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<br /> ' ' - as
<br /> n�..�ORTGAGOR . FURTHF,R. . COVENANTS AND . AGRE'�S; ` 9 '.;
<br /> � . That�.the MortgaSor will,� pay, �the� indabtedness: as .hereinlx�fore : prmi�ledi�. . . . . . � � . - � . . . � �
<br /> � . . That . the Mortgngar, is. lhe ::ow�ei of �suid� propr,rty in � fee �. siniple mid � has guw� � righC and inwful �autliority to sell and � . �.. � . . � � . � . .
<br /> � . ��convuy ihe same and thaC�.the sume is free and clenr oI eny lien or encumbranr.c; nnd that��Mortqagor wilt warranl and ' dcfend the �. � � �
<br /> � � title to cnid 7>remisea agd�nst thr •clu�me �of all persnns. .. whomsoevec . �� � � � � . � � � �
<br /> 1 ' .� � . . . � . �. , � �
<br /> � To pay �mmediaLely «hem'due and'puynble all general . tnxa4, rprcial Yaxev; s�mciut xssas5m�nl.s. water clmr�;es; sewor tirrv .
<br /> .ire cherges; aiid other.�Fnzos� nnd c6orges aguir.st �snid property; �. and ail taxes. l�!vieil on lhe �Irht securcd herebY. :+nd ' to (urnish� the � � � � �
<br /> Mortgagee, u�xm � iequest, wi(h �thr. - originalnrduplicnte recei�its therefnr. �'Phe blortgegnr agn�•s ihah� �ihera _sh:�l( be� a�lded to��� �. � . .
<br /> � ,' ��� �+nch montidy � paymFlnt � required htveunder nr � uncler Itm ���videncn i�[ d��L! secured hereb}' an amotint r:ttimofed hy fhe �4nrtgagee � � �
<br /> . - �� � � to. � he suQ�icient'. to enabl�.,, the hiortgugee�,ilo pay, us they Lecr;nte due,� rill . laxes,��aR.sessmenfe; pnd similanchnrgrs u�n-the pmrq�` � � � � � � '
<br /> f � ; .� � . ibes subject -tlierefo;' utiy ileficicricv� because �. of ihc�-i�isuRicicncy �af sucli addilion:d ���3yments- s6ali " br, ' Rirthwith de�insitrd by thr �� . �. � . .
<br /> . - Mortg»gm�,with lhe Mprlgngee �. apon . dem��nd by tho 1�4ortl;;iF.�• �'. Any default und��r this paragreph >Fiall be dr•i•med a �drfnul! in : � - �. . : �
<br /> �' �, . . . �� �� paymenf� of �� tuxrs, � asses.�ments;'nrsimilar rharges rryuired . liereundce � � . .� : . . . � - . . . � .
<br /> - . 'i'he � Mortgagor agrers �th:rt th�•re sha)I aiw � be . added 1o . rach m„�rthly paym�mt of principal and interNyt . reyuired here- �-
<br /> under an nmount eatimitted Ly thc Mortgagec te� be sulBcientln enaLle t.hc 2vinrlt',nE:e�+ tu pay, as it� becornrs due. � lhe insurancr, � � . .
<br /> � premium on .nny insurance . policY delivered fn the A7ortf.:agee. AnY drficienry bec�nuxe of lhe in4ufliciencv of yuch additinnul , pay- �� . �.
<br /> � men[s� sl�all ' fir. � fnHhwith � dnpaaitdd �iy �the � Mort�;agar' wifli the 17urtgi�goe i�pon��dvmm�d by {f��� h�nrlga;�:r. AnY. de(ault �. under tfus � � � � � - . . �
<br /> . ' paragraph � sfwll � k� deemedtt. dr(nult �in �lLepaymi•nt � nf�insuranr.epTemiums: �. IGthe� policyor � pulicies �dopbsili�daresut�hasinimi- � � . . �� . ..
<br /> ! � . �ownc�re or all risk -pqlicies, and the deposils nre insulficicnt. to pay lhe entire premium. ihr, AlnrigoKr�• mny np�ily ihe � depoxit � to . .
<br /> � � pnY Prrmiums on� risks� required to �be insured by tt�is,morlguge. �� �� � � � ��. � � - ��
<br /> . . � i � . � . . . . . . . � . .
