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�. <br />'$ � . . . . � . � . . � K � E:. <br />� : I � � <br />. �� . : <br /> �a ^� <br /> , �. / ! �. �} u .4 V t7 'i; � <br />` MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE pREPAYMEkTS OF PRINCIPAL ON APiY iiSS�kLLh!ESiT . OI�E OATE. SUCH NN�PAYMENT SHALL CiE <br /> APPi.I�U TO iNSTAIlMEN1S LAST TU BECOME DUE UNQER TNfS MORT6R¢E. RROVIOE� THE ltNpkRSiGNEU ARE NOT IN QE�AULS <br /> AdD ARE 7HEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGEO PROPERTl. UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDEIiSiGNIED, nH EfTNER OF TH[M. <br /> PAYEf .A6REE5' T4 fURNISH TO TNE UNOERSI�NED 700°/a Of SUCH` PRINCIPAC PF2EPAYMENI'S, UNLESS ADVANCEMENI' 15 1'RO• <br /> Hitll�£D BY THE RE(iULAT10NS 4F CHARTERING AND SIIPERVISORY AUTNORITIE5 THEN IN EfFECT. AlL SIICH IIDVANCEMENTS ' <br /> SHAII BE 5ECURE9 BY TNI3 MORiGAGE IN YFiE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO pREPAYMENTS HAp BEEN MAOE. <br /> THE 1l20R'1'GAGCIR FUF2Tti13it Ct��TNAN7'3 Ari) ACREES: <br /> � <br /> . � ; : 'fhaC�� thn Alotig8pa�r � will .�tiay the � inil��ht�a3n��;v �ns hP�rinEn�fircF �rro�dricd.� � . � . �. . - . � . � . � �� � . � .. � <br /> � , . . . � . . - . . . . : . � . . . � . <br /> � � Thnl.' N�u hluc�gu�;ror . is Cltc a�� dor � a(� "rai�i pro{�>rlyin (e��. siu�plc' a�id �ha. � ;;u�x3 � ri(:1d� and la�rEu! authariii� - tn . roll .:�mt � . . � <br /> � rnnvr.,y,lhe yuine:und 1hni� lhv.<uune� is Gue and cirar ��i en�� liru ar �encwnhr:{ucc; � ,n�d thnl '.+f��rh;agor wiil �c:u�r:�nl anri .!efrnd t6o� ' . <br /> titie io uaid pn�inises a�ainst d�e claima aC all Per.was whrnna��ever. <br /> 1'p Paq iimnediut��ly achen Jni and {i�tYable ntl genor.d taaes, vpix�ial tax�:s, specinl n�ve.�mcutn; i� �drr ci�nrkl�e, ar.wer �i,n,: <br /> im � 4harF�.�. m�d �oUmr. tnxeis.:and clin�qce .againsi � �+xid � Ufril��'rh�, . nnd +iH 4vr.s lrvi�vl o��. thi• deLt ;ecw�ikl bc•rc6y. to turniat� tho � . . . <br /> i - TYeriy:ngce. �Ij�n tFwauoat �vith th<e i�rigina! sir dupiirnta: tt�.cipts ihc•re(or. 'Chc \fc,rt�ucti�r a�;n-e� thst t}ren+ siinll . iv± xd�ird . ��, <br /> ' ` �� encl� monlhlY �� UaymrnCnqnintii � Ler�tuuder �nr widnr thocvi�linre of �Srhf +urqn�d h�rml,y mi �anount c,vfimatc�f . by lhr �l4ort�n�a'c �. . � � <br /> . c �� � � Yn Ix� . su(licient tu : rm+ble die \lnrtgaB�'ar � to I�:iy; as dirp lx�rnmr duc: tall � lnz.w, a .