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-. , _ <br />; L ,; <br />,- . _ _ � a Nwi <br />- � �� fl (? 0 '746 � <br /> MORTG1tfORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMEWTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DAiE. SUCH PitEPAYtdEN7 SHALL BE <br /> APPIiED TO INSTALLMENTS lAST T0 Bt�Ui.iE GUE UN6ER TiiiS FnvnTuh'u'eJ 'r80iliGeG 7N� UNUtHSIGNED ARE N07 IK DEFAULT <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNER50F THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST D� THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> pAYEE'AGREEfrTO" FURNISH ?0 THE UNDER9IGNED 100°/p:OF SUCH PRiNCIPAC PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS 'AUVANCEMENT IS PRO- <br /> HIBITED -BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERYISORY Al1THORiTIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SNAIE 6E SECURED BY iHIS MORT'GAGE !N THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS If NO PREPAYMENTS NAD BEEN MADE. <br /> ` ' THE'MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENAIv'T6 AND AGREEB: <br /> ' ; �: Thnt ihe 117nrtFagor wili pny �the indehte�iness �a9 �hr.reinbn(nre pr�rvidrd.� � . . . � . . � . � . <br /> " � : That�: �the hiortq»gor in fhe �:ownor of suid ryroperty � in fen � sirnpir. nnd � li,Ls goixi riglrt xnd lawful authority M ��sell and � � � . . <br /> cromey ihe xtini� an8. thnt �thr. aum�i is-free und clear u[ nny. lien or cne,umbrxncc: and � Iha[ �inrt�;aqor w•ill � H�nrrant and�. detcnd the - � � <br /> ; 1 title- tu s+�id '. prPmises�� agttinsL .the�.. claims:,.o€ - nll.. persunfi� whrnne,or.ver. � �. . � �. � � . . . � - � . � <br /> f '} ` <br /> , ; , To pav_immediately when ifue nnd paya6le �dt gener+J tuxes. specinl taxes, speciaL i�ue�smenis: wnti�r chargee. sewer serv• <br /> ^ � ice chl�ig�s, untl�.other tazes end chrirg��r�.sageinst said projmrty, and a6 texcs levied on thc deLi u�curecl hereby; und tu fu�nish tl�r. <br /> Modgu�ee, upon� request. ��vith the origitwi .pr dupliceie� receipts lher� (oe � 'I'he 1lurigngor agmr-e . that . �tiere shall be .�.added to � <br /> ' i cacN monthlp j>nymenl rrquimd hereunder or wider the evi�]encc+ of deLt secured herehy an auwunt e>t�rn.ilcii Gy the :�tortgagee <br /> ' ! � to �l�e.�sutficient . to enable` the :�iortgagee �{o pa>; as Lhc3• � becnmr. � due, all� taxes. usc��&�menls, and similar. cGarges u�x,n . the. _prrm•�. � � � �. <br /> "' ' ises :nubjeM: tltemin; auy. deficiencY � becamse � o! thr, in�;ufficiency. of � such additi�nal puymenLs � shnll J�e forttiwit6 depnsitccl by thn � -: � � � � <br /> �. � j ��: � hlortFA6ur N�i/h thv Dinrtgagre upva. demund .� Gy� thc ��Mnrtgag�e �Any default undcrthis Paragreph shatl 6e �liemrd n.�lefault in . . : . <br /> . payment: of � fnzr.;; a,sessmen(s,�. ��r eimilar churges required Fet�under_ �� . � � � � � . � � � . . <br /> '' � y ' � . . . . - � � � � .. . . . . . <br /> � � � � � � �. 'Phe . �St>rtt;ngor � agrees lhat ahall uko lx� addi�d� tn eiich monthlp p�ymentof principai . and interryt reyuired herr• �. . . <br /> � i� �� � .� under an amuun[ extimate:d � by ihr :vlort�eqee to b�� suificient. iu cnabii+ � t6r• t.f�,riF�;g::c :o ;��;•, s� it h�-cnmt�s �due,. . fhe � insurunce � . � . . . . <br /> � � � � � �fremium on any insurnnee puliey delivrred � to the Dturigagee: �Any deGcicney }a•caiic�* n[ the insufficiency nf such additional p�y- . � � . <br /> � � � menLv shxU be toriliwilh depusitud by tlic Mortgvgur with Uir Mnrtgngee u�wn dernand t�v the \iortgn�ee. Auy defxult under this � . � � � <br /> � i � � � � . �it�ragrr�ph shall 6e d�d�med n de(nult in thn payment o[ insurunce �premiwns. If the }wlicy or Policies depnsited a�e such as hume•� - � � . � <br /> % � � owmets nr all risk {rolicies. and lhe deposite �ar¢ innu(Cicient lu pay thi•� entire � premium, the r7nrlgn„ec may. apply ihe dep«sit � to � . . " . . � . <br /> i. i � �. . . � . . . . . . . . . . <br /> . � � pay premimns on risks � required to Iw insured by lhis mor�gti�;e: � . � � . . � . � �. . . <br /> ' j..