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- - -- <br />�: , z ,: <br />�. ,� <br />�.. � �. <br />� <br />� � <br /> . � <br /> �7m nni n�� � <br />-- ..� ..,�.,.�v i�, <br />�' AfORTCAGL <br /> AtORTGACEL0ANN0. �ZZ,561 <br /> KNOWALLDIL'NBYTtlESEPRESENTS:'that Howard W. Legg and Lorena I. Legg each in his and her own <br /> � right and as spouse of each other � <br /> ________ Mortgagor_whetheroneormore,inwnsiderationofthesumof <br /> Forty Thousand and No/100----------------- --"""""-"�LtaKs <br /> IouneJ to said mortgagor by'Ihe Equitable Building and Luan Association of Crend Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upon 4�� shares of stock of <br /> said ASSOC►A'f10N,Certificate No.L 22,561 ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fopowing <br /> deuribed real estate,situated in Flall Counry,Nebraska: <br /> �,;� <br /> LOT TWENTY NINE (29), WESTERN NEIGHTS THIRD <br /> SUBDTVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> � together with all the [enements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntu beloncing,including attached f7oor corerings,all w'indow urttns, � � � . �� - �. <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windo:vs,awnings,heatine,air conditionin¢,azid plumbing and waur equipment and accetsories thereto,pumps,stoves, �� � - . . � <br /> reGigera�ors,and other fixtures and equipment now or herea(ter attaehed to m used in connection with said real es�xte. <br /> And a•hereas the said mottgago�has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assetunents levied or <br /> assessed upon said p�emises and upon this mortgage and the bond securcd therebv beiore the same shall btcome delinquent;[o furnish approved . � � � . � <br /> irsurance upon the buildings on said peemises situated in the sum oC 3 4O����.�� payable tu said ASSOCIATIO\ and to deliver to said � � � <br /> � ASSOCIATIOK the policies For said insurance;and not to commit or p:rmit any waste on ur about s2id premixs � . <br /> . In case of default in the performance oCany o(the terms�nd conditions ut this mortga¢c or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagte shall, .� � � � <br /> � on demanJ,be entiHed to immediate possession oC the mortgaged premius �nd tl�n mongagor hereby assigns, translers and sets over to t}te . � _ .. �� " � <br /> a, mortgagee all the ren�s,revenues and income to he derived from the mongaged premises ducin@ such time as die mortgage indebtedness shall remsin <br /> �� unpaid;and the mortgagee stu�ll I�are the po�ver tu appoint any agent or aeents it may dcsire for the purpose of repsiring said premises and renting � � � - � .. � <br /> the same and co:lec�ing dte rents,revenues and income,and it muy pay out of sxid inmme all espenses o(mpairing said premiset and necessary <br /> cummiuions and expens:s incurted in rentine and manaeing the same and of collecting rcntals therefrom;the 6atancc remaining,if any,to be � � <br /> � applied toH�ard the discharga of said mortgage indebtedness:these riehts of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existrnce of sucl� � � � . <br /> ',� default,irtespactive o(any temporaq�waiver ot the ume. � �I <br /> . 1 heu Presents,hou�ever,are upon the Cundition,TLat if tim s:uid hiunga3or shall rrp;�y said loan on or 6efure thc m3turity o(said share,by � � <br /> � p3pmzm;pay monthly m said ASSO(:IAT10V of thz sum sprci8ed in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan,on or beiure � � . <br /> the T«•entieth d:�y ui each and eveq�month,untit said lo�n is fully paid;pay all taxes and asses:ments le�ied zgainst said premises and on this Nongage � . '� <br /> anu the[3ond secured thereby,before delinquencq;iurni:h approved insurance upon eiic uuildir3;:;!:e se*�ej� ���QQQ,QD payable � <br /> i� w vid ASSOCIATIO�;repaq to s3id ASSOCIATIO\upon drmand alI muney by ic paid for such taxes,assessment:and insurance with iaterest at . � <br /> the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of w�hich�forteagur htrebp agrees to pay;permit ro waste on said prunius;ktep and comply . <br /> Hi.h all the agrcements and condnions oi the Bond for S QO,OOO.00�his d�y given bp the said Atortgagar to s�id ASSOCIATION,and comply <br /> � wi[h all iha�equi�ements of tht Constitution and ByLews oi taid ASSOCIATION:then these presents shall become null and roid,utherwise thcy � <br /> - stull remain in full(orce and may be forecloud at�he option of the s�id ASSOCIATION afcer failure for thme months to malce any ot said <br /> paymrnts or be�hree months in arrrars in making said munthly payments,or to Aeep and comply with the agreements and cunditions oi said Bund; <br /> . and�lortga¢or aerees to h�re a receirer appoit�ted forthwith in such torectosure proceedines. <br /> If there is any change in uwnership of the real rstate murtgaged hettin,by salc or otherwise,then the entire rrmaining indebtedness heraby <br /> secumd shall,at the option o(The Gyuitable BuildinG and Loan Aswciation of Grand Island,\eb[a:4:a,become immediatdy due and payable uithout <br /> funher noGce.and the amount remau�ing due under said bund,and zny other bond for any additional ad�znces made Ihereundet,thall,from the <br /> date ol exercise of said option,bear interest at the maxvnum legal rate,and this moncage may then b:foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br /> 1 ' bond,and any other bond for additional adtances,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska for insurance,taxes and xsseumenu,and sbsttacting extencion chacges,with intemst theaon,from date of paymen[ at the maximum <br /> � Iegal ratc. <br /> i <br /> :is pro��ded in the Bond secured hereby,while this mort�age�emains in ef(ect the mongagee may he¢after advance additional sums to the <br /> m�kers of said Elond,their assiens or succrswrs in interest,which sums shall be x�ithin the sewriq•of this mortgage Ihe same as the Cunds originally <br /> � ucueed therc6y,the to�al amoun�o(principal debt mt to exceed at any timc the original amount of this mongage. <br /> ' �s�ea cn�s 28th a�y or February ��.��•.»77 <br /> I L'�=`t'YT.'C 1).'�rlese -�� <br /> oward 4t. Legg,;+_/�-. f� <br /> �-,C a�� <br /> � <br /> Lorena I. Legg <br />� STATEOF!�EBRASF:A. ss. Ontha 2$th dayoC February ]9�� ,beforeme, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL� _ � , <br /> the undersi�iod,a Nota,ry Pubuc in and for said County, erwnally pme <br /> Howard W. Legg and Lorena I. Legg each in his and her own right and as spouse o� each other � N <br />� � who d re personally known to a � <br /> 6 . L mz to be the identica!person g u�hou name 5 are affixrd to the above instrument as mor[gagor5 �nd they severally �, <br />' acknou•ladged the s3id instrument to be th271' voluntary act and deed. ��� n�� � <br />� � / � <br />�,��; � n7TtifSS my hsnG and\otarial Seal the date aforestid. . � y7 <br />,�=. � -- ---AtuGommiuiqn ex ires � '� ,;' .. . <br /> . :.� ., �- j i�. /y � 'Jl / �-� '�otary Public <br />_ a.,.�,W , , -; 9 <br /> ,__..---------� <br />_�.� � - � � <br />;: � <br /> � <br /> .; <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br />