�e�,mrnts: aqd. sinnlar chari.�w. upnn. i8a ryretn, . . <br /> iwis �subjort� ihi•tr�tu: :any. deliricnc�•. ix�;auu� ui �Lc insutlici.•nr� s,( .uch a+lciilinnal ua>'�ueuts - ,h:J[ bc turihwlth �� da�n�vited� fiy thr . � . . . . <br /> ` j � . \larlF3livr with� liia . ;�tuttgngce 'u{r?n � demnnd h�� the \lort4ngev.� Anp dr(ault. undrr N�is yarapruph stu�ll t�r do�•.med. �I ilc�nult in . . . <br /> � p:�ymouC� of : tax�s:� uasessnieiilv,� �er iimiliv ch:vFes n��uirr�l hrrcundcr. . . . . . . � � .. . . . . , <br /> � <br /> � 9'hr A1vrlFi+gor :�qtr.cs . tlun th��rr . shall iilsu 3a� ,�ddrd io racl� ror,nlhlp lu�em�,n1 �r4 i�rincip;d and inirn>.kt n��uin�cl hi�rn. . � � . � � . . <br /> � � uudrt an� am�wnt entimv�id b�• tho \iortgager tii I�.r sullic•irnt to ruuk+k• tho \forti:sgi�a t�� pm•. �i� �t . i�rn�n�rn � due, th�� it�surnncc .�. . <br /> ' '� . . -� . Premium yn �rm}' insurm�rn p�dic>� dciiw•rod ti� Ihe \lcrcig��t:�r. :�oy dofi�icnc>• �. lv�:uis��. n( th�� in.idGcioni)' of. tiw�h :addiUnnnl pay � � � . ._ � . <br /> � :� � � � � monta .hnll bc lorlh.cilh dep�uilyd hy Ih�� \1orlG+jtie�r Nilh th�� \I ��rt�:na�'�' a{x,n drmand ba the Atnrlwn�;ec. Any drtuull undr� Nna � . . � . <br /> . �. :i . . � �. � p:�ragruph shalt � Iw doomed n de(nu6 in ihe I�ayment uf in.urnuce. ��rrinimus. . [f polier or p�iiicic� de�m.iu�d ':�re �auch vu home. . ' . . . . . <br />�. � - � � � i�wnrr.r nr ali risk �xdiciaa. .:and. ihe �Uc�w:iis un i�t...;:�;.^l . t,• p•,�•� thn onlirr urr;nfum. 1t�o \1orl��u;rr mav apply thc drpovl fn . � � . . . <br /> ' �.; � . . . . p�iy pn•miums t�n risks ns�uirc�i � tn }x� insiirrv�l b}� ihin mc�rigagr: . . . . . . <br /> r <br /> � { . . . � 1'n)'monL� . mad�r b�' ih�• \lorlti:ignr nndrr lh�. :�Lur�e par,t�;rnphs m:q � n4 Ili�� uptioii ol Ihc . '�for� r ��re. Ix� h �Id h�. . it nn�i .� � �. � . <br /> ' � ` cmumingled �cilh othrr surli iuu:?s ur iic i�wn Puna.. fur ih�� p.�vrornt oi ai�rli tlrm.. .m�i �uitil >o :ippli�•�i. qn h i�;n•m� nis nr� h� rt�i�v . . . <br /> C <br /> ' , .7 ,. �. � plisiKr:1 es� �ccurity lur. ihe unpnirt Gnluucc u( iho tne�r�.sgn iudchirdno.s. � . � . . . . <br /> �� . .. . Tu pnicum, dolir��r io. :u�d muitriaiu tut th�� b�,m�iil o( � hr At+�N�:�¢r� �iunnw ihc iilr ���l' Ihic amrl>:;u�• unam�d I��dicic� and � � �. � <br /> renew�tls thenrnL deliernsi . e�t � l��.ist l��it di�cs I.rfom Uir rxpirnlion uf +ui�• o-ucl� puli�.ics. in.urin# :tg�unst