<br /> , � �,
<br />� ` � ,
<br /> �- . , � .
<br /> . . - , . -�
<br /> �; �
<br /> � ' �
<br /> ,;
<br /> s�. OQ11. 41 �
<br /> �. ,;
<br />� ;
<br /> 'j'ha blort�ageeiney collecf a "lnle rhtirge" not to ezceed Rive Genls (ficj ior eaJ� doilar ($I .W) uI euch total monihly
<br /> � ; ���. � �inyment .tnore. thaq . �l5. dirys in �arrcnra� to �m�rr � tlm :ezin+ exix>nse invulveJ in hnudlinR dclinquenl � accounta � . . � . . . � �. .�, ,�' ��:�.
<br /> � ; � -. . .. . , . . . . . , . � . .. . . . . - .
<br /> All paYments mude undar fhe provisions of U�is lnortgege or 4he nulc hereby x�cured. whicl� may 6e rnnstrueJ ux interest,
<br /> ' .3 . � � uhatl � not, in . tfie- aggregate� ove� the .trrm thereuf, excce�.l�. the rale tiint may. nnw !ir Liwtully contracted for in writing. : .� � . � �
<br /> e
<br /> T . ]U is turtlier ngreed thal in rnse nn�� aujt ie Ixagun. W i�ver,losc this matiqiige, the biorigngce, its repreewntaHves or a�lgns, a ;
<br /> j ahull =xf. unce lie, entitled lo ttie �wa.�vession nt �id premises, xnd uixm appliwtion lhorntur, the court in which such nctinn she0
<br /> ., � be 6iought or any judqc� of. yuch. edurk, eiiher.�in. lecm time �or �vucnlion, .is � Leteby- authotiztKi to nppoint a receiver ta take. poeacre- � < .
<br /> � sfon ot eaid premises, or tn collact it�e renis therrtrom; uud to do nnd perform euch other acts as muy l�e requirecl bv the order
<br /> '°. # o( thc cout6 m&kin& the-ap�mjntmont; und esid S�orlgagur hereny waivc� any notice of such n��plication, and conyenislto the ap• -
<br /> ,,:. � . ,. . PninfinenCol��n� mceiver. upnn .the prMluction -n( thi9�. mortgsge. wilLout nlher evidence.. � . � � . . . � . . . �
<br /> ' ::
<br /> -., • � . - . . � . � . � �'� , . . ,::
<br /> . 3 , .'. . . . �. � . . . . . . : . . . . . � . . . . . . .. :� .,
<br /> � .. � .. . . . .. � . . . . . � : : .. . . . .
<br /> � 'I'he Mprtgagce! shIIll bef aubro�ated lo .all oi the righly, privileges, priorilies. nnd eyuili� of nny lienholde[ whoee lien may
<br /> have I�een dischar�ed trom tLe pxoce�dd of this Inan, tir by nny funds Lere6y pnid or furniahrd hy the Mortgagtr.
<br /> f '
<br /> � j IT IS EXPRESSLY AGRELD that iE the hfortgagor shdl( scll, cnncey nr alienate snid pxoprrty, or any pnrt l6ereo[,
<br /> •,, � or anp inteiest therein; o� sliell lie divesh�3 bf his title or uny interest therein in nny mohner or wey, whother voluntntily or
<br /> ; �+ inwiunGtril,y, without wiiftnn . consent af thc Tfortgngee being firet hnd and obbiined, A-furtgagee shall havo the riqhl, nt its option,
<br /> � to declore any: indebtednesy or obligatiuns secured hereby, irmspective oC the muturity dnfe specifind in nny nute evidencing the
<br /> ;: } eame, iinmediafely due and pnys6le williout notice, and said deht shnll thereapon bernme al�solute. If the ownerahip af the mort-
<br /> . � gaged property. {mcomes 'vesteci in a ��c±rson other thum the Alorigagor, thu Mortgngce may, witho�t notice ta 1he �4ortgagor, deal
<br /> with auch succeasor or auttrssors in intereat with reference [n .this mottgnge and tl�e debt hereby Fecured . ns wit1� the Mort�.regnr, .
<br /> �� , ' and mny forGear fo sue or 'mny extend time tor the paymenf of tl�c debt herebp secuied wil.hout dischargiag or in uny x7�y elIi�cflng
<br /> ;, : i ' the liability of the origiml htortR�gar hereunder or utwn the drLt «urcd.
<br /> i
<br /> ; � In this in»trument, U�e singular includcw ihe ��lurnl wid the muscuWie indudes lhe teminine nnd the neuter snd thie in•
<br /> - j . �. stn�ment shall lu �bi��diug upon Ehe �miiersigned, his heira;� �x�rsonnt repn�;enlntiees, sucee:��irs� nnd xssi�rna: � � . � � . ��
<br /> ., s . . . . . . � � , - . . � . . . � . . . . . . � . . � .
<br /> ' 3 ..._ . . . _ . . . � �. � � . . . . . . � .
