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�: ' � �:. <br />�. , <br /> � " ° l <br /> a: d »: <br /> . ,� ;� <br /> �� .�. , _ (- _'""I <br /> . 77� . f) U117 � . _ <br /> 'CF!E MQRTGAGOR_ FURTHER_: COVENANTS ;:AND AGRC�Si .' ' � i , , <br /> That the Mortgngar will . pay the indehladnens; ay ,heieintKforc pmvided, „ { <br /> , � � � . � - Thnt the bforlgngpr i� the•'qwnrr a( � snid prnprrty in fee simple � mad � has ',gpSxt.� right nnd Inwful imthority ta se0 �and � . ' �� � . . <br /> ' . ronvr.y lhe samo.nnd that thc sam� Ss' [r�. and ci�•ar o[ nny lien or eeicumhreuicr; nnrl thaL - �7ortgn�;or �ailt e•nrr�mt nnd de[��nd thc . � � <br /> �, title . lo sraid premises agpins4 tlz0 cinims n[ a1C�per��as wliqm�nvrr. �: � . � � . <br /> � � , . ' , .� , �. � : ' ' `. '. _ . -�, . � <br /> 'C�� pay;immv�iinlely whcn �tiie uncf ��aynbte nll gencriU tazes,'specint txzes, aP�+cinl as,es}mentg, walcr charg�,s, sewer srrv. <br /> . . � im ch¢rgiw, oiid�-uther. tetiea'. nnd � churgea . ngninst said ��roperty, nnd nll tnc�s Ievird mr the de6t. �e.c�ucd hvmby, and to (�irnish thr, �. � . . � � .. � <br /> � AlorfgaFm. ui�n ;mqurat.^ivilh - �t6e �orieinnl a� �Jupliczite Yecci�i(s 1her��fu7. '.'1'hr . Alurlgngor. agrecs �hat ��thtre � �hnlL 6�•. added 'to � �. . � . . <br /> f � � ��nch . tt�unihly. .tieXment rei�uired liereuuder nr�,un�icr �he� i�vid��nre of � il��Lt � securr<! henzhv nn arununt e:tirivilcd 6q lhc �lurlg;�gn• � � . <br /> ' � �� tp��be su�cieni��o rnnbl�::ihe � po}• , �u . dhey � br�vme due. aliff.axr.s. oss��ssmenfs, nnd similvr ch:ug�•s upon �. lhe �prrm• .. . <br /> � � � �� � iscs'subjeCt therefoi Uny� i3eficirncv lxcsuse o[ � t1�i•� i�isufP�cir�iey oCsuafi -aildili�mal ' pitymcnt. .shnll � Ue farth���ith ��tlepuaitcd hy thr . . <br /> � � . \Sorigagor : µitlr�. thi• Mortgagce u�?un . iirmund b}' ihc �lorta, :f;re. Any �d��faidt midrr lhis . penry;rn�il� sLall brr di-r�im�d x � d.�fault . in � � . � � <br /> : � � � �� pnynien`t o[ tnzrs, as>cssmenln.'�nr 'similnr � char�;us . n•��uired � brh+ui�drr. � - . ' �: � . . . � . . . . . . . � � . . . <br /> - i : .. . . . : . �. . . �. � . . ; , � : � . . � ` ' . � � . . �. . � � . . , � _ - ;. � . . �. . � . � . �.. . <br /> � ' ` � . . � . . � 9'6r Mnrtgagor. �,i�grea.s lhat �thire � shnll � also kH+ added � to . i•nch tnunlhly puymnnt ot� prineipal and . inlcrrnt roquircd : Lerl�� . . . . . . <br /> . � undcr nn� nmount c.tim:disi 6Y. thc llottguCee to bc �;iilTicieid. tu ensble. lhc MnrlF:.�Fcr tu psy, :�s it . hecumes � lue, U�c in�urancc � � � � � � � � <br /> '. ' � � premium on onl' ���curance .policy di�livcred .to the Alorigagee. ;1iiy dcliciuncy 6eeertse � n( fhe insuliicienrp ot am:h ad�itionnl . �luy• . . . � �, . - . <br /> � i �: �. � mrnts`�sh511 bi• � fnrthwifh � �lepasited bi- :ihc � Dlo�lgat:br ici�h thc:� '�lortgagvi� �ujmn� dem:md iry !h« !