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�� - <br /> , � k. <br /> F�. ! U: <br />�� � � . . " ._� � , . <br /> . � . . �. . . �. : . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . <br /> � � ` 77-. OO � fi64 � <br /> MORTGAGQRS NAY f'AKE PR�:.YME�rc nF aa������F ��� N;�'r ii'i�IAiLLMENT DUE DATE. SUCN PRfPAYMENi SHALL BE <br />� . APPUEO TO INSTALLMENiS LAST�i'O 3cl.6nSE pUE UNOER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNCO ARE NOT IN DEFAULT � � <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGEO PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNOERSIGN[D, OR EITHER OF THEM. <br /> PAYEE rGR�ES TO FUn^iif£H TO �HE UNaERSIGNfO 1QOp/o OF SUCH PF2iNCIPAt PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT I5 pR0• <br /> HI9ITED DY THE REGULATIOMS pF GMARTERIN6 AND SUPERYISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN [FFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> �HAlL BE SECURED BV 7NiS MORTGhGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EfFECT AS �F NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MAUE. <br /> TTiE " MORTGAGOR FiJRTHF.R COBEIVANTS ANn ACRGES : <br /> " ' .. . �� . 7'heF lhu Diorl�aRnr �vi1L pm� the indehtodni�a �na iinreinlmfure �irovided. � . . � . . . . . . <br /> . � � � Thnl tiire hfor!g=�gor is � the ownrr: n( ;:nid properh� in J!•e nimple nnJ h+�s xoc� right nnti Imclul - :mthnrity . �n aell nntl . . . . .. � <br /> � ivnbey �hesume and thol Uie �ame is trer. nnd clrn� of ouy � lu•n or e�ncumMrancc: :md . that. \tiirt �n�;or �rill �c:trrnnf :md defend thn � . <br /> , . .. � � tiil�i � fo yni��l�. pniminea ngainst the. ciaims � of idl penmis ���hruu�o�•ver. - � � � . � . � � � � <br /> � : .�', .. � . . � . � . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . - . . <br /> �� . To j�iiy immediately �� hoii �du� nnd pay �ble.�all . ;;enernl , lnxea. �petiinl inae.n, s�iccinl - �ssesvinrnlF �� ��ter chargex, �rwcr �erv. . � .. � . <br /> �� it,r ch�rges. pud oth��r taxea and . eh:{i µw n�.ainst said propert�•, and cili leaoti Iveied un die debt �,reured hervl��; :md In furnish � �hr.. - <br /> �Rlort�agrr., . upon r�Quesi. with . ihe� uriqinal� or � duplicah� nca-ipts� lhrrefur. '1'!u� Alurtga4or �igre��, t.l� u tl�rre :;hall hi, nddod to . . <br /> eech mnnthly piq'ment requirrcl h�•rnunder nr und��r thc rvidenec of dobt cecured he. rrby nn amount c;limalyd b�• iLe �tortga�;o� <br /> to b�• sti(iiciont to. �ennble tlie � :�1url�;u};ec �o px� . ns Ihey 6�+t��mr dur. . ull � inavs. :i..Fesstnents :m�l ��milar chargos upnn tha. prem� . . . <br /> . � i;:es subj�rt therrto; m�y d� fic�encp tx�cnuse n( lhL . �nsuliicilnr.Y ot sucli ud<htiunnl : px} tnenta ;;hull . lx. (ortliuith �iepoviled � U}' Un� � : . . � . <br /> � � AdortFo�ur kith the Atorlga�;ee �upon �1i�mund. L�� 1he �� Aturi�age.