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�: < <br />^:, , . 'a . <.. <br /> ai: . , � � � � � . { ���+� . <br /> e . , .. . . , .. � . . . . . . , _ . . . . ;`.:m+ar <br />�t, � . . . . . . � . <br /> � i?- OU089 � <br /> 6: If he fails to pay any sum or keep any co��ennnt provided inr in tliis ruor�gage, the biortgagee, al <br /> its option, ruay pay- or perform the same, and ail expenditures so ruade shiall Uc :�dded to the �arincipai sum <br /> o�ving on tlie above note, slinll be secured liereUy, a�id shall bear interest untit gaid at the rate provided <br /> foi in the principal indeUteduess. <br /> ?. Upon request of the Diortg�gee, Mortgngor shall eKecute and deli��cr a suppiementnl note or notes <br /> , �' fur the suru or swiis advanced Uy \fortgagee ior Ute ulteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br /> the Mortgagor's request ; or for mnintenance of said premishs, or for tases or assessments against the <br /> same; ttnd for. any� other. pm•pose else�vhere auUiorized herewider. Said note or notes shall 6e secured <br /> ; herek�y on a parit�� n�ith and as ful�> as if the xdvauce evidenced thereUy ���ere inciuded in the note first <br /> described sbo�•e. Said supplemental note or uutes shall bear intcrest at tl�c rate pco��ided for in the prin- <br /> cipul indeUtedness :snd shail ue pa��able iu appro�imatclr equal mmit.lily pa��ments for sucli period as tnay <br /> Ue agreed upon Uy the ':liortgxgee and Tfortgagor. Failing to agree on the niaturit�•, t.tie whole of the sum <br /> � or sums so adranced shall be due and payable tliirty (30) days after demxnd by tlie �iurt�aqee. In iio <br /> eveut shall the maturit�� e�tend Uegond the ultimate maturity of the note first descriUed xUove. <br /> S. He hereby nssigns, h•ansfers ttnd sets ot�er to thc Diortgagee, to be applied to�rard the payment of <br /> � the noLe and all sums secured hereby iu cflse of a default in the performance of an>� of the #erms and condi- <br /> tious of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues nnd incotne to Ue derived from the mort- <br /> E gaged pi•emises during such tirue as tlie mortgagc indebtedness shnll i•em.�in tmpaid ; xnd the �lorlg:agee <br /> " sliail liase po«�er to nppoint an�� age�it or agen 'ts it ma�� desire fm• tlie purpose of reuting the san�e and cc�l- <br /> lecting the rents, re�•enues and income, end it map pxy out of said incomes all necessar�• commissions and <br /> � espenses incurred in renting aud mznaging the same and aP colleciinq rentals therefirom ; the bnl:�uce <br /> remaining, if any, to be npplied to�card t.he discharge of said ntortA:tge indc6tedness. <br /> 9. He ��•ill continuousl�� maintain hazard insurnnce, of such t��p� or t�•pes and amounts as :ltortgngee <br /> may ftront time to time requirn, on the itnprocetnents no��• or hereafter on said premises and e�cept ���hen : <br /> pu�•ment for all sucli premiums h;�s tlicretofore Uee�i made undcr (n ) of parugr:�pl� ? licreof, ��•i11 pa�• <br /> promptl�� �chen due an�• premiurus Uierefor. L�pon defnult thercof, :1Sort�,*agee m1t pay the s:mie. All <br /> ; insurance sh:�ll Ue carried in companies appro�•ed b�* the .liortgagee .uid tlie policies ancl rene���als thereof <br /> s sh�ll be held by the 3iortgagee and ha��e attached theretu loss pn}�nble clauses in favor ot :and in fortn <br /> acceptablc to the Dfortgagce. In cee�it of loss Tiul•tgagor �rill gi�•c invnedinte notice b�� mail to tite Dforf- ' <br /> ' gagee, ��•ho mu}� mal:e pcoot of loss if not made promptl�� bp Ilfortfiagnr, nnd each insurance comp:in}� con- <br /> ` ` cerned is liereUy autliorized and directed to roake pap�uent for sucli loss directl�• tt, the \fortga�;ee instcad <br /> of to the .1Tortg.