� , ,; ,:.
<br /> w� � � , . . . �� . . . . . � . . t �1�n�. .
<br /> ... � . . . . . � i-�•�rl. . .
<br /> li°.�►
<br /> �Ws.� . .... . . . ... . . . . _ . . . � . r—... . � . ..
<br /> .' �.. MORTGAQ6-Savinq� aad�Loan Form--(Dlracl Cndil�Plm)-155•1 (SpodaU ' . � , . . � . . .. .
<br /> . ^.`.."^..•^....�.• .............. « .,. ..ti......... .-.»y�. �. .� .. _ � -
<br /> � � M�RTGi4GE
<br /> � K 77.: �
<br /> on���� _
<br /> ;; - _ ��rto
<br /> rrtns IrtnsN'rutte, mnae tRt I 5th ,��,o, March .le��by cma b.tw.en I
<br /> � � ' RANDY L::EVANSiAND C1NDY`S. EVANS husband and wff� e3ach in hIs and her own ri'ght
<br /> � �
<br /> � : } . . and as s�pouse of .Yhe other '
<br /> ',i
<br /> t �� �ol ' �':Ha I� . � � Coumy.Nebraeica,as.morlqaqo[.S and Home Fodeml Savinq�and Luan Auoclaliort ol Crand Idand, . �
<br /> ' i - . . � . . . . .
<br /> ��� �a mrppralion�orqanl:ed�aad.extvtinq..uaderlhe��Jaw�ot Nebcaeka rvlth fte pdndpal ulltrn and.piaco ot�bwlnese.at Crand Id�d�Ne6meka,�. _
<br /> ,,±,� �.. ��:��.mortqageeo..� ��� . .� . . � . .. . . . � . � . � '.: .. :����.:
<br /> , a��. .. ... ,. _ . .�.. .... . . . � : , ' . , . , . ..
<br /> ' ���� � WITNESSETH: That�satd modgagor S��lor.nnd ln connldemtion ol Ihe eum:ot__ � �.�
<br /> ;, �' _ TWENTY-7W0 THOUShNO FIV[ HUNDRED AND NO/I00 ---------!"-"""`nollan ts �Z��Qn.00 �,
<br /> � �.����. the��cetolpl ol whteh la heteby ecknowledqed, da�. by��thaea pre�onle�morlgago.�and warvanl unlo soia motlqaQea�Ib�uecoeaon and� � � ' .�'��
<br /> '` �amiqn.,lorever,��all ILe lollowing deeccl6ed [oal eetala,:eltuatod��In��ho aounry oL� �'��3�� � �
<br /> �' ariasia�eotxebm.twio-w�r. A tract'of land ccxnprisfng a part fractfonal Lot One fl), Bl�ck One .
<br /> ;- S Hundred Thirty-eiyht (139) Union Pacific Railroad C�rnpany Second Addition to the'City of
<br /> �. , Grand Island, Nebraska ahd parfi of fractional Lot Qnv (I), Block Threa (3), Russel 4lhec�lers
<br /> 'i ACdition to the Cffy of Grand Island, Nebraska and more particularly described as_follows:
<br /> ` ` Beain�ing at the Northeast Corner of said Lvt Qne U), f3lock 'ihroo (�); 1'henco runni�g
<br /> `Southwesterly 66.0' to tho Northwest C�+rner of said Lot Or�e. (I), 3�ock Three (3); th�nce
<br /> � Southeasterly along tho ���estorly Ifno of said Lot on� (1), Block Three (3? and its
<br /> prolongation a dfstance of 87.25'; thc�nco Northeasierly, par-aI1Ql io the Northotly Ilne of €
<br /> said.Lot Ono (1), Block Three (3), a distance of 13.0'; thenc;e Northwestc�rly parallt3l to
<br /> ttie Westerly lino of said Lot �ne (I), Block Three (3) a di;iance of l:i.?.5'; thoncE�
<br /> � Northaasterly; parailel to the Northerly linc� of said Loi One (I), C31�ck Threc� F3) a
<br /> distance:ofi 53.0' to a pofnt on the Eastorly line of said Lot One (I1, Blor,k One Hundred
<br /> ' Ttiirty-eigh't (138); thenco Northwesterly along the E:asterly line af said Lot qno (I),
<br /> Block Ono Hundred Thirty-eight (13t3) and its prolongation a distance of 74.0' to the point
<br /> E of beginrting:
<br /> -a�� . ;i .7oqalhor�with�aIC Loatlnq, Ilqhting.�and�ptumbinq oqWpment aed fislurot,includtnq dokan and 6umc�e,aczcane.awninq�,dorm window� � � � � � �
<br /> �� ;f. and��doon,and wlndow�hadee or bllnds.ueod on orin croaneetlon wi�h�a[d properiy,whather iho some a[o�ow localed on aatd pcoperfy-� � .. " �
<br /> ���-� i or hmeaNer.plocrod thoreon.
<br /> C �S
<br /> i � S � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 7}i£SAME, loqcthct with alt and dngular�ha temmonts,bnradllamenle and eppuitenancce tho�emto 6olonq• � � � �
<br /> �' Inq,ot in anywiec apporlatninq,lomver,and warmnt�ho tllle to tho namv. Said motlqaqor_5_hamby mvonant_—with eaid moctqoqee �
<br /> S� Iltal_�ho� �r�' at the dallwry hereat,the lawlul owner S ol iho preml�ee a6ovo conveyed and dasccl6ed,and `�ra j$ . � �
<br /> '� �� 4�. aei:ed ol a qood and Indelvoetblo eemto ol inhodtance theretn, free and cleac ol all encumhrancro�,and that t ho_�_will wavrmt and f �. � . � � �
<br /> ti S+ dolond�.�he tltle Ihoieto torover againnt the clalme and demonde ol all ponona whomwever. i . � .
