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� - . - <br /> , ; . <br />� , � , <br />�;. . � ,�� ; <br />�; i <br />� _ _ <br /> _ . ,�. <br /> , <br />� �~ � r« c� � n � s `� � <br /> � . . � � . The hiortitagee may col3eci a� "l�IT chxr�e" tiot to i>Yceed i%i.�c Cents t5c! far each rinllar (l1 .ik�1 <�f each t<atxl mcnehly . � . � � <br /> � � . �payment. mcre .hnn �1i da?•a na srrrxn, In envr-r thr• rxlra rzpanse inw>hvai in hanrilin� deiinquent sxcr���i. � . � . � . <br /> . . :1U . }�eyir.rn�i.xna�fo � umlrr !hr N�nvi.ions nl tfiin mi>rlRa�r ,�,r ihr. rn_Nr hrrnc� x«cure�ci . u:'hie�h may fk- i„n�trurA x. +n�<• n�L � _ . � � <br /> . ��:hall� not. in Ihr. aR�Fregate o��er the term thore�f; r�cvrd �7h�• r:tle fhaf mag nn�: i�r taa�f'ullp ennlractrd Ior in u�ritinc. � � � . . � <br /> ��� It isYurihrr ngrrcal fhxt �in ravi &ny �suit i. lx�cun� 'c� Inx�clo:r i}ils mor+.Rs�,r; tl�r �4onfsFee: iiti rirprr-�«nt��iire; +�r tu4iFna � <br /> � �hatl at tmn•: . }�e entit:lrrl � IT� the }ro<c� ti,ion �t �aid prt�mise+. anr{ u}x» sy�plizalion theref6r. 1hr ruart in ��hirh such uctiun shn!! ��. <br /> � - � . - !or hrouFtiG�nr�anp � ju3ge ni vuch .murt;� either in Serrn. timr nr�rncalicyi i� 3srn•by �aulhurir,ed tn :ippxnSnl .� receirer. to takr i>cxses� � . . � � . <br /> ° � ri�in taf � said ymmises;� ��r. tn �ml}trt th�• � rrats�thcn•}mm; ami k� dn�.an� }trrform. such� other . acts as n:sv bc rryuircvl by 94�c un9rr . <br /> . . . - � �_ o(� i1�e .eRurimal:in� i�he�. �at�7�oinsrnen(:. -andsxid � 3icrtgagni herehy � .+�aiv�:s any noaice of -nch � npplicari�n. szxi a,��nsrnts u� -�tfi�• :r�• � r <br /> � � �� ajr�ntmPnt� n[ a rncri��nr v{u�n� ihr• :pr+rrlurtion �nt 2h7s mn��traCr; without nfhrr vridrna�=. : . . <br /> x , f � , � . � It ie ezprt�x5lp :agreeil and vnderst<xxj �ihat the hlnrt�aFnr shall prtrfrti x�th � ihr ct�:nitroctiam � ��f a buil�i;n .^. rn ��:»id� }�remi�� � � � <br /> � , �:L_� � � wirh� aIi �: TeasnsiaLle� dis�atch, � anrl ��due diligena� an[I s;ia3l� ��ay Sar any � snd all� exiras nr maiificatinr.s that }��� ma�• rnuke i� �:.aid � <br /> . . . �.. �huildiag. tlireat �10 ihe � A7m�t�agee lo !� dsburaed.. tnFether u•ith thz, muney lnsntd �;r ari�:in:Y�i b�� �aiA .'�tortc:'s�i� an conr.rrli�;.� . : � . <br /> � �, �- udth � ti:is 7cwn: And it � is lurther . agmtK! xnn vnder;trod Lhat if. ih�. rnnslnirtiun ��i said 4�uiiding h��: at x�iy.- tSme. � discontinucrl � � . <br /> � �� � or tmt c.arried .cm u�lh rnxannablc dispaith in .the. judFment of the �11origag��e�. thr hl:rrt�aFec• .nr xm� ncdde�r :�i! 1he uid .ntae and <br /> - � '�1nrt.