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�;: : � <br /> , � <br /> . � � � � � - � � . . � . � � � � � 1 y��Y � � . <br /> . . : . . . �. . . . . _ . . .� . . � . . . . . . . .. . . . . . � .,. �� � � � � . <br />� �� � � � . � � , . � <br /> �, 77- 000815 - - <br /> uey uF.K� , P3ESAY�7Ft:TS GF i'RiNC)f'pL ON ANY INS7ALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH FREPAYMFN7 SHALL 8E <br /> APPUED TO INSTALl.MENTS LAST TO QECOME DUEUNDER TNIS MORTGAGE PROYIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE N07 �N DEFAUL7 <br /> AN� ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGA�Ep PHOPERTY, UPOti REQUEST OF 7NE UNOERSIGNED; OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEEAGREES TO FURNISH TO THEUNDERSIGNEp 100°/, OF SUCN PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO- <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTNORITIES YHEN IN EFFECT, FLL SUCH RUVANCHMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY :THIS MOH7GAGE IN THE SAME MANNER 'ANp EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAO BEEN MADE. <br /> THE A70RTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br /> � <br /> � Tfiat�.:the Afortgngor .+vill � j�ey the indrbteriness -as Imrcihbvfom provide�3�. � . � . . . . . . <br /> > ' � That � the � �4ort�;ngor is fhe� mrnerp! auid property � �in fec sitnple and Las . �otxl riFht ard la�vful �t+uU�orit}' to ecll :md �. . . � . <br /> ,. � eom•ey the same �andihat 2ho sume is Fme und clrn� ot nny lien or encwn4�rancc; :ind ihat � �tortgngor � will tcnrr:mi rand defend thr. � � . . - <br /> title to s�aid , premises ngninsi thc c(oims of �ll persn�is whumsui�vnr. - <br /> i . . . . . . . . . . <br /> - 'Pu. puy immedintely u�l�en �ciue and � payable � nll genrral � tuxes. specinl taxi•s. sprciul asses,menL�. �wnier ciiarges. sew�er serv•. � - . . <br /> ice chatges,- and .�olhec. tasev and diurges vg�inst. said properfy, andhU taxrs Ir��ied �n lhr �leblsi�curnd hereby; anei . lo � (urnish the.' � � � . <br /> � � 1�4ortKa�tr, upon �. re�uest; . wit6 � ihe .�uria�nel . or . duplicate receipis [ht�refur. '1'lie Afurtga�;oc u�rees � ihnt � there sht�ll b� �added -to . � . . . . <br /> � ��i � � each monthl,V . p;iy�nent . rcqnirc�l� hereundcr� or. uiider the�, eridence nf debt secured� l�eret�y� an nmounbesUmnteci liy. tl�e� �lortgagee . � - � <br /> . fo � be �ulTcient to ennMle. thc \-lortgagee � tapuy; as . they. hecnme due. alllnsr.s, u,ses4men�s, nnd similar charges � upnnthr. prem- � �� � � <br /> -: } � .. ises »u6ject . thereio; any �d�ficiencY beaw�e oE � tl�e iiuWticiincy uE � sucl� :idditiunal pa.t•me+�lv �:;hnit �.bc lorthwifh dvpasiled � by the � .� . . <br /> - � t - � Aidrigvgor��with � the � Aforfgflgee � upon �demand � bp tlie 94��rtgagee. A�ny di•(nult under :thi.a � rmraFr:ipl� shall br drrmerl a defaulf��in .. . . . <br /> � . � . pnyment � of � tnxe�, aascsument�, or similar c}m*ges requirrd l�ereondcc � � � � � -� . � <br /> �� � 'fhe ?�lnrtgn{;orn�recs ihat. thcrr shnll alsu he sdded to c:+ch monthh� p:ryment nf prinripxl nnd interest rcyuired � here� - . . <br /> � � � under �en �am[iunt tsiimated by (h�e 9lnrtgugee to be sul6cirnt tn e� neble ti�e \4orfgagec to p:q�, a; rt becnmes �lu�, thr insarance � � � � � <br /> � � - premiwn� nn any insurance {x�lic�• delivered io lhr \lortgn�cee. Arn• dcficiur,cy Ixcnuse o( tho insu(licienry of su�•h udditional pay- � <br /> � menfs �slull Le forlhwith depasiied h�• the \tortgagor u�ith ihe \lortgagec upon drm+tn<I by iho Alort�agee. Am' default under this .. � <br /> � � � pnragraph� sLall M� dremed n �!�•fault in thr pay�mrnt of in,ivanec �xemiums. If the �wlicy ��r pnlicies dupa;ited aro such as hnme• � � � � <br /> nwners or nU �risk twl�<�ies. �tnd the dc�posiLs are insu(Iicirnt to pay the enlire pr�mium. tiie �turtgngec ma} apply [hr• � deposit fn : � . . <br /> � � � - � pay prcmiwns on risks nK�uired tn Ue ias�ued tiy thi, mortFagcr . - . . . <br /> . .