�. :1ng �d�•t:wlt under Ihi, pa�agr,�ph �i�nll Lr da��mrd a defnutt � in . <br /> . � �?syment n( taxrs, ativ�syment�. Gr .imilnr rhnr�;e� rrqnirrd Iu�rruuJnr. � � . � � <br /> , � . � Thr 11o� fga�;or �igrts•s Hi�t[ t.hrre shall .+Iso b�• uddcd to ��arh motdhly p;q'mcnt nf prmcipel und inl��rf�:+t rr�piirrd hcro- . � - <br /> � � underan +amonn[ �sUmat��d bt� �he Aiurl�ngee to hc v�ifliric�nt to i� nnble � hr \torly'npri� to pa��. as it L+rivim��s due�. the b�surmue . <br /> . . pmmium on auy in.urance pnlic�� doli�•errd to fhr \i�rrt�;i�;cr. An� Jrfic�rne�' hrcnusi� nl th�. tnauiGciencv ot �urh addiliun:�l � pap• . . <br /> menls shnll be � torlha•ifh drposi�vd f�y Ihe ;1G�rl�ay;or �� ith IUa Alurt�ag��i• up�.m d��mand be th� \fortgng�rt�. Am� dnfuult under thies � . <br /> . . pnr.igreph shnll R�e d��emed a default in the p;rvm��nt ui in�urrutcv premimnc. If lh� pnliry� nr pnlii•ies d���•d ;irr �such ns hnmr. . . � � <br /> uwnetx ur xll tisl.� �Hilicica, mid thc dc�t��siis ;ire insWTicicnt fu pa�� fhu rntire� promium. � hr plort ;;;i�;c�c may apply thc �ic�wsit to � . . . . <br /> � pay premiuma mi n. ks requirrd tu fx insured by fhis morit;a�i+: . <br /> Yuymcuis m:�di� by thc ?.{o:t�a�;ur uudrr ilu• abo�•r pur.�gr:iphs m:iv, nt thc uPtiun o( the �lurt�;;�g�v�, }�c hold 6v il nnd � � � . <br /> o��mminglr�t with otl�er such (unds or ily uwn fimds tur thr paymeni. n( surh ilrms. and iuitil sn auulicd. vurh ;,aen:crts �v:• herehv . . <br /> pi�vigi�i ns xrcurit)' fnr the un�mi�i I,;� af tl;e �uo��y;�itie iniio4�t��dni�s�. � . . � � � � . <br /> � � . � � 9'u prncun, dclnrr tu. :md mamtain far � hi� Lrnofit �d Ih�� 11��rtt;:iR�'�' dufinp Ih�+ lifo u� U�is morl�;:igc ori�:iunl pnliricti end � � . � . . <br /> . rrnewn)s lhera�t, delirered nt Irest ten dncs I��fom !he exPirntion of nny such polici��.. iusvrin�; a�;�rinsl. (ire nnd oth��r insurnble � . . <br /> h�znrtls. tasunities, und cuntingcucie� ns t!m !�1orlFagiv� nmy nquin�, iu an anu,unf rquu! tn Ihc , indrl,tednesa sirurrd h�� this � . <br /> . . . Alurfgnge. :tnd in compnniee ��cceptnble tu tLe 11urt�;n�;ar. �� iih Inss µnp;ilile clunFe in fa��or o( und in fnrm nccepinblrt Iu thn �lnrtga- <br /> � F��`. In the e�•eak [my pulicy i� rwt rcni��eal on or Im(ore li�n d:p�s ut rts eapirntiun. tl�r 11orl�;n�;ee mn�' prucure inFur:mm nn the � <br /> � impruvrments. wp� L'n�• pmmium theretur, mid such sum vh:dl bi.<..imc inunwliale�l�� du�� :�nrl p��e��bit� ���ith interect irt the r�ie ncl . . <br /> , (orth in >aid nute witil paid xnd shadl Ix sa•ured h�• Ihis morta,npr F.