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� , � � : <br />�. <br />� � r�r� � <br /> i <br /> 3 "' � <br />� ::.. �— <br /> x'� �,p^+� _,�,• � � � � . . <br /> . h, . _ . - : .� . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . �. . �. . .. . �. . . _ . _. . � . � . . . � . � � � � .. <br /> 77a Ob // �3 _ ` . <br />� 'IHE MORTGAGOit FURTIfER; CnVENANT3 AND AGREEB:� . , ., „ .. " <br /> _ , , , ;. �� ' <br /> .�. fhat the MottFeKar H �11 p�v lhe �ndnblydneaa� ps � hrrainMtorn prm�ded . ._ � . . � � �. . , . . <br /> � Tlmt thr Tfor��rigur ts the oNnrr ot 4 ��d F�rop rlv m fu vimpL nnd hav goai - ntihl and In+. (nl �uU�orih to scll and . . <br /> i :... �.,.^.••e; lh sarr,•: t�9 !ha! 4na��+ �s_ (reo xnd clrur o[ nny Len nr enc��tnLranec; nnd llinl ��Atorlgagor . will �raCranl and . d��fend th.t . � . . . . , . <br /> titlr ' to smd premrees ' nge�inst the cluims of �flGprrnon.y �: whomaow�er. <br /> � � '!'o pi{�^ jmmrdiulely .vhrn �rl�ie nnd payab�r. nD. grru•rnl iuxos,�� spa�cinl..�inxes, npacinl uamssnu�uls, water� <•hnrgee. Fi�wrr s�n. . � . <br /> � � icii cliarqis; and . nther' tnzen � Bnd charges � agninel : sai�i � properlv, nnd� nll ' tnsnsle��ieJ on drbi. si�rured hcrrhp, ;�nd lo Curnish tlm � . . . . <br /> • .�� 1YtOTI�tiR'CC, IIIx)I1 � CM�IIFfiL, R7IIl'. LIII.• . UI'I�It1AI � 0i' 1�4�1I1COIC. 1'i'�f.Cl'1L5 ��IIQfVfur. � 'I'hc \turtgn�;ar �n�;rr��s �tNat . lhurc �. ril�nll � 9i�- uddrd �lu � . . . . . . . . <br /> � � ��. � eneli �tnonthly pitymrnt �requiri�d ���livmunrl��r nr midet' � Ihe evidenev nf drbf � r.��cnrrd herrbp ;m amuunt eslimated Iry� the � �tnrigagre � . � .��.. <br /> � - � tn � he sulficiefit . 'tp ennble'�. Rhe i�7priBngie � .�n pay, �ns � hoy become iluc. nIl ��xes, nn�ossmenl., nn�f sinul ��r - charyms u��n the- prrm. . . � . . <br /> ; � . . -fses.�snbjtit "tliinto: nny �Iificienry . lu�ceui:+i� .. u( th�i � iiieufTici��iic1• "i� f � snch :ufdilinnal p:i)'me�ils :sbrili - lic � forlha'itli � itrpn.siteii . hv � lh�; : . . . � <br /> . Aturlgagor � �rith ihe h1urt�;u�;er . upon rlrmnnJ Lq lhe Al<nitia�;ee. ,Any dctnuli. undrr Ihis p� ru�; rnph cluill 6e drrmrd a d�•[aull in - . - <br /> . � . payment �nf � lsx��s. �� �isw�en�nenls`. � �ir �sitnilar� charG��s rrquirrd h��nnmd.ia � . . . � . . . . . . � . . . � - . . . <br /> . . . � 'I'hi! . Tlorlgngnr �. ngrvrs lhnl . th��re shnll � alsn bc � add�>d �1u ea�•kn�onthly P+�Ymrut of princi�ia) and. �inlerr.l raquired here . .. � . <br /> under an :m�o�mt rsliinnled Iey lh�� blorlgagee t�� I�r siJlitienl tn r• n;iblc Iho 1Snrtt'ngor tu pny� ❑s it hrrum��v due, � th�� . insitriincr . _ . . . . . .