�turtgnqcc.� AnYdrfai�lt'undnr ih�s . . � � � � . � - . ' -�. �. � � <br /> :�( . . ��i�mgrnph shnii !x drenmd a def.mll in lhi pnyment n[ itisivsnc�*� ph�•miiunti: � t ( Yho �xdici' � or �Snlicies dejinxitrd ' :ve � suct� � :is }n�mi�- ' � .. � . . . . . . <br /> ownetv �nr ali risk polici�•s. nnd lhe deposits c�rrt insu(li�•ivnt to pay lhc ��nlirc premium. Ih�• A1oriCnge�� m:q• :ippiy U�e dr�iosit ln � � . . . . <br /> � pay premiums nn risks required lo Le inaurrd .by lhr.: mo:t4:�l:�'. . . . . � � � .. <br /> , ?. : � . � . �. . . . . . , , . . . . �� . . . . . . . . . . . � . , � . . . <br /> ; � . - P�� mrnis made : liy � lh�• �. iforp;ogo� undi�r.11ic �ubirvc. paragr.q,hs m ��'; .:it �: t.hc o4ilion o( YheiAftirll ���c; M� helci � by,� it and . . . � <br />� � ea:nrir�lc:c: �. .:'ith �,il�.•r sucii tuni3s or iis o���u iunds (ur the pn}'ment v[ such �itnms, � nnd �tmtil su aFinlied; such payments are h��rebp . . . . � <br /> , �:� ', ; �pletlg�ri us sc�curilY � [ur llie� unpaid� l�ninuce n(. tho morlRa�:e indebl��dne5s.. _ � . � � . . �. . � . . � . . � . � . <br /> � . � � � 1'o � procuro, drlirer� lu. ;�nd nutinlnin � for ihe � benelit ��(-� the Atnrl�;a�ee� durinn Ihc lifc hFthis mort�uga nripin:il �iolicios ;md . � � , . . <br /> � renewuls thereu4 dclivered �ui I��:�.�t trn.� dii}•s �. ttidun+ 'Ifie .ix��irutiun of am�� � such pulirics, : ineuring �itiuinst iirr �. :md .uq�i�r insarnbic . � - . � . <br /> . .� huznrels, cnsunitiea; . und . �rontingencies � iix � Uie � AlortF»gec - map � riquim, in . nn umount� equal .to lhc indebtedness.. scrured � Uy this � � � � � � . <br /> . Afortgage, m�d in aimP�+nir�� ncrePp�61e tu thu � �lorlg:iger, wiU� In;, pt�yaLle cluuse in fa��ar u! and �in torm nir��pt;sble �u Ihe Aiirttgn- . . � � . . .. . . <br /> � �ee. In the e.vent any .pulicy is� no! reucw�sl . un or bnfore . fen dnys o( il� ozpir:Uion�, lhc �lorigal;ee �muy � procurr � insuran�•�• on thv � � . <br /> �� ; � improvemenla: pny the premium lherv(or. xntl � suC1� snm .hall bvc,ime immedinlel�• duc ind �ri�yable with inicrrs�. � �t thv r.�te sct - : . . . � . <br /> �..� � i (orth in ::nid note nntil pc�id and shall !x � s��iur�•d I>y - this murtg.v�e: �F:iilurc osthe pnrt. nf �he � llortgaror lo �fntni.h s�ch renrwHls. � � � . . <br /> � ns ive � hcrein rryuircd ur (i�ilurr. to p;�y nn�� aum, adv�+ncrd hcrrund��r .yh:dl, nf. Ih�• opliun of th�r \lortti.�gcc. . constitutc � c� . default . . � � . . <br /> . � � . under the ternu ut lhis murl�age. "I'h�• delivery of such policir� slu�l:. in the r��ent. nf dr[n�di. cnnstiluf�• sn a,aignmrnt �d th�• un� � � . � � <br /> �am�d pmmium. <br /> t � . i � � AnY s�im} roceivn�i by �he \turlgagee hy rrn,on af luss ur dnm;��;e insunsl nt;ainsl. may be rotriined hy the� iliurti:t��ee . . . - - � � . <br /> < ��� � . :md applied tuwurd lhe �+nyment o[ lhe drbt h�re6y s��cured. ur, at thr optinn n( thi� !,�rr��;i�gei•, sucli cums eid�er �.