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�.. � �_ <br />� � �`` <br />=p . <br /> _ _ . . ."� <br />;M: � . �. .. . <br />�': <br /> f7� 000903 � <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> AfORTCAGG LOAN N0.� 22,552 <br /> t:HOWALLMENQYTHESEPRESENTS:That Mdi't711 J. Kelley and Kathryn L. Kelley, each in his and her <br /> � own right and as spouse of each other, . <br /> ; hfortgegor,whethu one or more,in considerstlon o(the sum of` <br /> ` Twelve Thous�,nd Eight Hundred and No/100--------•---------------------------------��LA� <br /> loaned lo said mongago�'�;'i he Equitable Building and Lusn Association of Crand Islsnd,Netiraska,hlortgagee,upon ZZH sharcs uf stock of <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cectificatc No.L 2Z,552 ,do hereby grnnt,cam�ey and mongsge unto the said ASSOClATION the lollowing_ <br /> described realtslate,situated in Hall County,Nt6raska: <br /> ''. LOT TWENTY-SEVEN (27). IN WEST HEIGHTS <br /> • 5 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br /> � :� <br /> HALL WUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> .;:'; � � <br /> ; <br /> togetl�er wilh all lhe tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing,including attached 11our rnrerings,all windmv scrrens, <br /> : � window shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water equipmen�and accessuries tharcto,pumps,sto�•es, <br /> relrigerarors,and olher fixtures and equipment now or hareafter attached to or used in connection H�ith:aid real estate. <br /> ` And wheiras die said mortgagor has agreed and does 6ereby agrec that die mm�gagor shell and will pay all taxes and ssussments levied or <br /> ' assesseJ upon mid pcemises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therchy before the same shall become delinyuent;to furnisl�appruved <br /> insurana upun the buildings on said pramises situated in tlte sum uf 5�Q�$QQ.QQ payable to said ASSOCIATION snd to deli�2r to said <br /> „� ASSOCIATION the pulicies(�t said insurance;and not to mmmit o[permu anv waste un or a6out said premises; <br /> In ca:e of default in the per(o�mance oCany of the cerms and conditions u(tlus murtgage m the bond secured hareby,the mortgagee shaU, <br /> on demand,be entitled tu immediate pusxssion uf the mortgaged premises and the murtgagor hereby asagns, transFars and sets uver to the <br /> mortgagee all the renu,cevenues anJ income to be deri�rod from the morteaged premisos during such time xs d�e mortgage indebtedness shnU mmain <br /> unpaid;and the morlgagee sh�ll ha�ti the puwer to appoint any agent or�gems it may desire for tlie purpose of repairing saiJ premisos and renting - <br /> ; the same and collecting the rents,revenues unJ income,and it may pay aut of said income xll expenses oP repairing stid premises and necessary <br /> coinmissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals there(rom;the batance remaining,i(any,to br <br /> applied toward the discha�ge of said mortgage indabtedness;theu rights of the mongagee may be exercised at any time during the txistencr oI such <br /> default,irrcspective o(any temporary waiver aC the samc. <br /> � <br /> Theu Presents,howeti�er,are upon the Conditiun,That if lhe said Afoctgagor sitall repay said loan un or 6etorc[he maturity of said shaces by <br /> payment:pay monthty to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specilied in the Bond securcd heroby as interest and pru�cipnl un said luan,un or befure . � . <br /> ���:j the Twentiathdsy of each and erery month,until said luan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessmenesleeied against zvid premises and on this hlongage � . . <br /> and the Bond secured thereby,beCore delinquenc�•;furnish approved insurance upon the buildings d�ereon in the sum uf S 1Z�80�.�0 payabia <br /> to s3id ASSOCIATlO:v:rcpay to said ASSOCIATION upon den�and sll money by it paid for surh tuxes,assessments and insurance with inarcst m <br /> the maximum legal rale thercon from date oC payment all of w•hich Atortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;permit nu waste on said premises;keep and comply . <br /> with all the a�aments and conditiuns of the Bond for S IZ,B�Q.00 this day givrn by the said�fortgugor to said ASSOCIATION,and a�mply <br /> wilh all the mquuements ol Ihe Constitulion and uC said ASSOCIATION;then theu prexnts shall become nult and void,uthetwiu[hey �� � <br /> shuil remain in Cull force and may be foreclosed a1 the uption of the s�id ASSOCIATIO\ after Cailure for thrce montlu to make any of said <br /> payments or be three months in arrexrs in making said monthly paymrnts,or to keep and comply w�ilh the agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br /> and Vorl�gor�gcees to Iuve a rcceivcr appuintcd(orthwith in such fo�eclosurc pwceedings <br /> If there is any change in ou•nership o(the rcal estate moc�gaged hereh�,by sale or uthenvise,then the en[irt rrmaining indebtedneu hereby <br /> serured shail,at the option uf The Equitable Building and Loan Anociation of Crand lsland,Nebraska,becume unmediatet;•due and payable without <br /> turthcr nMicc,and the amowu remaining duc under said bond,and any�other bond for any additional advanres made thereunder,shall.Gom thc <br /> date o(exercise of said option,bear interest at the maximum legal rate,and t6is mortgage nury then 6e foreclosad m satisfy the amount due on said <br /> t' bonJ,and any other bonJ Cor additiunai advances,together with all sunu p�id by said The Equitable Building end Loan Aswciation o(Grand Isl;uid, <br /> Nebraska lor insurance,taxes and asxssments,and nbstweting extension charges,�ti�ith inurcst theraon,trom date of payment st the nmximum <br /> legal rate. <br /> As provided in the BonJ:ewred hereby,while this mo[�gage remains in elfect tha muctgsgee may hereaCtet ad�artce additional sums w the <br /> makers of said BonJ,their assigns ur successucs in interest,vvhich sums shall be H�ithin the security o(this mortgage thr same as the funds originally <br /> secured thcreby,the total amount of principal debt not to exceod at any time the originul emount of this murtgage. <br /> Dated this 23rd day of February n.o.,��77 <br /> � � � ='" _ / .;, <br /> t�n�J. e -/��"�,�- Kathryn L. K lley �' �c <br /> STA'fEOFNEHRASKA,�ss, Onthis 23rd dayof February �9�� ,be(oreme, <br /> COUNTY OF I1ALL ) <br /> � the undqsigncd, otary Public in,a� or sai Coun!y,pe�sonally me �t �pk,'. <br /> � Martin J. Kelley and Kathryn L,.`Kelley, each in his anc��er own rig�i� an�d as spouse o`� each <br /> other �„ ':� Wn� °.are pecsonellyknownto �� i"' <br /> � me to be the identical pe�wnS whose nam0 q"dPe a�Rxcd to the above instrumrnt as mongeggg and they savorally ,-.�� <br /> acknowledged the:aid instrument to be,th@7 P voluntaqr;aat and deed. �.. ,. <br /> WITNGSS my handandNo LSc�1 tht da[daforFsaid. i <br /> � / �. <br /> My Commiuion expires�' � ���''� � Jn�'„_w� ���u� _ <br /> �.�`�- .���f1., <br /> �1�R� , Notnry Yublic <br />*��� ._�. <br />� � J <br /> � <br /> r; <br />:� <br />