,r � . . . . . . . . .
<br /> . . . . .. . . . . � . � . � � � q� t: . .
<br />�; . . - .. . . . � . . . . . �..N .
<br />�' i :�;
<br />�
<br /> . _ ,__ _
<br /> �_.:
<br /> , �
<br /> �,� � 7, OQt195 � -,., ,
<br /> , �
<br /> � � . � � Thc �TTorlgaq�e muy cullect a ••Intr �chnri:e". nnt lo �•zcerd Five Ci�nts (5c) [or �mch dullar (SI .IX)) uf r,a•h tulnl mnnthly �� . � � � �
<br /> .. . � pnymenE:ainre�. lhnn 1fi :draya in nrmars tn iv�err the cxlm �rxpenso im�oir�•d � in hnndliuu drlinyucul ;ucuwila. � . .
<br /> �� t ��� � � AlLpuym.�nls � ptndo mulc� -lhr prm�ivians� nf 16is muriFngv ur Ihe nutr � hrrr6p .eruri�d. ���hich mni' b�• tv�nalrued Av inlrrr�L � . : .
<br /> �, • ; � � . ,6�Il � nnt , in� Ihe �8Fl:mgate ovrr � th�• Mrm Ihrrtyrf, ORcrt�d � ihC � rnl��. � hcil InuV mm� b�• I+nvfidly cvadr:n•Ii+dlor in �eriiinti.� . � � �
<br /> '.�.F . . � � . . . . . . . . . . � . � . . . . � . � . .. �
<br /> ('� . . IL is furiher . ngreivl itial � in � ciinr u�q�. auit ie Ix+gun . l�i Gur�di�:i• ll�is mort�:a�e. lhc A1urtE�Fe��, il, roprcnenWlirca �nr nssigns, � . -
<br /> ' � ,.bntl nk untt 'L�• �rntitled ln thr �xisussinn nLanid prcmises: :md u��rm u�Splicnlionihere(or, tho courl in which nurh n��lion sl�nll
<br /> ', ,� : Ike..Gre�uRlit� .c�r� uny judge �n( such a�urL vithvr �iir � tenn . timr „r ��xcnlion: ..ia-� h�+reb,v� authurizivi lo. ;q�point . :rrccrivor tr, taAe� �acr.vw�n:�. . .
<br /> ,. � viun of said �iremisea, t�r ln r�IlecF thr renls Iherefrom; m�d tn do`nncl per�orm ,uch othcr ucls as map bi ra�uired Gy the urder
<br /> t�f the rnurtlmakinK tl�e i�p�>ointment: imd snid bio�lgei:or h� rebp �eaivcs any noticc nf such applirnlinn. :�nd r�,nz�+nts to 0�o a�r
<br /> �; � � poinlmonf .o( 'a mc�•i�a�r u��on -lhi• pnNiuc�ion uf H�ic� mnrt�:nF� ,� H�ithout nlhhr �widono�•. � .. � . . . . . .
<br /> �� ; � � � � � � � ��� . . � . �. . . - . : . . � . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . � .
<br /> � . . . � . . . . � . . .
<br /> �. ' .� :� . � It is �zprescly ngrorol tmd uudervl�wd thnt� thr Alorlgagurshull proc�� with . thc c`onstruction oI '� � Luildin^. on said .prrmisrs� . �
<br /> �vith.. ull ri•asonable. disputch, xnd diie� diligenir imd �sh�ill pny fnr iiny � nnd � �ill �xtr.�s ur nuxhtuydions .-Iluit h�• may nuikr in �aid �
<br /> + �� � building, dim�t� � lo !hc Aiorl�agce Yu Ix� . disMursed, logether witli Ihc mm�rY la+mrd orad��unnd� b�' �:iid- �lorlgnfoi� in �rnnnrclibn �
<br /> � ��_� � �
<br /> . .., . . ��ith � thie loan. And � it is furthe.r ngnecl .nnd .Unde�ioud lhill . i( ihe conytn�cliwrof snid Duildin� br, aL�.any time. � disrnntinued � . . , .