<br /> . � � Pnyments made by the MuAgng�ir undrr ILi: ;Above parrigrnphs may, at ltie uplion nf � he Alnttgx�;eq be tu•Id � by it Fmd � . .
<br /> . c��mmingled with nthcr such fundti or its own fands �ior ttie paymr.nt of �uch iterns; and until su applir•d, suirh pi�ymcnts arr• h��rrby . � .
<br /> pledged� ns security fnr the unpaid baltmce u! tlie mortgage indr•bledness. . � .
<br /> � � . Tu prncure, drlirer tn, and maintain fnr lhe brnvlit uf ll�e 6Tnrlgage�• during the lifr of this murtgaF� uriginal policies and . � . � .
<br /> � renewals 1her�rot, delivirred +it Ieasl ten d•ays Ixdorr the rzpimtiun uf �in}• such policies, in5uring against fire nnd ut}lE�r insurnhle � � � . . . � �. � � �
<br /> � hnzm�ds, � casueitiea, nnd rnntingenc:es us the Mortgngee may require, in an amoun! equnl to the indebtedness securcd by . this � � . � � �
<br /> . I�Sorlgnge. nnd . in companies acceptabin tn tlie Afortgagce. •..'ith Inss pavabLr dausr in ta��ur o( and in (urm acceptahle to Ihc Alnrtga� � . � - � �
<br /> gee. In the event nnp policy is ncd n,neN��-�1 un or t�efnre ten days uf �h; rapiration. tL�• b1orlga�;ee may procure insutance on fhe � � . . � .
<br /> . improvements, puy We prrmium thcrefor, :md such =um sh��ll b�c:aue immuslintely duc and payablc with int��rest at . lhr� rate set . � � � � , .
<br /> . . . forih . in said noto until paid an� rhall Ixr secured 6}• lhis rnortg;�ge. Fa�ilurc on the part of fhe titortgagnr tn (urnish such urnewals . � � : � � � � .
<br /> : � � as are herein req�ired ur (ailure tn pay any sums advancrd herrunder fiI1JII, .1L IItP nJ]UOIi vf the \1nrt�;agec, cunstilute a defnult � � . � � � � � �
<br /> . . under the temtv o( this mortgage. 'fhe ri��licery ut ,udi policii�, shall. in lh�� erenl of drfault. constitut�• an a,signment. u[ thi� un- ' . � . � .
<br /> . . . nnfn.vl nrrmi��m. . . � .
<br /> � Any ;umF received by thr• lqnrlFngec by mason o[ loss ur d�imagr insurrd :�gainst may bc r�rtuined by the \9urt�;agee � � . � �
<br /> � � � � and applied loward the payment n[ the debt hercby sucumd, or, at the option of the b7urtgagee, such sums either whoily or in � � � . - � . . �.
<br /> � pnrt mny be paid over to Ihe A4nrtgngnrlo }k� used tu rrpair sucl� bieildinps or to build ' new buildings in their place nr fur nny � � � � .
<br /> other purpose ur ubject satis[uclory to lhe plurtgagee without alTecting thr� lien nn the mnrt�;uge fur the full nmount svcured here- " �. - � .
<br /> 6y beture such payment rtver took pinca � , . . � � �
<br /> - . To promptly repair, restore ur rebuild nny buildin�;s nr imprnvements now ur here-sker on lhe premises whic6 may hc� � �
<br /> come damaged or deslroyeYi: to kvep said prrmiso, in �;�n,d cunditi��n and repair and frer (rom any mechanic's lien ur oU�cr lien or � . . . .
<br /> clnim of lien not expresvly sulwrdinnled lo the lien hrrrn( : not to sulT!�r ur p��rniit nny unla�vfal ase of ur any nuisance to ezist on �
<br /> s snid property nor lo permit wnste on said premises, nor to do any ufhcr :�ct wheru6ti• the properf}' hereby cu�rveyr.d shall {�ecume �. � � � � �
<br /> Iesx valuuble. nor to diminish or impair ils vulue by :my act nr nmissi��n lo ncL to eortiplp w�ith ull requircmrnta u( la�v wilh respect ' �
<br /> to the mortgaged premises and the use thernoi.
<br /> � T'hat should thr premius ur any part themu( Ix� taki•n ur dnmaged by reasun uf am• public impruvrment or condemnution � �
<br /> . proceeding, or under thc right of rminrnt domain. ur in any nlher mnmier, thr 91nrtgugee shall br F•ntiHed tn nll a�mpensatinns, �
<br /> awurds. aud any other� paymenl or relic( lhrrefur. and sh�d: be entilled. al its nptiou. to cnmmenrn. nppenr in und �prosr�cufe in iLv - � .