�.., � � � Yayments made by thc Aturfgagor undcr thc nhave paragraphs m;�y, at thc opti��n� o[ the Morlgagee, lx hcld bd � it and � � . � � . . � � � . <br /> � � commingled with other nuch funds or ils uwn funda tor thc payment u( ;,u�h i:��rr.s, and vntil so up�ilied, such � pnyments �iro hrreby : - � : -. - � - � <br /> . .. . . Plrrlqeci as security � (or the . unpaid balance of thc mortqaqe indi+btcdnees. . . . ' �. � . . <br /> l . �. -; . . . � . . � � . - � . . . . . .. <br /> � . f. . . � . � � 7b � ��rceurcr dblicer .to, and rnaintain for thc benefit oC the Mort{;agee durin� lhr. lifc ut this mortgage originat policies and . . <br /> c <br /> � � renewals thereuf, deliverecl ut loast ten days he(ore the expimlion of nny such palicies, inxuriny� a�;ain�t fire nnd other�. insurxble � . � � <br /> . hazaecie, c:tsuallier:; �and contingencies � ns the hlortgagee mey require, in rin amounl eyual fa lhe , indehtednesa � . srxured � by. Ihis. � - . � �. <br /> " ? ' bfurfgage. and in compuniex accep[able to the r-Iortgagee, witl� lo�v payablr clause in favnr of and in for+n acceptable tn I}ie �fortgn• <br /> � � �, . � gee. . In tlm event any policy � is no't renewia! cm or befnr�a ttm dnys oL ils expiratiun, the b1urt«agee may prucure. insurt�nce nn ihe � . � � � <br /> � f �� � . impnrvemenLi, pxg the � premimn there[ur,� and tiuch sum shull 6ecome. immedintely due and payable with � interest at lhr• r+.te sel �� � " � <br /> � � � � � . forth � in said� noto witil paid v�d ahall t�r. s��cured hy lhis mortgaK�• f•ailure on the pnri of the 97ortgagor to furnish such � renewals � � � � � � - . <br /> �. � . � ac are herein required� or failure to pny any sums advanced hereunder shall, ni ih�� opfion nt ihr 11ort�a;;re, cnnstitute n defnult � � � - . , � . <br /> �:;f � . .under �t}ie terms oE fhix mortgage The delivery ot such policies shall, in Ihe event of de(mdt. n>nnlitidr• un as5ignmenCof the un. � . . . . <br /> ' enrnecl premium. <br /> ;` � <br /> � � �. � . � . Auy sums received by . ihe hlurtgagee by reason of Ioss ur damage in�ured al:aiast may bc retained by � thr 19uriFageo . �. , � � . .�. <br /> � . end applic�l ��warJ the »ayrnent at thc debt hereby .secured, ��r. ut the option o[ the l�inrt�;a;:ee. such sums eitherwhotly or in <br /> ' � ' � part may � be paid .ocer to the bfort�agor tn Ixe used tn repnir such buildinRn or tu build nrw buiidings in their place. or fnr any � � � <br /> ; <br /> . nther pur�wse nr object rhtixfactury tu ihe h1oAQagee withuut :�ITewting the licn un the rnortga�e for the (ull amaunt secured here- . . � <br /> ; � � by be(ore suc•1� paymenE ever teKil; pluce. . . �. . - � � <br /> w f <br /> . To prom�stly repair, n5fore ur rebuild ;�ny buildin�s nr improremenis noH� nr herealter on the premines which tnay hr � � � � � <br /> ` � � �; com�� dema�;eci or dcslroycKl; !n keep xnid prcmisea in ga�d condition :ind repair und Irce from any me•chanir's lien or oiher lien ur � � � . � � <br /> � � � � ctaim of lien not capressly subordinatrd io Lin Iien hanro(; nnt ln �u(Tef of prrmll any unlawful uve o( or :mq nuisance to exist on - � � � �� <br /> � ? � � euid praper(y nar to pi�rmii wasle on wid prrm't.rrs, nor to do a�ny othiv act whrreby thrr proper�y hnreby a+nvayrd Fhall I>ecomr � � . _ � � - <br /> : �. i � l�s �'aluable. nor to diminish or imp:tir it�s value hy any acl ur nmisvion to uct : tu cotnply ���ith all rrryuirrmi�nls nf Inw with rrspect � . � � � . <br /> - � � to fhe mortKaged premises and the usc thereuL � ' � � <br /> � � That shouid ihr. premix-e nr unp pnr[ therrof be tnken ��r damukrd by reasnn of any public improvement or a�ndemnation � . � . � <br /> �;��� . � � � proce<xiing, or under Lhe right of eminent Jomsin, or in any uther manncr, the Siort�ager shall be entitled to �0� aimpeusations. . � � <br /> ' � . . awanl+, :uid any .othi-r payment or relirf lherefor, und shall be r.nti�led, a[ its uption, fn e�immence, appear in nnd prnecuie in � itY � � . � <br /> � � ; � � own , mm�e any actiun or . proceedinR, or tu ntako m�y cnmpzontise or setllement in connrctinn with such tnking or damage. All Fuch � �� � . � <br /> � �� � r,ompen.sulion, awards, d.3mag�s, righl u[ uctinn und prcxrcvin are }�erutry nssigned to the Mortgagee, who may, after deducling . � � <br /> ' ihero(mm ull itt expenus. rel��ase nny muneys sn received L�� it or nPPly the sume on rnry indobtednc�s u�cured hereLy. The �1orb � � . . . <br /> � � � gagor agmt�; to esecute� such - further nssignmenly of any comP�ntiation. a�rnrdn, damages, and rii:hts o( aclinn and pra�erds a.c lhe . � � .� <br /> : i <br /> �S � � hlurtgugee� mar rt'�yuire. . � � � � � � ; � . <br /> F�:'.. ' :. . . �. ' . . � � � <br /> � Ti1et in caxe� ot (ailun+ to perform any o( the ruvr.nuntx herein. the 31ortgagce mny clo on thr \tnrtgagur y t�chulf ev<�rything � � . � <br /> .�. r � . ra� �mvenanted; that lhe Mortgagce may also do uny act it may derm necehsary [n prntecl tlic lirn thor¢v�L' that the \lortgngor w�ill � � . - � � <br /> �� � � - rcpay �u{wn demand any � moneys pnid or disbur�ed by the Alortgugec for nny ot the ahovo purp�mes. nnd cuch m��nepx tu�;ether with � . � <br /> � �. ; � inlerctil . therron n[ the mle � prwidcd in w�id nole shall becume su much addilional indehtcKiness herebp ,.rcured and maY �' im � � . . � ' <br /> ` r.luded in any decree foreclusing Lhi� moriFaKe and tw paid out of lhe renls or procer.ciy n( nale o( siid premises if nut otherwise � . � <br /> �� � i - pnid; that it shall . not �be obligntory upon the Morq;ugcv� to inqairc intn the v�flidity o( any lieu, cnrumbrancus, or claim in ud- � � . <br /> ��` ; � . � vencin� mnneye �us atwve authorized, but nothinF herein contnined �:hall t:� corvvtrued as rrquiring tl�e Alortgugec tu udeance nny � <br /> ��� � � moneys for imy xuch purpose m�ir tn dn miy act hereunder: nnd lhat ;vlortgagee sholl not incur any perc�.�nal liabilify bi•c�us�� n( any . � <br /> ;�.; �� - . Rhing it miiy do .or omil to dn hereundnr. . � � <br /> - . 1n th�� �vrnt of thr default . by h.origagor in the payment o( nny inst:illment. as n•quirc<t hy th�� Noti� aecurud he•reby, or . � <br /> in the �x�rtortnance ot the thia mortqnFc ur in the nute s:ecured thoreby, the htudgager, shall be rnlitl�rl to dcxlare the � - <br /> . � debt secured .hereby due and paysble wi(}��ut nblice. und the �titott�ugee shall be entiUed at its oplion . withnut nutice, eithcr by il.self � � � � <br /> � nr by. a. recciver. tq bc appoinittl by tho cnurt thereuf, and without teBnrd to thc udequncy nf any !:ecvrity (ur ihr indrhtedness r�•- ,..;;�. � _ .���.-� � <br /> � . . ruted ' herehy: `to enloru�son nnd lake pcissexxion oI the muriRORed premises. nnd to collect end receive thc rrnts, is;ues and profitn � ' �'!;�. '� <br /> � � . t�ieteof, und upply thr h;ime, hHI� c(ists of uperutinn and a�llection, u�mn the indebt�Klne�v xecumd by this marigage; said renis, �� ��� N �r�� `'� -� <br /> f ` iacue�s und profits bting hereby tts.viKned I.o the h9mtgugee ay turther se�cvrih• for tfie pnyment of all indebtrdnesv nia�ured herrby. . � , .: � � <br /> . L � . � . . . . . . � <br /> � � T}ie� Mortgagee yhal! hevc the power to oppoint any agent or agents it muy desiru for thc purp�wr o( repairing suid prem- � <br /> . isee; :�renting �tht xame;•�crollrcting. �the�rents:. revenuen �urtd incmne; rmd it. m�}• pay out u( Faid incnmc nl! expensrs incurred im m�F � � � <br /> ing .hnd mnnaging the xnme and oi collecting the rentaLv therrfrom. "fhe balance mmaininw. i( any. bhidt 6e applicd toward the , � <br /> �liecha�ge of tho mortgage indri�l�Klnexv. Tliis nxvignmrnt iF In terminnte and twc��me nuli :md vnid u�xm rrlrnu• nf this mnrtgnRe. ,"' <br /> � ::�. �. � ` � . . . : . . �. . . , _ � . . .. ' � � <br />� i <br /> z ��..� . . . yY L� J <br />