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<br /> ;� 001U24
<br />� �iorcicnce
<br /> n�oaTcnce[.o�xo.� 22,558
<br /> KNOWALLTIENBYTHESEPRtiSENTS:That E�IDBt' F. Engel and t4ildred L. Engel each in his and her
<br /> � own.right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ;' Aforigsgor,whether one or more,in considerauon ot eha sum ai
<br /> s Twenty-three Thousand Two Hundred and No/100---------------------------------------�LLA�s
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equita6le Building and Luan Associaiion of Crand f�land,Ne6raska,hfartgagee,upon 232 sharcs oF stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificace No.L Q2,558 ,do hereby gnnt,com•ey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> dexri6ed real astate,situated in Hall County,Nebrasks:
<br /> LOT EIGNT (8), BLOCK TWENTY-ONE (21),
<br />�•., :
<br /> ;
<br /> together w�ith all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,induding attac}md tloor wverings,�ll window uretns, � � �
<br /> . window shades,blinds,erorm winduws,awnings,he�ting,air conditioning,and plumbing and waur equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stovet, � � � �
<br /> reFrigerators,and other fuctures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real es[ate. �� � �� . � � �
<br /> � And whereas the�id mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree�hat the murtgagor ehall end wil!pay aq taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> �k assrssed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secuted thereby 6efore the same s}iall becume delinquent;to fumish approved � ' .
<br /> insucance upon the buildings on said premises situated in We sum oi S 23�ZQQ.�Q ps)'able [u said ASSOCIATIOA'and ro deGver to stid
<br /> t;���:( ASSOCIATIO:J the policiet Cnr ssid insuranm;and not to commit or permit any wa:te on or abou[said premises �� . � � � �. �
<br /> In case ot detault in the perfurmance ot any ot the terms and conditions of this mort@age or tl�e bond xcured henby,the morteagee shall,
<br /> � � on demand,be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premiscs and the mortgagor herehy assigns, t[atufers and sets oeer ta the � � �
<br />�" mortgagee all the mnts,ee�Ynues and income tu be derived(rom the mo�tgaged premixs during such time u the muttgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> . unFaid;and the mortgagce shall f�ave the poH�er to appoim any agent ur agents it may desim for the purpose of repairing said premises and tenting � �
<br /> the same and wllecting the rents.revenues and income,and it mav pay out of said incnme a11 expenses of repairing said prcmises and necessary . �
<br /> commissions and eapenscs iucurred im m�ting and mana�ig the�same and of collecting rentals tharefrom;the balance ttmaining,u any,to be � .
<br />�,� �, appGed toward ine d�scnarge oi said mongage indebtedness:these rights of the mortFagee ma}•be exerciud at any time during the existence of such � �
<br /> - deiaul[,irrespective of any temporary waiver oi the same. �.�f
<br />� ; 7fics.Pre:^nts,ho:.ec�r,are upor.the Cor.dition,That if the said\fongagor:hall repay s:tid toan on or btfom the malurity of said stWres by �
<br /> : payment;pay mon[hly to sxid ASSOC1AT101 of the sum spe:iued in the Bond sacured hereby as interut and principal on said loan,on ot befote -
<br /> �'�'.... j ihe Tw'entieth day of each and every month,until said loan is(ully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied a¢ainst said premises and on this Mortga¢e � � . � �
<br /> �'���-�; xnd the Bond secured thercby,befoee delinquency;turnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 23�ZOO.0� payah:t . .
<br /> to s:�id ASSOCIATIOV;repay to said pSSOCIATION upon demand all monev by it paid(or such taxes,assessmtnts and insurance with inlertst at . � � � �
<br /> the maximum lega!rate thereon(wm date of paymznt all uf which\longagor hereby agrees to pay:permit no wasto on said premius:keep and comply � � .
<br /> with all the agreement:and conditions of the 8cnd for 5 23�ZOO.00 this dxy gieen 6y the said Afortgagor to said ASSOCIA'f10N,and comply
<br /> with zll Ihe requirements of the Constitution and ByLaws of said ASSOCIA7'10\;then these prexnu shall becom:null and�oid,othecwiu they
<br /> shall remain in full furee and may be furrclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATlON afar failure for three months to make any of said
<br /> payments or be thrre months in ar�eaa in making said monthiy p;�ymrnts,or tu keep and comply w�th the xgreements and conditions ot s�id Uond; .
<br /> and Dlortgagot egrees to tuve a receiver appointed forthwith in such foceclosure prouedings. �
<br /> If there is any change in ownership oC the real estme mortgaged herein,by sale or otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hettby � �
<br /> '� = secured thall,at the option o(The Equitable Duitding and Loan Aswciation of Crand island,NebrnsL•s,brcome immediately due and payable without
<br /> furthcr notice,and the amount reauining due undcr said bond,and any other bond for any additionnl ad��ances made thereunda,shsll,from tht
<br /> da�e of extrciu of said option,bear intere:t at the maximum leg�l race,and this mortgage may then be forecloxd ro satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> ' bond,and any other bond for ndditional advancts,together with all sums paid by said The Equilable Building end Loan Association of Ctand lsland,
<br /> i \ebraska for inaurance,taxes and asussments,and abstracting extension charges,with intuest thereon,Gom da[e of paytnent at the rttaximum
<br /> legal ratc.
<br /> As proy�ded in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in effect the mort�gee may heceafter advance additional sums ro the
<br /> makers of said Bond,their asigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the same xs the funds originally
<br /> ' secwed thaeby,the total amount of principai debt not to exceed at any time the original amount o([his mongage.
<br /> t'`.1
<br /> llated this 25th day o( FEbruaryA.�.,1917
<br /> �' 1--�.�.iv�'�a�i-C
<br /> mer-"F:��n e
<br /> �4ildred L. Engel (
<br /> STA7EQFNEBRASKA, � nn�� 25tllda of Feburar '
<br /> ' COUNTY OF HAI.L} Y y 19 �� ,before me, �i
<br /> f � ;
<br /> the underssgned,a Nowry Public in and for said Coun[y�,personally came � � -* `.�
<br /> E1mer F. Engel and Mildred L. Engel each in his and her own right ar�d as spouse of each ; N
<br /> Ot /� � w ° are Pt�sonallyknownto � �
<br /> l to�j¢t jdd ' rson 5 whou name 5 a re aCfued to the above instrptnmt as mongagorS and they��rouy :�
<br /> � acka�iC�d�E�tl�esaid'� ent to be thei r voluntacy 3ct and deed. r
<br /> t70 A�'Y
<br /> �1'f;'N my hand and Notarial Seal the date aCorcsaid. , � '
<br /> d '''if' : C� 10!{Wy��c ion ex i¢s {�1,_.,..�/ ,l�' � 1 I��,{�c, .-
<br /> : E,{ F S p -��.,... 1.��'1 p � �..� .
<br /> ��•/
<br />� � 5 LEti�u���31.1���,s,'Q' � ��Public
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<br />� � niFaf IiE:���
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<br /> F' ` �
<br /> W.
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