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<br /> ,� Oclgi.nal and' C��rreeCLve Placgnge
<br /> tugMhcr with nil leucmenls, heroditanunts und appucicnanecs I�clon�Jny, thcroto
<br /> 1'0 IIAVii AND TU LIOI.Dihe abuve desciibed prendses wilh nll Ihe pNvlleges and epputlenances thereuntu Ur.lon¢fn�t ii�rludlug .
<br /> ` all rcnis, IssYies und plr>lils Ihen`��Cunin Murlyat?ee Inre�•ci . ;\nd \lvilpt;+gur lu�trby �'uveuanls thnl Muil�!a�;ur is well n�id ttul�� sci�cd of
<br /> � ;i guod UUc lu Ilic prendacy abuve convc��ed iu Ihc I,����: h� fcc vimplc. aud Ims koud il�hl and 19w(ul �ullmNl}' lu cotl�r. �• tlre s��mc, imJ '
<br /> { ihxi Ilic lille so cum�c>'e4 is elc;u , licc and w�incuml�crcd esccpl as u(henvix� uutcd �a�d ihat �lurlget;ur ��hll forevet warranl aod dc•
<br /> r��,d �i�� +�m� �„ ni�,� ��egcc .�gaiust ;QI cl:iims whal�ucve� .
<br /> 'fhis �lort�;age Js giecn by �lurlkugots tu scruic lh�� peribrma�u•c u( c,irh agicr.mcnt e�.mlaineJ licicin, and tu sccmc the pnyment _
<br /> . �il� a luau in the amaunl uf lhe 'Pntal ot� Yaymcul� .ho�rn ,�buce, �chich I�ian Lciu� eeidenccd by n pmmissory nutr braiing even dslc
<br /> herc�vflh and �ehich Is flirlhcr described aiwve.
<br /> PROVIp[;U AI.N'rtl'S, and ILesc �vesenls erc upo�i tlic expicssrd rundiliun , thaf i ( Ihe M1tortgagorv sliall p�ry in full to lhe A1uih
<br /> ; ga�cc a p�uiufssoiy nulc hcarin�* c�`en d;itc hc� c�aid� in �lic amu�ml �et G �iih �ibove , ray�ibir in Iustaihucni4 acio�diut! hr tlie Icnu� tlic� e-
<br /> uf IuNcthcr willt inlc�csl as scf fo� lh iheicin , nnd �hall pat' all i �fxcs ai�d as�cscnu�uts Icvicd npuii anid icnl esl.�tc lte('urc Ihe k;�mr lic-
<br /> , i�ou�es detittqucnt . aud keep Ilie build( n�!s mi �ai�l p+ endscs lusurcd fur a stun eqwil 1u Ilir indeblydnesti secuicd licrclty ; I�!�s , if anV: p��y -
<br /> fi
<br /> ahlc io Ihc s.iid �torl+;agcc, tlmn Iliesc �nescuts lu lic �wll ;uid eui.l , � �thcnt-isc lu bc ;md tenrain in full f��rec,
<br /> '�'� 17115 �1fOR'I'GAGIi Iti ALS� 'I'0 Ijli . ANU CONIINUL"f0 11I's. PItU�I '1'IMG 'TO7'I�fE, `GCURfI'Y i�OK '( lIG C�\1'11IsN1'
<br /> ' � OI� SUCiI SU61 Utt 5U\1S OF \I(1Nlil' ;iS lllli PI0121'GAGGG 11r11' I�ItOAi ll�lli 'ID 'I'IAlli IN 'PIil3 PUTURI_ AbVANC� 'FO THG
<br /> �� ` 110R'1'GAGOR, ,iNU GVII)GNCGU lil' A SUI'1'LI!�16N1'AL NUT@ OR NOILS. DUl' NO1' IU IiXC'LGU i'IIU: COTAL UT
<br /> , •-+ � : . . 86 , 157. .. 9G . . . . . r�r�;rr �=c,�: .�rvv ,�uvnna:5 u �,� r ni ,� t� u� ��iAll� fo r►turecr r��c sLcuict [ t� �v nc-
<br /> � cVl(DANCI: WITII �1'lili �1'I:KPIS UG I'HIS pIOK'f('v\GL•'.
<br /> '�
<br />' c ;lddiliunal 'frnu.v and ( '��udifi�.�ns un ilie ii�rc� sc uf thi�: ;i�rccmcnt aic uiadc a p;ul hc�cuC ,u�d ini�npuiolcd lisn�iu,
<br /> : � �
<br /> ' � IN 1VI'1'NL'SS «'I II�:IZGOF, thc siid Morlgagurx I�avc cxcculcd Ilicsc pre5cnl . Ihctda� ;md ycar firsl nhuvc wiiUctL /� 1 �
<br /> , ' �! `<��7..�,.t� L.-�,�tV-+-1 '//�,�+tr.�3 f;l. ��;tyrl? t�.+-��.lt ��1`� _ .
<br /> �' � , 7/ / .
<br /> i i 1_.�� 1.l1..-LS��T� f� �l-t..: �_�'��. �'��s� i
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<br /> ' ' COUN7'Y OI�_-----IIALL _ _ .. - ---- -� �
<br /> T ' Un Il�is 1 'l day nl � Nuvembec .. __.__ _ __---- , � '� 7G I>rli,ic mc. Ihc undc�siv.ncJ a Nnta�}' 1'ublic. July
<br /> -- --- -- . _. �
<br /> conmiLtir�idid�l nnA yu;di0ed fui �ind in �id clnle and enuuty, Persunall)' c�une ��Uk�l..t:._�, iq�,�it_�IuL?ile i.lc�tnr s 5aleor 1qe .
<br /> , WII,I.IAI�1; .As...31tA1-1L''1Zt..:iL•'C/'PILliA9--ANp- li7:CIlARU _G . - GyW68Vl;t;H � . .PIt1,S --_..._ . _ ._ - --- . ._ .. .... _ _ _ - . . . . _._ .___.
<br /> lii mC kitiiW]t (o be (IIC Wl'l1IIl'i1I ��fI3Vf1 ��1 �]l'Iho115 N'IIVFI' IIJIIII` IS UI' II �t�ICb 01C NIIISI. �I lu tht I�vey.viuN inaUumenl and �n�kmneleJKed
<br /> : lhe execulibU lli¢traf lo bc hiz, I�cr or �ihrh e��hnuaty acl anJ dced .
<br /> _...._.��.:.. .. �...�--.�...
<br /> � � kVVkhlUa�llfK����a�4d,un�� �!u �iial Seal tltc day aml ycar Ixcl al�uvc wtillcn. , /
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