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- - <br />�. , a <br />�� _ � .,.�Q <br /> ��� __. � <br />� ��= OOY027 <br /> MORTCACE <br /> AfORTCAGE LOAN Nv. L ZZ+567 <br /> ' �owau.n�rar�FSEP�seMs:n�t Jack D. Neck and Charlene P.. Heck, each in his <br /> ^ and hew own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> + • Mortgagor,whethsr ane ur more,in conaideration of the mm of <br /> Thirty-three Thousand and No/100___________________________________________________ <br /> oou.aRs <br /> loancd to said mortgagar by The Equiuble Building and t.�an Association of Grend t�land,Nrbaska,Mort�agee,upon 330 shares of stock of <br /> said ASSOCIA710N,Certificate No.l.22,567 ,do here6y grant,mnvey and mongage unto the snid ASSOCIAT70N the tollowi� <br /> deuribed real esute,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: <br /> - � LOT SEVEN (7) IN GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH SUBDIVISION <br /> AN ADDITIOt� TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COU��TY, <br /> t�EBRASKA. <br /> together with al!ihe tenements,hereditament:and appurtrnancrs therevnto belonging,including attachEd(loot caterings,all x•indow saeens, �� � � �� <br /> window shadet,6lindt,storm uindows,aK�nings,heating,ait conditioning,and plumbing and waterequipment and acassoriet theteto,pumps,statxs, � � � � � <br /> rcGigeators,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or us.^d in connrc[ion w�ith said real estate. <br /> And e•hutas the said mon�or hss agreed and doet hereby sgree that the mort�gor shall and wil1 pay sll caxes and assessments letiied or � � <br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebv be(ort the same ahall becomt delinquent:to furnish approved <br /> inmrana upon tht buitdings on said premises vtuatad in the sum oC S 33���Q.Q� pavsble to said A$$OCIp7'lON and IO dCI11YI SO 53i� � <br /> ASSOC[pT10N the poticies tor said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premiser, <br /> . In case of default in the pedormance oCany of the urms and wnditions of this mongaee or the bond secured hrreby,the moctgagee sh:U, � � �� <br /> on dttnand,be antided to iavnediste possession of the mottgxged premiscs and the mortgagor hereby assims, transfers and�b o:rr,o t;a � �� �� � <br /> f . mortgagee all the rcnu,re�Ynua snd income to be dernYd from the morteaeed rrer.d:es d•.:,ti.g sucn time as the mottgage indebttdness shall remain . � � � � � � <br />� ".Yad;and the mongagee sha11 have the pox•er to appoint any 3eent or agenu it may desire fot the purpou of reps'^"�said premiut and rentine: � �. � � <br /> the xime and mlleciing the ren[s,revenues and income,and it may pay oue oC stid inenme a1J expenses of repairing Qid premises and necessnry <br /> mmmissions and expenses incurred in rentine and manaeing the same and of mllecting rentaLs therefrom;the baLna:er�..sining,i�ar,y,to b2 <br /> -- �pp&ed touard the discharge oC said mongage inde6tedness;these ri¢hts ot the mort¢agee ttuv be exerdsed at any cime during the exisuna oC such� - � ��� <br /> de(aelt,irrcspecti�e of 2ny temporary wai�2r of the same. � �# <br /> These Preunts,howeva,are upon iha Condition,That if the said 9fertgagor shall rep�y loan on or be(ore the macurity of said shares by � <br /> paytneni:pay monthly to�id ASSOCIATfON of the sum specified in the Bond ucured hue6y as interest and principal on stid losn,on or be(oze <br /> thr Tw�emieth day of each and every month.until ssid loan is fuily paid;pay all tzxes and azsessmrnis Inied against said pcemius and on ihis Mongage <br /> •_ and the Bond ucured thereby�,betore delinquency;(urnish appro�Rd insurance upon the buildines iherron in ihe sum of 5 3$��QQ.QQ payable � <br /> A: ' to uid ASSOCIATIO\;re�ay to said ASSpC1ATI0ti upon dertund all money by it ptid!or such taXcs,ass:ssments and insutana with interest ai <br /> '-h'-:^-:^_=+)e�1 rata Lh::-o::f:e.