla:a f5..__ ? <br /> z1 with inrerEec�hPraon,tb�i4c:u�ith xu�A eTc�rqes m3 ad.vncen ae mny bo due md p,:yrciNle fo ea4d nonqcgea un�er �hP temu and :S <br /> S eJ <br /> � �}S con3;�icna ol tAe prnmiasxq note of ea•en date �crew�ifh and eenued hemtp,erecvteu bp emd mortcagaz'_x.�to wid ao:tGagcv,Fr:yab)e �t � <br /> � ff. na a�prresed ia wid note,and to recute tAc perfoimance o!a;l fie te:m� and madifiona cuntaived thereuf, Ttie teim► ot sqid ne!e nrc f2 . <br /> �� neaebp inc�pnroted l�creia 6g thia Ye:aran:o. S . <br /> � ,t �[ <br /> it ie�Ae intemion end aareement o! tTe pirfiee hcrero thet thie mony-aee shall eisu �ecvre �np luture admacns mcde ro enid S � � <br /> Smort?aqor_5�h}- emd monqoy-er.,and ons and ali tndnAtedneee in addition to Ihe er.:ount nbaw etared orl�ich r.aid mortgaama,ot eny ? . �. <br /> ? ol �hero. map ovve to raid matqaqee,hou�ever e�tidenrnd,eche�Aar 6}•aote.h�ek accounf e�utAeca-�eP. ihin mongoep shaii remeirt in tuli F <br /> � S� ferrn and Ntee!betsceen the pcirties horeta and tAofr Aetr►,}�taonal reprosentaaven,�avoc:srorn ,rnd n�:yne. until aIl amouhtll er�vred €. � � <br /> p ri <br /> 3 hcreunder,inGudiaq futore a3ecsncoa,are p.vd ia lu:l w9th tnte�reet. $ <br /> 4 �� <br /> � T::a mortqagar 5_l�ernhp aeaion.�_to Mtid mortqcgee cli reah an3 inmme mtaieq ot �y cnd oU 7imee�tmm�said Propecty'mid. $: . <br /> �F{ hcrebp RU;EfWltp�AO1.�mortaaqee or ita aqent,at ih r.ption,upon tote chon7e d s.zid propeny anA rni7ett oll rents nnd iMrome ?� � <br /> S � <br /> � iFrirtrom nnd appip tl�e eame fo t:+e rn}�ment of interea4 Prindpal.7nenrm�ca p7nmium�.fazes,anaeesment�,rr}wi»or tmprocamoetn necea• �t <br /> +� sar��to krvp m�d yroperty in ter.nntaEle mttd�tion.c.r eo otrer charSea a papmnatt pravided foc De.rcn or fn the nete 1�ereCy epc�red. 7Rta F . <br /> +, rent eex;qnment ssatl comttane En toroe ssntil tl+e nnpaid balance ol eoid note 1�futly poid. Tt�e tnNng of p,;aseeeiun horeander eleit In no $ � � � <br /> 3{ manne:prevonl or ntard urid mortqaqea in the eollectloa o!�aid rums by lor�]oeura ot e�henoine. j <br /> $t 7Te taiiure of fhe mortgaqoe to aucrt tmy of in tiqnU Aereundwr m anp time ehalt tat he con�true3 as�waieer d in tfaht to unse� �� � � � <br /> � j{ � tSe tame ct any leter time,aod to innat upnn end eatotce mid tvmpliance aviA all �he hims ond prevfslone ol a�id note end oi thta � � . <br /> ji �:ortgage. S . <br /> ��� tt ssid mohqaqoz S-�ahcli-rauee ia bs saEd mottgagee the entlro amount Que it hrvreunder,aad uenier fha rorme and proa�ftla�a � � � . <br /> � ef aaid note hereby eet¢r¢d,laetvdtaq tnturo Q3h¢ncea and onpemns�om or renewah tAe�eot tn accordonce witA�1rs tA�ma mid prcolefrnu £ � � . <br /> 1he-eof,and it said mortgvgor��__ ahall complp�cith all th�ptori�ioaa oi wtd noM aad of�hf�wortqeqe,than thesn preeenb�hall be oofd; F <br /> i ahe�wisa�tn temmn in.lull lwa and alfect-m�d w�d enertgeqsa sl�aU�De entltted ro Na poeuWoa ol ali nt enid propsnp.and tt� $ <br /> . #�� aption dxtare�Ae.who}s ot w1d aote ond cil ladeDtednaa�taprnsr,twd tAetetrp to be tmmedietnlp due nnd pa}vble.emd r�ay forecl`ue IAi� $ <br /> u <br /> $� monqaqe ot�tnka nny btAer leqnl a.tioa to ptntect iy rtqAt,and!rom t6e date d aucL detwit cll tte�ne d IndeNednaw�nevrerd hereDq F <br /> . S , ehall dr¢w intere�t at 9!�k{�et annum. Appraisement+�satead � y � <br /> ♦ <br /> 3 � TEi�m�rtgoqe al�trll.D¢Dlndtnq npon ead sMt(enu» to t6�baneflt ot tAe�Laln,�xr�vton,edmin4traton.�vcceswn m�d nesign�ot �, <br /> j. �S� �ae re.peet;..pertf«�.vao.� �. . . F <br /> �� � IN.tVISNFS9��W�F...uid Monpaqer�..La���= nasunro �st..— '.h��t i' •,,a�_tha day an3 pear linN nbore � � � 'M i,.': <br /> �wttttea.� � <br /> �'n�'f f �',t-- � �- � -- f 3fJ <br /> -f�,r:-�--��^-:�`—'---�+�--TC�U'.,i.—a.i�..�1_._....�.. .�t 1( i': ,t - ., �� # <br /> . :.. . . <br /> ' .4r#hur A. S7ewart, Jr. �' h� l,l,_en l teas, � � <br /> � ....., ....,..,.._ ..............,,........._..........-r�a�±3 <br />� � L � <br />