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� , 3 <. <br />� t �:'' <br />� _ _ � -.,<.�+. <br /> �« �. <br /> 77- �Q�754 � <br />�., , <br /> n�oRrcac� <br /> AfORTGAGELOANNO. L EZ,53H <br /> KNOWALLh1HNBY77jESCPRESENI'S:That HOWdPd I�I. Legg and Lorena I. Legg, each in his and her <br /> r <br /> own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mortgagar,whether one oi more,in cunsideration ot the sum of <br /> ` Eiahteen Thousand and t�o/100------------------------------------------------------ no[.[.nRs <br /> � + toaned to said mortgagor 6y The Equitable Duilding and l,oan Associacion oF Grand island,Nebra:ka,Atortgagee,upon �80 shazes of stock of <br /> ; said ASSOCIATION,Certifcace No.L 22 r�38 ,do hereby granr,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> described real estato,situated in Hali County,fie ruska: <br /> , s LOT T470 (2), BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17), OF <br /> COLLEGE ADDITION TO 4JEST LAIJN, IN GRAND <br /> ISLAtdD, NEBRASKA. <br /> ; <br /> ' � <br /> together with all tl�e tenements,hereditaments and appurtenanres thereunto beloneing,including attached floor co��erings,ali window scroens, <br /> window st�ades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,heating,a'u conditioning,and plumbing and watet equipmrn[and accessories�hemto,pumps,stovts, <br /> reGigeramrs,and o[her fixtuees and equipmrnt now or hereafter attached to or used in wnnection H•ith said real atate. <br /> And whereu the said morcgagor has agreed and does hereby agree[hat the mort�agor shal!and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br /> a::essed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and ehe bond secured therehv before the same sliall become delinquent;to furnish approved <br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premise:situated in the sum of S�H��0�.Q� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to delitier to said <br /> ASSOCIATION the poticios for said insurance;and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premiser, <br /> ' In case of de(aule in the performance of any of[he mrms and wnditinns of lhi:murtgage or the bond secumd hereby,the mortgagee shall, <br /> ? on dr.mand,be entitted to immediate possession oC tf¢mortgaged premius anS the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and seu over[o the _ <br /> morigagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebudness shatl remain <br /> . unp�id;and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any aeent or agents it may desire for the purpose oC repairing x3id premises and renting . � � � <br /> the same and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it may pay uut of said income all expenses o(repairing said premises and necessary <br /> comnriuions and expense:incurted in renting and managing ihe same and of collecting rencais theretrom;the balantt remaining,it any,ta be � � � � � � �� <br /> � applied toward the diuha�ge of said mongage indebtednen;these rights of the mortgagee may ba exercised at any time during the oxistence o(such �. � .� �. <br /> j default,"urespective of any�emporary waiver of the sama '� <br /> 7hese Prcsents,howevec,are upon the Condition,That iC the said l�tortgagor shall repay seid loan on or 6efore the maturiry oi said shares by . .. - � <br /> payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION o(the sum specified in the Bond aewred hereby as interest and principal on said loan,on oc beforc � � � � � � ; <br /> i the Twentieth day o(each and every month,until said loan is iully paid;pay aU taxes and assessments levied against said pcemises and on this f�tortgage �� �. . - <br /> �j and the Bond secured thereby,before delinquency;fumish appro��td insurance upon the buildings thereon in tho sum of S �$�����.�� payable � � . .. � � <br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,asse:sments and insurance with inlerest at � � � <br /> the maximum legai rate thereon from date of paymenc all of which Mongagor hereby agrees[o pay;permit no waste on said premius;keep and comply <br /> z with all the agreements and conditions oC the Bond for S�H��0�.0� this day given 6y the said t�lottgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply . . � <br /> a�ith all the reyuirements o(the Constitution and ByLaws af said ASSOCIA'f10N:then thex p�esents shall 6ecome null and void,o�herwiu they <br /> shal!mmain in full forte end may be foreclosed at lhe optiun of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said � . . <br /> payments or be three months in arrears in making said monthty payments,or m keep and comply with the agreements and conditions oC said Bond; � <br /> and Alongagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings. � . � <br /> If there is any change in ownership of the real scate mortgaged herein,by sale or otherw�ix,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br /> secured shaii,at the option of The Gquitable Building and Losn Association of Crand I:Iand,Nebraska,become immediately due and payable without <br /> futthcr notice,and the amount remaining due under s�id bond,and any other bond for any additional advanus made thueunder,shall,Crom the <br /> da[e o(exerciu oC said op[ion,bear interest at the maximum legal rate,and this mortgage may then be torcclosed to satufy the amount due on said <br /> bond,and any other bond(or additional advances,together with all surtu paid by said The Equitable Building and Luan Auociation oi Grand Istand, <br /> Nebraska for insurnnce,taxes and assesxmenu,and abstracting extension clmrges,with inures[ ehemon,from date of paymmt at the maximum <br /> Icgal rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in eftect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the <br /> makers ot said Bond,the'u assigns or successors in inmrat,which sums�full be within the security of[his mortgage the same as the funds originally <br /> ucured there6y,the total amount ot principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgaga <br /> nacea cn,�� �h aay or February ! '•°.,19 77 .� ' <br /> i' <br /> oward W. Legg ~� rena . •Legg �— <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,� s <br /> COUN7Y OF HALI. �� On this 15th day af February 19 �� ;beCore me, • <br /> the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said Caunty,personally came • �yj- �+°�` <br /> �; Howard W. Legg and Lorena I. Legg, eacn in his and her own right and as spouse_of.each other, �v �.- <br /> Wno are P«so,�al�yxnow�,ca � � <br /> Lme m be the ideatiral pecsorg whose name s are aCfixed to the above instrumer,t as mott�oc5 and they severelly _ :w <br /> � <br /> acknox�ledged the said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � <br /> W17NFSS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. <br /> r„m.,�h;,,�ex�rea ' <br /> �GchEP4i t�OURY�S+at=01 Nehr. 1 —�Cy� � .. <br /> a���� �!c_5�r�.CLSCh��� vP'a'• � Nocary Public <br /> p�'�� MYt mm.}ap.ti�v.l?.!3;9 �� �� 7 <br /> �-. . . _ �.� . ., . . . . . �� � <br />�� <br />