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� <br />� _ � .....�* <br /> � . � <br /> �;�_ 0007zQ � <br /> MORTGACf. <br /> A10RTGAGE LOAN N0. L Z2,535 <br /> �townu.r�e�ueY�raesErtt�seNrs:rnat. Larry J. Christensen and Peggy L Christensen, each in his <br /> � and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> hfortgxgoc,whether one o:more,in conaideration of the sum of <br /> , ! Twenty-nine Thousand Eight Hundred and No/100----------------------------------- Dp�A� <br /> loaned�o said mortgagor by Tlm Equitable Building and Luan Association of Crand I:land,Nebraska,Afortglgee,upon 298. shares of stock of <br /> said-ASSOCIATIUN,Certifiwte ho.L ZZ,535 ,do hereby grant,con��ey and mortgagt unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> described real estate,situated in Hall Counry,Nebraska: <br /> LOT TNRcE (3), LUSH SUBDIVISION, ItJ THE CITY OF GRAND IStAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA, COMPRISING ALL OF LOT ONE (1) ISLAND ACRES NUI�BER 7, IN THE CITY <br /> OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, SITUATED IN PART OF THE SOUTH HALF <br /> {S',) OF FRACTIONAL SECTIOFI SEVEN (7) AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF <br /> THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NW;S'As) OF SECTION EIG�T (8), ALL IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEtd <br /> (1T) NORTH, RNAGE (�INE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., I4 HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> � , togeiher with all tht tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances�ltereunto belonging,including attached floor cv��erings,all w�indow screens, <br /> "� � windox•sl�ades,blinds,storm windows,ax•nings,heating,air condilionu:g,and plumbing and watrrcquipment and accessoties thereto,pumps,stovts, � � <br /> reGigararors,and other fixmres and equipment now or hereafter a[tactmd to or used in connecuon x•ith�id ceal esiate. <br /> And whereas tha said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby aeree Uiat the mortRagor shall and will pay all tnxes and atussments levied or � � � �� � <br /> �� assessed upon seid premixs and upon this mortea¢e and the bond xcured thereby betore the same shall become delinquent:to tutnish approred � � � � . �� . <br /> inrurance upon the buildings on said promiszs siivated in the sum of 5 29�$QQ.QQ payable [o said ASSOCIATION and to deli�er to said <br /> - ASSOCIATIOti ihe po(icies Cor said insurance;and no�to a�mmit or pe[mit any w•aste on or about said premises; � � �� � - <br /> � ? � !n case oi drfaWi in the performance of any of the terms and condi[ions of this mortgaee or tlte bond secured heceby,the mortgagte shall, � � . - <br /> on demand,be en[i4ed to immediate possession of the mortgaged premixs and the moncagor hereby assigns, uznsfers and SeU over ro the � � � � <br /> mortcagee all the rents,revenues and income to be derived hom ihe mongaged premises during such time u the mongaer indebtedness shall mmain. � . � � � � <br /> unpaid;and the morteagee shal]have the power to appoint any eeant or agents it may desue(or the purpose of repairing said premises�snd tenting � - <br /> . the iame and collecune the rants,re�•enues and income,xnd it mav pay out o(uid income all expenus ot repairing ssid premises and neassazy . . .