fn�c� nnd � �. liirr insur;aiiic . . <br /> ��' � : � {�axi�rcls, . ca.unllie:t and �coniin�;encirs ;3s thc Atert�:�ut�v� uui�' myuin•. u� a❑ �imnunl oquid In Ihe , indchttvines9 sravrd by ; lhia �� . - . � <br /> . �� . . . � \tort�y;e, and in cumpmiies accepii�ble tu ihe \totlk;�R�`�`, aitfi losa puynbl�� clauae in f:teor »( :mJ in lonn cu•repin6li� id lhr At:itlF�a �. � . � . <br /> � �' .. � nre. � L�. the vvent m�y policy is. nu! n�nvw�d on or bulute Irn d:ry� af ils rapir.alion. ihr \fort�;nece mai- pnr�n�o mxurnncr� un !he . . . . <br /> . .�.� . imPrm�ements, � ���y. �the Prrmiun� tl�cre(nr. +md .uch cum yhnll I�crmuc inmu•di:i�vlr <iu�� and p:iyable �.ith intctt�nt nt tfia r�u�• set . � � � . <br /> .:. � � � . inrth in snir( nate untit paid amd . ahall IK� r��vn�ii bq iiu. rnori�;n�r. F:+ilur�e �m thc p;trt nf Ihc AtuNg:�tiur fo furnir:li such rono�vnt. . � � . <br /> '... � . . , . � . . � . . . . . <br /> ns an• hrutiu nquin>J ur. failurr to pa>' :in>' �ums :�dvantcd hcrr�wulrr s1udL :�t iho opiiun ui thc \1��d�;:��;rc, r�nut�Una x �. drL•tult . . <br /> .,'; . . . . � uuder die temis of t6is niurl�;�gc. '1'ho �L�licr.r�� o( �uch }mlicic� wh:�ll. in Iho rrent at �irtuuli , enuyiilut�� :�n n�vi�;nmrnt nf t6o un• . � . . �. <br /> ; rnrn�d pr.�mitan.� <br /> � '� � � Any. �uni+ ri�ceivrd 6y tl�c lfnrl�nL�Ye 6y rousun uf ius� ar il:un:u:c iusumd :t[:iin�t metv L•�e rc�t:ainc•d �e tlm 9{nrtFueoe. . . . � . . . <br /> � �' � nnd nppli��d imvnrd the p:�ytricttl of � hr di�IN horrb�� �n•un�d. uc. :rt Ihc nption nf 16c \{o[I �;agrc. xur6 =wn, �•ithcr �chull>� nr in . . . � � <br /> � - i � . pitrl mnv he pnid u�'er to thr \iuriAagur h� lw� uvivi to mp�ur �uch b�uldingx ��r tu huild nr�r huildiiuts in ti�efr l. lace or (or nny � , _ � . � � - � <br /> � ; niher liur{nr�� or ub�i�cl ti�h.fnr�ury lo th�• 91urt�;:it;vc withunt nlT�v�� in4 Ihc lion un thi• nn,.rfr.nR�• Inr Ih�� Gdl atnuanl n���rumi.i iu•rr� � � . <br /> . � �. �i 1��• In�(nm snrh pa)'mrnt rrrr l�mk pluro. �. ��� � <br /> , i <br /> 'Co pnmiptlp n•P:+ir. r.•ston� ur rc�lmild ana b�nldinr.• or imprm�r�m.nts n���� or hrrvaRcr on iho �� �chirh n�av Ir�- � . � � � <br /> - �•„�n.. dnnv�ced or de.trur�ri : lo kecu snid Prrniisr> in a�n,d roudili�m nnd t7•��+ur and ( rop (rntn �uiy nnrt�anic'. li�.m nr othoe lirr or . . . . <br /> � <•Inim �ii lirn nol �� vulu�rdinntrd lu thr licn hrrroL n�d tu uuiTrr or p.�nnil ;m>� unLn.