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<br />�. . . . : � � . . . . . � � �..;� .
<br /> . �
<br />� �; a.., r
<br /> $�.� �
<br />� OG1306
<br /> 7'7*
<br /> �� � 4:1—SURVIVORSNIP�WARRANTY DE6D � � Foleon.L Woli Company�Lincoin�Nebn , � . � �
<br /> I;
<br /> � � Linda 'Bruha A�li/A Linda idicr��oth azn�1 LaVerne t;�. F3ruha, iiu,band an:i ';!ife
<br /> , lierein called tlie grnntor�rl�etl�ur uno or more,
<br /> � in consideration of
<br /> �ne �ollar and no/100 (;i1�00)
<br /> � received from grantecs, does grant, bargain, sell concr,y aud confirm unto
<br /> Linria ?3ruha an i LaVerne ?J, tiruha, flusbrtr�d and :;i£e
<br /> , ��;
<br /> �
<br /> s us joint tenants �ti�ith right of surrivorsLip, und uot ns tenants in uou�mmi, the fo1loH�ing described renl
<br /> �
<br /> ; property.in .`.....�{�».11............................................... County,Nebraskn:
<br /> ;� A Tract o`' lanc! in the :!ortheast 'u::•ter of the :IorLh�.�:st (?uar�ter
<br /> € (NL;',-.PI;,'ti) of' Section 'i'en (10), 'Pot•;nsnin `�';��lve (.12) '�:orth, ;�anFre
<br /> : Ten (10j 'sTest �f the t�th ?.i�i., ;Iall Cr�unty, Nebrask.a, mor.. '
<br /> � narticularly d�scrinFd as fol oi�rs 3rrrinnin,n at �Le I;orth�:ast
<br /> . ; corner o'z' said i�?O1^t�l �CSt :�uii t r (F',1;;) ; tllence run,in�* :iotith on
<br /> the i�,asL line o�' said �Iorth.�:.. t. '?uarter (1;L.';;) a ciistance of_ 20$,71fe.�;
<br /> ` thance riirininR �:iest narallel to tn:� ;d7?'l;fl L1ri�' oi said ?'.orth�rest LL<�ri;er
<br /> ` (A169�) a iistance of' 2_0$.11 fect• thence runn�n�; °:orth •,�„��_, �i�,1 + � ,".,, '
<br /> 4 ,� t �;.ne or . � �, t ?�: -:�� ,' . (iF,l; � a dis�anre o.i' ?0$.71 feet to the
<br /> i �� � � .i:0i"t'll 11IIC Of�r' �l(� 1''tOT'Lh';:BS' �lliIt�37' �i�� ",.�� t�?�T1C0 T'Uri171T1i'' '.�LiSt: Ori ti'fl�' � .
<br /> �;orttl line of saicl i2or•th:;est �uarter (I�::?t} a i)istance r�£ �?0�.71 feet :
<br /> � �o the n�int of be�innin;*; c>.nd c<�ntUin.in� 1.00 �:icre, mone or �ess, of
<br /> � �::ilicli 0.16 ar.re, mo�e or less, is county road ririit-of'-�.•ray
<br /> To l�ave und to Lold the nUove 3eseribed prcmises toqethcr with till te�ieuients, Leredituments
<br /> and appurLennnces ihereto belonging unto thc gr�ntces und to tlieir assigns, or to the heirs und nssigns .
<br /> of tlie st�rvicor of them fore��er.
<br /> 11nd grnntar does hereUy covennnt witL tUc �;rantees und tsith their ussigne and �vith tLe heirs
<br /> i aiid ussigus of t}ie survivor of them that grautor is lun�tiill}�seised of ea�id premises;tliut they nre free from `
<br /> eucumbrnnco
<br /> e
<br /> r`';
<br /> that grnntor has good rigl�t and lu��'fttl authority to eont•ey the s.une; and i,hat gruutor warruvts and �vill
<br /> defend tLe title to said preinises a�tiinst the lawful ciaims of all pecvons whomsoever.
<br /> �„ < It is tLe intention of nll parties Lemto thnt iu the c�•ent of thc dexth of cith�r of the grunteea,
<br /> �: .� the entire fcc simple title to the reul estnte shull vest in the sur��i�•inq gruntee.
<br /> . ',z llnted �'ebruary 3 19 77
<br /> ; --
<br /> .
<br /> , , .
<br /> ,
<br /> ' .,,'-.,�4.�,rr�c.,....1�,(�l1r.,e� � .
<br /> � .................................................................................... .. . . .. ..q,/.......................... .
<br /> � .� NEBRASKA DOCUf�tENTARY '
<br /> � ; 5TAi�4f TAX /', •
<br /> �
<br /> .; ........ .............P:7AF 17...1977........................... �
<br /> � ��4�...L.�/..... ............ ..C�.,.�....
<br /> ;
<br /> .
<br /> , .
<br /> ...............................#. ...�. .. ...................... v� ........................................................................
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<br /> � ��ev �
<br /> ;
<br /> ; `-
<br /> `� .............................................................................. .� ....................................................................................
<br /> •,
<br /> � STATE OF i�r:h?'as}tt ..........., Cuuuty nC ........I.�rt�,�................................_.
<br /> � ............:.................................... .......
<br /> Beforo me,a notary public qualified for said county, peraonnUy cnme
<br /> Linda ?3ruha and LaVerne .1. 3ruiia, �(usoa�i.i �.�n1 .iifc:
<br /> ���
<br /> i N �
<br /> i i
<br /> � knotirn to me to be t6e identical persou or peraons trho signed tl�c foregoing instrmnent nud acknuwledged �
<br /> the esecution thereof to Ue his,her or their voluntary uct and deed. �` '
<br /> � Witnesa my hnud and notnriul seal on..�.�:c� .....�r^..Y....c1,'....!?E:.br"•,�a........., 19.:�.�......... � ;
<br />� �J G �l p'"`��
<br /> GEl1ER1LLkOTAYl�.S7cb3fNeG. ..'����I`•1'�+�............�``Y.r.Hut.�.r.d.F/:.`::.;....... Notnry Publia
<br /> �GE�iGE H.4yqMRSCHKE �
<br />�: � �YComm.&D-F�b.27;�eEo T?y commiasion expires....:'�:i,'.I:.l?i�.r:,:...:.i.............. 19.;:.Q.........
<br /> Q. �
<br />