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<br /> MORTCAGB LOAN h0. L 22,52Z �4GI C
<br /> (" F:NOWALLI�IENBYTHESEPRfSGN1'S:Tl�at Brett.:DU'ff dt7d TSUfIidICO Ouff each in his and her own
<br /> �! ` right and:as spouse of each other
<br /> A1oAgagor,whether one or more,in conaderauon ot the sum oG
<br /> „`: Twentv Thousand and No/100=-------------------------------------------------------�w�LnRs
<br /> loaned to said mortgagnr by The Equitable Building end Luan Association o(Grand[slznd,Ne6raska,btortgagce,upon ZOO shares of stock of
<br /> siid ASSOCIATION,Certificate �o.L 22,522��GI�,do hereby grant,mnvey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIA'fION the totlowing
<br /> descri6ed resl estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska: -
<br /> i LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCK TWO (2)
<br /> ;
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> ..'.,y. . � . . . .. � . .
<br /> f
<br /> , ;
<br /> together.with all the tenements,htredi[aments�nd appurtensr.ce<_thereunto bdonging,induding attached tiuor wverings,all window screens;. � .� -
<br /> window.shades,blinds,storm w•induw•s,awnines,heating,air conditioning,andplumbing and waterequipmen[and ac..�ssories thettto,pumps,stover,. � . '
<br /> mfrigerators,and other fixtutes and equipment now or htrealter attached to or used in connection with said rea!e:tata
<br /> j � �
<br /> . And whe�eas the said mongagor has;greed�nd dces hareby agree tiut the mortgagor shap and.will pay all taxes and assessmenu]evied�or � � �� .
<br /> � assessed upon said premises and upon this morigage and the bond secured thereby be(ore the same shall become delinquent;to Curnish approved ; . �.
<br /> insurance upon ihe buildings un said premises situated in tl�e sum ot S 2Q,Q��1.GG papaoie to sain/�SuCiniiG:v nnu to de.�.a;c;i.3
<br /> � . ASSOCIATION the policies for�id insuance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about�id premises: . �.� . . �
<br /> In case o(deCault in the pertormanre o;any oi the terms and conditions ut this mongage or the bond ucured hereby,the mortgagec shall,
<br /> on demanJ,be entitled[o immediate posreuion of Ihe mortgaged premius and the mongagor hereby assigns, transfers snd uts over to the
<br /> ����I � �� mortgagtt ail the tents,revrnua anJ income to be derived from the mortgaged prcmiset during such time as the mortgage indebtednsss shall remain � � � . � �
<br /> � unpaid;and the martgae.ee shall have lhe power to appoin�any agent or agenu it may desitt(or the purpose of tepnicing s�id premises and renting� � .- � . � .
<br /> - the same and rnllecting the rents,revenues and inmme,and it may pay out oC said income all exptnset ut�epairing Lid premixs and neassasy� - � �� . � � � . .
<br /> commissions and expenses incurrcd in renling and managing the same xnd oC collecting rent�t�them&om;the balance«maining,i(any,to be . � �
<br /> applied tow�ard the diuharge of said mortgage indebtedness;these riehts of the mort@agce m�y be exerciud at any time during the exirtena of such � � � � .
<br /> de(ault,urespectire of any temporary wairer of the same. � �
<br /> These Pcesents,howe�nr,are upon the Condition,That if the said Atongagor shall tepay said loan on or beCorc the maturity of said shares by � � � � � . � �
<br /> paymenl;pay monthty to said ASSO('IATION uC the sum specifiod in the 13�nd ucured hereby as intemst and principal on said loan�,on or beCom � � � . �
<br /> the Twrntieth day ut each and even•month,untii stid loan is iully paid:pay ali trxes and assessments levied a�inst said p[emises and on this Mot[gage. � . �
<br /> � and the Bond secured thereby,before ddinquency:turnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 2�����.�� payabte � � . �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay tu vid ASSOCIATION u{wn demand all money by it paid Cor such taxes,asseuments and insurance wiih interert at . � .
<br /> : ' }
<br /> the maximum legal rate themon from date of payment all of which�fortgagor hereby aerees to pay;pecmit no waste un said pnmuts;keep and wmply � � �
<br /> with all thc a@reements and conditions of�he Bond for SZO OQO.00 «s day given b}�the svd AfortEagor to said ASSOCIA'f70N,and comply
<br /> with all the requiremrnts o(the Constitution and By-Laws ol said ASSOCIATION:thrn these prexnts shall become null and void,othenvise they
<br /> shsll remain in full force and nuy be furecloud at the optiun of the said ASSOCIATION aftee (ailure (or thrce months ro make any uf said
<br /> _ 5 p3yments or be thrce months in arrears in making said monthl,v paymen�s,or to keep and comply with the ageetments and conditions of said Bond; .
<br /> and Atortgagor agrees to ha�ro a receiver appointed fo�thwith in such forcclosure prorxedings. � �
<br /> 1 C ihere is any change in owne�ship oi the re�!es�ate mortgaged httein,by sale or uthervriu,then the m[ire remnining indebtedness hercby
<br /> sccured shall,st the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Is12nd,Nebraske,became immediately due and payable without
<br /> further notice,and Ihe amount rertuining due undcc said bond,and any other bond for any additional adranas made thereunder,shatl,from the
<br /> date of exerrise o(said optiun,bear interest ai the rtuximum icgal rate,and this mongage may thrn be focecJoxd to satisfy the smnunt due on said
<br /> � bond,:u�d any uther bond for additional adranccs,together with all sums paid by uid'fhe Equitable Building and I,aan Association of Grand Lsland, . � � �
<br /> Nebraska for insurana,taxes and usettmenu,and abstracting extension charges,with intercst the�eon,from date of paymen[at thr maximum
<br /> Irgal ratc.
<br /> _ As pren9ded in the Bond secured hueby,while this mongage remains in e[fect the mori¢agee may herealur ad�ana additional sums to the
<br /> makers of said Bond,their assip�s ur succeswrs in interut,whicfi sums shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds on��n>ily
<br /> secured the¢by,the[otal amount of principa!debt no[to exaed at any time rhe original amount of tttis mortgage. - � �
<br /> ���oa�n�: 8th day uf February A.D..19 7�
<br /> zZ�,�
<br /> ` � Brett�Duff ��-• ,} �/
<br /> , ,2 /�K/l�i'a /l//.l�f
<br /> Tsumako Duff
<br /> �`��Q�U�O�A�'}ss. On this $th day uf February 19 �� ,before me, '
<br /> � the undersi d,a Nota Public in and Cor said Coun � � '
<br /> � €�= 4' �Y.P�rsonallycame a ..
<br /> Bre ff and Tsumako Duff each in his and her own right and as ��use of e r q�h�� . '�
<br /> dre `�wn y own to �
<br /> � ���-� y.��C.tEbp�� rson 5 . whose i�ame S. at'2 af(ixed to the abore inrirutnrnt as mortgagor5 and th2,Y sevarally �. �
<br /> �a�iroa'v�edg�dR�a s'� strument to be tli211' voluntary act and deed. t`
<br /> � N6TnR't A1Th my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. '
<br /> • C�� tdiS510N�f..�,
<br /> 'tn�ii a's. .��x� ,..�^..�tzYu s`�` ts-f/7 /9P'G ,�/� p��' �i��;y� ,. ..
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