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; ' v ,,� <br />•iT�c ` <br />�� <br />'r»c2. ! <br />�t", � .;1.0. $r <br /> -( � w.-._,.:.. <br /> p � � <br />��� �. <br /> Y�`+„s' Y <br />� <br />� <br />�F. <br /> �i � � � <br /> . . . . . . . . � � � � . . . � � : 1 . . <br /> ADDJTIONAL' PROYISIONS <br /> 1)1;IITOR \\'.4R13.1\T5 .�1SU CO\'1:\.1\Tti : U1 '1'hat �xaiM� fnr ihc •«urit5 inicrcst gr'�nkd h�r ! 1) . �rtor u, or M InC cxlrnt Ihat Ihi+ 5A«�ent aat<s <br /> � lhat the lnilat�ra7 u to Lt u�'9�����x{�an�st n I�cla m hanS drmau Is o7nail Mixri9 a�can)''time daim dKr��ht >'�mr a+��rrm int�rctt Ihcr in�f l 1 �� hit no fmuncinu itatcmrnt . <br /> I)�htor x�ill de(rnd �he lolla�er t ` . p <br /> � iornmH tht l��lUteralPaxarmrr�xunnant lotthr ldrta-�ka1liiiim�u l'nmmrraal �l'o3c �n (a�m �iu ix� t,n 1�n� tirwrcd� l'a�t���tn3iilJ { aS tn t �n1�ni ii1 nQ ,uc�n l nancink . <br /> ms ar more finandng s 1 <br /> " s�atm�ent. ilu) smut�Y aKrce+nrnt aml CA' 1U rca{ 1rsu�e Drit�rm �hr�7nd«m n o� �'�c Stti�1i�1)'CIT�CIa'4 ((TY�tItItl Gf1eh$OI' f t c� V�ilnwrol �inludrs,crops m� u IS�R�� r.r . . . . <br /> Ae�irahle ; anA if tRe Cu11a1<ra1 �e s tach � �� � �,z���, <br /> .. minerils to 6< e%Incttd or �ihiinci I�� ix cnt, lleLler x�dL on dtmand nf S.cvrnt CartY, iumn6 SrnvHl Patf) xldf g Ai�d'+imrr J� diSch�ATr6ot e�d��vmabnn xqrcc� <br /> . " men� a�Kned hv nll penms haiinK an mrcrcrt in the tt�al � �la�e. ditilaiminR t`�' ���in,�dmatm¢ an) �nletesl�m the l'oliatnai W hi h f. �twr 1 � the mterc•.t f .. . <br /> IS) \al M nrll. t�tn(rr o� dfspn.e o( Ihe l'nliarcral. nor t�kr t}c •.nnr or aunnpt In �i4:r thr sime trom thr it>nm) wham k�y i n a;mre aut.d, w�rth.,m tfi< p�fm urirten <br /> Mnemt ot the Sttmed PsrtS. U) To Sa)' all tnYn ar 1 asurE+menn af cre�y nature which may nr lrcrcd nr aaaeaxd xRnivei tLt Cnllalrral. I5) :�at In �mn o� allox' . . <br /> � anY ��i�'ctsc lim, emuity il,x�Jl at h x oxn expe+:xe.k.+r tht��n c �utR�.�nAgvm litiun�. nditmm time�tuhi�nrmi�. rJ�x Ih, npinr.(ami rrpa�rdi cuth partt ,��t� t (� �fl'hv�l � <br /> �n y.a�A mndidon. and that ve . t ' i � ti nrts. aed �Fat �6r �n�ir.d <br /> � s maJ' l+e Gsnkrn. .�'��m au1 �m dama�.�{ xiUmm ail�,Mtime��!'hrrc�rr� lucet«L� 17�1 Th.�t,h���iU al h�n��twv cri`�+++f���9hth��l'.+�la ml �n�vrr.i in + �nmP+») tilr{a,ior)� . <br /> � 7'art>' may examine anA inspect �he loil;�tuxi nt on.' �• ����h We± pa) e61e ro ti.