�ilure nn ihe p;#rt oi th�� ltort�;n�or tn furnisl� cui�h rrne�cnls � . <br /> � ns nrN hennn mqwmd ur f+ailurr �o pu�• ;�nc �nms ade.mcrd Lvr��imdvr ah;�ll. at ihi• uplinn nf ihe \lnrlti:igrr, coustitnt�• a def:ault . . . <br /> � undcr the temis ot thiv murr�ngr. 7'ho deli��en• of such pnliairs �hall, in Ihe rernl uf dofaull. conslituir :�n uvsiFnmrnt nt the� un• , � .. � . <br /> cnrn�d pmmiwn. - - � . . � <br /> , � � . ' AnY sum�e rec�civi�d t�y thr i�furtga�c��• br roa.nn ut loss ur d:�muge insured �q;uin+l m:��� Lr rrinini�cl hy ih�� \Iorlcucco � <br /> r :�nd nppfe�K! tow��rcl the pa��inent o( the dr6t h��m6y �e�•ured, ur. ;d thr npGun nf thv pluriFas:rr. such ..ums �•ilher �ehnlh� or in � � . . . . � <br /> part nuiy he paid uver tu lho lfurtgagor (o Im us�v1 ln ropnir surh 6uildin7;s or tu imild nc�e buildinFs in liu�ir placr or fur nny . � � � . <br /> � other purpotiv nr objetiK �;ilie(netory to Uu \turt�;:��;eo withont nll"i�.�tin�; Ihr li��n nn lh� murtgn�:e (or iLr (nll amuunt sorurrd hrne- � <br /> % � hy br(orv +urh piiymrnt rv��r l�.�k Plnce. � . � � . <br /> t <br /> 't'n promplly rrp�iir. rr=forc ur ro6uiiJ uny buildin�;�.: or nnprmrmrnts nu�v ur h�•rrnftar �m tho prrmiscs �chirh tn:�y bc� . . <br /> � vnma� d�utuigrd or di•�Imyivl : tn kr��p .:�irl prrmis��s in giad ruudil �nn and rep:tir rmd fn•c trom �my mrchnnic'. lien or nthor lion nr � � � . � . <br /> � rinim oF lien nui �•xpnvslv o-utwrdin:ded to lhe Grn lirrenf; nu� fu yidl'rr ur permit iurv unlm��tul u.�• uf ur miy nuisanm tu ��xi.l un � . <br /> said prn��rrly nnr tu permit wuslr �ru .=raid premiseei. nar �n dn ;my uthi•r net wh�v�,b}� tho prnprrty h��rob)' rnm•rvod tihall Ix�come � � � . . . <br /> Ines vnlunble. nor to Jiminish nr impair its value by a�iy ni•1 or nmis.iou tn ;ic� : t�� r��mph- �vith all rrquimmruts „f laa �.�ilh re.pect � . . . <br /> j <br /> fn Ihu murt�;a�;i�d i�nd thc use Ih��rroL � � � . , � <br /> 'flmt should thr �vemis�•s ur nny pnrt thervu[ Iw� Inkrn or d;�m��gf�d b�' ro».nn nI �n�� puhlic impruvrmrnt or condi•mnntion . . . . . <br /> pt<xte�ding. or widcr thc right o( ominrnt dorni�iu, ��r iu any nth�•r mauncr. lht� \torf •ng�•e .hull 60 �•n�itl�vl ln ail rnmprnwdinns, � � � � <br /> aH�nrds, uud am• <ithrr pi�ymrnt ur rcliof �Lrrcfur. and sh�ill bi• rnl�ilrJ. nl. i�s opfion, tu �-umnu•nce. �ipprnr in nnd pnMcru4� ia ils � � <br /> own nnm� nny nclim� or prorredin�. or lu muke .�ny rnmpmnuse nr n��ltlemrtri in ronurcliun �ciN� sucL L�kinr. or dama�;e. rVl ,uch '. . � <br /> ` rompenvntimi. awnrds. dnnw�;es. ri�:ht aI nction ��nd pnK•nsle are heroby :�.tii�;ni�J I�� Ihr \tort �u�;er. who me��. �dl.�r deductint; � . . <br /> ' ihem(mtn :dl it.r- ��pen�e�s, rrlease any mun�ry. s�� r�•roivod by d or npph� the x�m�� un un7 indehl��dnrss socurrd Ir�a+ 6� . '1'hr \torh . . . <br /> R�igur ngre� tn cx� wte surh furlhrr nssi�;nmcnt.r o( �mv comprnrc:dinn, n�wvds. d��mncry. .iod ris;6t+ uf ,�cfiun nnri pn .errvis us thr � � <br /> : bfortgn�ec mnY require. . <br /> ' Thnt in cnse of tailum tu perform :my u( Hm rrn�cn;mtn hemin. t6e \1vrq:�geo mny do nn t6i� \torlgaF;nr's hi�h:ilf ovon�ihing � . <br /> , �o mvennnlyd : fh:if