<br /> ' � � nr. not carried - on �wiq� � rens��nnhle disrytdch in Ihe Iniigmeat of �t110 \inrlga�;ee, thr 1lnrtgngee ur :m�� hbl�ii�r uf Ihc �naid nnte and �
<br /> � 1 : � rlortgagi� mny �mrchnse malerials 7md . etnplo,V worktnen� lu � iroicqt . Huid b�iiidin � � .
<br /> �"s � I ti, �o. that thi� sumi� sludl n�i1. sulTnr fmm- dc imda• � .
<br /> ,-%; � � � lion orlhe wi•athrr; ur �tc� tY�mplete enid building, so th;d. it mnY br � ux�d 7or Ihe purprn:�ss � Ior. which � if is drsiK���'�i. under �Ihc snid �
<br /> ,i .� . � . pinna nnd : s�x�cificut.ibna;: thnl nlL . thr . sums eo puid,� ur expendrd. shnll lee deemed to Ix�. ndvnnrrs to lhe . \lnrtgnqor, :md ti.rurMl . ..
<br /> '. 'j � ; . 6y Ihr said nolr mid �m��rt�;ngo nnd mnY lu� i�ppli��d. :�t thc. option of Um said \tor�gngor, �ir :my hnidcr n( �:�id nntc und mnrtgngo .
<br /> � th nny. :�dvntiara Ihireaflar. lxv�<�minq. duc. I3ul in no rs•i�nt yh:dl lhr htortqagee be 1ia61c in �m• �vay io eomplet.� snid 6uildinl; or� .
<br /> � � j . � tii puy [or Ihe hists of�� nmslntctiou Iw�yond Uic � :idenniti�a nf the :miounla di�po�i��Y1 ior sidd �Wrpo.rs nr loiin�d by the A4urtgay;nt . . .
<br /> �j ..� . � � furlhe cronsl.rvct.ion of fhiy buildinF. ����d it� iy furfher expn�s.ly ngnrcl nud m�drntr�d thal it Uu• nturlgaqnr vhali fnil to complelr. - - . � .
<br /> ;� :-� � � .� � . w�id building in nccureiauce wilh the :�grremenLv. � hlur ��rints and spocific�dions filyd . iu conms•tiun �ei�h this lo:m -or �shall . nrglect. . � . . . ..
<br /> t -' fnil .or mfuw� tu pay . fnr ihn. cavis and ezpmLuea in rnunerti�n Uier����•ith, or sh:dl (•ril in nn�• uiher o( ihc ir���cn�tnLv h�rrin set forlh. . .
<br /> . � lhen, � at� -� thu uptim� o( the rlorlgngec oe of Ihc holdi•r of �he aiotu und morfFugo� hrrein nd�•rmd to, the htorlgn�;re mny. dreiarc tiaid
<br /> } ,'� � � - lo:m to lx� in' dvfnull .nnd the eniire �nmounl la�nisl shnll immedi:tlelg bc��me due and �u�yn6li• rmd �he proprrt>• hen•in n•(rrmd to � .
<br /> , . 3 . . . � shnll �. I�e urcurih� fnr nil o! tlic advnnnh � nnd eapenxes incurrcd eind made 6�• Ihe �lortkngec in runnrrtion �eiih ihis pmeiyian. . .
<br /> ' 'i � . \Vilhuul litniling tl�n gi�ner.QifY o[ ihe torci:oing. the Rtorlgngir� .hzdl h.rve tli� ril:ht lu il��clnn� 16n1 �IcCnult haa Iw�en made � � �- .
<br /> .', � . . .:+nd lhe � enfirn indobledn��s.v hemunder lu ix due nnd pu}�n61e nt nnm ��pnn the h:�ppeninti o! uny nne . n(� ih�• follo�rin�: c<mditions: - �
<br /> (a) Thc. filing of any liru �ngninst� lhe propi•rly, w'hel.hrr eliaimi�d l0 6e prinr to th�• firat tmxl�:igc nr subjirt �hrrrto;
<br /> " �; � � . . ( h) '1'ha rniry of :�ny lud�nent ngninst Ihc Tturlgugur, . � .. . . .
<br /> �
<br /> . � . . (cl Thc (ailum to comply stricll,V. �.•ilh r.oninr, rc�:ulniians, thc proeisinns af thc city � buildin�: calo, ur i( nny stop urdcr . .
