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<br /> �lORTGAGE
<br /> !�70RTGAGELOA?�:�0. L ZP,560
<br /> �.^;ownur��.tibvmeserxESExrs:tna� Weneclade y. Campos and Joann R. Campos each in his
<br /> r
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other .
<br /> 9fongagor,wheiha one or more,in conaideration of the wm ot
<br /> Twenty-eight Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and No/100-------------------------------���
<br /> Iwned to said mon�or by The Equitable Building and Luan Assaciation of Grand 151nnd,Nebraska,�Sort�sgee,upon 289 shares oE swck of
<br /> s�id ASSOClATION,Certificate Na L ZZ,�60 ,do hereby gram,wnvcy and mongage un[o the said ASSOCIATIO?d the foUowing
<br /> � i�: �.dascribrd�real at3te,situated in Hnil County,Ne6taska: .. . .
<br /> -.i
<br /> ;
<br /> ,,.r�
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> together with all ihe.tenementt,herniitxmer!ts and appurtenznas ihe:eunto bzlon�ing,including ztucl:�d tlnot cotxrines,21i xindow ureens,
<br /> _m
<br /> u3ndow shsdes,blinds,sterm windo•.vs,aa�nines,heaune,sir conditioninc.and p.umbin¢and aater eauiQmentand z:ctssories there:c,ptunps,ao1•es, � - � � � �
<br /> «frieeraton,and other fixtures and rquipment r.ou or heraatter anzrhed to or tsed in connection miih said real estata � �� ��
<br /> And whercss ehe s`id mort�.gor ha:urc�d and dces hereby aer«that ttie moriexeor shall xnd will pay all t;xes and auessmenu leried o:
<br /> assessed upon said premius�:d upon this moneaee and the bond seesred thrret_:h:iore the sune:Jull brcome d:linqurnt:m[.itnish app:oved. - � .
<br /> . . inswana upon the buildings en said premises situated in iht:um oi$.28 �5� ��� payable to s�id ASSOCI.4TI0\er.d to deliee[ta sEid . �
<br /> ASSOCIAT101 the p�fici:s fo:said insucantt;2n3 nai to cnmmit or pertnit any waste on or aFr�ut.ssia p;emises: �. .� . .
<br /> < � � � 1;�case nt det2ult in the pedorr.ti:nce oi any of the terms and wndiuons oi this mortcags or the bo�d stcured hereb��,tiu morts:eee shall, . � � � . .
<br /> . an demand,be entitled to immeditte pnssession o(the moneaged pmmises 3nd th: moriracor hereb}• assigns, trsnsfeca znd sets o�er to the � � � . .
<br /> � mort¢sgee all the ients,rrtixnua and income to be derieed lrom the mertrz¢od gremises during such time as the mottexee indebtednen shall remsin � �
<br /> .-,��;� unpaid;snd the mortgze:e:lull ha�r the pou•er[o appoutt any agent or agmts it trtat�desue ior the purpou of rcpairine sxid premists and rcntfng � . . � � � �� .
<br /> the sa�and collectinx the rrnu.ieeecues and income,iad it mav pay out o(�id inmme all expenses oC repairing said prsmius and ncttssary � �� � � � � .
<br /> commissions and erpens_s incurred in rentinc and manae:ne th�s3me and of rnll:cting ren:ais tnerefrom:the raLnct rtrzeiitine,if any,to b:
<br /> applicd tou�ard the cischarg:eC s_i3 morteaee i�debtedress:these rictvs of the mort¢agee:nay b:exercised a:ans time during tt;o txi�ener oi su;1! " - � � �
<br /> de7ault.irespecti�e af my temporary w�airer oi tha:zma � . -��
<br /> 7hese Pres�nts,hou�e�rc,are upon the Cond;tion,7'��t if the tsid lioneaeur hrll:epa��svd loan en et heiore t}:e mztunt}•uf ssid s�:res br � . .
<br /> pay�ment:pa�•monthly to said ASSOCIATIOV cf thw sum specified in tht Bond s:cured hu:by as intercst and prindpal on said loxn,un or before . . .
