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w � 4 <br /> a� � ;-r <br />� . � . '��i <br /> � � <br /> %7- OQ073s � <br /> rsc�:���� <br /> � AfORTGAGE[AAN 1:0. � Z2+536 <br /> t:NowaLt6�eNar�raesrrxEse�Ts:rnai Perry L. Ulmer and linda S. Ulmer, each in his and her <br /> n � own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mort@agor,whethu one or more,in considerauan of the sum ot "- <br /> � Twenty-seven Thausand Four Nundred and No/100-------------------------------------DpL�a,rs ' <br /> loanod to said mottgegor by The Equitable Building and Lusn Assuciation of Crand lsland,Nebraska,Alortgagee,apon 2�¢ sharea oI xmck of' <br /> said ASSOC[ATION,CeRificate No.L 22,536 ,do here6y grant,com•ey and mortgage unto tho said ASSOC[ATION the fotlowing <br /> described real estate,vtuated in Hnll Counry,hebraska: <br /> LOT 7W0 (2) IN SUNSET FOURTH SUBDIVISIOIJ, BEING A PART <br /> ; j : _ <br /> OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (N�fE4) OF <br /> SECTION ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP ELEYEN (11j NORTH, RANGE <br /> TEN (10) WEST Of THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, NcBRASKA. <br /> , ': <br /> together w�ith all the tenemeNs,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bdonging,induding attache�(]nor torerings,all window scretns,. � � . <br /> windomsha8es,blinds,irormwindouz,awnines,he2�ir.g,2irconditioning,andplumbingaad�xaterequipmentandatttssoriesthereto,gumps,stotin.�� � � <br /> refrigeraton,x�id other fixtures snd equipmenf noW�or nerrafcer attached to or uv_d in conntttion u�ith said resl estate. <br /> � And whetens the s3id morleagor has a¢reed and does heteby agree that the mortesgot shall and will pay a!t�tvees.and asussments Sn�ed or �� .� <br /> asussed�upon acid premises and upon[his moneaee and lhe bond secured thereby betorc the she11 btcome ddinqum[:to fumish approved� �� � <br /> insurance upon the huildinEs on s�id premises situated in the sum of 5 ZJ�400.00 payEbte to said ASSOCiAT10\ and to deli�u to said <br /> ,1SSOCI�TIO.\'the polide:for rtid imwance:and not to cammit or permSt any uazte on or about s:id ptemises; . � <br /> ]n cau ot de(ault in the pedormance of any oi the terms and condirions oi this mort;age or die bond secured hertby,the monpgee shall. � . . - � <br /> . � on demand,be entiUed to immediate posscssina of the mongaged premises snd the mortgxgor hereby assigos, tansfers�and sets ever to the -� � . : � <br /> � mortgaeee ail the rents,revenues and incom:to be derived from the rnongaged premixt during such time u the mon�age indebteMess shsll remain � � . �� � <br /> . unpaid;and ihe mon�.xe„�e sl�ll hare Qu power to appoint any agent oc agrn[s it may desirc(or tho purpose of rop3iring said prtmins and ienting- . � � . <br /> the zvnc and collectine the rents,tevenues and incume,and ii may pay out of said inwme all expenses ot repairing said prer�i�s snd necrssuy <br /> � �... enm.missions aad expense:in�rted in reaiine and manazinz iht seme and ol coLectiae.ctr.tzls thuefiom:the 6alsn�rem�inine,it anv,to bt . . �. . �. . . . <br /> applied tow•ard the discharge of said morieage irdebirdness;these riuhts of th:mongagee rrmy br exercised at am�time during Lh:ncisteaa oi suth � � �. � � <br /> default,irresptaire of any iempotary wai�rr ot the same. � . � � <br /> T}�rse Presents,however,are upon the Condition.Tlut u the said Atert�¢or shzli repay said lean on or befort tne maturity of said shares by � � � . �� - �� .