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<br /> ti . . ., �
<br /> . �,�`r4 � . �
<br />� ' � ,.�.�.
<br /> . .
<br /> _ �� • �
<br /> � m �y� Qt� 935
<br /> ., �.,.,�• c .�,.r�,�.rnrsNTc er�n er_. FF, , � • f � , , ;
<br /> � 1ki�:.�-.m�n.aunwa.. .. . .,.. ..H..P. . _ R 9. : . . .ti _ � ,
<br /> � . � � � � �-. i Ct tl i.. r s, . � . . . . �
<br /> 'Phat tlie. Mongogor will pay'thr indebtrdness es herninbetore previded; ! -
<br /> _._, _. ,. : : _ . . ; , . . _
<br /> �� � That thc Murt�agur ts the dwner of yeid� property m fcv �eimpi� nnd }�vx Roa1 riqhl � nnd tawful authorit>' to sell nnd � � . :
<br /> �l � cunvey the same and lhut t}�e eame[is ,�[ee and�clent g[ any.. lien u� rqcuinl�runtt; and .that: htor}gogor wil! warranl nnd Je(enrl th;� . . � . � . �
<br /> fitle tu said �premises agairLvt the claims oC aU pecsima wh'omsaavnr.S
<br /> �} . . ,.. . . .: ',. 4 : `. . . . . � .. .. .
<br /> . 1 } ��� ' . ,. TIl �78)'.,`I[j17IIC(�ILICI)' WI1PS1 �I4C ti71[� �IAyHhIC BII �.L•IICCOI II1Xl?9� S�)MIQI 18XC3, S�)l:C1III �AS�P 'tilitC'f1�5, WA�P1' CI1:1�6P6 tf!tVf'� 1PfV- � � -
<br /> A ice charg��s, and':otherfaxes and chxrges ayninst said , proMlty , nnd +dt lnaes levi��d �n thc• d� lri �ccured her� by; nnd t� furnish thn
<br /> � " �� �.Af�irtgngee. � n�wmt<+quest, .-with`16e'� biiginet�crr,duplicaLe. 'reCFipts ' then+for.�. �'Phe �1i��t.�,'agor u�:rcen �lhat them shzll he�� addrd t�� � . � . .
<br /> , � each �monthly. pa}'ment required LrrrunJrr or �in�3er 1he � ��yidenca ot del�t secured. hereby� � an ;umuunt estimaled by lhe \lortgugee : � .
<br /> � � tu �l�e'-�eufhrient �;tu eneblr�.ihe D4orl�ugee�� tn p+iy, � as thiy 6erome� ilue�, all- laxes, +3sa•.�nients. +ind ' similar ch+irgcv u�romt6c•: prnm. � � . .
<br /> - � � '� i�i�3'sut�)ect theretn; »ny 'defitiency�` tiecauselo[� thi• ni_=u�i�i�:ncy �n[� siich ad<liti�iuul ��aymenis � ,h;Jt" he kittb.+�ilN dep�rciled by th�� � .. . . . . � . .
<br /> �r " . htor{gagnr �eith fhe � \fortgaFec upon . demaiid by' the �lortgu;;ce: Any drfault �undrr this , puragr:�pk �hall bt� �ii=�sn�•d a� de[:ndt in . � . .
<br /> � �.. . . � �i+�yment � o(-tnx�.w: assessments, ni '� simiiar i•harges - royuired horeiindrr. � � � . .. ' . : - � �� , . . � .
<br /> : :' : .. . . . . - . . . .. : . , . . . . _ . ��. . - . . . . . .
<br /> . � T1ie Mnctgagor, agrees tlmt :U�ere SItIIII � llIeO he addeel .t�� onci� n:onl}dy P�yma�nt ot principal � anJ i�ilem}t . requited � hrre- �. � .
<br /> � .� - " ander an �niuunGFslimuG>d� by Lhe P+lortgagee tn Ix�. sa�cienf to enable thr :�tortgagee fu pay, as it b��come•s rlue, the � insurance � . , � .
<br /> prrmiurn on uny. insurance policy deli��ered lo the blortgagee. Any de(icieney Iu�rnuse uF the insuf6ci�mcy . of such . :additiuna! pay- .� � �
<br /> - i . ' menl+�shall !>e [orthwil}� � clepacile�l � byYhe 'tii�rtgagor� with lfii �7iirtgngec u�xiri Jem:md i>y. Ihc 11i�ttgaged. ,1ny � default �undi�rtt�is � � �
<br /> . � � � paraguiph shn{I be �1r.emed n detaull i�i ihi� puyment ot in�urance � (�remiums.� If thr �xilicy- i>r- ��olfcies depiisili+d �arr ��uch as leome, �.� . � � �
<br /> . � . owners nr all risk {x�licies, and ihe deEwsits arr .insutiicient tu {iay l6e ��nlire pmntium. thi• Mnrt�{aFce �no�y :�pply the depo.-it tn . � � � �
<br /> ; , .. ��Y Premiums on risks required to. lx� insurcKi by this mortgagc. . . . . �.