�vnrl 1' > as �n mtcn•n map ePTn�. and wJt nn <br /> ' In Secund 1'artc nR��++n. I.,ee. as aPPropriatr. hr thcSt mlh ion. Ln and�<xtardn/ c�•ronKr. <br /> g � � ma� •mairc nch inm�ance. discbnrqe <br /> A��nand ddi��rr s�id ry�6ciea o( msunnae or hnnish C��( �t. rL in urxnce in �«��m1 I'ar �.- IA) At ny npt�on «urr+i , I . <br /> t:ut. li'ion xndYma nttnan� .6( the �Cot}aa�nin Di m�taagnre1�o iikmlun s �'n�u�d�l:nn �niiirn�anA lli m�,� i`ti�'^+nit �m R en..GT n+hd l� S cvml I'art)'�pa�*��'.[ � . . <br /> g�� � � pnxma <br />�k> >n ihe (urr¢oinS emho�ieation. L'n1�i euch roin�burern�au. �hv �m��,u,t ot r.Y •���� F>.� rn�nt. �ib +n�t atv q� Tha� hv �nr,[�TMi� '13l'ml��rnl inprmlaimn ot�iil <br /> i�� � rrimbur_rmrnL shml he anaed w li�a inG.h;.dr.«s owM E � 1!, :nd ehall le vy:ucnl b� tl a r<rmmA . � f in any m�.�.l . . cFdur:�t' <br /> ? apyLcxble eUlnt�. revulalion or onlinancc nnd ff a�> of fhe l'vllvrral is mStor ��hiclrti tho Fa n riilu� IK �7af ' � 1's:d : ta4 `�!`� rm1 in rninromR �sett��' � <br /> ' � conte.t ( IO) Ucbtm will pa tinurcd I mt) nm and oll coets a+id txCrn!es muuntl m nx.naimp {vi. �b��� � { �he Gi111�a1 �ml�. � <br /> agrcamrn and �he aame xha�l lie sicr.rcA 6y �l�ii sman��� agrcrment. . <br /> � i'\T� 4 I)F,FAI'L7 UeLtnr may hare �u at<�asron o( th< Collaterai and uar rt m any la�el ! ma�mar not .mmn5ibtrnl �l� llus iK Y o mm F`s n� �h <br /> � nnY {u �es of inawxntt lhcmof, and ul*h� ddault Secured Pony ehall ha�r thr �mm�dia�e i�phl tn �he {r.•.eeexion o( the l'n1i��l . . _ . � aq� Ih . mml'(� � <br /> ' i)E11TOh tili:\I.1, Oli 1S D�f.1l'I.T undtt Ihis nRm'mrnt n{x�n thv hxp['�mn% cf nm M �hr.talLiHmg acmtx or i�Tid�lions :-1 . <br /> pedormnnee a( anJ �bhRxuon. o+crnnnl or haMli�.- conlamoi or rdeend 1n httrin or jn anr nnm <�ilrneinR, ihe samv: f?I an> y��+-�Rry ��"'n 4Rsttl Kh � .. <br /> maSe or fvmishc3 to Sttortd I'artr py ar on Ixlialf o(� Urblor Prorrn to ha��t Lern (alse m any matrnat *rry`�.t. �hrn maAe}��gj,ti,m�e i`qde7�� `I ��� ��talm� n sale�j r� . <br /> the accelrnlion o( ahe matnriq �nf tfie inddi4�'ss o� UcbMr w nlher�mrt m altarhmr n the ml o�rY1+e5�8i�� Ici�enth�inxtuFiory;(r � �hlin�l of n+tt71C�. inu¢}� <br /> �rncnmbxanc< to nr �f any of the Cotlnteral, dr the �aYinR o( em� ]evy, . ne mmm151�n oi ana �xo2m�mg �mdb' <br /> ¢y busmeu failurt, aPW�ntmmt ul a reccivrr u( an>' F>n of the pmik+t�� n(, a<iiknment for fhe 6enFfit.b( amturtre hy, ye„(' ! - ' , � � <br /> r nnS S>nnkrvptq' �r inxhrnc law'e 6Y or against lleUtur nr rny �aronWr or surot)' L�r UeUtor. �� T.