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<br /> t�fOR7'GACE LOdN h0._ I 99,5fiR
<br /> � . KNOWALL1+tEN0YTHESEPRGSENI'S:That tdilliam J. Lawton and Marcia J. Lawton, each tfl I17S 811d
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other, .
<br /> � Mortgagor,whether ono or more,in consiJeraUon of thc sum of
<br /> � Forty-five Thousand Six Nundred and No/100--------- ----_____ �����
<br /> Iwned to said mortgagor by The Gquitsblc Building and Loan Associution of Grand Island,Nrbraslca,Aturtgagec,upon 456 shares o[stock of
<br /> i said ASSOCIATION,:Ccrtiticate Nu.L 22,568 ,do hereby granl,com•ey and murtgage unto the said ASSOC;IAT[ON qic follawing
<br /> described resl esWte,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> ,.';
<br /> ;�
<br /> togetlier�eith all tl�e tenements,he�editaments and appurtenances thereimtu brlonging,including utt�ched Iloor co��rings,all window scmens,
<br /> window shudes,blinds,sturm winduws,a���nings,heyting,air conditioning,and plurnbing and wamr equipment and arttssuries ihcrcto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigerators,anJ other fixtuces and equipment now or herestter attached to or useJ in cumrcetion widi said real rstate.
<br /> And whereas the s�id moctgagur has ngrecd and does harebp agrce that the nwrtgaRur sltall end will pay all taxes snd assessnunts te�ied ur
<br /> assesud upun said premises and upon this mortEage and tlie bund sec d k e beforc the same shali becume delinyucnt;tu furnish approved
<br /> uisuraiice upon the buildings un said premixs situatcd in thc sum of 5����"�•�� payable to said ASSOCIATION nnd to dclivor to said
<br /> ASSOCIATIO\the policies lor said insurance;and nu[to mmmit ur Exrmit any�vaste un or ybout said premiser,
<br /> In casr of de(ault in the pedonnance o(any uf the terms and cunSitions of tl�is mortgagc ur die bond secured hereby,the nwrtpygee shsil,
<br /> on dcmand,bc enti�lcd to immediate pusuuion oC the morig;�gcd premises and [he mortgagor here6y as:ignr, transfers and uts ovrr to thr
<br /> morceaaee all the rents,rerenues and income tu be deri��ed from Hu mo�tgaged premises during such time as the nwrtgage inde6tednest shali rcrtvin
<br /> J . unpaid:and thn mottgagee ah�il have tho power to appoiM any age�t or ygems it may desue for the pur�s.of repaiting iiid p�emises and ccnting ��� � � �
<br /> the same and collecting the rents,mvenuei and inrnme,and it may pay-out of uid income sll expenses of repai�ing�said premises and necessary- . � � . � �� � � �
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in rrnting and mxnaging tlie same and uf mllecting rcntals therefrom;tha balsntt remsining,if any,to be
<br /> applicd tuwmd thc dischatgt o(s�id mongage indtbtedness;these rights uf the mortgagee m�y be exercised at sny time during the e�istence of such
<br /> del'ault,irrcspectire uf any temporary waiver o(tlie same. � �!
<br /> Thex Ycescnts,huµ�ner,are u}wn thc Cundition,Th�t ii the:aid�forigagor shalt tepa�•said luan on ur be(utc�ha m�turiq•o(said shares by
<br /> paymenl;pay monthly to saiJ ASSOI:lATION o(the sutn speciliel in die Uund secueed hercbq as inlerest and principal on said loan,on or betbrc .
