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<br /> nLT�rRT r., r.�uFns ana c)nZVr i�Ur:.ss, hug»and ana �viFe, AI,r•Rr•,n :r.
<br /> � � I�C7TsF�S and Cit�hc'ES P:. T UEIIS,"hu�band anci w3.fe, anc� F.L:�'ON C4. I.UFBS
<br /> anti VIitGiNI1� T,USIIS, ilushand and ivif.e, hern�_n c.a1lr:.d rh� �r�antors
<br /> iii .corisideration of Otta bollar ancl �tlier good and suffi.cient
<br /> cnnsideratian receive� trom �rantees da rXr.ant; h:tr.qa.in, :,ell,
<br /> Convey and confirm unto ROLLTN 0. PACICrR an� Jt�YCT: PACKEF2� husbaitd
<br /> ancl V;ife, as joint tenants �ti>i.tii ric�?�i_ of. stirvivork�hiP an�� nat-
<br /> as tenants in comman, the F�11oiv:ing.d�scri��e�i reaJ. estat�* izi Ha11:
<br /> C'c�unty, Nebr.a:,ka:
<br /> All of oiir izitdi�*ieind inte.rest iii tiie Southras�
<br /> �uarter _(5F1/4) fiection Tliirty-£our (34) ,
<br /> 'Coi,�nship men (1�) vorth, ?2anvr, rif>.v�n (:11)
<br /> Nest oF t:he Gth P.ts.
<br /> TC) tI71Vis TND TO IiOT,D t,h+� al�ovc d�scri}�ed nt-e±mires Yor�ther
<br /> uith all tenement.�; iteredit�3ment� anc� apaurt.enaricrs there+�n
<br /> � � � kii:iGiii�iis j��iiii4'v �ili. GYditi f:nS dt1C� tO t:?tf!1.X 1SS].CiilS�:OT'. t0 i.};(��� � �� �
<br /> it�irs and ���siqns of. ttie s�.ir.vii�or �f. t?tem �cir��rer:
<br /> And Grantars c90 hereby COl�np11?t_ Wl�,:!t the Gr.antee, tl�at.
<br /> Grantor� are lat��f:iill�� se.ise�� ��f sai.d L�resmises; that thAv ar�
<br /> L-ree irom encumLranc�; that t�ieti� are conveved su��7�et tn covenan.ts,
<br /> .. YARAYV_1�7.0?�5 �lIlci �n�ccrr�nn�c �n� �inr{�r�� �h�j: !w��^.:lt.^,X':^ }l,]VC� C00C3 . . . - ..�..
<br /> r3.qhf, a�id latvful aui:hority to conve�,� th� c3mn� ind i:hat c;rantqrs
<br /> �°arrant and �ai.11 �iAfen�.i t:h� i:tt7.e t.o saici nt-�mi.se.�; a�ait�gt tl�e
<br /> laiaful claims of all pe.rsnns t,�?temsoever.
<br /> ` It is �Iie in�entien ��i all. rart t�s h�+rr�ta t'�1+ i.,, �};� ^t=An�h
<br /> , o+� the dea�t� of eit'1er nx t?i� �.i�nt�c+ � t->» r,tltt'� .fe� i_r.ip).�
<br /> �;i.t1e to t_�ie r.eal astate �?��].1 v�::si_ �r. i�?,n .,,�r�ai� i.n� (ranhc±r..
<br /> ; �Zted Octal��r Zu, , 1.97G.
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<br /> ?e.rt F. Tdle?1;., —+_.��_ � �illvn Tt7n1., '_`- .-- --_
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<br /> i<;;,, - ,
<br /> i-�! � <.. il �' y.��'�--.�_.__ �� ' _...- , �
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<br /> srz���r:, or rarn�v�s�n f .
<br /> c�<,:
<br /> � coUt�T�� or t�nt,i, )
<br /> �lesLor.e ��n, a ?:r.�tlry Pul�l.ic f:or s�i.d rount.v, r�rsnnalJ.y
<br /> came J'�lbert r, Guelis anci oliv� 7,uebs, liusb:�nci and �viEe, �11.£.r�c? J,
<br /> Luebs a11d Pratt�es P: *,uel�si lti.isl�anci and �,ife, attd t'ltinn t;, ?,��.r_).�s
<br /> aiid Virgfnia Laebs, husband and r�i.fe, )u1o�,�Ti to !n�� to h� t•h�
<br /> i3�ni:ical. nerscros �aha siq.ieri h'»+ t�r��oinc, i.n^i-r.,ir,nnt: ;�r.r? ac)ci7rwt.rc9nnd
<br /> tlte e�t�cuti.on thereaf t:o f�e �heir ve.t+int:zrt� Zct: an�' dnc��1,
<br /> ta3.f:hess my liand anci r;ot�r.i.al Sea2 on
<br /> �9 7 5. ._.,. _..._
<br /> GEtIfA.4�R'�TIkRT:SMholtleft. �
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<br /> - ''7rfftIIT1' 1?�,1!, tr .
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<br /> ---- ,ta
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