� � � Paymenfs madr I�y the 1lortgz�4or undcr lhe above p�fnigrnphs may, sL ihe optinn of the \Inrt�ngee, - Lr hrid Uy it nnd � � � . <br /> . cuntminKlcct ��•ith other such [unds or its u�rn funds G�r tha p:�}•ment o( �uch itt�ms, and until so r��:plied, sucti payment. nre hereby � ' � � . � <br /> � pli�lgcvi ns scrurity for the w�paid balance of tl�a mortFaR� indebtedriex,. , . . � <br /> �� 'I'a protvre, deliver tu. and mainfain tor thc. hrnefit of lhe \turtgugre durin;: thr life ��i thix martgage nrigin�l Policies ond :. : . . . . . <br /> � � i � � renewals therc�[,� delicensl at. least ten da�•s belore the cspiratiun n[ anp such pnlicie,, insurin� aKeinst (irc .md other insurablc � � �� � � � � <br /> �� � hazarcls, casuuldea, and enntinqencies ns the :�iortgngee may r��c�uire. in an xmuunt eryuni to H�e , inde6tedness � secur�•d by this � � � . � <br /> i <br /> . � A4ortgage, and in cunipnnies ncceptable io ihe hfor(gsgee, wiUi IosS paynble cl�use in fucor uf m�d in fnrm zccepinblF io fhe \tonga- � � � � � � <br /> � ' - �� - ,,,i�. � _.... .... , . . •' ' ' . . <br /> . .. gcc. -L(� ���. � .✓ � � _ .. �. � <br /> i .. .- �s .,,, r:ra .. a-, c:: o: :x�v:�. � e� �:- -•` . . :t;- :F:: *fo ' ' .. __. _ ....." -__• .,.� thr � . . . <br /> -. .,.. . . • . .. ,, ,.. ...., :5.,�..�,� .,,o., .,...,.��.., �.,�.�.v���. . <br /> .. ... . . :•-- .. :�. <br /> . _ . _ . .._ _.. . <br /> imprrnrments, � pay the premium thcre(or, nnd such aum shal! IxYume immikiintely due nnd payubte wrth intere�b at thr raie set .� � <br /> (nrth in �said note untit pnid nnd shall Im secumd by lhis mortgace. Fnilure un the part of the Rlnrtgn�;or to furnish such � rrnewnls � � . <br /> . � � nc nre herein nquired or failure to pay any :+ums advunce<I hereunder ShalL at thr option o[ ihe �11ort�;agee, con>tituti� � n driautt. � . . � � . � <br /> . under the tcrms oi thie mortgi�ge. 7'he rielieery o[ such pnlicies sh�dl, in lhr r.��em of de(nult, csmstitutr an aesignment nf the iu:. � . � . . � � � . � <br /> � i � cnrncYl premium. . . � � � <br /> � �� � Any sums rcr.eived � hy ihe \forfxagei+ by renson n( In;s or dama;;e ��insured nguinst. may . be rctained hy the pfottgngee � ' . . . _ � .. �� , <br /> and npplird towani the pnyment of the debl hereby secured. or, at �he uption o( the '�lorigngre, such sums rither wholly or in � . . . <br /> pnrt may be paid ncer io the Alurlga�or to be, aceci tn n•pnir such 6uildings . or tn huild nrH• buildin�;s in their place or tnr any � � <br /> nther Pur�wse ur nbject v;tisfetciory to the Diorh;a�eo ��-ithoiit atL•ctin� the licn nn thr rnurt�age iiir ihr ful( nmaunt srrumd herrs � ( <br /> � . j by be(ore nuchpa�•ment ever trak place. � � �� <br /> �� " � 'l�o prompily' mp;iir, restore or rebuild an}• buildin�; nr imprmrmenfs no�.• nr hereaH�+r un thr� pramises ahich ma}• he- . . . . . . . <br /> ' come d�ama�;�Kl or dvstroyed; to keep said premisrs in gard cundition and repair and Gee from anp mrchanic'e lien nr otber lien or . � � <br /> i,-.:` daim of lien not expressly suMvdinated to Ihe lien h<arof: nnl to ;ulier or pi�rmit anY uula���(ul use ut or %m�' nuisance to exist on � � - . <br /> - said proprrty nor to pertnit w;�ste on snid premi,os. nor :o dn any other ac[ whrreby thr prnp�rty hernby cnnaeyed nh�ll lx�mme � � � <br /> k` <br /> � less valuable. nor to dimini�h or impair its ��alue bp nny xct ur nmis.+ion tu .ict : tn complc �rith aIl r��quirrmenu ot law w�ilh n•spiYt . � - � <br /> � to ihe mortgnged premises and �he use tht�reot. �. . <br /> 7'hat should the pr.