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(R. ' . <br /> _ _ <br />�;� . . � -X ,, <br /> P � <br />�;P� . . . . . . . . . . ' <br /> y y."' <br />�� � � i � � � .�: <br />� . <br /> , � .-1 <br />� 77-. OQOR I k� <br /> 6. If he fails to ��ay :iiq� sum or kcep any covenunt ptro��idt+d tm• in l:hia mortg:�ge, tltC :11oPLg�}jCC, ai <br /> its o�tion, rou,� pay or �erform tlie sume, and all espenditures so n�ade shall Ue added fo t.lte pY•incipal swn <br /> o«•ing on the nboee uote, sh;�ll be secured hcreby, tiud shull bcar inieresl until paid at th� rate ►�nrvided <br /> for iu the principa►1 i�tdEbtedness. <br /> � 7, Upou rc.�uest of the Afurty�.�g�ce, Mortgagor sluill eaecutc :uid deliver a suppiemental note or �wles <br /> for t{�e sum oc sums ad��anced UY 1liortga�e fur Uic aiter.+tiou, mociernizatiou, or iinpiro�•cinent mede at <br /> t1�e Mnrtgugur's ri�uest ; or for maintenance of �aid premisea, ur ior txacs or assesamrnts agninst the <br /> same, nnd for n►i�� uther pur�wse elsc�vheiv� autliorized hereuuder. Said uote. ��r uotes shall 6� secured <br /> hrreby on u parity «�ith and as fully as if the ad�:�nce eridenced ll�ereb�- ��-cre uicluded in the note flret <br /> descriUcd aUuve. Said supplcmeii�al note ac notes sitall �eur i�iterest at the rate pro��ided f�r iit tlic priu- <br /> cipnl inci�btedness and shall Ue ►r.iyable iu approximxl�l�� equal montlil�• pavments for suelt perioci hs may <br /> ' ( be aqrced iqtou by the \iorlqagee and Jiortgagvr. Failiug tu :�yzrc� ou ttie mulurit�•, thc �� hoic uf the sum <br /> t ur sunis so adranced �h:+ll ue due aud papaUle thirt,V t30) dat�s after deniund by the dCortgugee. , ln n� <br /> e��ent shall the matucit�• r�teud beyond tlte ultimate malurity of the note IirsC desccibed abu�•e. <br /> ' 8. lie liereb>� assiqns, traiisfers and sets o�•er to the �fortgagce, tu be ap�ilied tu���:ird tiie p.iYmeni of <br /> � . <br /> ' the note and all stuns sectu•ed herebt� in case uf a default in the pertbrmauce uf .u��• of the terros nnd condi- <br /> " ? tions of tliis inorty�ngc or tlie s:iai�9 note, all the renls, re�'r.nacs aud income lo Ue deri��ed fronrihe mort� <br /> ' gaged pretuises during such time ss the mortgti�e indeUlednesa sliail reiuuin �nq�aid ; and tlie ,lTortgay�ce <br /> shnll h.t�'e po���er to uppoiut :+n�• ageiit ur .�qents il ma}� drsire for thr. purpose of rcuting Ute s:ime :tnd col- <br /> ' ' lecting tlte r�nts, r�eenues nud incotue, and it ma�� pa)� uut uf said incomey all nrcessarl' ronunissi��ns nud <br /> ? eapenses ittcurred in renliuK and man�giug the sanie Slid U� C011eclittk 1'eitL•ils thr. refrum ; the balxncc <br /> ; remaining, if a�i�•, to l�e �ipplicd to��•:�rd tlte discharge oC said moriAa�e iudeUteducss, <br /> � 9. Iie ��•ill con�inuousl�� maintaiu haaard insur.ince, uf such t�•pe or t�•pes and amouuts iis Jiorlgagee <br /> ma�� from time to timc require, on thc iuipru�•ements no��• or hereuftcr ou s;ud prrmises c�nd e�c�+pl �ahen <br /> � pn�•me�it fur aii sucl� prcmimus luts theretofore bcru m:ide undcr (n1 of p;ir.agrapli 2 here��f� ���ill p:�S <br /> '; promptl3' ���hen dur an�� Aremimns thcrefor. iJpon def:tult ihercof� Alortg.igcc m;a�� pa>• the s:unc, All <br /> in�urcutce shall be c;arried iu contpnnies apprueed b1' ihe diortgaqce and thc policies ,uid renercnls thereul' <br /> , '; sfiall Ue held b�� th� :�lorigogce anci have attacited thcrcto losa pat•nble �I<iuscs iu fu�•or of .md in form <br /> ;acceptuUle to tl�e DTor[gagec. ln e�•ent uf lo5S ��OCt},rFl};UC 1YIII gl1't: lilllUl`1�181C IlO11Cl! bp maii to tlie Aiort- <br /> , gagee, ��'ho uu�,v ntnlce proot oC loss if not made promptly by \im•l�xgor, and cacli. iusur:uu�� cotup:tny cum <br /> ; cerned is lieceby atutttorized and directed to mal:e pa�•ment ior suclt loss direcU�• lo the �turtgagr.c insh�:�d <br /> of to the jlortg:igur :md tlie \iort�:i�ee juinil��, :u�d the insui•ance l�rorerds, uc .u�y part thereof. <br /> ; mny Ue applicd Uy thc blurtyrx�.n.