� . . . <br /> . . premium . on auy insurance policp drlivered lu U�c hLrrtgngrr. :1tq� drfiei��nsY brrau,c o! 1he ins�diiricncy . o( xuch addilion�il . pay. . � � . . <br /> . � menls sL.dl `be turtha•ith �li•pot;ilcd ��hy� 1hdAlnrtl;agor •.ril6 tti�� �t�irtgagre u�Hin di�nr.+nd� hy Ihr hlnrtgngrr. Any -deL�ult unilcr � this , � - � � . <br /> � � � parnt;rnph sludl Ix� dr�>oiod n di•frmlf iu tho �i:iynu�nl of insur.inre• � prrtniumi;. if �thr� �>olie•p i�r polirirti derpr,sitrd an� suh as �ln.�mi��� . . . . . .. . <br /> � awm:fs nr vll risk Ix�lirivs. :�i�d fhe depuslts :� fe intiu�firiunf la pny Ihe rnlir�* pnru�ium. ihe �i�irlgngre nu+y npply the depo;nt tn � � � � � � <br /> � ptiy promiums an risks reyuired to be iusur�sl Iq� lhis morlFn�:i`. � � � . � . � <br /> � PnymenLc ntnde hy the MurtE;agur midz�r Ihe nlirn�c p;�raRr.y�h•� m:n•, nt d�v �+ptinn a( Ih�• �turq;uy,ec, ho hrL1 � Ly St an� l . . . . � . <br /> � � � � . eommingled ���i� h other such funds nr ils o�cn (nndv fur thr pnym��nt u( such items. nnd until sn a��plird, sui•h p:q��ni•nts ;�re iu�n�i�r � . _ � � � � � <br /> plaiged ns zrrnnty for Ih�� unpniii baL�ncc nf thc murlFn¢r � indoblydnil+. . � � � . <br /> � Tu procure, drlieer to. ;ind tnainh�in fur llm 6onclil �d� lhc N��rt�ta�;rr durini: lhc li(e of Ihis murtenca. urigimd pulirir< ;� mi . � . . <br /> " . renewals then+>f, dcliccred at Icast ten �days before thr ex�lirnllun ot ;iny surh pnlicirs. in�urin�; ngniusl firc and uther in+urn6le � . � . <br /> hnznrcla, rusuallies, nn<t contingencies ns the AfottE;:�Ri`� ���:�s• nquire. in :m amount 4tpm1 to ihr indebledne:u � sccunri 6v this �. � . . . . . <br /> . � �4artgagc, and iii c�mipnr�ics accoptablr tu Ihc lforq:nt;�'�`. ��'itti los�> p:rv.+blc ��lan.r in L•u�ur nf mid in furm ar. capl ;iblr In th�� \lartg��- � � � . . . � . <br /> rce. In the i•��ent sny policy is not renr�r�Yl un or Loforo iwi dacs uf ils �cpir,iliun. fhr \iarf�atii�c mvp� procure innuranro on the . . . . <br /> `, - . impruve�nents. puy the premium ilirre(nr. ;md =uc•h sum ;h;+ll 6vcnm�, i�nmedintcly due nntf p:q�:ible- �vith iutrre4l at thc rat�• .t�t � . . . . � . <br /> - . (orth in said note unlil p,�id and sL.dl IH• .ecured h�� Il�i� inntlF•;i�;i.. 1:�ilure un thr p:u't n( Uu• 3lorlg:�y:or iu fumieh �uch n�nr+e�ils � . . . . <br /> . us ere herain «quir<v� ur Gtilure tu pe�y :uiy wm, .�dvoncr:i herrunder tih�d:, a� i6r uptiun u( t.he \lorlgag�,e. u�nslifule ;i de(null �. . . � . <br /> � under the feruis u[ tlus morf�;age. '1'h�• drlit ��n' o[ <uch pnlicirs sh;dl. in ILr c�•rnl af rlelault con.tilulr mi a.�si�;nme�nt u( 11}�• un. � � - . <br /> � eurneYi premium. . � � � � <br /> - Any zum� mceieed L1' ihr �turlF:�g�r 6y rrnyuu nf losr: nr d:imaGc iusunrd ❑�;:� may ho r�•tsin�•d hy Uu• �iuri�ugee . . � � . <br /> nnd npplicd imvnrd lhc p:i}•mcnt u( lhr �I�•bl hrrrl�y <reurrd, ur. �! Ihr uptiun u[ lhc ;�(urq;xgrc, surh sums ��ilhcr whali}• or in �� � . . . �. . � . . <br /> . � pnrt muy L�• pnid uvor lo Ihc hiorq;a�;or tu lu u�rd tu rc��lir surh Luildin�;s ur t� � In�ild ' new bailding.