<br /> the Tuemieth day o(each and e�rn•month,until said loan is i'ully p�id;p�y all taxes and asxssmonls Ie�ieS against said premiu:and un this Nortgage
<br /> �-��� anJ ihe Bond ucured tlrceeby,betore delinyuency:iumish approeed insurance upan the buildings thereon in di¢sum of�5�6��.�� pavabl. ��
<br /> '� ? ro said ASSOCIAI'ION;tepay to saiJ ASSOCIATIOV upon demand all money by it p�id fur such tasti,asseuments nnJ insurunct widt inieresl yt � �� �
<br /> tho nwximum leg:tl rate thereun frpm date uC payment all of which�lortgagoc hera6y agrees W pay;Exrmit no wuste on said premixs;keep snd mmply � �
<br /> with all the agreanents and cunditions oC tl�e Bond for S 45�EiOO.00�his d�y gieen b�the said\tortgagor to said ASSGC[ATION,xnd comply
<br /> with alI ihc rrquircmants of the Cunstitutiun and DyLaws oCsaid ASSOCIATION;then these presenis shall bewme nutl snd rvid,othenvise thcy
<br /> shall remain in full furce and may be fureclosed al the uption u(ihe said ASSOCIATION after failum fnr threc munths w makr au,y uf said
<br /> p:�yments or 6e threr munths in arrears in nmking said mondily p3yments,or tu koep and cumply with tlie agrcetnents unJ conditions of saiJ Bond;
<br /> anJ t�fortgagor agrees to liave a recei�mr appuinted ibrthwith in sucli foreclosure procredings. �
<br /> ' ' If ihcrc is an chan c in owncrslu u(the resl estnm mon
<br /> Y g p gaged herein,by sale or otherwisc,thrn thc entirc rcmaining indabtedntss herc6y
<br /> ucured shall,at the uption of The Equitable Building und Luan Aswciation uP Grand Istmid,Ne6raska.becume Lnmrdiatelg due and p�yable without
<br /> further notice,ynd the amount nmaining due unJer said bond,aud an�•utlur bond tbr any udditianal ad�ancu made thercunder,shall,(rum du
<br /> j` i datc o(execcise u(said uption,bcar imtrest at the maximum Icgal rate,and tltis mortgxge may then be foreclosed to satisfy thc nmuunt due on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional ad�anas,�ogctlier H�ith all sums paid by said The C•quitable Huild'uig anJ Luan Auociation u(t;rand Is1anJ,
<br /> Nebrasl:a tor insurance,taxes xnd¢sseesnxnts,and abstracting extrnsion chargcs,wii6 interest thereon, from date of payment at th:msximum
<br /> legalrale.
<br /> As provided in the 8ond ucumd I�eeeby,wlule this murtgnge�em�ins in eCfect the murtgngee may harcaltcr advance uJditiunal sums ta the
<br /> - makcrs uf said�ond,their auigns or successors in inteeest,which sums shail 6e widun the ucurity ul'this moctgage the same as km(unds uriyinalty
<br /> secu�ed t)hereby,the total a unt oC princip�l debt nnt to exaed at am time the onginal anmunt of this mortgege.
<br /> Dated t�is ' 15� day of March A.D.,19 ]] � �
<br /> � � " ��' ��_
<br /> G . �:�1/z., _� �,.� ,, �.
<br /> i �am : aw Marica J. Lawton
<br /> COUNI'Y QF fLs�� �� On this 1 St day ot March 19�� ,beCore tne, i
<br /> the ndersigued, Notary PubBc�n nd for s id County,perwnxll�c�me '``'y..�.••�� •.`
<br /> 4�illiam J. Lawton and Marcia J. Lawton, each in �iis and �er own rig�it an� as spouse o�:each N ,,,•r '
<br /> other �r•ho are personsllyknownto � .
<br /> lmc to 6e the idendrnl perwn S whosc nam€� dPL affixed to the above inst as�nortgagor S and they xveratly I �, `
<br /> acknoeledged the said instrumrnt to be thei r volunWry act and deed. /�� ti
<br /> W7TNt•SS my hand and Notarial Seal tlu dalc afuresaid. �
<br /> My Commission expircs - •
<br /> T�R�'.8ER4t h0TF3Y� ��nf He17�G / � Nutery Pu li�
<br /> . 6-l�sN Rf � JASiES� . �y}�r/' �/ � /�'7�/ C�
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<br /> �4 Myt.nmr-!`.._�..�_,.`;67A-
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