<br /> $ �
<br />� � � � � �� � � ;k.� '
<br /> �
<br />,; .�
<br />�. . , �
<br /> � ._
<br /> . ( ... . ,_. _,. . _ ... .. , . �
<br /> � :
<br />� ' ;
<br /> . i_. . . . ,
<br /> _ ;. � ;
<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE ro� r�n zoc (a��,. i-r�) � "
<br /> �.;;�- -- _ �
<br /> 77 c�oY�7s �nL��a ,9�7 �
<br /> �
<br /> Gerald S. Jones and PaCricia L. Jones, hushnnd and wife i -,
<br /> r ;
<br /> � �� � � � � � � �I ���
<br /> �� .. .. . . � . Hortgagors,
<br /> � of � Rg�l � � � ;,a���y� NebTuska-� � , in�consideration ot � �.
<br /> � tlte advance�of the princtPfll su��c•ecited In the nate�hrreinafter dosc�lbed,receipt ef H�ttich Ss acknowledgad,.ttereby
<br /> i mortgage and convey Lo t :
<br /> � 1
<br /> I THE fEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation. � '
<br /> of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, Hhose address �
<br /> , = is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska fi8100,
<br /> � . �
<br /> � :� ( Nortgagee (sub,tect to�:oil �Fas,�und�Snernl �16ht^ o�vned b,y psrties other thcui N0.^tgagnrs; existin� ensements ot � ;
<br /> � recorA;�re._ervaWons Sn�lnited States nndStatepaterts;and.the r1�ts.of the PublSc Sn all hlghwqys),thefollowln�- � ,,
<br /> i t
<br /> ((( deseribed.rnal�escuce�in Hall� Co��y, Nebraekn , � .�, �
<br /> � ! SEC. TWP: R4. i ,
<br /> !
<br /> ; i N'�S�NW�; and N�NW3Z (except the West 575 feet of the i
<br /> i ! North759feetthereof) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 9N 10 W6thP.M. � .;
<br /> i �
<br /> � Together with all wells, pumps, motors, and equipment locnted on and used to irrignte � !
<br /> i said premises, and uny additions to or replacemente thereof, which items are declared �
<br /> to be a part of the mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said real estate, !
<br /> 'i , ;
<br /> � i ;
<br /> �
<br /> � ;
<br /> , ' �
<br /> i . !� � . . . . . � ; : ... .
<br /> � � � � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> .j ... . I :-. . � . . ..
<br /> _ conLnlnSnt: 11O ,i:•res, corr or les.^,, together wSth nll o: [he c1"L, tlGle, xnd�interest � " � . .
<br /> % �� � rnen m+nedorhereafCer:.cquired)of the Mor�;�rrp:•s tn .�atd preFnrty, luclu�inE��ll Gufldin�s,.InFrovements,fixtures, � . �� � � �
<br /> ��i� � cr r.pP�i:'tenance; U;errnn ar l�e:ca(ter pinr,eu t!�rreon; a11 water, Srr1 feUon, nnd drnlfisp.,e rlo,ryts; Che tenemenl.s, ; �� �. � . .
<br /> � hereditr.ments, a:iA i,.,utCr�Ynces thereto �:nd !he ;er.cs, issues, crops, .md z!rot!ts r.rlslny :rc^said lantl,; and (!f ' . �
<br /> ' the Nertfttieors� riy�ts iu the t�ublic ue^s:n «ro rr.qufmn b,y Norr�tgee for eecurlty pu^peses) nll leasos, permSL , � �� . � � �
<br /> ; ,� � Ilcenscs,nrpri lle�es, �p�m•tetls!lL or nonapturta!inr.t [u satd mort�^�ged premises,nowor hereatter Sssuecf, extended, � �
<br /> r.r renewed Co the MortP.nPer try che Uniced Stntes ar ehe state ln �+hich the ehove-de,crihed properC,y fs Sncxte�i or I �'
<br /> :t�y ;.1epn+•tnrut� Luce�u. ci sE,enc;v thrrcot. i . .
<br /> 1fI1fI1fI ;7i1^ nort�;•ige 1:' f:��'rn to �acure n ��rc�a:r:�or,1' nnte o[ even date I:e�'e�vlth, exc�uted by "7urtgsgors to Mertp•iv,ee ta 1. " � . . � � ��
<br /> „ . 111I .hc priucl{�+�1 sum of ONF HitNnRF.il SIX TEiQifSAND POLiR fllINDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - LVI.LnItS �
<br /> (i � -�, 1 P�IY:i!�le wlth lnLrr�r,;t •ic�c�.71nF to !he Li�i.Te e. safd r,ote, th�� f1n11 „u.sr,nt heln6 d�ir. :ind p3ynble au t.he fl�st Cay � ; � .. �
<br /> � ��. � vt -Tt1IIt18P3t� 20A6 . 1`rir co::ve.y:wcu sh�i11 ba vold upon [he p��y;nent ot �atd prc:�lsso.ry nate. I -. � �
<br /> 7'his mortPnRe 15 sub�ect to the proeir.iens of TNE FAfiM C!iEDI` ACT��Itd all �:cts a^�enSa.ary [L•ereof or supFlenent�il I
<br /> the^eCo. The pra;eeds o!' the lo•m secured hereby wlll Ge used te.^ thr purS'oses speclfleS Sn the Nortengers� n,�pll- � �-
<br /> cat.lon tor said�loan nnd xutherl2ed by sa1S Ac6. � �
<br /> ,.� ��: � TR^_ Mort63gors, ;inU c�ich o; them, hereby�s^rrant tl:aG Uiey i�[�e fee anziers of the mortqaged re¢1 p�roperty; Chat they i �� �
<br /> �,vill deSend tlie tltlo n�;ninst ull clalmants �•�hen::oever, �nd t!:at sald ProDerty 1s free frc�n nll enc�r,:brnnces; that + .:.
