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<br /> 6. If lie fuils to ptt}� uny sum or i.eep un�' covenut,t prceided fur in this moi�:gage, the Mortgagee, at
<br /> its option, may pag or pei�zoim the same, and ull e::pendiiures so made sha,li be added to Che principal sum
<br /> otis•ing on the above noLe, shall be secured hereb3�, and �hull bear interest until paid at the rate prov�ued
<br /> for .in the principal .indebtedness.
<br /> , � 7. Upon request of the Mortgngee, Mortgagor shrill execute ssnd deliver a suPPle�entnl no'te or noies
<br /> for ihe sum or sums ndt•anced by Moi•tgagee for the alteration, modei•nization, or improvement msde at
<br /> the :Bd�rtgegar's request.; or ior maintenance of suid premises, or for iaxes ur assessments .against the
<br /> same, and for an3• :other purpose elae«'here authorized hereundei•. Said note or not��s shall be sectred
<br /> hea•ebp on a puriiy �rith and t�s fully as if the adcance evidenced therebr r;ere iucluded in the note first
<br /> described abot�e. Said supplemental noie or notes sl�all bear interest at ihe raie prvrided for in the prin-
<br /> cipul indebtedness and shall be puyable in approxunntel3• equul monihly pa�Znents.tor such period sis mn3•
<br /> be agreed upon b}� the 14loitigEgee and Moriga�or. Fxiling io agree on ihe maiurii��, ihe �rhole of the sum
<br /> or sums s� :advanced shall Y�e due xnd pa3�able �hirtt• (30) dars after c3emand bv ihe ?Mortgagee. 1n no
<br /> event shail the maturit�• extend beyond the ultimate muturitp af 'the note first described abo��e.
<br /> S. He hereb� Assigns, transfers and sets o��er io the iVioi�tgugee, i;o be applied io�+�ard the pa�-ment of
<br /> the note end all sums secured.hereb3* in caae oi a default in the performance oi nnti of the tertnsann condi-
<br /> tions oi ihis mortgage or tk�e said no'te, all the rents, revenues und income to be ri��rived ironi the mnrt-
<br /> ` gaged pi'emises during such time as tihe mortgage indebtedness shail i•emain ur_pnid ; and t7ie lSortgagc�e
<br /> � shaL' have po�ver to uppnint ant• agent or agents ii may desire ior che purpnse of renting the sameand coi-
<br /> lecting �he a•ents, rec=enues and incume, and i't ma}• pac out of said incomes el] necesst�r� commissions and
<br /> ea-penses incurred in reniing and managing the sume and nf co?lect:ng retatals inei•efrom ; the bsslunce
<br /> remaining, if un5�, io be applied iotisurd ihe dischurge oi suid mort�age indeviedness.
<br /> 9. He u'iil cantinuousl}� mniuiain hazard insurance, of such tt7�e or ti7�es xnd amou!its as Mo��gagee
<br /> map from time to time remiire, on the improrements noK� or hereufier on said pi•emises and e�cepi «�hen
<br /> $ pul-men't for ull such p:•emiums has theretofare been made under (uj nf purugrEph "_ hereof, �rill paa�
<br /> pramptit• «-1ien due aa�' P:•e*."'-'!Tn� therefor. L?pon default ihereoi, Mnrtgagee mu�� pnr the same. 3ll
<br /> ; insurnnce shall be crst•ied in compunies approi�ed b� tbe MoiTgagee and tne poiicics u,�ci rer,��:•�.ie, *ne='ec?
<br /> shall be held bt• the lIortgngee r.3d huve attached thereto inss pat�able �lausus in facoi• of and 'zii iorm
<br /> " accepit�ble io the iltortgagee. ln e��en 't of loss l4ortgagor �t•ill give im�nediui;e x�otice b�� mail to the Murt-
<br /> gagee, x�ho ma�� mnlce pronf of loss if no±. made prumptic b�• Moa•tgagor, t�nd cach insurnnce compan�� cun-
<br /> ccrned is iierebg uuthai•ized and directed to ma'se pa3'ment foi• svc:h iuss direc:l�- iothe �IurtgaFE'Y insteaci
<br /> of 'to the l�Tm�tgszsor nnd tl�e liorigagee jc�intli•, tmd the insurAnc� nrocceds, ur nn�- part ihereaf.
<br /> mfl1• be aaplied bg the Morigagee at iis optiun either to the reduction of the �ndebtedness herebp secured
<br /> �, or to tne r�.sioration or repuir of the propertc damagad. In event of i oreclusure of this mortgt�ge, or oi:�er
<br /> tr�nsfer �f iitle to the mortgciged ps•opert}• in e�:tin�uishment af the intiebtedness secured hereb�, all
<br /> right, tiile and interest of the l'ioi� gagor in Rnd io nr.,r insurance palicics then in fnrce shall pass u ihe :
<br /> nurchnser ar grnntee.