�sgc:. may7rurchase � maierisla -and � employwarkmen � tn : prott•ctsuid. buiid3r.F. �ofhatfhirsame .hnilnoi :ufTerfmm �dr�>n�da- � � <br /> � � � Yion nr the� wratlier: w tn trsmplete �nid . i�ailding, cti tltat. it zna�� !ie u�e�i far fhe nnrFxnec: iur 4�hich it i� . de+i,ea�•ri. un3et ltit• said � <br /> ;3 � : P�ans. an3 .s�xr.ifirstions: . thai.�� ail� 1hr svmc s� i�aid. . or e.xprn3ed. �;hafl. lu� dEK•med to lx adranns fo �he� �a4oriFaFnr. xn�l vrun�d .. . . <br /> � �� � b�� t}re�.�aid ncRe and a�urtFsre and xnea �be .vpPlir�.. at the n}�tion id thr• snid 'dnracaFee: ��•r ano• iiolde•r <.f cr�id nnir nnri martrzge � � , � <br /> � to any �d��ancc<s: thereaftrr k?crnming.�due Su! in �o e�x•nt shail. the ?�dort�agce be. iinhle ir, arn� u�:q� to romFil��te. vrid builc?ir.� or � . � . � <br /> `, � � lo . �y for � the cosis .�f � construction � F�yond ihr xdvan�xs ot the :amounta dep�xited {nr ssid nnr{�nss or 3aancri hr. fnr Aluriga�m � . � <br /> , , �� � - for the .rnn�t.runa�>n. of this. t�uilctinfi.. :L.nd it i; fur.�<�r ��znrc:cclr n�rrrr3 �nd u»drnta�d ih:at i[ the \7oii.gx��r c}�R�] fail �n rnmp)ete: - <br /> � wid � truilding � in ac:nirx}Rnrn �aiih ihr rsgrremrnls. t�tue r+rinc5 and <}x�eificatinnti fiicvi in �c•onrarti�n ���iih� ttiis inan air�.shsll nefi:t-et, �. � . <br /> !' � � fail �c�r mfuse 10 ��at• for vhr r:�s4c and ex{reners in. ounncrtion ihemu�th, or shall taii� in� anc �thrr ni tf�e tv��enems f� u-t forlh, <br /> A <br /> then, at� ihe optina. c�f the. . Atort�a�r.r br o[ the holder nt the note xnd mc.rtgnee hercin refermd :o, tnc hloetFaFf•r ma�� dr,clarn said � � . <br /> � � inan to tx� �in detaulf xnd thc enlire �mm�unt laanrd shall immeriia:e'.r lx�ec+mr riue xnd pe>•sbir snn thr pr<�nrr�>� herein- refrrmd to <br /> � � iha11 tie !arurity: f:ar at1 n(. i?�r sdrsnrnc ann ex�•nses iacvned snd made hy the \inrt��ttti. : in amnectinn u�ith sh�v prmi+irn. � <br /> 1 . . . � . . . . . <br /> ' �` � �. Stiiihm�t I:rr.itivg the .generxlity of the .`nrecoing, the 1lortgaFir >hali na.��r ine richr rc� d<rlam �hatdefnult has kuvn madn . : � � � � <br /> m <br /> ;'r � .. an3 i'�c �trtirr eadehLcnlnec< }�Pr�•under to 1N dur and pai�xhle yt . nnrn uPnn ihe hap}aenine �of sny one n{� the Joliowing ecmriitions: <br /> . .i � � �. . 1�1 The filinc nf anv 3ien aFRinst !hr property, whethe•r daimr.i tr, 6� prioz to the fir.�i mori:xcp or snh�crt ihereto: . . . � � � <br /> �: '; . .. . � . . . <br /> . �.