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� , rt <br />�� s .r � <br /> � t . .y.`�: <br /> �� a7 � n � n � ri >: � <br />� . 'JUIVYV <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE ' PREPAYMENT5 Of PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE �ATE. SUCH PREPhYMENT SHpLL ftE <br /> APPLIED TO IN5TALLMENTS LAS7T0 BEGOMEDUE UN�ER THIS MURiGnGE. P'nuYi�,ER THE UYDERSlGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAUL7 <br />� AP:D ARE THEN THE OWMERS QF THE M�JRTGRGEQ PRQPERTY, UPON REQt1E57 OF THE UNOERSIGMED, OR EITHER OF TN£M, <br />�,' , � �. PAYEE �AGREES IU ruici'ii�ri Yv� 7ri'c �U�:v�.r:S��t:�C � IL'L�sJc ^F �L'�u no�ur�pe�. o�FPAYtdENTS; UNLESS 'ADVANCEMEtiT: IS PRO-� <br /> � � � : HIBITEQ '.BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AN� � SUPENVISOHY NUiHOftITi£S 7}IGt � lh � EfFECT: ALL SUCH ADVANCEMEf{TS . . <br /> SHALLBE SECUREO BYTHIS MORTGAGE 1N TNE SAME MANNER AND EFPECT AS IF NO PAEPAYMENT5 HAD 8EEl1 MADE. <br /> TH� ?�SORTGAGOR FURTHER CAVENANTS AND ACREE9: <br /> � _ <br /> ' r :: � Ttint:.ttia 14$�rlgago7 x'ill �pay. che �inc3eb!�nl��r.�s ae beirintirfori. providrd. � � � � � � " � � � . . <br /> ' 'Chai ihe Mortgagor is the o�oneruf anid pro��erty in fee simplr nnd haK „oexi rigtii nnd Im��ful auihoutp to seli and � . � . <br /> � i . convey� the <ame and thut ihe same ia iree and ��clear of any. lin�� or . cncum6rana�; and t}�aR '�torlgagor will d�arr2n[ an�i detend th� � <br /> '': ' i . . � . .. title � t� said .��remises: ngainsl . t}te ciaims �u( ull �persans whomsoevec . . � . . . .. � . .. � �. <br /> � � � � � Ta pay immetiiutely �+�hen rlue and {�ayr�ble ���tl � �;eneral taxes.� tipecial L:+zes, sEx•cial isK-s:�ments wale� charges,. se•xeT sen�- � . <br /> ' �� � ic� diarges, and other taxes and rberges aguinst snid pro�xrly. and nll laxrs � levirci un the .deb! s�K•urcd hereby, afid to ,[urnish the �� � <br /> Aqbrtgqgcr; u{.oa. rf>qu�,t, with t}�e original ur duplicate receipts there(ot. "I'hc• �forigagbr agrcMs tiiaL therz� sliail be added ir� <br /> � �� j . � � � eucli� monthly, pnyment n�quired hrreunJer or under �the evidence i�f debt trcare!1 herefiy. an ume�untt.,timuird b}• the h7ortg,^.gee . � <br /> � � . . (n Ae sutficirnt tu enable ihe � ifartgugee iu pay. :�s they� become � di�c, all tazc�s, assrssments. and� eimilazr]i:i}Ces �u�xi� ihrpman�- � � <br /> , �.y � � ives .suhjc�c[ .lherrtn; any ,drficie�u;y �because. of thr,- insufficiency of such adJitiunal .. paymrnle .shait bc torthv.•ith depnsited � by the � . � � � <br /> � : � Itinrigagor. � u'iih thc zllerfgngen uyoi� .demxnd Ly � ii�u tilnrtgagee. 9ny drt:�uli under this p:zr�gcnph vhall hn �dermeci a defau!! in . <br /> :� : . z � payment of� taxe�s. a5sessm�nta nc aimilxr chargcs �required hereunder. � � <br /> . . � '1'he Alorteagor agrees . tnat there shall al.a� lx addrd [o cnch munthl�' P�4•mi�nt u( principnl and intere,t reyuired� herr.