<br /> 1 j{ j
<br /> $T PNOVfPED ALWAYS, and Ihie Imtrument In osecuted and dallvcred to eocuro Ihe paymont o!lho�um o!
<br /> l� F 7WENTY-T190 7HOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AND NO/I 00 - �iia�� �a .'_Z,500.00 � �
<br /> i F�, wilh inlarost tharcron,logeNcr with such cha�qce ond odvancos aa may ba dua and payablo lo eaid mortqaqcu under the mrms and � �
<br /> eonditlons ol tho prom(�aory note of even dalo horewith and secucod heraby.oxecutod by wid mortgagor y tv eaSd mortqaqoc.payable
<br /> ;�� na axprcuod in aaid nolv.and lo necure Ihe pedormance o!all the 1orm� and conditlom.coatainad tho�ein. Tho tarma�ol eNd nolo am � �
<br /> hetaby Inrorpo�nted heteln by thL ielo�once. . �
<br /> � It is tho inlentton end agtoomant ol lho pact(ea hcrelo thal thie motlgage �hall aleo eocuro any luluro advance� made lo �nid � . �
<br /> mongaqor�5 by eaid moctgageo,and any and all Indobiednase In additlov to tho amnunt abovo�lated whlch �ald moctgaqote,or any �
<br /> �ol�ihcro.may owo to eald martgaqoe,hawevor eWdentod whethor by nolc,boolc aceoual or otherwleo. Tlila mo�tgage ahall tomal�In lutl �
<br /> � lorco and elleq�betwcen the parlfe�hoteto and thotr helra. penomb repteeentativva, aucce�wn and aaefque.��unql all amounta secvred� . � �
<br /> � heraunder.Includinq Suture advancee,ais pafd.te lull wlth Inlere�l. �I � �
<br /> i �, The morlqaqots hemby�aulqn_�,to eald mortgaqee.all renU.and Inmma arielaq-at any and.aA�tlmee !mm��ald-propeHy-md�
<br /> � hareby authori:o wid mo�lgagoe or Ils agont,a!fla opHon, upon dalaul6!o tako charqe ol aald proporty and collec!al(ranl�nnd Sncomo +i
<br /> ? Ihctolrom and opply the aomo to the paymanl ol lntvre�t,pNndpnl,lnewanu promlume,la:e�,auo�smanb,cepalra ot Impmvemanh neco�•
<br /> S eary to kcep wid p�opudy�n lennntable condltion,or la olhet cfwrqe�ot{wymonb pror1ded lor harclrt or In tha nota hero6y securad. 72i4 �
<br /> �� rent osafqnment�hall matlaua tn.locw untll tho unpaid 6alanee ot �aid note le fuily paSd Tho laking of posae��ion horoundor a6a11!n no .
<br /> �mannot provoal or retard��ald�ma[tqaqee i¢��t6o mllectlon ot wld sume 6y locetloauro or olherwi�v.
<br /> ' 7ho lailute�ol tho mo�tgageo to asea�l aoy.o!�It�dphv he�euada�at any time eha11 not bo rn+ut�ued as a�valve7 0(ib r1qh1 lo auett $
<br /> �S� the:.wme at any latec time,aad to Im1�Dyyoa and:onloreo etrid mmpllance wtth all Ihe ta�m� and prorbtoaa ot sald nolo and ol Ihb 3 � �
<br /> � morlgage. '. �. � #
<br /> �'� II wid movtqagor�_ehQll mu�a to bo pafd to�afd mertqaqss lho enU�o amou¢t due It ha�eundeq and under tho torm�and providow
<br /> : of wid nole.heuby Qecumd,lnaludlaq luturo adrmco�,and�any e:tendon�oc.r000wab tbsrool !n eccordanco:wflh.We torma and pwddous
<br /> ��: the[eo1„and 1l said-.mortqagors� .�hall�omyly�vtth all th�provlelon�ol w1d nole md ol tIW motlgaqe,tEen IAc�e prosonU shall be void: �
<br /> �f��. olhe=wVe�to rama(n-in�}u11 lorc�.and�olloet and sald.morlqapN��hall-be entltled lo�ths pousulon ol all ol�otd pmperly,.and�may.,at Il� �
<br /> jf � optfon.daclare Ih�whola o!�afd�nol�and all.indmblodneu rap�eonted iheroby to!»Immedlaldy due and peyablo,and may tocedoee IhL
<br /> j � mmiqaqe or.tab�an �othor lepal.ectlen ta protoN ft� Nqht, and!rom Ihe dvt�ol��uch dolault all I�emr ol tndebledneu�ocurod hanby- �`•�
<br /> i , � �hall dmvr Inlero�l al���p�s anaum. Apprabomenl waHed 5
<br /> �{��-� Thia-mortqdqs�;�ball�-bo�indlnp.upon�aad �halle�nurs to.Ih��b�ns1U ol th�hdrti o:scutm�,adminLtwto:�..�ueee�wn md.aa.lqns d , �� N i
<br /> LS: Iha ro�pocliv�paiHa he�ela �
<br /> 1N WI7NESS�.Y�fIEAEOF..wid Mo�tqaqor�_h�_ h�raua�o�■�t t�1G'I r ti¢n�s t6s dvy and year 11�e1 abovo � h
<br /> wrll�ea � - � � J �—�
<br /> ;��; . . . . .. . . . . .
<br /> ,� . ��'?(,��.C:� ��l {�^,,�,•��Z•7C��' {'
<br /> Rendy : Evans Cin�vans
<br />� � _ _ � � �
<br /> a
<br />