� ih) - Th 'r entq• o( 2ny jvd�znent aFain,t the \f.r1���r; • � � � <br /> � (c) The faiiure 10 cvmply slrictip u•ith� re�nlelinns, the prnrision� n( the .:ity builriin�: c�xie, or it a��� stn=� arder . � � � <br /> �is is�u��.3 .L� puhiic svthorit:cK: � � � . � <br /> � � � 1 � 1 Any miss�atenent in 1he Insn sppiicnti�n: � �� � . � - <br /> it <br /> . tef Any matrrixl chaa�c in fhe l�ians and s}xw•ihc9tinns nnl ht�t apprrnevi. in �rritir.F l�y 7F.e � \1:rcfEuc��; � �� . � . <br /> � � ( t) If x•ork FK d��syE•d or s��spenderl fot a }xriai ot ihinp j30j dac� .riihout cniese sstisfscir�rt• m the ?dr,rt,s�m, cr � � � <br /> � � shouid . the Aforcge�or faii tn cnuu• wa�rk iu 2x• prtn�ruttd ��coroi:�,r.. . , � . " � � <br /> � li t:,e ?dnrtrsgre der:are; the loan io tx in urfaul [ untier snq pnr��i>ion� of thi� �n:��isi��n. �he "�ton �;s�er �nnll br unrirr � . " � � <br /> no ohli�ation tn �d��ance an>• iurther moners here�nder nitiirr for j+armr•nt vi work �icrform.Yl an<i mvteriais ahra�iy turnf=h�vi, or �, . � � , <br /> f.hrKr ta }w• t�rnishcd late.r bp the A4ortga�oe - . . � . . - <br /> ] t i; undertncxi and sgmxK3 that the \Sortfi3For uil) vse all adcann. made im<irr this mnrtF�Re to rra•t a i,uildiey; <.n . . � . � . ' <br /> v3id pmmixes in acmrciance w�ith �he ��l�s, s}zrificxtirrnc snd ;;rner,.) x�;r<rmem.: E1nj in cYmn.S�tinn thrr�•r�iih. 4nc1 hrrctoiom �. � � � t <br /> approvrd F�� tbe '�tort�:a�re. ' - � � � �� i <br /> -. .. ,: . . . - . . � <br /> It is unr,entaxl and ngre�9 7hat all matrrisl. dr•iiee•red u;�on c,id pn'mi.r; (nr .hr purl����' �•` C.rin;: incnrpnr.rt�d in the �. . � . . <br /> bu3ldin� cnail �• convoer.d a pvn nt Lhr bu(idin�;. � . �� � � <br /> �lorlgt.4;rr agcew; tn :nake sdvxna•n under this ]�,s� ior the .�mstruc��ion ef ..gid huilriin;: lrnn: timo to fime ss Hcrird � � . � . - . <br /> Mtw•:rn the pvrtics heretn. . � � � . <br /> .�#\ll fT IS E\PAESSi1' AC,fiEED A .`�D i.' tiI)ERST'(?i)D that �.�id aA�-9nas� chall n.� ��aSd nni� ui}rn in ik�e jud�nenl <br /> rd the !�4origsgee all work usuxlly dnne at thr stsFe of rnn�truciinn ���nen thr a.i� n. m�3c p;i�alilr .?ia11 have txrn dunr in A � . � � � � <br /> toud and workmnnlike munner. snd nll materials sno fixr�ns ususlly furnish�+i sni9 installed at that tine shvfl hsre t4i�n fur � � . . � <br /> nisbeci snd installed; b�t Lhe ?�lortgaFe-F muy ad�'ance pxrt., or the w�nnle, nf any instsliments tx•Inre fi�.�y IhYv�me due. ii the `�1ort- . <br /> ga�ee: r,hall helie��� it. sdvi�vble ta dn sn, and ait cuch adcane�s or pa��ment; shali br drem�•u i�� h:a��i� ke4n marir in pvnuann• nf . . . � � <br /> this a�m�ment, nothing. hin�•rrer. ir. this atrern�nc shall ht� r:.nstrurd as a d�arnninntinn oi 1hr quatify of . the wark. Ishor . . . . . <br /> or mntcrials fumiahtei hv thc \inn�zeor ar <natr.vctor nnd thr �9nr! ear:.