�gor nnd ilie Dtort�;gee joinll��, and the insura�ice proceeds, or nn5• pnrt thetrof. <br /> m�}• be applied by tlie Mortqagee nt its optio�i eitlier to tlie reduction of the inilebtedness hereb)• s��ciii•ed ; <br /> or to the mstorxtion or repair of the property dmnaged. In e�•ent of foredosurc ui this mortgaqe, or other <br /> , tri�nsfer of title to the mort�*nged propert�• in e�tinguishinent ot tlie indebtedness secured hereb}�, all <br /> right, title nnd interest oI the ltortg:�gor in and to nn�• insurance policic, lhen in force shall pass to the <br /> purdi:tser or grantec. <br /> 10. �.s �tdditionnl and collnteral cecurity for ihe }1:1}'171CI1L Of tI1C IlOtC tjCSCPtIJC(�, and ;ill sums tn become <br /> due under this mortgage, ihc Diorigagon c�i�eb5� assigns to thc Jlortgagcc all lca�c bouuses, prulits, re��e- <br /> nues, ro��nities, righis, nnd other benefits accruinfi to the \iortgagur under nn�� and all oii and gns la:+ses � . <br /> no��•, or during tiie life of tliis mortgafie, esecuted on said premises, ���ith the right to ri�cei�•e and reccipt <br /> ;- ; for the snme and nppl�� theiu to said indebteduess as ��•ell Uel:orc as ntter dcfault in thc. cunditions nf this <br /> murtgage, and the 3lortgngee ma� demand, sue for and reco��er xn�� sudi p:i�•nicuts �rhen duc and pa��- <br /> � ' ablc, but shall uot be i•equired so to do. Tltis assignment is to terminate aud becomc null and �•oid upoii <br /> ,' :,. relense uf this mortgnge. <br /> 11. He sliall not contmit or permit ��•aste ; nnd shall maintain the propert�• in ns good condition as at <br /> pmscut, reasotinUle ��'ear nud tear excepted, tJpon aiiy failure to so maintnin , :�toi•t �,�igec, at its option, <br /> mny cnuse rensonaUle maintenance ��•ork to Ue performed at the cost oP lfortgagor. Aii>• :unuunts paid <br /> tliereior U�• Diortgagee sl�all Uear interest flt the ratc pro�•ided f�r in thc principal indcUiedness, shall <br /> thereupon becaue a part of the indeUtednrss securivi b�� this instrwnent, r.�tabl}� and on a pnritp ��•ith nil <br /> other indebtedness sccured hereby, and shall bc pay�ablc thirty ( 30) da��s aftcr demand. <br /> � 12. If the premises, or an}� pu�t thereof, Ue condemned under the po�cer of cminent domain, or <br /> acquired for � puUlic use, the damages :����nrded, the proceeds for the takin�; of, or U�e considri:dion for <br /> such ncquisition, to the estent of tlie full amount of ti�e remaining unpaid indebtcviness seciu•ed b�� this <br /> mortgage, or herebt� nssigned to the hiortgagce, and shall be paid forth��•ith to said \fort},�agee, to Uc <br /> Y applied on nccount of the i:ut maturing installnunts uf such indeUtedness. <br /> 13. If the 3fortglqor iails to make any pa�•ntr.nts ��•hen due, or to conform to nnd com}fl�• ���ith nuy <br /> of the conditions oi• ngreements contained in this uiort�:ige, or tlie iiutes e•hicli it secures, Lhen tim <br /> enfire principnl sutn and nccrued interest shall nt nnce become due and pa�•able, aC the dection of the <br /> Jfortgagce ; t�nd tliis mortgnge may tlierei�pon bc foreclosed immedi:it�l>� foi• the �cholc of the indebted- <br /> ness hereUy secured, ittcluding the cost of eslc»dinq thc abslract of titic from thc date of il�is mort- <br /> gnge to the time of commencinfi such suit, n rexson�blc attorne}•'s fce, nud an�� sums pnid b} the \'eterans <br /> Administration on account of the gum•antp or insur.uice oi' the indebtedness secured h��reb�•, alI of �chich <br /> � shall be induded in Uie decree of foreclosure. <br /> 1�1. If the indebtedness secured herob�� be guarantced or insured und�r TiNe [38, lTnited States Codr, �'� � y::; <br /> snch Titie und Regul�tiuns issuccl Uureunder and in e(Lrct on the dntc hereof shall �*o�•crn the rights, dutics �� �, ' <br /> i and liabilities of the parties hereto, and an�• procisions of tliis or nther instriunents esecuted in connection � ` <br /> �vith suid indebtedness n•hich are inconsistent «�ith said Title or 2ic�ulalions nre hereby :micndcd lu � <br /> conform thereto. n ,: ,:: <br /> The co��enants herein contained shnll Uind, and the Ucneli4s :md ad�•nnta�tes shall inw•c to, thc � <br /> . . r <br />�: � ' . <br />:; ..�..: `. � <br />�� <br /> . � <br />