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� <br />�: . . :. . .. . �.j,�. . <br /> �!S s <br />� '. . .. . . � . � � t 1. ��. .. � �' <br />� � -� . . . . ( : . <br /> ,� . . � . . .. , �._.v.»V' . . <br /> Mw...ti ' .. .... . . .. . .. . � . ��... ..... . . . .. . . . . .. � <br /> w <br /> 77-. no��53 <br /> n�aRrcnce <br /> �tcntrrnce t.on��o.L2?44B � <br /> �:noWALLAIL'NDl'THLSEPRGSGNls;ri,��Ronaid !,. Fegter and Corne9ia J. Fegter, each in his <br /> r: <br /> '+ and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> , ___Aio�tgagur_whNhe�one or murc_in ronsiJerat(on uf the sum uC <br /> :; Seventeen Thousand and No/100------------------- �i�A�y ' <br /> , �, IoAn¢d to sxid murtgugor by 7he L'quilabk�uilding anJ Luan Associatiun uf Cr�nd Island,Nebraska,�fortgagee,upun ��0 sliares of eNcl:oi <br /> s ,� ssid ASSOCIA7'lON,Ccrtificate No.L gnp p ,dn hercby grant,�vneey and morlgagc untu the said ASS(KIATION the fvllow(ng <br /> described eeal astalr.situlted iu Ilall Count�,`i�ctlt9skr. <br /> "� <br /> .:��i.' � . �. . . � . <br /> t LOT FORTY-SIX (46), IN WEST NEIGHTS AODITION <br /> TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEaRASKA. <br /> { <br />� <br /> :i . � . � . . . . <br /> �ogeQier with nll thr tenaments.hrrr�ilamems anS appurtrnancas�hereunto belunging.iucLiAing uttaclted tluur vrrrings.a0 windew stteens, <br /> �. � window shades,blinds,s��rm winduws,aanings,Itca�ing,�ir wnditioning,and plwnbing nnJ�ra�cr cyuipment and acttessuries tharc�o,pumps,slo�ros, <br /> rcf:i�arulurs.mid othrr tiztures:�nd ryuipment nu�v oc he�calter attaclicd to m uscd in cunnection wilh said rcal estaic. <br /> :���.�:i . . � . . <br /> _ .. � And+�'hcrcas ll�c s�id mortgaguc has agmed and docs I� agrcc that thc murt�:agor sh:�il xnd wifl pay nll taxes and axxumanta Ie�icJ or� � � � � <br /> : i �sscsxd upon said pretnius and upun thit nturtgage and Ihe bond securcd q�creby brWrc tl�e same shsll bccumr JelinqueN;to fumisD sppro��ed <br /> �' insutancc u{wn tlic buildings un said prcmisrs:i�uaicJ in thc sum ul S�J�OQQ.QQ payaUle w :aid A55(KIATION anJ tu ddi�rr tu said <br /> ' ASSOCIATION thc policies for saiJ insurance:nnd nut to mmmit uc pernnt any H•aste on or about said premiscs: <br /> 3 <br /> � in case oi deiault in the perioim;mcr ui any ui tiic terms anu cunui�iun.o(Uii>u�o[tg�gz or the bond uctired herehy,ihz mixtha6te 3itall, <br /> on Jcm�nd,be rntided io immcdiate possession et the nwrlgagcd picmius and the mongagur hrrcby assigns, trnnsfers and srts oecr W Ihc <br /> nwrtga�.nt sil th�rrn�s,rcv¢nues and inctmx to hc dcrivrd irom thc nwrtgagcd prcmises during such limr us the mortgage utde6ledness sl�sll rcmain � � , <br /> ' . . unpaid;�nd Ihc mnrtgagee s}iall havc Ihc�wwer��.ap�inl any agenf ur agtnts it Inay dec�rc for ihe purpose ut repiirin�t said premises and mnting . � . . . .. . <br /> � j �� the same nnd cullecti�tg the rcnls.reeenues anJ income,and il ntay pay uut of s�id ii��mne all e�penses of repai�ing said premises uid ne�Yssaq. � . <br /> , � commissiuns anJ espenses incurreJ in renting and managing d�r s�roe and of cotle.-ting mnt�is therefrom:dic balance remaininµ,if on�•,to be <br /> applied to�ea�d tlte Jisrha�ge of said mortg�gc indcbadnest:thcsc iights of the nrong�gc�may Ac cxcrcised at any time during the csistenca oC such <br /> Jcfault,incspecii�r of nny tcmpu��rv waivc�uf thc samc. <br /> '����;�� Theu Prescnts,hu�ccrcr,are upun d�c CunJitiun,'fbal i(the said 11u�IFsgor shall mp:f��said loan un ur bclure du mawrity ol shid shares Uy � � ' �� � � <br /> pn��ment;pay uwnthly tu said ASS(KIATIO\of lhc sum specil'icd in thc 13ond securcJ hrrebp as interest and pnncipal un s�id loun,un u�beforc . � . �. �. <br /> thc Twcnticth day ul c�ch�nJ cvcq�month,until vid loan is fully paid;p�y ail taxcs and asxssmrnts Icriod sgsinst s:iid prcmius and on this Jfurtgagc <br /> ������+ and the Ikmd xcurcd tl�creby,befoie delinquenc}•;iurnish app�u�rd inw�ance upun the buildings tLerrun in the sum of S ���00�.