�e at its option cithcr to ihr r��duclion uf thu indebtrclncsa her��b�� seciu•rd <br /> or to thc restm•aCion or rep:iir ��f tlie pro�mrt�• d:�m,iged, ln evc�tt of foreclosurc ��t' lhis nwrtg�i�C�a, or uli�er <br /> ` tr�nsfer uf' title to tlie mot•tgaged propert�- iu e�linguishutent ot the indebtcduess secured hereby, nll <br /> 2 <br /> ri .rht 1'ifin g�1�j 7nfn1•Pgi�. nf t�1C �rOPI{tIIROC Ill :111(� �U .1111' lll8llC:lI1CC UO�ICIC� f �ll'll IIl � UCI'C S�lil�� 11885 �U f�ll' .� . . � . , . ; . <br /> � �? � j)lil'CEli1SCP Ol' (�CR1ltCC. � �. � . . . <br /> ; 10. �1s ndditional and collaternl securit>' fur the pa�•meut of t1u note described, and :+ll swns to becane _ <br /> due uuder tltis morigagq thc 1lortuaKor licreby assiyzns fo tlie �Curtgagec :ill le;�se bonu•rs, prolits, re�'e- <br /> ' , � nurs, royaltics, riulits, :uid other k�cucfits nccruiuq tu tlic \tc�rtK:igur uttder :ut�• ;ind ;iit oil ;+�id k�ns lc;�ses i <br /> � no�r, or durint,T tnc li1�e of this m��rtgagc, executed on ssid prruiiscy, ��� ith thr rik;lit tu ccccivc �ind recci{�t 1 <br /> t for thc a.uue :ind ;�pply Uicm to snid iudrbtedne�} i�s ��'cli befi>re aa aftec default in the cuuditiuus of tltis <br /> ; mortg:iKc� .wd thc liurtga�e m:iy dcmand, sue for nnd reco�•er :vi}- rucli pn1'�nenty ��•hru due :uid pay- �' <br /> � � able, but shall not Ue required so to do. 1'his nssignmenC is to tcrmivate :uid becumr null :md �•oid upon <br /> relense of Uiis nturtg;iKa <br /> 1l , IIe shnll nul conmiiL or �,ermit ���asle : nnd shail maiulnin thc pruperly in as yrood cundilion as al <br /> F {irnseub, rexson:tUle �cear and irnr c�crpted. l?pon :ui�� l:iilure to �o m:�int.tiu� \[orl�a�;rr� ut ils optinn, <br /> ? m:i�' caUse r��asouabie m;tiulenance ��•ork to be perl'oruicd at ihe cosl of llorlKaµur. :�np :miounLy p;iid <br /> llierefor b>• DSortgi��*,ee shali bcat• intere�l; aL thc ratc pro��ided foi• i �i tlie princip:tl i��deUted��ess, slr.ill <br /> � theitupon becmue a pairt af the indebtedncs� sectu•ed by lhis iuslrununt, r:�tabl>• aud ou n pariL�• ��•ith all <br /> oUx�r indebte<luc�s securcd liereby, and slutll be pnynbic tliirt�' (30) da�'s altrr detnmid. <br /> � 12, lf thc �ireuiisrs, ar :m>' ParC thercaf. be coudemtted under lhe po���cr of emincut domaiu , or <br /> acquired for ii public use, ihe danutucs nw�u•ded, the prurceds fur Hie t:ikiny; ul', or lhc cunsidcr:�tion tur <br /> ! suclt ucquisilimi, to the c�teiit uf lhc full �anount of t.l�e ren,:�ininx w� paid iudeblednrss scrured bp Utia <br /> mortg.iKe, or hemb�� assiKned lo the :ltortungce, :ind shall Ue pnid forth���ilh to said Uorttra�Kec, to bc <br /> �pplied ou acco�mt uf t.hc lust muLuriny� iustalhnents of such indebteduese. <br /> ? 13. If the \tortk�agor f:iils to m��ke :�ny pnymeuts ��•hen due, or to confurm to iind cou�pl�• ��•ith :mv <br /> of th� condilions or :igrcemculs cuntained in this nrortguy!c, or the uotcs ���hirh il �ccurca, thru the <br /> entire princip:il stun :ind accrued inlereyl yhail aL uucc ber.nme due nnd �r.i�:ible, at ihe rlecliou uf lhe <br /> ltortgtt�te ; nnd thia nuirtgnge ma1' lhcrcupon hn forecloscd imnudintely' t'or thc ��• huir uf Uie indrbled- <br /> ness hereby secured , inctudink tha cosl nC e�ten�lin�C the :�bslracC of tiUr frum Uu� dntc ol' ihis morl- <br /> g.igu to the time uf commencinq sucii 5uit, a re:isunable +ittorueys tee. :uid an>• siinis p:iid b�• Lh�� �`eteraus <br /> Administrnliou on accowiL of the gii=tranly or insin•ance ol lhe indrbtadne9a secured hereliy. ,�ll ot �chich <br /> shnll be iucluded in tlie dccrce ol' forrclusure. <br /> I•t. If th� i�tdebtedness seciu•ed licrrb�� be guai•:tnlccd or insur��d undcr 'I'iNe ;i;i, 1?niled Slntes Cndr, -,z,. l -r«' , .,, <br /> sucL Tille nnd C{egttlations isaued ihereunder �md in eliccl nii Lhe �Litc heraof shali y,�o�•ern f hr riy�hls, dulicx '' <br /> nnd linbilities of lhe parties hercto, nnd any proeisinns eif lhis or ulher in4trumenls rseculed in conucclion � ` ' <br /> � �cith said indebtedness wl�ich �ire iuconsistent witli :;;tid 'I'itle or Ite�ulnlions rire lierob>• auicndrd tn <br /> conform thereto. '�` ° <br /> n ci <br /> The co�•ennnls herein contained �hnil bi��d, und tlie beuclits :uni adv:uilayn�s ahall iuurc tu, lhr � <br />,�' <br />�:: p <br /> .�, � <br />� <br /> � <br />� . <br /> � <br />