Qic hlortKi�g�'a m;q• :ileu do i�nq ncl it mny drrtn ura•.wir�� lu pr�necl Uu• lirn thrn•nf: fhat ihr Aturt�;ugor will . . <br /> . JP�IR)' ill]UIl lIl`f/180fI nnp munryn pa�d or distmni•il Ly thr AlnrlFagNc (�rr an�� u( thr :ib�i� �� p�� rpinrs. ;uid vu�•h mnii�ryv tugcther �eith . <br /> .. inton�t t.hercron at tLi� rxio providrd iu u�id nnte ahnll bocnroe su much ndditiun:d indehtrdnr.s horvhq srrur��d und mn�� Lr in- <br /> c1ud�Y1 in uny dir.rce lurec•losittg tl�is mnrl{;nge :md be puid out o ( Ihn. rrnt.s or procrrds uf x:de ���I uiid premise:: if nat uthenvise <br /> ; pnid; lhut il shall not hc obliq��inry upun th�r (�furlgu�;rc lo inyuirr intn lhe �•�diditv nf am� fi�•n. rncumi.ranrc�. �v cl:iim in ad- <br /> vancinF ninnryn ns xhovn nutliorixed. 6ut nolLing herein c�mloined �Ivdl Ix� cnn�vucd n� roquiring Um Atort�::q:or In ndv��ncr mp� � � <br /> maieya Ior m�y xuch purposu nor to do nny :�ct. hcn•und��r, ond Umt AfoH�;i�r,ro �h:�l) nut incur :mp por��m;il liobililp In•�':msn of ;nn•- � <br /> . thing it mnp du ur umil �o dc� h�•mimdrr. � . <br /> ln Uic e�•r�nt uI thr dc(aull bY bSur(gngot irt � hn p;n�mrr� t n( nng inxtallmcnt, n> r�•yuirrd h)• � ho Nnlr �rcUmd hrfo6y. or � � <br /> in Lhc �xxrimmxncc u( thc obli�;ntiun in this mortgi�pe ur in thr nutn wti•un�d thrreLy, Ih�� \tort�, ��;�,v shnll bo rntificd to drolam Uio <br /> dcUt wr.vred heruby due nnd pay�able �viihont no� iee. :md thr 11��rigngen .hnll bi• i�nlidrd �it its uption. �riUmul nutica. o�lhcr by ilvrl! �. <br /> + or hy a rn�eiver� to be appoinlirl by the court thvrcof. :md �� ithoul regartl to the adiqtu�cy n( :ine srcunh• (ur thr indrblivinrss sr. "'s,..i * ;'. �, i. � �. <br /> .. . i cural hercby, to enter .u�xin nnd tak�• poavession of Hie mort�;nged prrmisr+. ;md tn iv�llect nnd n�cciw� tho rrntx. is�:uoa :md prniifa �:�. q eV�` � <br /> thcreut. nnd iipply Uir. -snmc. loss crivts u( o�n�rntinn ;fud cullection, iyxm Ihr ind��hli+ln�ws vacur�•d by tLix mnrt�;ngo: ssid rrntv. � . � �r ' . <br /> I . iti4ww mid pmfiLa Ix�inR hi•n•hY +�ysi�;mNl to the :�(nrtgngcr ns further si�eurih• (ur fhr paymenf uf nll indcDt��dnvss «y�urcd here6r. ; R ' <br /> 1 � , t <br /> �l�he ASOrtgnR� shull hm•e thc power to nppuinL iu�y ugirnt nr u�;rnls it mm� dcaire fuc Ihr pnrpnsr of rv�pnirin�; mid prrm� h+ : ..: <br /> icec; renting� lhe uime: . nilicctinti thr mnts, rerenues and incume. �u�d ik may p;�y mrt u! saul imv�mr ail �� �pi• inrurnd in rrnl- <br /> iitg unt! man��Sing: lhe came nnd of collrclir�g � hr rentalx thero( rvm. '1'he L�A:mce m�nninwc, if nuy. .=hnll hr :�pplird tna�ard die � .. . . <br /> . �; divrhnrgc. ed tbe morlgnge indeblednew�. 7'hi+ nuii;nm�nt ia tn Irrroinnt�� nnd Ix����mr null nnd cuid n�w�n rrlr:��r ul Ihis murh:nl:c. , ry . �� � ` . <br />-. : ` <br /> r.: <br />�� <br />-�', � � . ..,. . . <br /> `— � � <br />� � <br />