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<br /> g `:s
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<br /> ��� i��,��s���
<br /> I-:ATTI£ IiOLLING, singZe, and 1�LVINA IiOLLI�.G, single; herein
<br /> r called the Grantors in consideration of c�ne Dollar and �ther g�od
<br /> and sufficient consideration received fron GranCees do gra.nt.
<br /> bargain, se1Z, convey and confirr.� unto P.OLLI'� t?. PAC?�ER and .70YCF
<br /> Pi�CKER, husband and wife, as joint tenants �,ith right af survivor-
<br /> ship and not as tenants in comnon, the follot,ing descri3��d real
<br /> estate in F?a11 Counts', �aek�ras!:a:
<br /> All of our undiuided interest in the Sout_heast
<br /> �uarter SSSl/4) Sectiom Thirty-four (34) ,
<br /> To<<+nshin Ten (I03 ^�orth, Range rleven {11)
<br /> Sdest of the 6th P.'L
<br /> T� HAVE A?iD TO HO:�D the above des�ri�eci nre�ises together
<br /> with all tene±�ents, 'iereditaments and an�urtenances t5eretn
<br /> l�elonging unto the Grante�s and to t?:eir assigns; or to the
<br /> heirs and assigns of t?�e survivo- of t37em forever.
<br /> rind Grantors do hereb}= covenant with t'ie Grantees that
<br /> urantors are la�afull�> seised oF said preMise�; t�at t'�ep are
<br /> free frem enctunbrance: that they are conveyed subject to coventtnts,
<br /> reser��ations and easements of record; that Grar.tors have good
<br /> riqh� and lat�ful authority to cor:vey t'�e sai.*,e; and that Grantors
<br /> caarrant and will 3efer.d th� title to sai;? nremises ae�ainst the
<br /> Iawful claims of all gersoas t,•honsoever.
<br /> It is t.he inter.tion o� all nartie= ?�ereto that in t�e et�ent
<br /> of the deat': of eit:er of the Grantees, the entire fee sinnle
<br /> title to tne real estate shall v�st ir �!:� suruiving Gxante�.
<br /> Dated October ��-}'� 147G.
<br /> :!--. tr'• �I�,-,''i.
<br /> fiattxe Ho_ ing� •+
<br /> , � , ;;
<br /> r�.�L. .� -� ,
<br /> Alvifla 1?0 lir.q </
<br /> STATE OF *IFT3�1S3:�'1 )
<br /> ; . (ss:
<br /> ' COU?:TY nr FL12,L )
<br /> �
<br /> � Before me, a `dotary Public for said Count��, �ersonallv
<br /> car�e F?attie FIolling, sir.gle, and �lvina ITolli.^.q, single, finor,n
<br /> to me to be the identical ?7ersons �,'.io signed t'7e fore�oinq instrument
<br /> , and ac):noc,ledaed the executien thereof to he their �•oluntnry
<br /> act and deed.
<br /> j•;itness r�y hand and �:otarial Sea1 on G�CGo�i:z•� ��?
<br /> 197G.
<br /> ��,; „�
<br /> � v.�.c,.� -,.,., �; .,
<br /> f ;Jf:f/i�r:i L t,.�.Ll f ?:
<br /> �,--�--+r`,;� !x't:,.. s� 19 .:otarv n1h iC _
<br /> ?�y cor.imission exnires:
<br /> h�6RHSFa CC?�l,�t;'�Ei�;:RY
<br /> 5TAiv1P TAX
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<br /> '�t�e'�{f\ 1 f ��,� :r.:.�"^'� �� N yr ..
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