- . . <br /> -a �� � under an amount ytimalid by ihe \inrt�agee .�n 1x� su(�cient tn enuhle ihe Aiarteak�e ia pap, us it t;ec��mes �lue, the- ins�urTnr.e , <br /> i <br /> . � � pmmium on . any insuranm-�roliey deliverc<i �in the Af�>ngo;:e�. :1ny deficiency ir�causo ot t}��> >n�uflicienc��. nf such addilionai . puv. . . <br /> 4 ��. . . � mente shall . f�e furthwith deprmited bq thr '�tortgcagor with thc. !.SortS:+S�'.�' u�wn den�anc! by tt��: \tortgugr.-e. Any detauli undr. t this � . . <br /> � . . �inrngraph sha4l - }x deemed n (19fAUIf !It 1hn pxymcnt uf in.urance prerr,iums_ I( the �wliry or P<dicies depo;ited are. sucn as home. . . . . . . <br /> '� � . . . owner� or all risl. � policies, snd . tho d�-po;its arv. insuffictient 1u pu}• the rntire premimn, tiie .`.fortga�c•r it1L\' Aj��II)' Yltl' d!•{�sit - tc� �� � " � . . <br />�; � � 7�n, ;^.m�miums on risks rcyuired tn be insuz�ni bv fhi; mnrt�n�e- � � . . . � <br />�� . � � � . Paymentv macie hy - the 11or1;;�,Jrr under ihe s.bnve �rare�grapns may. at thc: optiun oi tho Dlnrl �;ah<�c�. � iH• hcld by it . and . . <br /> � cummin�;led with uther sucti iunds or i�v o���n [un�is fur ti�c pnyment �.i suci� itorn,. :ir.d vntit .;3 appi:�d, sueh ,^. �ym•�rel.=. �re heret�y . . . � . . <br /> � pieclxc�+3 as se�.�u�ity fur the unpaid Ualance of the rnon4age ir.deirtedn�ss. . . <br /> . � To procure. . de]iver to, ur.d mninluin tor lhe U��neii[ ot tni� Slortgagee during the li(e of thi, mort�age oncinal pnlicies :�n�! � . <br /> renea•x1� theri�+l, deliverc-d •ut least ten da�•s lr.�[tire the espiratiun u( ang sucl� �n>Ifcies, insuring againsb lire a�id� other irv+urabie . � : <br /> � � hazand5, czsur�ltie�.� and continger.cics as the 9Sor4.a�ee may re�uize, in an amount eyauS to the , � indebtednese s��cunul � by � Ihis . � � � � . <br /> � - �fori�xge, and in cumpanies ueceptahle to. the 1�urt{ragee, wiin lose payn6le cla�iu in favor of tmd in it>rm acceptu6le to Ihe ilr.rtga- .� <br /> gee. Lt tiie event an}• poli�w'� is nol . rene�rtvi on nr tmfore trn dayr,� oE it, expiralion. ihe �Surtgagee may� prt�cure :nsurance on the � . . - � <br /> � imprwemtmts, pay thr pmmium thrrefor, and such sum shall bc�:nme immediatrly due 3nii payabie u•ith �iati�rrnt at tf�c ,-nte set- . � � . � . - <br /> forth in s:vid note unul paid nnd shaR br �x�cnred by this mor[saK�- �'���j�una on ihe part of the Mortgn;;or to fumish suth� ren�vnLv . � , . . <br /> p � . as are herein required nr failure. io pay any sums advancrd here•under s}ialL rit the optinn nf.� the �tnrl �.ig�, cunstitute n de(sult . � . <br /> �` under ehe . tertns ot lhis ,nongn�e. 7'he drli��ery of suc}i �xrlicirs shall, in the eveni nf dr[aitit, mrvvtieutc an a�hignment .