<br /> ;he 7w�rntieth day ot ench and every month,a�til said lean is lully paid:pac alJ trxcs z�d ass:ssmems?eued:eainat said premis:s ar.d on this�totteage �. - �
<br /> and the&nd secwtd therebr,bUore eelinauena•:iurnisn appru.ru uuurar:m u�wn tL;uui;dii��tiizieor,m thc sum o!5 28,950.�0 paya�W � � � �
<br /> to safd qSSpCIAT10\;rep=y to sx:d ASSOCIA710\upon demu:d all money�b�•it paid fo:such tazes,ass.•ssr,�r.t5 S��:PS1::S:lCGµ7lh L'7lCIt5I 3l . �
<br /> t!:e max:cnwn 1eg31 rte che:ron irom da:e of pa}�m:nt aL'ot ahich Moriczeor hereby a¢tees to pa�•:�rmit no waste on Lid prem.ises:kcep zr.d�mpiy �
<br /> with ill the a�reem.rnt:ana mnditions u:the llond fo::�$,g50 00 this�y gie:n by th:said�lort�cor to s�id ASSUClATiO\,and camp;y �
<br /> u�ith all ir^_rrquuemrnts of the Corst�tution and By-Lau�s of taid,�SSO(:IATIOV:ihen theu ptesents sh11 hernm:null a�,d��oid,otharxue they �
<br /> stail remain in iull fo:ce ar.d tray be foredpsed at the option at ihe s:id ASSOCIhTION ahtr ;ailu¢ tor thme monti:s io make ym•of said
<br /> payments or oe three moat7:s in autan in mal:in¢said menthh�pn��nents,or to keep and comph•u5th ths acraments and wnditioas af cid Bond:
<br /> and Nurtezgor a�reu to hai�r a:eaiser appoir.tcd forthN'ith in such foredos:ue prax:dmet. .
<br /> � lf ttxre:s any dLnfe in vH�nerzhip ot the rexi eztate mon¢sFcd h.ercin,bv 91t oc otherv�ise,then the cntire rema:ning indebte�!ess hereby
<br /> ' srcured:hall,at the option of The Equitable Building and Lozn Associx[ion vf Grand lstand,\ebra:ka.became imm��teh•due ar:d papabk withouc
<br /> furthe�notice,xnd the amount renuining dut en�r said bond,and an��ocher bond ior any additional adtancts mad�th:reunder,�zll,icoa�the
<br />�:� '_•^f•_ ,•f����i r.,rinn.hear�ntaca at ihe max:T.�•t.�,t. _ _..+.�.,;.., _.�.;,�_.,w. .ia *.e=!itfy the amount dae on said . .
<br /> Lw�d,and any ather bon�i ior additioml adtiances,ioeeiher wtich all sums pud by s.id The Fquiubte Bu7dicg and Lo��sec3tion ot Grznd Islsad. � -
<br /> h:bcasSca fot insunna,t�es an3 assessments,xnd xbstrania¢eatensioa c!urces,with intutst thcreon,from datt oE pa}�m;nt a:tht maxunum �
<br /> lecxl rzm.
<br /> As provided in ihe Bond secured h:reby,w�hile ihis murtgaee re^�ains in efiea the mortrxgee m.ny hataiter advana additior.a!s:ims to Lhe . -
<br /> rrsakers of said Bond,theu assi�s or zu:.cesson in interect,u�hich sums shall be w�ithin th:setunty oi this mort�¢e the stm!ts the funds ori€irr.sll��
<br /> ti
<br /> srcumd c"r,efebp,the toea!amourt�f principal dtbt not to exceed zt ar.y iime the orizinal amount oi this mortc:.�a
<br /> , ,�3��a�nu,. 28th / aay os February A.D..19 77
<br /> � i- �fl-�- ,/ ( '�J �.�
<br /> %.� �. .n�� - r�„�,�_
<br /> 7�� �.
<br /> Jnann�R. Campos
<br /> STATE OF NEHR15}:A,� }
<br /> ss. Oathis z8�h dayo( February 19 �� ,b:foreme,
<br /> COU\'7'Y OF HALL ,,ti,,( y..-.
<br /> � the a,deramed,a�oterv Public in md tor ttid Coant7•,personaii}•came ,
<br /> Weneclade V. Campos and �oann R. Campos each in his and her own ri t and es soou e of � �
<br /> � each other g��are r���y u,opr to �'
<br /> m:ta be th!i3enlical personS u�hou turnt5 d!"e aifued to the abo}�e ins . monr,,r.�ob and they s:ixrally . � .1
<br /> uknoa•ledgtd the�id iastrument to be thei r y�olw�tary aa rmd deed. ' �
<br /> tt7'['�'fSS �
<br /> my haz:d and Notarial Seal ihe dnu uoresasd. i i� �� . �
<br /> S � ommisrion expira i�� ..
<br /> . I � ;� '_�( %� I :/
<br /> ' ':ota.�•PebLc
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