�holly ur in . . � . � <br /> . . purt m:�y be paid ueer tu the �lortgngur ln Ixx u���d to n•pxir such 6uildings or to build ' ne�c buildings in iheir pl+ic<• +�r ior any . . . � . <br /> � other purpose �ur ubject vttisfactury tc� the \1nrlgn�;re withnut atTecling thc lirn un the mnrlgn�;c (nr flu [ull amount ��•cured hcre. � . . . , � . . <br /> � . hy before �uch pnyment rver t<x�k pl:�ce, . � . <br /> . . . � . 'Po prumplly repuir, resture ur mbuiLl fup• builJin�:s nr impro••�•in�,nfc now nr I���r�•aR�v un U�e promiu•v w�hich . may fv.. � � _ � , . <br /> ...� � . mme dumu�;�rl or detitruyivl : lo k��eU s:1id pn•misrs iu G�„��i cuudiliun imd ropnir anJ [ree (rotn :�ny machanic'y li�•n or ullier lirn or . . . ; <br /> clnim o! lirn nnl ezpressly sulwrdinali�d lo the li��n h�•reuC m,t to sulT��r ur prrmit. :uiy unlawfut use of or miy nuiannec to e�cist nn . . . <br /> ._ . <br /> � said proprrty nur to prrmi� w+ule on s:�id pn•rni��s. �wr t� � dn ;�ny ulh�•r :irl wh��rrbv ihe pruperly harcby cnnvcyed shall lu�cynne . . . <br /> �� ��` �+ Iccs v�aluablr, nor tc� diminieh or im�>uir iis �•:�lur by any ;�cl ur umissiun �n :ict : tu cnrn��dy� s��iUi nll rrquimmrnlv uf hi�r with reyp�v�t . � . . . <br /> to the mortgaged premises and the use thercoL � � . <br /> Th�t shuuld the premisea or any parl Ihereu( Im tnken nr damnged by rr;�s�,n uf i+n>' pu6lic improvrment u[ cundemnnlion � . <br /> i. � . l procaccling, nr undcr th�� ri�;ht of cmin�•nl dunuiin. � a in nny ulher m+inn�� r. Ihi• �tnrb:agcc .ahall 6o cntided to :i❑ romp.�malions. - � . . . <br /> . nwurds, und unY �ther pnymenf ur rrlie( thrre(ur. auid sh�ill lxr entiticd, t�t its oplion. to tY�mmenir. rfppi�nr in nnd � pr�w�rulo iir iLe � � . . <br /> � own n:une nnY actiou ur prasrding, ur lu mnke mi)' ro�sprumi.c ur scl �lenuml in conneclion a�ilh xuch lakiug ur dumnge. All such � � . . <br /> compennation, nwnrcla, dumagce;. righl ot netion und proa�i�ls are her��by nssigned to the hlorlgagce, who� m;�y, � u(ter . deducling . : � <br /> there(mm all its ezpensen, relense any money� sv receiv�Yi by it or npply lhe snmr un any indebledm�cy secure�l hrrchy. 'Phe himG �� . . <br /> gugor agmes� .tu exe�vle: �uch (urllier: assigncnenls nf .�ny comp�'n���tiun, nw�vd�, dumngex, ;ind righls uf aclinn :�nJ ��rocri•dv as the ��-^• . � . <br /> � � Mortgagee . muY royuire.. � . . . .�.. . <br /> � - 'I'hat in cuse o[ foilurc tu per(urm any of tiie cu�•���u:nls herrin, thc �torlgngce moy du on thc :�tortl;�Rur',s behalf c�•cryihing ��". � <br /> so covenunted; lhnt t}�i• hturtgiagre may also do nny act il mny Jeem nrc�•swrty lu prolect the lien Ihereof: thnt thr Alurtgtfgor will . . � <br /> repny upon demund nnY muncy+ pi�id or div6ursrd by ihr bturfgagec (or any of Ihe ab<�vc purp�nes. :�nd such mancys tuf,etFier with . �. . . <br /> � � inleresl �themun nt lhe rute providod in �aid nolu slwll h�•cume ao rnuch ndditinn;d inclobfedne�s hereby s.