�r :fvill ;�• u„�i��o : .� � �!ulp � �: . .hiicatir.n !�� r..y6r �. . . <br /> � -ucl� alrlrrminatian. � <br /> � ': . Thr Aiott;;n�;er .hall ix• subnr�;ate�i tn ai3 uf the ri(;1ria, pri� il.�g�>. pri��ntia�,. und rqurii�� ul anr lirnhul�ier wn��• kirm m�q . . . <br /> l�t�ve tr�en rti�haigtvi from thr �+rinrrd. oi lhic lnan. �:r bp sns fund� hrmb>• raid i,r furni�hed hc �hr A7orteagc•c. � � � . <br /> � IT IS E\PRESSt.)' AGRF.ED that ii thr �lorfesgor ahsll =e11, conve}� or sli.=n;afi� �..hi pro�x+rt>�, nr any� pvrt aherenL . <br /> or nny intere�[ themin, or slaat! he 3i�tstal nf .his tiUe or anp intercct 4erria in an�' manner or uay, +c"nrihcr vc�lunL�+riLi• or � � <br /> ia�roluatnri��-. witf�out. N•ritien � aia.�c'nt c�( the \iort�afi<t lxing fir:t hsd and r�bfaineYl. \tortgaF+r =h:ilf ha��r tne right, af its opfiun. . � . � � <br /> ` W drrlate any indeLtedness or otrii„ations scrured hrmb�•, im:;perlive n} ihe tnaturit�� datr r�xriSc.a in �sn}' nute rridencin�: lhe � . � � <br /> snme, itamediate!}^ due and payablr �ill�aut notur, and caid debt shsll ihrrcu�3on besvme atnt+tute. If iho oHrn^nhip oi the morl- . <br /> � 6'�S� � Aro3xrip fvt��tnes �Y-St<d in a per�on olher chnn thc Alort��.vr, the Aloct�:i„t� map, ui!i�out notke to }he �furi�;sgor, deal . � . <br /> a•ith such sucres=or or sucaKwts in inlemc! w-ifh re.[rrentY to th:s mori'r,vge nnd the 3rbt hzr.h}' xrund :i� u�ith Lhe TSort�aF'ea . <br /> . � and msy for�!9C IO St1C or m:+.' irx:end time fcr Cne ps��ent nf thir �t�ht hPtti•hy �N�U7'e�� xi:5oui tj�ei'hsi;;inR �u in any +rny a[Tectin�: � . . � <br /> tho linbilit,r� of lhe oti:inal �iur4��For hemunder or u�m thc d<�hf savr�d � ' � <br /> In thii ir.strvment ihr singular iarluci« the �rlurn] snd the masculinr includi� Il�r trmir:ine nnd th.• r,.•iitrr n�v! �i� i. i�r �~'.� � �,,,���`'� � <br /> .frnmrn[ .hall im iiirulir¢ upan !he un::ert.i�;n�vi , hi. he•its. I�rr.rvinvL?lhnvminii�e^., ai�cec•«�n and n..i�n.. ��:� N w,.`. . <br /> � � � . <br /> � <br /> INIVITN£SS� \P1iEREDF. .w�e harr t:emunw s<:t nur� S�inda aari s:�al, iho ac - .d _ ii: t �Rw�e wrfu��n. ,; , � <br /> L L- ' �� ' ;� � . <br /> � <br /> / � ' , � k <br /> : !r, thr. �rrr<cw� oL•. . �h � i . � � 'r" a <br /> y��"1'1'l�_ _ _ _ _. ... " " �� _ <br /> A.rneid . 'ihi:r2e� s <br /> �= _ <br /> � .t� ,��" .. .u� .. : � 1� , <br /> �au_^a J . i?�urloi, _ - <br /> �: _ ` <br /> _. � �1 <br />_2 , <br />