<. in f}��.ir placo or tur any . � . . <br /> other purpose ur olyecl ��IisGiclury In lh�� D1arl �;rigor �vuhuu� aT��i•tinl: tho lirn nn lho nwrtgng�� fur ihe [ull imu;unl s��cured hem- . . . . <br /> : . b�� Geture such pnymcnl c�•cr tcKik plucc. �. � � � � � <br /> ¢ <br /> _ . . Tn prompLly rcpair. rr.lurr or rrbuild nm� huddings �+ r impro��omonfs no�v or h�•rrn(trr un tl��• prrmisrs whii'6 map hc� . � � . . . . <br /> �� cume dumag�vi or drstmyivi : to keep v:�id premi�.•s in u�v�d i�onditiun nnd mpnir and fror (rutn any mech�mic's lion ur ��Ihrr lirn ur <br /> � clxim o( lien nut expresvly sutwrdinnlcd tu th�� lirn hrrr��(: nnt lu snlTrr ur p�•rmil ❑ny unlnwful use u( nr :m�• uuisnnce to �+xint on � . <br /> �: : cnid property nnr to pe•rmit ���astu un snid premir,es. n��r tu du any ulh��r nel �chcrrhy the prnpi�rf)� hrn•bY cunvrvrd shidl Ix�como . � 1 <br /> ' less valUnble, nur to ellminl�h or impnir Ils vnlue b�' nnp acl nr nmi�<i�m �u acl ; lo �•nmply with all n•quir��menlc �d Liw' with msprct � . <br /> ' to U�e mo�lgaged premisrs unJ tl�o u.c thcreoL . <br /> Thul v1�oUIcI Ihe preinlnes or :tny parl therru( lwr t:ikrn or d:�m;�ged by rr:�.un of :my public impruvvmvnl or cundemnntion � <br /> . pnweiKling. nr undc� (hc ri4:ht ut vmim�n� dnmain. or in m�y ull�cr m:innrr. lhr 91��r4:n�;ea �hall br eidiUrd ln all POII1�ICf1511l111f19. . . <br /> � nwards, und anY ulher paymcnt or relief Uicro(ur. t�nd sh�dl h�� enti8ed, ut ils uptinn, to c.nnmenca. nppear in F�nd pr�+n�ute in �ilc <br /> .;� � �` mvn nnme any i�ation ur prex�eeJinK, ur In mi�k�� :�ny rompr��mive ur ���Ille�nent in cnnn�•cliim �vitL surl� 1:�6inF ur d:unago. All ruch � <br /> A; � cumpeacatiun. t�wnrdn. dim�nRes, riFht n( nclinn tmd prucecvls nre herchy nssitinrd to lhe Mnrtgngee, rcho map. ;dter deductinF . <br /> , therefmm nll its espenses, rclrase nny tnoneys ao rercived by il or upply thc vivuc un any indchtrdnesx sccomd � hereby. Thr A1orL . <br /> ;� � �;ugor ngmi�s lu rxecute «�ch Author nwsigncnenls of nny a�rnpe�iv;diun. �nv:�rd:;. d�un:iges. .mJ righLs n( nctiun nnd pmceivJn as the �.. <br /> �. Murlgeger. mnY. rcyuire �. . � � , <br /> i ' ' 9'hal in ciisr �it fnilurc tu prr(unn ��ny n( Ih�• �•u��cnnnls hvrein. th�• �IortRu�:cc mny du un Ihc \turl �;ngnr's lrh�ilf rcrrything . ` <br /> . ,o crovennnled: lhat lhe M<�rtgagee mny ulrcn du nny nct it may derm n�•cesw�ry In prol��ct thr lii•n Ihrr.