�(�d usr of nr nn>� mux:i�ica• lu ���int rm � . <br /> said prnperty nur lu �na�mil �e�isle nn nni�l prrmise4, uor tu do nny ulher art �nc�rrin• t6o pe��prrt�� h��re�Mc �•am�rcoii shalf Iw•itmx+ � . . �. � <br /> Ires vuluablc. nnr tn diminiah or imuair its ��alu�� by nny :�ri �,r ���ni.niun ��� a��i : i,� �•nnq,lc �. ith ntl rrquirrnu•nis �d� inw �rill� n•+���yrt � � . � � . <br /> tn t6o tnurt�nge+l prruti�vs roid. Ihe ure Iheiro(. . . . . <br /> � '1'hiit �huuld tho ur �nny pari � hrrrvd lx• t;�ken ��r iLimapvd hg rovon rtf any p�iblic unurnrrmrnt �v arndemn+ition � . . . �- <br /> �. �. i pnKY3�cliug. nr andrr the righl n( omiucut dnrn:�in. „r in :�n} �,thcr n�:mrn,r. Iho \inri�;:i�:oc shnll l.o i+ntiticvl tu aU ��c�mp��rnahon+,� . - � <br /> � +iw��n3s, :md any .�lhcr paymrnf ar roli�•f•rv(ur. nn�l �:hidl ly� entill��d. ni it. up� i�,n. lo r,xnmcn�r. nppct�r in ;uuf pnk�xulc in i1s � � � . <br /> - f .� uWn numi� :my uctinn or pr.ayedmt;. nr Im m�h�i Nny rnn�p�otniy�• nt <riilrnirn( in runu�n�Gnn �rilii such I:ikinC ur dnmae.•. :111 a�tch � . . . <br /> . .s � rom�xrns:dion. nwnnlv. � Q:unn�:��, riRh! u( uclion and Pnx•r�tils arn hcn•h�• nwi�:nni tr� thr \dotl�;npi�r. wLu a�i�Y. aftr�r drduclinti � . <br /> ' � 1 � liicre(n�m ull iln calnnsa�. n•Iv:�s<• :my munrq.� su nv�rirrd h�� il ur npply � hc >nmc nn am� indrl,trdne.s ;rv•un•d hcrrhy . 'Chi� �inrt� � . � � <br /> Riu:ur. ngm�^: to i�xe�vle � .uch lurlhrr nssi�;nmenlx �!1 Apl' h�O1DOlitllilUO. !1\R':lIYI9. �Limn;;r+, and ritild< <�i �+<tiun :a�d pr�,r�•rdr ns Ihe � � -. � <br /> \larttinRer �hmy ttrpiire. . <br /> 9'hnl in casc of L•�ilurr tu p�•rinrm any ul Ihc c�.iv��n:mlx 6rmin. Ihr \i ��cU:et:�'�� mn}' do nn ih�� \tutl�;au�,r s 1,�•h;�l( .•���•r�•Iliin� � . <br /> eo envon:mted: lhnl thc \IurlgnKen tna�• nl+o d�� nnp :�cl it mny drrm u� �r�..ary �o pr�drel th�� licn Qirn•of: tlmt thr �Sort�a�;nr ���ill : . � . <br /> rrpuy upon dt•uiand rroy nwnrys paid ur di+barved b�� lho \foAgnRcc lur :�ny of Ihr aLuvi• Pnrp���•�, �vud si�ch rounoy. logrthrr wiUi � � . . <br /> .. � ' � iNerest thrrrna ut lhe .nNe parvidrd in �aid unii� �h:dl bavnuie h�r . mueh n�iditim�sl md�•hl�vinc.� lu�r��b�� �ra�nrd nnd ni:n� Ix� iu- � � <br /> - clud�Yl in nny di�cmr . torivlosin;; 1}�in murttiogc and !