^;,a„,-;t c:payreni aii ui wi�icn 5iorcgagor nereoy zerees to pay:permit no waste on s:id pnmists:keep�nd compty � <br /> wiih al!tho agreemrnts and conditions of the Bond for S 33�OOO OO��S'K��'�n by t}te said Atortgagor to said ASSOCIATIOti.and mmp}y <br /> u�ith all the rcquuements of Ihe Constitution and By-I�ws of said ASSOCIATIOti;then these p�r,ents shall become nu!!and wid,oth:ru�ise they <br /> shall«main in(ull force and may be foredoud at the option of the said ASSOCIATIDN aftez fxilure for three months to mal:e any of said <br /> paymtnts or bt three months in arieux in making said monthly payments,or to keep and comply with the agreemrnts and conditions of stid Bond; � <br /> aad btortgagor agees to have a reai�zr appointed forthwith in such foredo:urt ptoceedings, s� <br /> (f there is any change in ou�nership of the real esu[e mongaged herein,by sile ur othenvix,then the�ntire remnining indebtedness hercby � <br /> stcured slvll,et the oPtion o(The Equitable$uilding and Loan Association o(Grand Island,Nebrsska,become immediately due and payable without <br /> turther notia,and the amount rertuining duc under ssid bond,and any other bond fot any additions(adLanas mzde[hereunder,ahall,from the <br /> date of ezercisr ot said opdon,bear iMertst at the mycimum legal rate,and this mortgege ra3y then be foreckxd to sstisfy the zmount due on ssid <br /> Mnd,and any othei bond for additiona]ad�an«s,togeiher with all sums paid by said 7he Equitable Building aad Loan qssociation o(Grand Islxnd, <br /> re6raskn tor insurana,taxa and uussments,and absUac2ing exttnsion char6a•wi[h interest thereon,trom dste of payment a[the m�ximutn <br /> ]real rata � <br /> As pro�dded in the Bond secvred hcroby,K'}tilC lllif fDOfi�2gt R[D21IIS ifl CII[C[the mortgeg�e may heteafier advana additional sumt to tht <br /> makers ot said Bond,[heir nssipu cr:uccesson in interest,which sums thall be within the security of this mortgage the same u�he(unds ori�jrsally. <br /> secund thereby,the total amaunt of prindpa!debt not to exaed at any time the ori�inal atnommt of this mongsge. <br /> „ Datedthis lst / �s��/j MdT'C�1 A.D..19JJ <br /> � '' � � ��-c�t. l�t�_l `;' iCi. ( <br /> ' ,'/ ck D. Heck Charlene R.�Heck <br /> ✓ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,� <br /> COlPr7Y0FHAI.L �� �°« 15t dayot Mareh 19�� ,beforemc, <br /> ,�`� . <br /> the undetvgned,a Nourv Puhlic in and for uid Couatv,personally came <br /> Jack D. HecY, and Charlene R. Heck, each in his and her own rigfit and as spouse of each other, - N . : ` <br /> -- u'h° a re P�rsonalty knawa to � a <br /> � me to be the idrntica!pec�n 5 whose name S,.$Y'2 `;affixed tu ihe above ins[n:irxnt as mongagor 5 and they sevcrally � .� <br /> adcnowledged ttu said iratrumrnt to be :t11e]Y:.` ,rola�ua�.aci and deed. n <br /> R7'[NFSS my hand azW�.`otanal Sea![he datratoraaid. � , � <br /> My Comvission ezpir�t : � � ; _ <br /> ` ,r � � <br /> '�;�.�, 1;.`y�i �(./��/'i`°.<Y�, ��i�✓���1' <br /> c.t•sst at �ocary Public <br /> w; � -._- I <br /> - ._ J <br />".�.P <br />`� <br />