�( the un- � <br /> j <br /> '� � P3Tti(Y� jlltiffl:llfri. � � � � � . - . <br /> Any �ums �rera•i.•ed by t}i�. �7urisa�;ee 1»- rcauin af loss or damaee insured� tp;ainit may be rclnineKl Ly the \iurigagee . �. ,� � , � <br />� .-, nnrl applied towxrd the px� ment of Ihe drbt hereb�� urcurr�i, or. at the optiun of the \lnrtgagee, such �u:ns eidier wholly or in � � � <br /> } pari n � 'xr �a.d .^.scr :o •�i * 'o::�ga: tu kx� ��5cua !o rep�a�r �ech huilriingti or to iruild ne��� hwidint�s m t.i�c�r pince or for anl' . . . : <br />� other purpo,e nr ub�ect sat�sfactory tn thc \inrt�;a�ec x�rthouc aBcwtin� tne fien rrn ihe murtsa�e for tiie [ull umount u�•cured here- � � � . � t <br /> - bc ix•3orn cucn pa�•mrnl rrrf t+�,k ��,;.:ci�. � - . � . <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> To prornNlly repair. re.tore or rei+uild any huildin:;s cr imprnvrrnent. r,uw or h�r�e•aitcr un t};r �:remiie� whicb may F�ce' . . � � � <br /> rome damaR�-Yl cr dc�simy<�3: to kcr.p ;aid pn•mix� in g�r�d cundition and re�Pair :md (t�-r from any rnechanic i lii�n or a�thrr lien nr . � � . . <br /> claim of lien noi expressly suiwr�linated te. the iien hereof: nut to sutirr or pennit any unl�+.�ful u:;e oi cr am� nulsance to ezist w� � . � �� <br /> ' =aid prrlprrt5' »ur to pettnil w•s;te on wid premisce. ncir tn Jo ieny other acK a�bereby fiir pro�,erty hereby cume•� ed shall t-.cxY�me � � � . . ' � . <br /> {ess va!uaGle. nor tu diminish or impair its vaiue b:� any act nr omi.vion to acK: tu compi�� u�ith a!i requiremenrs ��f la•,.' witn n�.pcv:l . <br /> � to thr mortengcvi pr�mises and the u� thcreot. � � <br /> That shuuld premi�e+ or .�ny pFert� ther��nf tx� iaken or dama�rd by ri�awn uf a�q� s�ublic impmsemeni ar cancirmnation � � � � <br /> pr[x�[seclirtg, o: under U�r ri;;l�l ot emment dom:tin, ur in am• other manru�r, th« Aiorq;ae� shall t� ceLLStict3 tn a!I ce�m��v�atinas,- . � � � � <br /> . nwartis, and any nther Peyrnent nr mlie! iherefur. artd sh�111k entiUed, at its aptiun, tu rcmmenc�c, anprar in and pre.;ecu�e in iti � � <br /> ' ow�n nazne nny action <:r prua•.•din�, or tu make am• cnmpromisc ur uttlement in cunnection •xith such takini, or damaKe. A�! such � <br /> evmpencatinn. awsn!u, <IutnaFes, right of nction and UrurnrK9s are hereb>• ie�rignr-d tn the \lortgagee. �cho may, after deduciing � � � <br /> there(rum all its rrr.Sx'n.�rrs. rel.msc• any monr��� s<� meri��i-d Up ii ur n}>>dy tbe samr r,n any ind�bti�ciness s�tiumci hrreby. 'f�he `fort- � <br /> ga��r egrnet; tu ezrcute such further a;�i�;nments of any c��mpen�ation, awards, r1�maK�•�. .�nd ricnL+ u( acliur and prcKrrds .+s ih4 � � <br /> }�lurihn�ee msy reqaire. . <br /> 'Ihat :n case of failum tu {ierlonn nny u! tLe covenant;� nerein, tne ljnnga.�;ee may� du on the .'