<br /> � �� Ptiyments� mude by the \9urtgag��runderihe a6nve paragrapfis ma>•, at Qic �iption u( ihe Atnrt�;ager, Lc hold ' hy il and � ' . . . � � .
<br /> . .� comminglr.d wiih othrr.sudi tunds� nr ils own funds (ur ihe payment o( sueh ilems. nnd m�til w ;+{ipli.�d, �ac•h �rayments an• hereh�- �. � .
<br /> . � 'plerlged as . security . tor thi- unpaiil. Ual�nce. c�( �� Uie n�urigage inJe6ledness: � . . � . . . . .
<br /> ` . . . . . To proeure. deli��er to, and maiulain for th�• heni�fil nt the Alortgsgee during H�e lif�� of �his mort„age �rtiginnl pn�icirs and � �
<br /> � � renewnls fhererof. delivered at 1�•;vl tr. n daS's tkfe�re th�� ex��iratinn ��( :�ny such poDci��+. insurin;; againsi fire :�nd ,�ther ir�sur:ible . � � .
<br /> � � hnzard3;� casualties, nud � contingencies ux !hc Afortgugee may re•quire, in un amnunf eyuni ln Ihe indeblednesv � securtt! by � lhis � � . � � �
<br /> � Morig,y;e, and in companics �receptflbte to She �3nrltiagce. ���iUi loss payable clauk+ in iseur n( and in furm accrptable to the Afortgn• . . .
<br /> . . gee. In the event any poticy is nut renewed un ur lx•iure trn days u[ its e� pirnGan. the Afort�;a�ue may pmcurc in�oranct• on the � � � � �
<br /> � � � imprwrmen�a. pny the premium lhrrefon and suih sum� �hall ber:,me imm��diulell' ���e :uid pay�able with ir}trrr=t. ut the rnte urt . . . . . . .
<br /> � (orih in sxid not.� until �iaid nnd ehall be ,rcur�•d by lhis mnr�4ngi�. rsilure un �he p�lh oI the 1lnrlgagnr lo f�unish .uch renr���vls . � � � . . . .
<br /> � as ure hera�in requireJ or fuilure lu pay any sums advanc��d hvreunder shall, nt the oplinn n[ th�� lforlgagcr. con;titule a detnult . . � � . . � .
<br /> . � under lhe term� o[ this murtga�;e. 'I�he �Irlieery o( sucii palicu�� shall, in the ��renf u! drfaidt, conxtilule nn assigronent uf lhe un- . : . . .
<br /> � . enrn�d premium. , � . "
<br /> . . . puy sums recei�•ed by thi� �Sorlkag:�r 6�� re�i�on o( los. ur damuge msurrd ngai:ist mny be rclninvcl by ihr �9ortg:+�;e�� - . � � .
<br /> nnd ixpplied loward the p+i��mem o[ thr deb� hrreLp srcurcd. or. at thr uption r�( tlie \forl�ngee. wcL smns cither M�h�,IIY ��r in . � � �
<br /> . pnrt may . be puid r,ver �o lhe A4ortgugnr lo Ix� used to rep:nr such buildini:s �u lo Luild ' new buildin�s in their place ur 1or any, .. . .
<br /> �. othet . purpoye � ur ohject . s�tisfactuty tu the Aturtgegee� withuul a(iectint; the lien un the mortguge (or the full amount st�currd Lere. . . . . . . .
<br /> . by liefure such pnyment ever bwk pince. � �� � . . � ��
<br /> T'o prumptly repair, rrstore or rebuild any bwldin�;s or im{�rocemenls now nr hvrcaiter un ihr premises wi�ich mny� t�• � - � � � :
<br /> � . come dtunngeJ ur drs�rop�sl: to � keep said prrmises in ga�d conditinn nnd rr�p�air and (re� frcm +my mecht�nic'41irn ur other lien or . . . . . .
<br /> . claim uf )ien not ezpressly sutwrdinntcd to lhe lien hrreuC nol to w(Tcr or ��rrmit an)' unlaw(ul usc of nr :my n�ti�nnce lo �•xist on - - ' � � � . � - - � - �
<br /> SIIIf� E1�0�]l'(�,Y Il0[ �O �1Pfffll( N':LS�C pll 581<� �)tl•pl6l'S. Ilpf lU 1�0 31l}' UIf1Pf :If( N'��PfP�I�' t {iP �)fU�)Pt�Y {ICt('�Y C��OY(•)'P(� 5�111�� �1P(Yllllf . . .
<br /> ��� � less vnluable, nor lu diminish or fmpnir iLi value by an.� act ur omi.;im� tu :�ct : t�� c�:rnpl>� ..�ith oll rrquimments �.,f law with rr�pect � . � � . .
