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<br /> p � �. . . . . . . � � . . ., . . . � .
<br /> � 77+ UU .1r� � �
<br />� .
<br /> '19�e SuUdlvidel•. ecivc�n,ults iutd iyxrr.es i�ciL tc? ��lt;allr.n�,e , pxt�i;est , i�s� cab,i �c ;; �o th�;+.
<br /> ;
<br /> #'ormation or rrei4tiun of n cia�aino�;c imt,rovemeri�, cli.5i• rir. i: U�� i;he prnper. �;uverninent,
<br /> + ,T . �tit•hcrity i�s auth�.7a�i�ed U,y {;hc :t����i �sed i; tcttutr. a oY' NeUrnaka . "7� 1.a c�ovcdnruti, shall, uot
<br /> be r.att,trued to prevent �t I (711(�Wk'l119I• f'rc�ni eli:.11.l.en�;inR:s , proeeaCin�; . ur objecY,in+; t,o ; )ie
<br /> ,uneunt of anyr pcirtic:ular t:�x or sase :� 3m�nt ou lais part3r.u.l.ar lc ,, �, r tx�nci �> i' . land ,
<br /> , . ; ,,
<br /> � . 'i`tie 5uUdit� ider c�reen l:hat the minimum ;:etback i'::r :iny buildin+� conatruc:i.ed
<br /> it1 i.he cubdivision , c�d�tr�cent i:o IIiK,ln�ray 3i) z•i �;ht �ci'-wrL,v, sii;zlL be i':tl't.,y f.'i�t+ t ; ;�7d . :
<br /> � : .
<br /> ilXr �her , the �;ubdivider e�reea t;c� ].t�ndUcape uny ;a.i�,,l s.ryci°r.i�5itir; thirt,v i'eet tai wi.d',i�
<br /> 1 .
<br /> ad,jacent i;o Ifi�hwnJ� ;3U ri �;ht - oi'-w�iy iii the :hxbciivisi��n , pur;:u;irti; i;�i Lhe z�equir��mentr,
<br /> � oi' :;�etion 32-13 ( 3 ) or tt�e Crcuid Tsl.,inci i; it,v Coric ; snch land .^,caped :xx•e�t sh�ill inc:lude
<br />� , ; ; ia .�uitsble e:c� rc�en n,� sit.e ��b; rurin�; i'ern��� , i��ii.age , or oi;her sr.reenin� n�:titcricil 3. 1' the
<br /> ; _
<br /> ; 1ot• is used ibr t}ie storts�.c oi' uxla,� aemble�3 or tmi'inis2ird materSal "r invp�ratile equip�
<br /> . ,
<br /> ment or nut-omobiles . Sur1i L.u�d.^, can.i.n�, t�1�:�17: 1ie {Uc�Anpl.eted wi.thi.n r.ne }�lttntinF ce:v_vn _
<br /> ;if'Cer the 1crL-s ;.are Uuilt upou .
<br /> ,- i 6 . W;irr�uiCt: '11ic tutdersi.�ned ciwni. r . �t:? :;tiUdivid��z• , wcsrrrants i;hat l�e is tlie
<br /> L
<br /> = uwner in 1'ee : imple oi' i;he lauid �iesr..riLed , und [>ropo;,c!d i.,o Ue lctiowtt as 13ir_ls. ' �; 71�ducLri.al.
<br /> ' 3���.. . . . . . . . . . � . . .
<br /> :;ubdivi� ion , �t�d 1:hnt �.0 :.tbst;rr.ct ��f t; i.tl.e wi.l.:L be submif:ted ,'or ex;imination , . !.f
<br /> � ' iiecesssi•y ; upon reqttect of.' tlie Cit�� ct' Grnnd '[;al:uid .
<br /> E'r . '14ii� . t:lr,reement ah�.11 rwl t,ii.}i the 1�.ind �u�d shall Le U .indi.nr* u.r. nn ai2d :iiiure t �7
<br /> j i;he tieiie3it ei' t;lzc pu�i; ics hcreto , ;shair .�uccea; aor:: , aa ,� iFtis hci.i•s . dav.i.. eec . �ind
<br /> � legatee:: . h'(�ere t.he term "Subdtvider" :i.:� �xsed in ;;hls A�rcement , l.l�e r,ub:; ec�i.teut ownera
<br /> ; ��f ,ui„v lotc irt ishe Suhd:ivi : ion :hu11 Lc rn , pon; iU:lc Lv peri'c�rm _�.ny o1' l.hc condit3.anr
<br /> � of this �'�recment iP bt�e :ubdividers havr. not x�r:ri'orme�i ,uch condi.tions .
<br /> ; .
<br /> � nyt<,a �'a�-�r—_� 1 �7�
<br /> ;
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<br /> s •vin C . 13:tek . ;;ub�] ivider
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