<br /> # ix isxur.d hy � public aulhnrilies: � .
<br /> s � ' 3 � . . .� �d) � An�� mixstnlmnent in thc loan upplia�Non: � .
<br /> `;;. i - . . . � . � .
<br /> , .:,# �. . . (r) Any nmleriad chmige in !6e planx nnd sprcilicaHons nal lint. :ipprnvrd in �eriling by the 1lurtgnprc: . � . .
<br /> .i . . � : � � 4f) If �wnrk M• del.iy�vl or su,pended for a prrial o( fhiriy pi0) 4n��, aithuut. r�usr sniisfi�c�un• tn iho ilinrlgnger. � or . . � � �
<br /> . �:i . � � shuuld tlie - Murltintior fnil in enuse �rork to ix pnneculod rigurausly. � � �
<br /> �` ��� �� . � 1 ( the hlorlgngcr d<rinn•s thr loan lu !�e in d�•L�ult undcr nny pnrvision� of this pmrixinn. iha Alarlga�;re sllnll be wider . � .. .
<br /> .� ..�t . � no obligafiun lu advanco nn>• (urth�r mon��ya hi�n�under rithrr for p��qmrnl nf �cnrk per(ormi�d nnd m;�lerinlx elmady lurnished. or � - � � -� �
<br /> -.�. . 5 � Ihacc lo !H� furnishrd latur by ihc T1orlg:i�or. . . . . .
<br /> t
<br /> _. � It is undcrsloal and a�;n�ri thtil qio \tnrl�;ngur ���ill usc nll udvanc��a m;�du widor 16i. marl�;,ige tu rrrrt a builJinF on � . . � . . -. � � ��
<br /> �tid pnntixs in nnvrduncc with fhr plmis. sp�tiilirnliuns :{nd tirnrral ,��;nY�rncnls filwl in c��nnc<•tion Utrn•witli. nnd hrretnfurc � � . '
<br /> �
<br /> _" � � � nppmved by thr !1lnrtgnKcc. �� � _� � � . S
<br /> t
<br /> ' It is undentaxl and ;igrecd thnl nll ntalferinlx d��li��crud upon ��id prrmi�as (ar thr purpuse of brin�; incnrP��r.drd in thc . � � � � .
<br /> '�' �� �q huildin� shnll Fe cnnsidcmd u part o[ Ihe buildin�;. . � . ..
<br /> '�'':; �:�1 . � � � � . .
<br /> `:;.( 1lorigag�r xgre��s lo mnkc nJ�•nncos tmdor thiv lonn for Ihc ronstniclinu i�f xnid huiiding Innn timc lu limo as :igrerd . � � . ..
<br /> '� � } M�tween the pnrlica }���rcln. �
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> ' AND I'C iS b:XPRF.SSI.1' AGREt;ll ANU UNllF.RS'I'OOh th:d c�id nd��ance+ sh:dl IH� p:�id unlc �rh�•n in Ihr judgment
<br /> o( lhi� Alorlguge�• nll work 11YULII}' Iloni� n� the xfnge uf �ronslruction whrn Ihc nd�:inir is tuad�• p:�yuld�• shidl h;�r�� lw•rn donu in n . . � . .
<br /> '�-:. � �i goa! nnd w•orkmnnlikc tunnncr. �md all mnlcrinis nnd fixturr� uaunlly [urnishirl iiad inxt:�llcd nt Iluil limr .h:�ll h:n•�� biru fur• . � .
<br /> nish�vl and insl+Jled: but thr D1or�g�iger mny nd�•nncr p.vls. or the whule, ut any installmenls belnre Uu�y brcumo due. if Il�c Mort• � . .
<br /> �. i tingec nlixll lmliewe il nd��isnblo to do s�. vnd all sud� advuuaw or pn��m��nls shnll Lr dcemi�d to hu��r IH�cn m;idc in pureuunct of . . �
<br /> ; '�,.� this ogrcement, nolhin�, hmreecr. in Ihiv ntinenu�nt sh;d! tn• cunxinied :u n dot��rmi�udiun „t ih�� qunlitp uL � h�• wnrk . I:�bor � � . . . -
<br /> o� nmtcriuls furnish�xi by U�e Atncf��gor ar cunfnctor mid th�• \Inrl�:np•r .hall tH� und�•r no Jwy ur ��bli�;:dbm tm m�ko - . �
<br /> surh d��lenninnlion, ' .