<br /> to the mortgn;;ed premises and the use thereoL . � � - }
<br /> 'Phnt should the Prrmixs or nny I�+�rt then•n( Ir� laken ur d:mmgud hy n•asur, uf an7' Puldic impruvemenf c�r amdemnntion � � -
<br /> "'' . proceeding. or under the righl u( eminent donwin, or in nny other manner. the \tort;agec shall br entilled to ;�II cumpcn�aGons,
<br /> � awards, and any othrr payment or mlief lherefor, nnd shnll tx enlitled, :�t its option. lo commence. nppetv in :+n�I � prcr.;tt'ule in its ' .
<br /> own name nny uction or proceeding, ur lo mukn uny cvmprumisc ur selqement in i'onneclion with such lakin�; ur damage. All such
<br /> . compenwaiion; . uwunls. dnmag�s, righko( aclinn nud � priwecds nrc 6ereby assign�•d �n the �fortga;;re. e-ho may. nfter drducling .
<br /> ���-� � �� .� themirom ull ils expensea, re:ease any moncys � so teccived by it ur upply the same on .ny indebtedness se�ured i�crelry. The \tort-
<br /> v
<br /> gngor agtees - to execule such . furlher ussignments o( nny cmnpeusulion. :u+anls, damages, and . rights o( aclion antl �rUCeeels as Ihe .
<br /> - Dfortgager. - may ttquira� � . � � � .
<br /> � �� Thut in c+ise u[ G3ilum tu per(urm auy nf the cuvenan�o- hrrein. Ihc !�tortgagee may du m� Ihe :�tor�t;agor's b��hal( everything _ �
<br /> � so rnvenunted; thui the \fortgngee may �also do nny uct it may Je��m necm�c3ry hr proti�t Ihe lien Iherenf: � hat lhc 11nrl�ugor ..�ill , .. . �.
<br /> � npeY upon demar.d anY moneys pnid nr disbuncd by the Dtort�;al:rr (or :iny uf the abm'c PurPosr... nnd surh monrys �ugellinr ,.�ith _ ..:
<br /> ' intMest thereon nt the rale provided in snid nole shnll become so much NfI(II�IOOLI indebleelne�� hereby .ecurcd nnd � mny I�e in-
<br /> � duded in nny' decree (oreclusin� this murtgatie nnd Vx� paid out u ( the ren[s ur proceeds u( snle uf said jxemise� i! not ulhrrwise � . .
<br /> pnid: that il shull not lx obligutory u{wn thr. A1orlFagee lu inyuire into Ihc vnlidity o[ nn>' lien, encum6rance+. nr claim in ad- �'
<br /> � . . vancing moneys � as above � authorized, � but nolhing herein rnnlained shall l+� cnnstrued as rt�yuiring �he Alortgngre 1u ndvance nny -��
<br /> moneys foruny such� purP�� nor tu do eny act hereunder; and thnt Ttort�egee shall nol incu[ nny penunnl liabilily � bern�so of any- .
<br /> . � thing it may� do or umit to du herrunder. . �
<br /> �� In (hr eeenl of the de(ault Ly Alorlgugor in lhe payment uf nny inslullment . . u. nquired by lhe ;�olr �ecureJ herrLy, or .
<br /> � � in lhe ��edormunm o! the obligalion in this murtg.age ur in lhe nole urured lhereby. !hc \torlKag�•�• shnll bc rntitled tn declare the
<br /> � debt secured hcm�y. due. andpaya6le wi�hout notice, anr3 thr, �1ortRII6ee shnll be entilled ut iGs upti�n, �vid�out nulicc•, either bp iLyelt
<br /> � . or by a receiver to. bc app<�intcd by the �Ymrt thenro(, und wilhout regard to the adcY�uacy ot �ny �security fur lhe indebledncss rKr• �
<br /> cured hereby; Lv enter upon and tnke pusSessiun� af the �mortgnged premises, and lu cnllect :md receive !hr mnts; is�ues und �prufitv
<br /> - � t6ereoE, attd apply . 11ie ssme..less cosla u( o�ieratiun nnJ -cY,llection. upon the indebtrdnes.c secured �by � lhis morlgnge; suid rnnls,
<br /> � iwsuey nud profi� M•inK hcrehy� ns�iRnrd lo the htartgaFre nv further security for lhe P�Ymenl of +ill indeblydness � s�wurrd hereby. �
<br /> � "The Mortgngic shall have the power lo eppoint any agenf ur sgrnts it mny desire (or lhe P��rP�+*�- �t rrpatnnK ��id prrm- .
<br /> �� � . ises; mn4nq the same; colleclin6 the mnts, revenues and incane. :md it map pay out of s:ud inam�e all ex�xnses mnirr�d in renh
<br /> � ing nnJ � manaK��B lhe same and of collectinR tF�e rentals therrtrom. Th� bnlance rernnining, if any. shell be ��pplied toward the
<br /> discharge . o[ the mortgaqe indebtedness. This asvignmcnt is to t��rminatc and Ix•cc�me null and void u{wn releaw u[ this mort�aRe. ' ^+,� � d
<br /> - . � . . � . . . � � � . . . . . . � . . . . _ � ., .' '
<br /> ,
<br /> . . . . �� N � E7" .�
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