<br /> lU. ?.s additionctl and collc:teral security' f�r the pa��enz oi the noie desc�•ibed, �nd all sums to becur.ie
<br /> due underthis moi�tgage, the IV1o7tigugorhereu�� ussigns to the '�1oi�gagee all lease bonuses, prnfiis. revv-
<br /> nues, rot�:ilties, rights, �nd other benents accruing to the Mortgagor under a,.�� und all oIl and gas lenses
<br /> no��•, or during vie liie o*" ?his mortguge, e%9L'lltCd OIl Sllld pP�II119C5� �cith the rigt�t to recei��e and rtceipi 1
<br /> for the snme and npple zhem to said indebtedness as ���ell befoi•e us ai'ter clefaul: in the condiiions of this '
<br /> murtga�e, and the :liortgcgee map demund, sue �or aud ^ecorur un}- such pa�-ments «�hen ciue and pa}•-
<br /> ablc, but snall not be i•equii•ed so tu do. This assignment is to teimina�e and be�ome nul; and void apon
<br /> ?•eleus� oi ihis mortgage.
<br /> 11_ He sitall not commit or permit «�aste ; and shall muintain the pronert}- ia as good condition us at
<br /> t pi•esent, rcasonubie «-ear and tetsr excepted. I;'pan anp iuilure tu su maintuiii, I�ortgagee, at its option,
<br /> mup cause !����usonubie mnintenuuce worlc to be periormed at the cost oi Mortgngoi•. ��it� xmounts paid
<br /> ihereiur b}• I�ortgagee shull wear intei•est at the rate pro�'ided �or in tiie pi•incipal i:ideb 'tedness, shall
<br /> tiiei•eupon become a part of th� ind�btedness secui•ed b5• this instrumeni, r�tabl}� aiid on a parii3� v,-iih all
<br /> � oiher indebtedness secnred hereb}�, and shull be pu3'able thirts i30 ) da}�s a1'ter ciemand.
<br /> u 1�. 1� the premiss, or unr purt ihereof, be condemnHd under ine p�u•er of emin�*� 't ciamain, or
<br /> acquired for a Anblic use, the daznt!ges n�rarded, the proeeeds ioi• ine tain.n� o:, oi• the consi :ieruiion for
<br /> such ucquisi 'tion, to the e::tent c�f the full umaunt of the remuining ur.p�id ind=_�.btr,dness secured bc this
<br /> mortguge, o�' hereby xssi�.*ned to the Mortgagee, Lnd �;h�'.'- be �a; � :ar.':hn•ith ��o said Mai•tgage�, to bc+
<br /> apnlied on account of ihe lust mxturine instaIlmeuts of sucii indebiedness.
<br /> iS. lf the hfartgagor �uiis to make av�� pa}'meuts u-heu ciue, or tn ccrni orm 10 and cnmp]y u•iih an,r
<br /> of the cUnditions or agreemenu coni:�:ined in this mortguge, or th� unies «•'r.icL it secures, then the
<br /> ��ntire principu] sum and accrued interest shull :�t once t�ecc�me due nnd pti�•�i61e. <t the election of 'the
<br /> ?�qortgngee� and this morigage ma}� thereupon be fc� reclosed imm��ciiateh� ior the �rhr,ie of th=_� indebieti-
<br /> ness herebr sNcured, including the cost uf e�-tending the ubstraci nf title �ro±n the date of this mori-
<br /> ` gage tu ihe iime of commenci7ig sucn suit, a ressonable uttorney's fee. and an} si:ms paid b4� the 1'e 't��rans
<br /> �dministruti�n on �ccount of the guerann- or insurance oi: ihe indebtedness secw•c.�d tierebc, ail of tirnich
<br /> shall be inelud�d in the dec:ree of forNclosure.
<br /> 14. Ii the indebtedness secured herHby be gu�ranieed ot• itisui•ed under Title SB, L nited StaiNs Code.
<br /> such Title and Regu]ations issued thereunder and in effeci vn tl�e daie herc+oi shull gu��ern the rights, duties '��'� ` "
<br /> und liabilities oi the parties hereto, and an�• proti-isions oi this or oihe�• instrumer.ts Ecc�cuted in conneciion � '��
<br /> ! � H•ith said :indebtedness �'hich are inconsistent �i�ith suid Tiile or P.egulations a:i•e :�ereby umended tc� �
<br /> cnnform thereto. ,,�� .
<br /> The covenants herein contuined shall tiind, Aad the benefits und �dcantnges shull ;nure to, ihe �
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