<br /> .., .".. �, . . .
<br /> 'I'hr �fortgngce hhnll be .u6ro;;nlyd lu �iU uf lhi� righls. privilo�;ox. Prinritics. und eyui� irs ul +my lirnhuldor whu..�� hrn uun• � � � �
<br /> hurr been Jischnrg�<l frorn lh�� pra•��ods of ihia loan. ur by nny fund. hrrrb�• �mid nr furni�lu�d b>� Ihr \1nrlguFiv. � . . �
<br /> �i � IT IS E\PI2ES5Ll' A(iREED. Ihat i( Utc Ttortgngor ¢hnll �cll, ir�ner,y or ;�lion:rtv x�iid pr��perty, or nny I�+�rl thorcoL � - ��
<br /> '�--i. � or uny intemet thercin; c�r shnll im diveyhsl of hia liUc ur �mY inlerrs! fhrroin in :vp' mnnncr nr �e:q', whi�ther �•olunlarily or
<br /> '� i. inwlunlnrily. without � ���rittcn -nmseod of flie �lu�ly�n6cy_. .bei���irel hud nnd oli4�ined. nli,rfU:��:�•� +hall h;rcc Um riFht, nl ilx optim�. � ..
<br /> `' to decluro nny indobiidnexc ur . ubligutiva� ,�Giiiiied �h� nL} „Arn� prc�iee ot th�� m;�luril�� d:de �p��cifi�si iu mi:� nol�� ovideucing the . . .
<br /> aame, imm�dintelY ���e and P;�Ynble N'ILIIWL t10IjM� , pPI{ ,f�11(j cly�Lt �hail thereupon Lecome :ibsolule. If the u�� n��nhip u( lhe mort-
<br /> �� F � 6�8�1 Nropetly Ix•annes �•cnlctl in u P��*un btGir Uina -lhr�- ilti>'tlgngnr. th� T�tortpngre mnY. witliout nulire to ihr 2larty;aHor, de:�i :
<br /> " ; with sudi succussur or yuccY•3;�urv in interta4: �vith 7eferentt� �to tLis mort�::igo and tl�e dcLl horrb�� sorurtkl as with thr rturt�;��gor,
<br /> nnd miiy torUear t� suc nr mny�ctA?nd "time !or lhc pnl'tnont of thi� dcbl hi•ri�bp vcrun�d �rithuut di�chnry:in�; ur in :mp �ruy nl(cclinF
<br /> f thr linbility of thu uri�;incil Tlnrtgu�;or hrreunJer uT upun ilic drbt �irunrl.
<br /> . � . �^i,� .x„ ,
<br /> ? ,� ;y ;� �;
<br /> � � [❑ � this inslrumcnL thc . xingulnr includ��+ Ihc plur�d ;md ih�• m;�<culmc includvs the fcmimnv m�d Ih�� n�•ul�v nnd Ibi, in . �.; N .c� ' .
<br /> [ ,Irnrnrnt nhidl Im bindin� up�m thc underaiwnerl. hiy hoirx. prr�uinnl rvpnw�nlidivcs. Hui�n••snr. .�nd ns�i4n�. . � r , '
<br /> � :�, � � ltd. �V17'NESS WNF.RGOF, H•e haer horeunto :+ci nur h:mds nnd .�•;d. Ih�� d;��• nnd yrnr lir.l nlro�r �rrillcri. � �. � ' :
<br /> � � � h i�. ,,.:
<br /> . . Jn ihe presivnro oE: . � � � . % . ;�Q ;'
<br /> � �, �� . .�'�..�-�.... _ 4���--{�'� � �
<br /> r . Pe3n Wolfc . `'
<br /> - . � � � 1l4t'G�L,�l4 .C�-. .. LL' .i^`."4C. . . .
<br /> s�a�th n . woi!��
<br />? � �
<br /> E. � . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />� .
<br />