� . � . . <br /> � commissions and expenses incurred in rentmg and mnnseing the�same and ot wllecting rrntals thtrciiom;the balnnce�emaining,it any,to be . � . �. <br /> applied toward thr discharee ui uid morteage indebtedness;these rir:nts o(the mor[gagee ma}•be ex^rci�d at any time during the existence oC such � <br /> default.irtespective of xny temporery•waiver of tht same. � � <br /> . These Prcsents,hux�n�n,ue upon the Cundition.Th�t if the s�id Alortgagor shxll repay said loan on or beForo the maturity oi uid shares by � � <br /> : payment:pay monthly to said ASSOC1A770N of the sum spedfied in the Bond secured hereby as�nteres[and prin�ipal on said 1oan,on or beforc . �� ; <br /> the TH'^ntie[h day of each xnd erery month.until said luan is fully paid;pay al]tzzes xnd 2sses:m:nts In�ed xeautst said premises and on this\fortgage . � <br /> . and the Bond setured thereby,betore delinquencc;furnish approved insurxnce upon the buildings thereun in the sum of 5 29�800.QQ peyable <br /> -' to said?.SSOCIATION;�epay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all monev by it paid for such tsxes,assessments and msurance w�rth intenst at � � <br /> the maximum le�al rate thereon from dete of p3yment;Il of which hfo�tgagor hareby a�ces to pay;permit no wasm on said premises;keep and comply _ <br /> }�i�h all the agreemenu and condi�ions uf che Bond for S 29�BOO.00 this da}'givrn by the said�tottgagor to s3id ASSOCIATIO�,and comply <br /> T�-� with alt the requirements of the Constitution and$yLaws of said ASSDCIATION;tfien these present:shall become null and void,othe�x•ix they . � <br /> shall rem�tin in(ull fotce and m:�y be foreclosed at the option af ihe said ASSOCIATION after fiilure ior three months to make 2ny of said � <br /> payments or be thiee momhs in xrrrars in makin�t uid momhly paymenis,or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions oC said Bond; <br /> and Dlortgagor agrea to hxve a�eceirer appointed forthw•ith in such Corecbswe p�oceedine,s. <br /> If there is any change in ownership oC the real atxte mongaged he¢in,6y sale or otherwise,then the entuo remaining indebtedness he[eby <br /> secumd shsll,at the option o(7'he Equitxble lluilding and l.oan Association o(Grand Ie]and.Nebnska,bacome immedutdy due and payabk uithout <br /> � (urther notice,uid!he amount remaining due under said bond,and any other bund Cor any additional adtances made thutunder,shall,[rom the <br /> date of exercise of said oplion,bear interest at the maximum legal raie,and this mortgagt may then be foredoud to satisfy the zmoun[due un said <br /> �;-.'� bond,and zny other bond for additional adtiam:e:,together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Bw7ding and Loan Association of Grand island, <br /> :iebraska for insurance,taxrs and asussments.and abstracting extension d�arges,with interest thereon,from date of payment at the maximum . <br /> lrgalrate. <br /> As pro��drd in the$ond xcured hereby,whila this mortgage remains in rlfact the mongagee may hereafter ad�•ance addiuonal sums to the <br /> makers af said 3iond,their assigns oc succeuors in inteun,whith sums shall be within the security ot this mortgage the same as the funds originally � <br /> xcwtd thereby,the totat amount of principal deht not to exaed zt any time the origina!amount of this morigaga� <br /> Dat this t av of February �.D.,19]� � <br /> "i C._ : — �%. /. ./ <br /> � ,.. _��� � ! ;' i c _ �i.<�' <br /> ^arry s�ense Pegg : Christen'sen <br /> � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASICA,�:s. On this 14th '�aY°f February 19]] ,be(ore me. <br /> COUrIY OF HALL� <br /> --g�. <br /> the,undttu Cd a Not Pu61ic in and fnr d Co ty ersonall came <br /> Larry J. Christensen and Peggy L. Christensen, eacn in�ii� anc�ryher own r�g�i� ao'� �� spo�se ,N <br /> ' of each other, who dre personallyknownto � <br /> L. me to be t6e identical persan S u•hox nacne s are sffixed to ihe above ins s mortgagor 5 andthey se�'erally ,�, <br /> arknowledged the said iastcument t � thei r volunury act and deed. /�' ^� <br /> � � . gp��p{pp�3�1lfi6�djlYa and Notarial Seal Ihe date aCorrsaid. `� � /� // / . � . <br /> � JAMEf{S}yEo�t�o�}f� 'ues �� / / ��y - <br /> �'s,_„�`'^k ��`_.._t /�'�7:�/�/ `��l� � �G%��,'I <br /> f...�- ------. �y !:�otary Public ' <br />' s�-zae Rt .�L•�t% �� />�� r/� <br />,r' <br />� ' <br /> Y <br />' .��.' . . t�� � <br />. � <br /> f <br />