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<br /> hfORTGAGE
<br /> MORTGAGG LOAN N0. L PZ,551
<br /> KNOWALLMENHYTHESEPRESENTS:T1iat E�1112t' L. Carruth and Rosie Carruth, each in h�5 Btld h21'
<br /> r
<br /> ; own right and as spouse of each other, -
<br /> �, z Mortgagor,whether one or more,in cunsideratton of the sum of'
<br /> � Twe1Ve Jhousand Eight Hundred and No/100----------------------------------------- �LLAxs
<br /> � 5 loaned ta said mortgagor by The Equilable Building and Luan Association of Grand lsland,Nebreska,Alortgagee,upon 128 stures of stock of ,
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No:L 22,551 ,da hereby grant,convey and mongage unro thc said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> descii6ed resl estnte,situated in Ha1l County,Nebraska:
<br /> -� ,
<br /> ' ` RECORDED.
<br /> ±
<br /> �
<br /> F
<br />� �
<br /> , ,
<br /> mRether with atl the tenements,liereditaments and appurtenantts thereunto belonging,including attached tlooc coverings,allµ�indow scrcrns,
<br /> window sl�ades,blinds,siorm windows,awninas,hea[ing,air conditioning,and plumbing and waror equipment and uassories thcreto,pumps,atotiT�,
<br /> re(rigerators,and other fixmres and eyuipmeni now or heieafter attached to or used in connection with said«al eststa
<br /> And wherexs the uid mortgagor has a�ceJ and does hereby agree that the mor[�aeor shall and will pay alf taxes and asseument:lnied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mo�tgage and the bond secured therebv before[he same shall bewme delinquent;ta furnish appro��ed
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of 5: IZ���O.OQsyable to said ASS�CIATION and to deli�xr ro said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance;and not to commic or permit any waste on or about said premua;
<br /> � In cax oC defaWt in the performance oCany af the urms and conditions uf tlus mongage or the bond secured hercby,the martgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereb}' 8551$f13� transfers and xts ovtr to the
<br /> mvrtgagee all the rcms,re�•enues and income to be derived irom the mort�aged prcmixs during such time u the mortgage inde6tedness:hall mmain
<br /> ! unpaid;and thr mongagee shall have the power to appoint any agen[or agents it may desirc for ihe purpose o[repairing said pmmises and renting
<br /> - the same and collening the rents,revenues and income,and i[may pay out of said income all expenses of mpairing mid premises and necessary � � - � . � � ��-
<br />� ' commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collrcting rentals there(rom;the baL�nce remaining,if any,to be
<br /> z appliad toward the dischar¢e of said mortgage indebtedness;[hex rights of the mort£agee may be txettised st sny time during the e�tistenct of such
<br /> de(ault,irrupective oC any temporary wai�zr of the same. J
<br /> Theu Presents,how•ever,are upon the Condition,Th2t J the ssid 4fortgagor shall ropay said loan on or beCom the maturity oC said shares by � �
<br /> payment:pay monihly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in ths Bond ucuied hereby as interat and prinripal on nid loan,on or before . �. ��
<br /> :'; ! the Twentieth day ot each and n•ery month,un�il said loan u(uUy paid;pay all taxes and assessmonts Inied against said ptemius and on this hlottgage
<br /> and the Bond stcured diueby,before ddinquency;(u�nish appraved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of 512�$��.�� payabk
<br /> to said ASSOCIA7ION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand�ll money by it paid for such taxes,asseumrnts and insurance w�ith interat at
<br /> the msximum legal rata thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hercby agrces to pay:pertnit no waste on said p�emises;keep and comply � .
<br /> with atl the a eements and conditions of Uie Bond for 5 12�HOO.00�hu da y gago�ro said,�,SSOCIA710N,and wmpty
<br /> gr y given b the said Atort
<br /> with all the requirements of the Constitution and Byl.aws of said ASSOCIATION;Qun theu presents shall becom:null and troid,otherwise thev
<br /> �" � slull remain in full force and may be foreciosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months eo make any ot said
<br /> payments or be three months in artears in making said monthly payments,or to krep and comply with the agreemenes and rnnditions ut said Bond;
<br /> - and hlortg�cor agtes ro havo a receiver appointed Corthwith in such foreclosurt proaadings. .
<br /> If therc is any ctunge in awne�ship of the mal estate mortgaged herein,by xile or otherwise,ihen the entire remnining indebtedness hercby
<br /> secu�ed shall,at the option o(The Equitnble Building and Loan Aswciation of Crand Island,Ne6rsska,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> further no�ice,and the amaunt remaining due under said bond,and any cther bond for any additional adnnas made thareunder,shall,irom the
<br /> date of exercise of said option,bear interest at the maximum legal ra[e,and this mortgage may then be fvreclosed to sstisCy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional adtiana:,toge[her with all sums paid by ssid The Equitable Building and Luan Auociation af Grand[sland,
<br /> Nebruka(or insurana,tvca and assessmrnts,and a6strac�ing extmsion charges,with inurest thereon, from date of payment at the ma�mum
<br /> lcgal rata
<br /> As provided in the 9ond secured hereby,white thes mortgage remains in e(fect the mortgagee may hereafter advana additional sums to the
<br /> makers ot said Bond,the'u assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within the ururity of this moitgage[he same as t}u fmds originally
<br /> secured thercby,the total amount o(principal debt not to excced a�any time the original amount of this mongage.
<br /> Datedthis Z3rd a3yor February � A.D..19 »
<br /> � !� `_4�� �n.u.��-'l"�t1�� .
<br /> � - mer L. arrut Rosie Carruth
<br /> , i
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASI:A,�Ss. onct,� 23rd aa ot FEbruar
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL Y y 19 �� ,6tfote me, ,.f�
<br /> the undersigncd,a Notary Pub6�in and for said County,personall came ' �
<br /> Elmer L. Carruth and Rosie Carruth, each in his and her own right and as spouse o�each F !
<br /> j OthEl' whO dl'E' P�nonaltyknownto �
<br /> � mc to be the identical penon S whose name S a re affixed tc+the above' nt as mortgagor 5 �d t112y uverally `�
<br /> thei r �` �
<br /> acknowledged the svd instrument to be votuntary act and deed. q� ,
<br /> WIINFSS my hand and hotarial Seal the dnte aforeaid. �
<br /> h1y Commu�o.p,e p'vea
<br /> .. �.. ,c ga��+Ct�v ..c .:ehr. � LG� Nota Pubfic
<br /> st7b,t8itaE.St.;,s'.S',-;.G..-.:r:a ��il%G�'?�. rY
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