<br /> ; � IA' CVITNESS lVH&REOF, we huve hereunto set our hands und senl, thr, d+�y and yrnr first ahove written.
<br /> •- �
<br /> � � in the prr.xence o[: � . � . . . . . . . . .
<br /> � . � . . � �. �. � �_ . . � .. � � , �
<br /> � . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> � � � . .. . .. .. .L/� ���_._ ......_.. . . . '.. ..
<br /> E � ��n . .. ...... _ ...._.
<br /> ; �
<br /> � � � ' . . � �. � / f � .
<br /> �-�--- ..� �-`�-��� ..--- -- .....__
<br /> . B tty J . P�yti n
<br /> , . y. . . . . . . . . . � � . . � ' . � . . . � . � . ' �' � .
<br /> . . 2. . ' . . . . � � . . � . . . . . � . . . � . . .
<br /> � � � �• .
<br /> ' ! ........:��a.�. :................County, •
<br /> ,
<br /> ; � . On thia ...._�.. .......... dny o! . .. .....�.r�.4'.� �� . . .... 19.7.7.. tr_�fere me. 4he undersigned. a N�tnry Pttblic, in snd tor eaid � . . . - �. - +
<br /> s _
<br /> „ � County, }mrsonally came.....Roger._ M._..Mayboz...an3. �etty_.J,....r�ay,bon,__husb�nd and,.rrife _ ,; i
<br /> r ................._.......... ..............
<br /> pensonally known ta mc to Ue lhe ideniiml persons whose namex are aflixed to the abm�e nnd foregoing instrument, es mortgago[s,
<br /> ` � nnd 'cach ncknowledged snid inetrument to be his on c�r voluntaq� act and dced:
<br /> i
<br /> " �;� , . � Witness my hand and notarinl xea! nt..._.._.CtP.&IId..S:a�*1d�...S1P112:3Sk3.... _. ......... . .. . . ... ...... ............................_.... ._....._ � � . � �
<br /> � ". � thr, dnte last. above written. : . � �� . � �
<br /> � ; /J-
<br /> �ENEflAI NOTAHY - S�ate ot N�tr. �/ _ �. .! ..... _..
<br /> ; MY Corm�isabn ExD&es .. . _.... ���*"�' .. C.,_ .
<br /> .. . ......_......................
<br /> � . . Q� NOYEMBER 2b. 7978 otary � Pubiia � � � � .
<br /> j . . . Ivfy� commis5ion expires..........._l/.:Z..S'..� � .... ... .. ..... ......... . � . . . �
<br /> 'i,;: � � � - . ' . : .
<br /> ; STATE OF....... ........................•-....:.....--�---....1
<br /> { County .. ....................... ........ .......... .............. ... j ss.
<br /> E
<br /> 7 �ntered on numericnl indox and filed for record in the kegister of Deeda Office of said County the
<br /> i . .... ... ...day of.::_.._..:........ . ....:......... :.._., 19........_., at.. ........:.........o'clock nnd......_... .: . . ... . .minutes ........... .M,.
<br /> ; ana recorded in Book....:........ ...:.....of n4ortgages ut puge.......... .............., ns Instrument No..:..:.. .......,.._...
<br /> � ............... ....... ........ .................... ... ....... ............................
<br /> Reg. of Deeds
<br /> � IIy... .. ...... ...... .... ..... . .. . ..._.._... ... ....... ..... ... ...-•--..Deputy
<br /> , When recorded to be returned to the �'� r `
<br /> r
<br /> � . ' IINCOLN OFEICES: Pnone975•o521 � ' �
<br /> � .. � . . . � 1235 "N^ Sbeet . � `�� 235 fio. Comar Bivd. . . � 701� �nE ••A•' St. � � 2iN No. 111h Sieeel . � . qii -t �.�
<br /> F
<br /> � � . . � 2200 Wlnfhrop R0. � 701h an0 Yine SL . � � F � �
<br /> � . OMAHA OF610E5: '� Phone 556-8000 � � � ' ^�
<br /> i
<br /> - � � 8706 P�ellie SL � � 2101 So. 43nE SL� � 3'.OS flo. 90th St. � 10920 Weft �adg¢ p0. '
<br /> . � . . . . . . :.
<br /> �� � REGIONAL OFFICESa � 2120 Flnt Avs., Keamer � SI3 "E^ Streel, fabbuq � 1433 "M^ Suee�, OrG
<br /> � . � - Phmw23�3a73 PAone7293202 Phone728•3Y18
<br /> � � 130t �M�In �re., C�ete � 277 Boi @ut4 Ar�., A�li�nce � Iel l weu 2nd St.. G�anE Iden6 � SY1 No. ��wcy St.,
<br /> � Phena B26•43a9 . P�o�� 76i•2160 Phone 391��t77 No�t� v4ne
<br />�` . Coptd�4119C5 6r Fkq FNenl SnIaR� �M Lnan Rassclalke of Uncola llnculn, qehraet� .
<br />�
<br /> c �: _ � . . . . . __ _ . . �
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