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�1 t t <br /> it�: #�.�.^. � <br />�-. � . ( �'- . <br /> � <br /> . <br />� � . _ . . ... _ . . . . . � ',._ . <br /> . ... <br /> ,,,,._.._.. . . .._. . . ... . . ... -�-_.. � . . <br /> r �' � <br /> ��. oaioa3 <br /> hfOR7CACE ' <br /> MORTC,ACE LOAN N0. L 22.564 <br /> KNOWALLMENBYTHFSEPR@SEN7'S:That Harold Rudolph Janzen and Darline Rachael Janzen, each 1I1 <br /> �f <br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other � <br /> ' ____________h�ortgagor_whetheroneormore,inconslderetionoftheaumof <br /> � Twenty-eight Thousand and Plo/100------ ------- ��A�� <br /> loaned to ssid mortgagor by The Equitablc Duilding and Lnan Assoctiation of Crand Island,Nebmsl:e,I�tortgagee,upon 2$0 shares of srock of <br /> said ASSOCIATiON,Cenificate No.L 22.564 ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATtON the following <br /> described real estate,situated in Hal!County,Nebraska: <br /> LOT FOURTEEN (14), BISHOP HEIGHTS SECOND <br /> SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ; <br /> f ; toge[her with all che renemenis,liereditaments and appurtenances tliereunto belonging,including attached Ooor coverings,sll window screens, <br /> window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and waterequipmen[and accessories thereto,pumps,noves, <br /> reGigerators,and other fixtures and equipmem now or harcaRer attached to or used in wnnection with raid real estate. <br /> ' ; And whereas the svd mortgagor has agrced and does hereby agrre that the mortg�gor shali and will pay all taxa and assessments levied or <br /> y ; uxssed upon said premius and upon diis mortgage and tlie 6ond secured thereby 6eFoce the same shalt become delinqurnr,to furnish approved <br /> insurence upon thr buildings on said premius situated in the som ot 5 2$�Q0�.0� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br /> ASSOCIAT(ON the policies for said insurance;and not ro commit or permit any waste on ur about said premises; <br /> _ [n case of de(ault in the pertormance of any of the terms and conditeons o(this mortgage oc the 6ond secured herehy,the mortgagee shall, � . � � - <br /> " ' on demand,be entitled ro'unmediate pusseuion of the mor[�aged premises and the mortF,gor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br /> % mor[ e all the rrnt:,revenue:and income ro be derived from the mort <br /> BaB� gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedneu shall remain <br /> unpaid:and the mortgaga shall have the pov:er to appoint any agent or agents it may d:sire(or the purpose oC ropa'uing xaid premises and rmting � " � <br /> the same.and mllecting ihe rents,rerenues snd income,and it may pay out ot zzid income a11 expensea of repairing said premises and necasary � � � � � � � . � <br /> �., 3 wmmissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and oi coUeciing rentals thorefrom;the balance remaining,it any,to be <br /> ` applied toward the discharge of said monQage indebtedness;diese rir.,Jits oC the mortga;:e 7nay be exuciszd at a��y time during the existrnce o(such <br /> c�-� ' drfault,irmspecti�x of any temporary waiver of the sama . � � � j <br /> These Preunts,hoN•ever,are upon the Condition,Th�t if the said�iortgagor shall repay said loan on or before the matutity of said shares by � � i <br /> payment;p3y monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bond secured hereby as inmrest and principal on said loan,or,ur beicm <br /> tha Twentieth day af each and e�•ery month,until said loan is fully paid:pay all t�xes and assessments levied a¢ainst said premises and on this lfurtgsge �� � . � <br /> ,, ; and the Fiond s:curcd thereby,betore delinquency;fumish approvtd insuau�ce upon the buildings themon in the sum oC S�$ OOO.0� p�Yable <br /> (o Said.1SSOCIATION;rep�;!0 5=_id ASSOCIATION tlp:.�da^.:r.d a1.loney by ii jieiu io�suCh iaXci,us�c>ullcilU eiiu u1�.9uiiuicc Wiil�ui[clext at � <br /> ',�.'� the ma�cimum legal rate thereon Gom date of payment atl of which Alort¢agor hareby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premius;keep and comply - <br /> with all the agrcements and mnditions of the Bond for S ZB�OOO.00 lhis day given by Ihe said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATlON,and compty <br /> with ali the tequuements of ihe Constiwtion and ByLaws of said ASSOCIATION;thrn these presents shsll become null and wid,otharwise thcy <br /> slull rcmain in full fo�ce and may be fotecloud at the option of the s�id ASSOCIATION atter failure for three mon[hs to make any oC said <br /> paymonts or be three months in auears in making said monthly p3yments,or to Aeep and compiy with the agreements and conditions of said➢ond; <br /> . and AtoYt�agor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwidt in such forcdosure proceedings. <br /> i lf there is any change in ownership o([he rea)ettate mortgaged Itertin,by sale or otherwise,then the rntire remaining indebtedneu heroby <br /> ucured sha0,at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association o(Grand 1slsnd,Nebraska,become unmediately due and payable without <br /> funher notice,and�he amount renuining due under said bond,and any other bond for any addivonal advances made themunder,shall,from the <br /> date of ezercise of said option,bear interes�at the maximum legsl rate,and this mortgage may then be Ibreclosed to sstisfy lht amount due on taid <br /> bond,and any other bond tor addi[ional advance:,together with all sums paid by said The Equitabie BuHding and Loan Association oC Grand liland, <br /> Ne6raska for insurance,taxes and asscssmtnts,and ab:tracting extension charges,with interert themon,from date of payment at the m�.ximum <br /> legalrate. <br /> As prorided in the Bond ucured hereby,while this mortgage remains in e(tect the mortgagee may hereafter ad�vnce additional sums to the <br /> makers ot said Bond,theu azsigns oe successors in intemst,which sums shall be within the ucurity of this mort@age the same as the fundt originally <br /> securec thereby,the total amount of principal debt not to exaed at any time the original amount ot this mortgaga <br /> Date cn� 28t d of February �. n.n.,�9 77 <br /> � --�- <br />