<br /> . uwn nucne mty action or prrxeedinti, ur tu make any cumprumiqr or seltlement in cunnecliun K�ith such takin� or dAmnge. A�l such
<br /> compensationr. awards, damagcs, right � ol � action. nnd prw:cc�ls are hemLy assigned to lhe M1fortgaqee, who mny, aRer ded�ctin� - � � � �
<br /> there(rom all iLs expenses, release any moneys so recr.ived hy it Urnpply Uie snme ai any indebtednes�s secured �herr.by. 1'he 11orL .� ����� � .
<br /> �+" � 6nFor agrees Yo execule-. �uch [urther ax5ignments o( nny compen�aliun, aw�rds, damages, and righLs o( acliun :md �7roceede aa the :'_�
<br /> � rlortgngee may reyuire. . •-' . . .
<br /> - Thal in case of (ailure ta perform any of the covenants herein, thr Mort�;ager. mny dn on th� �1orlGngor g bchnit everyfhing `;��
<br /> so covenunted; that lhe Murtgagee may also do any :ict it may deert� n�rer;wry ln prolect the lien lherro(: �hal � he Dlnrlgagor will � �
<br /> repey upon demsnd t+ny moneys paid nr ilis6urs�•d hy� ih�• MorfgaFec for anY o( the ahuve purp�xes, and such mon�rys togetlier with �
<br /> : interesC thenron � nt lhe rnte provided in eaid note shull Ixcnme sa much additional indebtedness hereby eecured und may M• in- ��
<br /> cluded in any decree tureciosing this murtgage und be paid ��ut of the mnts nr procceds of sale of xaid premises if nu! otherwise
<br /> paid; thnf it sh¢!1 nut be obligatory upon the Mortgager. to inquirc iuto the validily of any lirn, encumbrancNs, or daim in ad-
<br /> � � va�cing moneys as aFwve authorized, but nolhing herein conlained � uhall txe wrtstrucKl as riquiring Ihe AlnrlgnKee tu ndvance any
<br /> � moneys for any such pup�ose nor to do any act hr.rr.under; nnd that Murtgagee shall nof incur any persmial liabilily because of any-
<br /> � . - thing it mey do or omit to do hereundee � �
<br /> - . In Lhe event of the default Gy Afotfgagor in lhe -puyment of :my installment, ns requirecl �Uy . lhe No�e secured hFrreby. . or
<br /> � in lhe pedor[nunce of thr obligalion in Uiis mor�ga�e or in the nnte u�cured lhereby, lhe �tortg�ger shnll Fr rnfillyd tu declare thr �
<br /> - ' debt .secured hereby duc and pnyuhle wiUiout nutice, �md !hc �1ortgagce shull bo cntilled at its option, withuut notice, either by iLvcl(
<br /> or by .a teceiver to IW appointid by ttie �court thereof, and �vithout regard to the adequacy of any securit}• frir the indebtedness se•
<br /> � � cured hcreby, to entcr upon and take � posSessioduf the mort�aged premisr.s, und tn co0ect nnd receive thr rrnts: issues nnd profits �
<br /> : thcreo(, and apply the same,-lcss coets u( u�mration and colleclian, u{�n the indebtednes9 secured by � thix mortgage; snid renls, � -
<br /> , issues and Eirofits being� heretry aavigned� fo the liortgagee ��ax further. security � (or lhe�payment nf all indebtedness securesl hcrchy.
<br /> � 'fhe Mortgager shull heve the po»'er to nppoint any nqent or agenls it rnay desire for the purpose of repairing s�id prrm- -
<br /> ir�s; renting � lhe same; wllecting . lhe rents, revenues and income, nnd it may pay out of said income all expenses inn�rred in rcnt• ^� � < ' ��
<br /> � ing and mnnuqing the some and o[ mllecling the renlnls theretrom. The balance remnining, if any, ahuli br applied tnwnrd the � �� �� r �� \�
<br /> � dixhnrge oI the morlgnge indc6lednesx. This t�ssignment ie ln terminatr and tx.�comr null and void upon rel�•eise of this mortgage. , � y `
<br /> ' . . . . . . . . i� < .
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