+mises or nn�• part themof Ix: tt�ltrn nr darna;;rvl by reasnn nf �m� public impmvement or eondrntnation � <br /> prcuecding, or under the� right o( eminent domain, or in any other manner, die ;�Sort„ager shull bc entit(ed to all compensations, - , <br /> � awerds, and anc other payment or rclie[ therefnr, and �hall be entitled, at its option. to cnmmence, appcar in and prtnmiG: in ifs � � <br /> � own ntune nny rfe[iun or prw.redinK, ur tn makr any n+mpromise or settfement i�i connection with such takinc or damage. All such � <br /> ;:�:�. compensaUon, awurds. d:unagis, right u( actinn und prexec�is nre hureby ;is�iKnod to tl�o ltortgaFee, u•ho � may, a[ter dedurting ' � . . � <br /> thereFmm al! its ex�xnscw, relrase nny monrys so rr.r.eivrct Lr it or applp thc wimi• un any indebtednrs, s��curcci hereb��. '1'hr \lnrb � <br /> f[AK�I H�'fE`f5 lD rxttvte such further� t»ignments of any� compr•nx:�tinn, a+vard�, demn�es, an�.1 ri4ht; ot action aud procriKJ.; ac the � � � <br /> ! 3lortgagee mny requim. � . . <br /> Thnt. in case uf failure to p��rform �m ai the em�enunls hercin. tLe Afortgagee mdy do on thc \1nrt.�Fnr's behtil[ rcrrything � <br /> v� im�enunud; thnt the �lortgagec mny ulso do any act it mny drem ncrnssan• In prntect the lien therert; ihut thr hiqrt�;agnr will � � <br /> . repny upon demand nm• mnnrys pnid or disbursed by the Alort��at;ec (ar any ut the �abuve purp�rces, and such money; mgether wilh � <br /> . � � interest ther�n ut the rate prrn•ided in said note shvll become ;o much additionnl indc�bte�dnes, h�reby secured aud may M• in- <br /> cluded in any decrer [onsl�ning this mortgagc and bc pnid nut. nt dye rontx or prcxeeds of s�le u! said premises if nnt otherwise , <br /> - ! ���uid; fhat it shall no4 be obligulorp upon the DiartFagee to inquire inin thr calidity of anr licn, eucuml;nmcra, or t:Aim in 7d• <br /> - � vancing moneys ns above authorize`i. but nnthin¢ hrrein con4�incd shall }r cnnstrur<'. as rta�uiring the Slorfk�gee ta ade�mcc nny � . � . <br /> ' moneys far ttn}• such pur}.roae nor ln dn �np act hereunder: nnd that \tortgnr;cr• shnl ! nut incur am• pi�nunal liability brcnus�� nf enp- <br /> '. thing it mny do or omit lo du hereunder. ' � <br /> ] n the cvent of the defuult by Alnrtgagur iu li�e pay�ment uf any instnllmenf. a: requirrd bq thr Nnio sr�cured herebyt or <br /> _ in the purformixnce o[ ihe obli�;¢tion in ihis mortKage nr in thc notc k�cured iherebp, lhc '�tortAagee ch�dl be enlitled tn deriare the - <br /> de6t secured hereby due nnd payable ��vithout notice, nnd fhe �Aiorlgagee shall be entitled at its optimi. H�ithnut nntice, either by itceII .,:.y.4 r�.,'`' <br /> nr. by n nreiver to �r nppointt�l by thr murt thern�(. ,md without regard m the adequncy of :in� �ecurity� for thr indebteclness se- r ;2+ �.. <br /> cured hereby, tdenter upon and tvke pasuession of the muttgaged pmmices, .�nd to collect and recei� e the renlc, iscues nnd preJi4+ N <br /> ' thereo(. and at>ply the same. 1e;s � rnsLs of operatiun and cnllectimt, upmt !he indebtednev ucurrd 6y this mortga4e; k�id renis, , " �. � <br /> Liscues und pmfits fx>ing hereby aviRned In the 17ortgaFee na (arther �rcurih• (or the pnymcnt nf ali indehtr�dnrss �rcurerl herebp. � <br /> � : <br /> . .'1'he Tlmtgagee shnll hnre the pawer to nppnint any agent nr agrnts it mnv desirc fnr the purp�r.e i�f rvp�iring w�id prem• � <br /> isea; rentinF� the sume; rnllecting the rents, rrvrnues and income, nnd it mny pav nut �! snid ina�me :all es�Hrnx�s incurrni in rent- , � � <br /> _ � � in� and mannging , t}�e eatne and of coliectin� the rentnl= therrfrora 'I'he . balance rrmaining. if nny. s1v111 he a�rplied tmc�vd the � � <br /> diischarge. nf the marigage indebtalnMs.a. Thig ;�evignmr•nt is tn terminat� and tMcy,mr nu0 :md ��nid u�H>n r�di•ns�� o! thic mnrt�nge. � -. - . <br /> e' f <br />� . � � <br />�� � <br />� 3tl .. _, <br /> cy . <br />