•cured emd may lm in- - � � . <br /> � clud�d in any decree for��alosing tfiis inurtguge nnd be paid uut of Ihc rents nr prurrc<lu uf >ale o( suid �rremi.i:v i6 mrt othetx•ise . <br /> piuc�: that it sh[dl not be ubligAtuty upon the MorlFugec lu inyuire iuto lhe v�didily of anY Iirn, �ucumbrnnri�s, ur claim in r�d- . <br /> vancing moneya m above aulhurized,� buFnothing hercin cuntnined nhalt lh� constroed ns re+�uiring Ihe M�rly,ngee lu ndvance any <br /> moneyadur. any auch pur�wse nor tu do nny. uct hnreunder, and that htortgn�;ee �+hull n��l incur nny persunal liabilily Irrcuu�e of anv- . � � <br /> thing- il may do or� omit �lu du hereundee � � . <br /> � Tn Ihe evenl uf lhe defuult by Mnrigngor in the paymrnt o( any in�tnllnn•nt . ay required 6y thc A'ulr sucun•J hcreby, or � � . . <br /> :. �� in the pedormxnte uf the ohlignlion in liiis m��rignge or �iii thc nute secured thereby. lhe \torlga�:ee sh+dl br rnlitled tu drdnre lhe <br /> debt secureKl herebY due +ind paynhle withuut nulice, nnd th�• \forlgngeu shall be enlilli�d nl its uplion, withnut nulicr, eilhrr hy ilsrlf <br /> ur by .a receiver 1� �� uppuinlixi by the cuurt . thercy�f. and ��.�ithout regnrd tn the ndtt�uacy of nny securily (ur th�� indeblydne�.v w•. <br /> � � cured hereby, to enfer upnh und �eke p<nSession� uI (he mortgngi•�I Prrmixrd, and �tu collect and receiee lhe reni5.��s end prafita � <br /> thereol;� mid� upply the vtvne, .itss cot!(s uLo�Nrolinn� and �vullrclion, a�x�n the indebf�rineav -xecured by thi. mnrtgoge:� � svid n•nts, <br /> � . iasuc� end profils being�hereGy anxigiird .lo lhe htortgngee�ne further s��curily for Lhe pa>'mrn4�ot all indcbti•dnrsv nirunrl htiri�hy. <br /> � <br /> 'I'hr Murtgaga� 9IlIfII }IFWC �}IC pow.r tu nppoint imy ugent or agenls il may de�irn for the purpose of repairing :wid prem • � <br /> . ises: renting lhe et�mr; culliwling lhe rents, revenuee nnd income, imd il may puy uul of zniJ incume nll expens�•s inttirnsl . in renl• r�=v .� . �+','�� <br /> ing and mnnagin6 lhe snme and uf collecling lhe nmtnlx therel rnm. Thr bnlance r��m�inin�, if auy. shnil h�� applicd townrd th� �`� •` ' <br /> � dischuige o[ the mortgage indebledne�w. This n.caignment ix lo lennimdc :ind Ixrome null nnd .�oid u�wn rrlriiu• uf this rnortgage• N ' ` . <br /> �r. <br /> � ' }, . . _ . �. . . . : . - - . . . . - C . <br /> l _ : <br /> --.__ �___----____- .�.,�.a..��.:a..,.�.�.,.�,_.��..,... �.�„�.A_,�.�W�:......�..�.�.. � <br /> .r. - <br /> � <br /> u� <br /> < � <br />� � <br />� a J <br />� i <br />