�� pa�•�Ule . �� � .� <br /> i �o said nS50(:IATION;repay tu said ASSOCIATIUN upon dcmanJ all muncy by i�paiJ fur such ta�cs.asse»mcnts and insutan.c with intercst�t <br /> �he mzxinrom leg�l ra�c thcrcun from dalc of pa��mrnt all uf�rhirh�fortFagun c�reby agrees to pay:permi�nu wash on said prcmisrs;keep and cumply <br /> �cith all ihc�grcatnrnls and cunditions ul thc Dond for S �7 ��n nn this dag gi�en by thc cvid Alortgngor to said ASSCX tAT10N,and cumplp � - � . <br /> uith all the rcyuirenxnts o(the l'onstitution and ltyLa��s ot n�5i iiSSU�'L11'IU\:thai thrsc prcsents shall becmne null a�id t'uid,otherwisc thcy <br /> s!rall remain in full furtt and may!te fnrcdoxd at�hc uptiun uf Ihc said ASSOCIA'1'lON a(lcr failure for thrce niunths !u make any ot said . �� � � <br /> pe��menls iir be tluee rnunths in auears in�naAing ssid monihly pa�•menta,ot lo Accp:tnd cumply��'ith the agreemeuts and conditions uf saiS 13und: . � - � � <br /> anJ\iortgagor agtces tu I�a�i a rccri��er appointrd fotlhwi�h in such I'urcclosure pmcocdin�i. . . <br /> � If there is anV clmngc in uwne�ship ol lhe rcal est�te murlgagcd hcrein,by sale ur othenvim,then du entice rem�ining indehtedness herc6y <br /> securrd sliall,at thc uption of'fhc fyuitablc BuilJing and Lwn Anocutiun uf t��and 1sland,�vme immcdiately due and payahle without . � <br /> funhc�nutia,and tlic amoum remaining duc undcr said buud,�nd any u�hcc bond fur uny additional ad�vncrs msdo thcrcundcr,shall,I'rom lhe <br /> date of cxercise of saiJ uption,bcar inrerest at the masimum legal��te,anJ this morlgaEe may Ihen be foreclosed to salisfy the amuunt Jue un miJ <br /> bmid,and any uthec bou3 tor aJditional ad�ances,lugelhcr with ail sums paid b)�said 7'he f?quitable$uilding and Luan lssociaNun ul Gmnd Islund. <br /> \ebr�ska tar inmraace,�axcs�nd�sscstmcnts,aud absu�rting rxtensiun char�:es.��•ith imcrest thcrcon. from date of paymcnt nt tlia mvxunum <br /> Icgal rata <br /> As provided in the Uond ucumd herchy,wltile this mortgage rcmains iu eilrct tht murtgngre may I�treaftcr ud�nnca additiunal sums tu lhe � <br /> mskers u(soid Uond,tl�eir�uigns ur successurs in imercst,Hhich sums sLall be within the cecurity ul this nw�igsgo the same as tlie funds uri�inally � .. � <br /> ` secured.thercby,the tiri�l amuunt of prineipal deb�nu!lu escrcS at any tinte dic original amnunt ol this mortg�gr. <br /> .';i <br /> o���a�nc: ry Znd �;�r�r November ��•�'�•�`' 76 <br /> r � / <br /> ,,�G��co'�� ��� ( �r-r��.� 3� �,--.+.� <br /> Ronald J. fegter '' CorneTi��gter,� <br /> STATG Of NGDRASKA,l u pii diis dny of 19 ,be(ure me, <br /> COUN'fl'DF HALL I 2nd November 76 _,�{ r , <br /> the undersigned,a No��q�Public in nnd for said County,persunallycame <br /> Ronald L Fegter and Cornelia J. Fegter, each in his and her own right and as s� use . N � <br /> �t'h� a re Mrxi�a1Qy knue•n tu �? <br /> i of each other, 1,:. �,c <br /> L ros to bc the identfcal persurS;n a•l�Csa pame S dY8 etfixed to thc abo��c instrument es m�mgagur 5 and they sc�n�ally � <br /> t <br /> �� <br /> �an�W-i�as�a a,��,a��t�w�;�n�co b�;-Che�rl;�� voluntary act and dced. l t�F <br /> R11'Nt.5S tii�hsnd and 4o intSlal thc date a(ores�id. / ,� . L � <br /> My eo„u�i�u�on�x�i�es� � �7 7.G /�/' ��� � � <br /> -L�.., . JrL,i'�?f�1 '-i` � 1�.�':�G- .e� <br /> , tS Nutary 1'ublic <br /> b1.1M RI �'� . . <br />� �� . ... . . J <br />�i '.. <br /> ti, � � . . . . __.... <br />