�fortcagur's belinlf even�ihing � <br /> � mvenutted; ihat the iltori�agee may nlso dv t�ny azt it mac deern nc�tt�*sarr to protca:t the lirn thercrf: that. tl:e lfnrl�;�u;or will � . <br /> r�•nay utxrn demand any moneys paid rr disbur_=ed by the \lortCa�e� (or :im• of the abu.r• �;u:�r,se,. anrl .;irb moncy= togr. thc� wiih <br /> intenyt thererm at thr n�e prcn�dt-d in said nnle simll tk�cx,me sn much arl�iiGnnal mdt•6uKlne,s herchy uru:ed :�nd mav Ir in- . <br /> cL:dcd in uny derrcr. forcclosin;;. lh� morigxge and tx paid tiut of the renl�s ur pnxeeds ot ele of �aid Premi�e. il nut nthr.rwi.e . � <br /> � paid: . f.hat it s'nnll noi hc obligxtoty u�wn thc hlort�a�;�w to inquirc imo ihr ��Hiidi:p vf ��ny lien. cncvmi;tnnc�K, or claim in ed- . . <br /> � vancing moneys as alxrve :�ufhorizcd. hui not!iin� hercin cont.vne�i si�alt ix• am<tru�Yi a� rryuirinK the \inrtga�Fe. to aih�Ar.c•• :eny <br /> - � moneys fue t+ny such pur}x�se nur tu do any act h?reunder. and ths2 lfnrtrakee <hall nnt incur nnc pervnr.a! lisbiiiiy i�ec.+u=�• ��f any- <br /> � thinr, it ma�� do nr nmit 1u do lvereundrr. <br /> � Tn ihi+ evrut oi thrr deluult Uy �7ortgafior in the pacment ni nnp insi;�iimrui. e: rr-ru:r.•c: `.. :::c `:-:tr nrvr<r:! t,e..ey.�, ,_,r . . � . <br /> in the prr(or*nmice of thr obliRation in this mortgu�e ur in tnr nutc hr.ured thert-by, thr 1lortgagae sha[I Le ent�tk^:f tu ds�clart the _ <br /> � ' dcht r,rcunYi nereb�• due and payable without notim. and [he �tortgugee sha(l be entitlrKi at il. option, without notitt•, rither by it�elt � <br /> ' or hy a_ na.`eiyer tv k� appvin(ed by the cenirt ihercro[. xnd w�itti�� t n��ard tn thr adeyuacy oi ar.i .securit': fnr tlia in�iebtcKin�:ss ce• ���� „�'s~"-.. � <br /> curetl .hereYry�, m rnler upon and take �z�c�:sion ul the �r,orti;aged p�remia��, and tu i+�Ucv:c and receive thr rr>nt�. issw-. and profiu ��� � � <br /> �� themot. and appiy lhe same, lia:s ccnts of o�xrrsGon and cr�llectiur., u�wn ehe indehte-riness �•cured P � ihis ronni��r, said rrnL+-, . .� � <br /> Li.;sues and Pro6ts brinR here}n� asiFn�l to ihe �7a:tK�F�'�; dy furtner serurii>• for ifu• pacmrnl of �1( �ndF htr�iness .Fcumd hr.reho. � ' �' <br /> - - . 1'hr \turtKager shail have �tFe prnier to apt'���nt �ny agent ur »gents it ma3� necire fnr th�• pur{nre of repairinG �zid prem• (��. �` `.� <br /> " �ius: renkinq the same: rnllectin� lhe n•nls. �-re�renur_� and incoene. ann it may pay vuc n( �-,ci me.�m�� :dl e��xair- incu :n+l in rent- �. � � <br /> � � ing aad munaging �. the �same and of cn�ieciini: the rentals tiurrfmm- 'I'h<r Lalance remu�mn�: i; any. sh��ii te aupib�d tn��ani tFe � � ,� <br /> . - diuharge nf the mortguge indebt�cKiness. This nuignmeni is tn tr, rmir•ete and iu-n:mr nuli and rnid u�wn n�iras..• �d this mortcaco-. . <br />` � �- <br />;:� � � . ...— � <br /> Y�� <br /> V: <br />