•uC thnt thr biurtgngar w�ill . � <br /> rvpny upon drmand any mnneys pnid or di�bursed by lhc hln7lgni:r�• (or nny uI � hr ubo�'e pnrp<wes. :md sucl� moneyc toKe�firr wilh .. .' . <br /> f � interest ihereon al the rnte Vrnvided in v�id � nole ehc�ll Lrcum�• su mueh nrldiliunal iwlebti•dness hereb�• a�•curod nnd mi�y !x� in• , <br /> ` � cludirl in nny d��cree fumclusing thi� murlg+iti�� nnd br paid uut uf Ihe nmts nr prnccods uf sale of �tiid prrmisen i( nnt odun��ise <br /> pnid: fhnt it shxll nol be ublignlor.Y upon thr Mnrlgagei• tu inquiro intu ! he �•+alidily u[ nnv lirn. encumbrrmcr�. ur clnim in ad- . <br /> - vuncing� moncys as ulwve nulhuriud, but nolhing hcrcin i'on�a�im�d shnl) 6�• ctmxlrui•d as n.�uiring �Lr �turli:n�;r�• h� ,ydvane�• nrn• . �. . <br /> - moneyndorany nuch purpose nur tu do nny acl hereunder; and thnt Morlg+iFee ahnll not incur �viy peraunul fiahdrtp hecuu.�� ol uny• <br /> � thing it mny dn or umit tu du herewider. <br /> � , In tlm evenl of tho defnult bY \1urt�;:�gor in ihe pi�yment of nny ins�ullmenL :�s nK�uin•d 6y flx• Nolr xecurrd hrrnby. ut <br /> � in ll�e pedurtnantt of the oLligalion in tliis murttiage or in tl�e nulc K•cured thereby, the \iurlgagrr sluJl br �vditl�•d ln dedare Ihe <br /> debt secumd frereLy dw� nnd. puyabie wilhoul nolice, �ind �h�• Dlorlgugce shall b�� entitled :�t ils uplion. wilhnut nuliee. eiUrer hy il�rl� <br /> � or by t� receiver tu be nppoinf�Yl by the cnurl Ihrnro(, nnd wilhoul mgard lo lho adcyuncy of nny srcurily fur the indebtedness W�' <br /> � curecl hereby, lu entet upon nnd lnke P��S�+�'ssion� �if the morfgnged prnmises: nnd tn crollect nnd n�c�•ive lh� renls: i<sub�; nnd ryr��fite <br /> � lhereof, und npply the� v�ine; .le�ss costs uf o��•rntiun and a�llrction, u�x�n ih�• indebtrdnr�s sircured 6y thin mortgn�;e: snid rrnts, <br /> . icvuc» nnJ profiLw In�ing�� hereby nvsignrd lo thr Murtga{;rc r�v (uHhcr �ecurity (or the pnvm�+nl o( i�li ind�•I1�Cl��IC44 �IY'UI(YI IIC�PIIV. � <br /> '. . 'I'hi+ Morlgagee shull hnve the puu•cr Iu nppoinl nny ngrnt ar ngente it mny desire fur lh�� purp�»e of repuiring w�id p«�m• �;. 1 ' <br /> ' isc�: renling the sume: colleding lhe rents, revenuer :�nd incume, and it muy pny uul u( w�id incomr �ill expon�r� inrurnd in rrnt• . . �r� '�'�.. <br /> . . ing und munngin�; lhr some and of cuilicling thr. renluly therolrom. Thu halnnce mmaininti, i! nny. .h:dl hr upplird luwnrd thr � . . � N <br /> � . dischnrge o[ lhe moctgnge inde6tedness. 7'his .+scignmenl is lo lrrminal�• and M_�c•om�� null and void u�x�n relr�i�• u( Ihis mvrt�nge. ' ]. � <br /> �- tr <br /> . ,�, <br /> �..�..._�..�...._._.. _ _w,..__.. _ _ _ . . <br /> ; - -____ w_.....w.T.,� _..--- _ , <br /> �.__ ___ .. __...________ - n . <br /> � � <br /> I�i <br />� . <br />: <br />� � <br />� � <br />:�.-� <br />