�,;.;���.3 yi�eiu' im�f�t�Tatdv. fiR <br /> � � L'POS 511CI1 llF.YALrLT anA al any t�me lhema(1er. or i n dttms it.d( ir.sccure, Svcuml Pm�y .Fnij dcclnre atl�Lii�t{c�� - <br /> - �indpsyabie and shali hace the mnedies oi a snuml part5' under 1he \r6mska � l�mfotm Cnmmm�mljl'a(r. tircumi I'an)' may rc���uuu ir bt r to � a_5�+n 6ie ii7Lf <br /> Collaterxl and ddiver or msice ft avvlaLi< <n Secure.l Cany ot a p�att m hr d<signatnl by Secumi Paz r wh�ch ie m_ Ir wR�'�n+�i ve4-i"nim y <br /> Ca(V��1 i� perishable or Hirta�ma mdrd�ne a�en�Jv in value or ie o( x t)Pe cue�umardy vid en m m g�i.rd mahal �ttd `�'ert�� r' I ��� nqu re� <br /> � . � �nmitt o[ the �ime and Pface ot an>' Dublic eal< thcnro( or o( the timt afttr wfiich an3' Vma�e �ale or nuy �iur fnlrnAal dm�uiea lFkra+i is . � <br /> 1 4nrnta o( rtasnnahle nolice ehoil be ma il snch nolice �s mailnl. 7welaR< pn9~id, !�� th< addrt.n ul Dahtor �hoxn �t the ImRimunR �( �his akreemrnt a� Inet five dara <br /> � � tFe time u( ihr nale ar dfeMxilinn. . <br /> ' Ro w�xirer by Secumi Pany qf any drfauil shail oimrnte na a w'a�rrr af any o�her drGolt or of tF.r uma daf�'^M,iof�ih alwtte ndebtelnec+nnr �`ra I �Ihe t k n� � <br /> 3� � ��rtemrnl ahall eot e�awe or impa* �n)' other secnrity esid S«unq' i'arD' may hacr nr sertaftar acqn+rc fnr lh< <br /> , �\� 1 any n:ch �Aaiteonei vt��r7 weive or �mpair �hu emuri�y a�mmrnl i hnt s++d Srcumi Party maY rc!nrt lo any rm�nty it mey hnve in tte nnier il may dccm p�o{x*. <br /> � . �. �J emi narathaan&nx an>' collatttal eecaritY. Sm�m! Pnr�Y thaJ rttmn_ Ils nqhls o( •c!nH aga�ml Reliror. <br /> `� Al{ riRl+ta of ;iccuml Par1y hrrtunde� ehall muee m +h< Urncf.! u( i�s aocmxn nnA n�•� s ; +nd all pmm�sea and dubea oi Ucirior ahail Lind F s hein, csnufrot <br /> : . � or ndministntnrn o� hie or �b sutte�*m� ur asvM+s. i( thare ix morc �han mx ll�6mr, 1Feir�ahililies hemmder shall be W�nt nnd aeerai ��L <br /> Thif aR�mrn/ eLall lxcome e(fMice whrn i[ n u8o�d hy De6ror. . � ` <br /> ; ..,, t,-. �� , <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> .: <br /> 1 <br /> �: <br /> � . �.,.. <br /> av <br /> • . <br /> ,. ` L� � � �'�� _ �'� <br /> � . <br /> � , . <br /> � <br />�* 1Lf <br />:�� <br />� 5 <br /> e'-. <br />`�s <br /> e1<= <br />�' � � I <br /> � J <br />��'��1��,�� , <br />:. .'. � <br /> � <br />�� � <br />