� <br /> . paymant;pay monchly to said ASSOCIATIO\o!the sum specified in the Bond secured heeeby as inttrest and principal on said loan,on ot beFore � � � � <br /> the Tw'entieth day of each and even�month,mtil lo:.n is iully pnid:gzy all t�:es and acussments letiied:gainst said premiut and on tiils Afortgaee <br /> � � and the Bond secured thercby,btfere delinqurnn•:fumuh approeed insurance upon the buildines thrreun in the sum of S 27 4��.Q(� Pa}'able � <br /> :a said nSSGCIA770N:repa}•to said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all moncy by it p�id for such tues,asussnents and tnsu}ance w�th interert at , f <br /> � the msximum leg:l rate thrzeon from date oi p_}�ment all of mhich Dton�or heraby agrees to pay:permit no waste on�id ptemises;keep xnd rnmptp � � � � <br /> ' with al!the sgreements 2nd mnditions of the Bond fci$ 27�4��.�athis day given by the svd Morigagor to aid ASSOC[ATIO?�,and�comply � . � � . � <br /> � witl�all the requuements of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATIO.�`:thrn thex ptesents s;ull becom:null and�•oid,othe��ise they ., <br /> . shall�remain in full turce and m3y be iorcclos�d at the option of the slid ASSOC[.4T10\ after (•eilure tor thr�e r.�onths io make any ot stid . <br /> paymrnts or bz three months in arrears in ms}:ing s�id monthl}•paymenu,or to keep znd cumply with G�e�sreements and ennditions of ssid Bond: � � . - � <br /> and Ato�t�zgo�apres to have a reai�•er eppointed fo:thwith in such foreclosure procredings. . - � <br /> If tbere is snp changt in oxrership of the reaf estate moncaged herein,by ulc or othetwise,thrn the rntire rtmeining indebtednen herebp � <br /> � ucured sh3ll,at the option of The Equitable Building and Lozn Association of Grznd lsland,�ebraska,beeome unmediately due snd pa��able without . � � <br /> iurther notia,and the amount remau�ing due under n_id bond,2nd any other bond ior ar,y addilionJ ad�aaces made thereunder,shall,from the <br /> date of ezercise of s3id option,ozar interest at tl:e maxvnum Iegal rate,and this mortcage may then 6e foredos:d m s�tisfy the amou¢t due on said � <br /> ' � bond,and any other bond for additional adtiana:,together wich all rums paid 6y said The Equi�xble Bu�lding and Loan Assodntian of Grand Isiand. � <br /> � , Ktbrsska for insurana, and azsessmrnts,and abstracting extrnsion eharees,with interest thereon,from dsu of paym:nt at the maxicnum - .� <br /> legal zate. <br /> As provided in!ht Bood secured l�ereby,�•hile tkds mongege cemzins in ei'fect the mongagee m�y h^_teafter ad}antt additional sums to the � . � <br /> � makers of said Bond.the'u assi�ns or successort in interest,which sums shall be wnhin the ucurity of tnu monraEe the same az the funds oricinaiv <br /> seturtd therehy,du total amount of pnncipnl debt not to exaed at any ticx the original unount of this mortgzse. <br /> �, 14th a�>-oi February �.fl.,i�lul7 ���� <br /> �.� 1 �a� <br /> erry Ulmer L�nda S. Ulmer <br /> STATEOFNEB[L15KA,j ss. Onthis 14th dapof february 19 77 .beforeme, <br /> COU\TY OF HALL i ` <br /> the uadeaigned,a Notary Public i�md fo:said County,personalty a.�ne '^�t '-_' <br /> Perry L. Uimer and Linda S. Ulmer each in his and her own right and as s�ouse of �c�h other � �;;��� <br /> : . � .. "'h� BY P�rson v owoto <br /> > <br /> L . me to be the�ide¢lical perwn S . u•hose namS hc'2� �iztd to She xbove instn�mnt u umrteagor S and thQY sn�emfiy <br /> the said inrtrummt to be thei r �y���'art and dad. ��� �.,�., � <br /> � � � W7'IT�ESS m�hand and hotui315ea1 the date aforaaid.. =j _ / � � <br /> � r k <br /> � -. ` ' �� - <br /> ; � �/,si-�c.? �'"� �-;'_2.-z.r <br /> - �y ` ' �� SotarV PubL'c <br />,, . 'bl.:l[F1. i�:'., a.i��.!:;i� ' - > � � <br /> j '_':.. <br />� � � � <br /> y:� <br /> � <br />