<br /> :. � Chey ��vlll keep nll the inPrevenent�. 'Sxtares, nnd a��purCen;mcea eccupled nnd in �oed repalr and Utrnit no ucts of ,
<br /> r:acte; nnd they a�ill rellnquish all rlFAts of hemestexd Sn snld premise::,:uidcovenent t+nd n;;ree r+lth Che Mcr[g¢gee. � �
<br /> as ra?lo�vs: { �.
<br /> � i
<br /> ,; - (11 Th1t Lhey n111�pqy �titien Due nll lnses, liens, �uAqments, or assessments wt�Ich muy be lcswtully �ssessed aqstnst � ., �
<br /> �e �., � the Croperty hereln morc�,�ged. . �
<br /> {
<br /> . ( (2) 1'hat they w11Y Insure u:�d keep SnsureA huildings er othor lr;provi•ren�s ncw on or Nhlr.h msy hereafter he pluced � .
<br /> ' en snld prcmises Lo che sntSSCacLlon oT che Hert�ngee,such lnsurnnce pollcy shall be en�orsed with u mortF�Fe clsu e j -•
<br /> ! .. � w1[h the loss tliereu:tder to be V�+YnUle to CLe n�rtgu�ne, nrv sums re,celved ray be used Co pssy :or reconstructlan � .
<br /> of the dnstro>•ed SmGrevements: or, Sf not so �iFP11eA, muy, at. t:;e o{�t.1en af the MorCRUKee, be eppllec] ln Cuy�en[ ot � .
<br /> � aqy lndebtelness, matured or ur.natured, secumd hy C!ila rortp,:�e.
<br /> } :
<br /> 13) Tu p�sy ell rents, fees, or chare�s no�v due ur to Uecome due unGer the [erms ot essch leuse, permiG, llcense, or .
<br /> _ . prlvllege on the puA11c domsln K9�Sch is avPurcennnt or nonnppurtenant Lo the murtKaP.ed premis��s, whScti has been ; .�
<br /> lssueC�,extendod,or Penewetl by the United StsLes cr lhe state in ti+�hich the nbave-descrSbed proP�rcy�ls locnted; nnd � .� �
<br /> to F�rtorn and observe every act, coti•ci�ant, cendltlen, und stipulatSon necessary Ca keey each oi Lhe same Sn Reod , � �
<br /> -��.i�� stnnding; and to t¢ke every necestl[y steC to secure the relssue, rcnea�nl, ur extenslon o[ eacl� of the snrie: and to . .
<br /> asslgn,�w¢1�•o, pleUge, or endorse to Che MorCGaa,ee each l�n,•e, �!ec�mit, ilcense, �r privlleqe Sf Hoc•tgaqors� rlPhts ' ' `
<br /> �, Sn public damaln¢re reUulred by Ho�Lgup,ec for securlty purPoses, i
<br /> . . ��vt� �A �'�
<br /> .�S � (4) That in.the eeent the Hortgsgce ls i� {+urty W a:iy 1tt1Ratlon uffecting tlie securlty or the llen of lts�mort- ; . L �
<br /> .� gaKe, SncludlnB stly sult�by Lhe Mo:LBagee to ferecluse 6h1s rsort�aga cr n:1v :uit Sn whlch the Mor[f;aK�e mnY be named i . ����N '•� �.
<br /> . , �! � a party.defendant�In �vhlcli SC 15 uhllglbed te protecG Sts rl�hta or llen, SrcludlnF candemnutlon r��d bankruD�cy . ' }
<br /> preceedings; the HortF,1Bee m�y Sncur exUenses und advance pitynent for abstrnct fecs, nt[nrney fees (except tu Ct�e j �t
<br /> L�� extent prohlbited by lnw), costs, expeus�s, end.o[iter charges. � , ,a,
<br /> �6) 7haC�lr. the event [he Hort�sgnrs.In11 tu�pny n9ien due nny Cnxec, 11ens, �udP,���nts, or assessments, oi• ta11 to � M
<br /> mnlutaln Snsurance ns herolr.Uefore Provlded, or fail Co psy renta, :Pes, oi• charges under Che terms o' sqY lesse, �
<br /> , �peimit, llcenst, or Urlvllege; or nertgu�;ee Ss reyuired to Incur expense: for abstrncC tees, �itturney tees, cosCs, � � � �
<br /> � � exCenses,nndother ctusrses ln cunnectlan�ivlth 11t1gntlon, HurtF.nqee r,.;p• malce ;:uch C�Yment ur•provtde .^,uch lnsur�wce, �. � �-
<br /> � or Sncut suclt obllgaClen, ruld the amounts pnld tLerofur shall bcoorie � Vart of Lho SnQeUcedne:;s securr.d hereby due � ��
<br /> � und payoblo Immedlate�y, and.shnll benr lnterest Irom 4ie dstc af PaYment at the s:une raLo as provlCed fcr delault i.
<br /> � Sn tho note. . '
<br /> ;_.,_, .,.__. ..._._.._ . . . .. . .
<br /> ... ._ . ...:._ ....,- . ..�.- . _.,, . .. . .. . .. . � .
<br />� l ;� � �
<br />�
<br />