�o paid oul nF Ihr rrnls ��r PnH�crd, ��( �nl�• of >riid p «• if nal ��thrncis�• � � . : <br /> :. :t � pni�l: Ihnt il shrdl nut Lo obliF:dury u�nm fhe �1orlLnRcv, !o inqniro intu lho rnliJitV o! :�ny I��•n, onrmul:rana�,s. or rlafm i�� nd� . . <br /> e:m:'inK ma�my,y e�s etixwo nuthorize�L Lul nal6iiU: hrrri» c�iutnm�•� �hnll lx� r�mslrucd nr mquirinG Iho Ai� rt;:v�:cv t�� ndvunr7� anq . . . <br /> � ���. I � mm�rye h�r �uU' nuch 1�uriNrsi• nrrr to �in a�na' nrt h��mund��r: nncl Ihnt 9lorlgnsr�• ,hnll m>I incur ;u��� V���•��»nl linLilit �� b�-r.�u��• .�t ,yny • � <br /> UinU; it may du .ur omil !u du h��mwidvr. <br /> �. : � In Ihc i•cenl �r( Ihe dciault Lrv �inrlg�q:or in ! he p;q•tnonl. ef :any Inn�nllmrnt. ns m��uin.l b�� thv \nte siv�uuvl hrn�i���, nr � . <br /> in lhc i*'rfurmnucc .i�( th�� �.Llipnliun in this morigat�c or in thr notc >�surv�.l Ihcrcby. Ilm \lori�;:ig�•�> slu�ll b�• ��utidod l�� Jw•Inn� the . . . <br /> '�� deht s�r.t�nvl hcrthp dut• nnd �?;�yo�l,le wilhimi nulicr, nttd lhe 11orl�:ukri� uhall hr ruliU�•d nt ils nplinn. ���ilhuul nuliri�. ��itimr In� il�it � <br /> ! t�r .6y a �wcr�iJor Lo :tx nppninlcvi bY the n�url iheno(. :ind e�iihnul tr�ani tu Ihe nd�v�uary uf r�n>• •��rvril5• fur Ih�� md��hl�nlnrc. =o. ..--,�. 1,<. .. . <br /> i <br /> + cunvi� hereby, tn enter uPm� uud lnke pir:.w�n+:i�m uf iho murt�o�;��d prcmt�es. :�nd Io collrct nnd rr�t�i����. 16o irut.. �_su��s und prnfii. � ' , � �. <br /> ; � lhrmu(. :uxl npply ihe unme. k�se� cuat+ of operuiiau :md. n�IlrcGna. �qmn thi� indebtwinr+K �crunvl 6�• Ihi. roorltiru.e: wud rrnfx. �� � , . <br /> � �� i,surs and pn�Af.9lx�inu h!�m6�• nssitin�til tu tht� \iort�n�;�•o :tv furlh��r x�.rurif>� G�r thi• ��:iymrnl ��1� nll uidrbt��dnrsn .�,.•nn<t h��rcby. � <br /> ,—i _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> � � '4Le -�T4oNRnAco ahull�� huvc Ihe prnvcr to n�fpuird itny ngrnt ��r aF��ut.� il m;�y dcviro fur Ih�• purpa,c nf ropninu�: s:�id pmm. � � t� C•� � . <br /> iw�: renUng llie tlamu: a,Il�rtinR thr mntn.. n�vrnurs and iiu�nnc. nnd il m:�>• pny nut oi .:u�l iuiV�u�r �dl ��aprnr�r� Incurntl in nvri• tA <br /> ing end m;�n�;ing.� lhc . �t�mc �ind u[ �•ull�r,iia�; lhe � mnt:d:� Ihrr��( rnrn. 'fh�• balnnrv r��m�unmti. i( nu>•. nhntl h�� �ipplird Iowurd Il�o - SC7 <br /> u <br /> dirrh�iry;c a[ tHc mnrtK+�R�' indchl�.Lmse, Thi� n!ui�;nmvnt ie tn 1 �•nnin:un nnd IH•cnmo null ;� nd ����id iq��m rrirn.�� .d Wi. morq:nFo. . . <br />�'c ',.,.�. . . � . � <br /> T : <br />� � '_ <br />� <br />�c -A� . .. .... . . `_ , ,. � <br />�� <br />``� <br />