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<br /> 17- U0064b
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<br /> n�oaTcncr.
<br /> KidOWALLMEhBYT1iESCPRt:S[NTS:That Larry D. Zrust and Dona M. ZI'USt each 1I1 h15 and her
<br /> "�� own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ? Mortgagor,whether one ur morc,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred and No/100-----------------------------------------DOL�A�s
<br /> � loaned to said mortgagur by The Equitabte Building and Luan Association of Crand Islund,Nebrasl:a,�tortgagee,upon ]]Z shures of stock of
<br /> z
<br /> t j s�id ASSOCIATION,Certifirate No.L 29 ��q MGIC�o hereby grant,comey and mortgage unto tlie said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described eeal estate,situated in Hall Cuunij�,'Ne6raska:
<br /> �
<br />� �� . together with all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances diereunlo beloneine,indudine attached(lnn�Fnve�ings,�ll w_rtdow scr^_en:;
<br />� ,, window ahadcs,blinds,sturm windows,awnings,lieating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water eyuipment a�id acces:ories therero,pmnps,stoves,
<br /> . mfrigerator,and uiher fixtures and equipment no�+or herealter a[tached to ur usrd in connec�iun u•ith said real estate. - _.
<br /> ? And whereas the said mongagor has agreed and does hereby agree tl�at the mortgagor shall and wili pay alt taxes and asussments levied oc
<br /> ,� < . assessed.upon said ptemises and upon ihis mor�gage and tlre bond secured thereby bribre the same shall become delinyuent;[o furnitl�approved ..�. .� �
<br /> inmrance upon Ihe buildings un wid premius si�vated in dte sum of 5 j] ZOO.�� p3}'able to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to ztiJ
<br /> , ASSOCIATION thc policics!br said insurancr,and nut to commit or perm�any wastc on or about said pmmises; � �
<br /> In aise u(default in the pedormance of any af the terms and wnditions uf tlus mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the martgagee shatl,
<br /> � on demxnd,bc entitled to immediate possession oC the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hareby assigns, transfers and uts over to the � � �
<br /> y mor[gagee atl the�ents,revenues and income to be derived Crom the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> � unpaid;anS d�e murtgagee sFiall hat�e the power to appoinl any agent or agcnts it may desire Cor the purpou of tepairing said premises and�renting� � � �
<br /> ? �. the same and collecting tlie rents�,revmues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expcnscs of repuring said premises and necessary � - �- �-
<br /> ; commissions and expenses incurred in renting�nd m�naging the samc and of collccting rentals therefrom:the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> �,.�j applied loward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedneu:thesc rights of Ihe morlgagee may be exercised at any time during the exis[ence o[such � - � �
<br /> de(aul�,irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same. � � �
<br /> Thcse Presents,huwever,are upon the Condition,That if the said lfortgagor shull repay said loait on or bofore the maturity of said shares by �
<br /> payment:pay monthly�o said ASSOCIAT[ON of ihe:um specified in thr[3ond secured hercby as interest and principal on said loan,on or before
<br /> _ the Twenticth day of each and evcry month,until said loan is fulle paid;pey all ta�es anJ assessm:nts le�7ed agains[said premises and on this 6lortgage . - . ,
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,be(ora delinquency;furnish appro�ed insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of 5 1��2�0.�� payable
<br /> to said ASSOCIAT[0\;repay to said ASSOCIATIO\upon dcmand al!moncy by it paid for such txxes,assessments and insurance with interest el �
<br /> the maximum legal r�te thereon(rom date o(paymenl all of whiclt 1�iorlgagor hereb}'agrees to p�y;permit no wasce on s�id premises;keep and comply � � . �. � .� ��
<br /> ' i with all the agreements and conditions of tl�e Bond for S 1��Z��.��this day given by the said Alurtgagor to said ASSOCIATION,anJ comp;y
<br /> r " �eith all thc reyuirements of the Constitution and ByLaws o(:aid ASSOCIATION;then these presents shall become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> sl�all rem:+in in full fotce and may be foicclosed at lhe optiun of the said ASSOCIA'IION a(ter failure (or three months tu make anv of said � �
<br /> �°�z payments ur be three months in arcears in mxking said monthly payments,or to keep and comply wiqi the agreements and conditions of said Dond; � �
<br /> `� S anJ I�fortgagor agrees to have a receiver appainted forthwith in such fureclosure proceedings. - - �
<br /> If ihcre is nny change in ownership of thc resl eslatc mortgaged herein,hy sale or othcrwise,then the entirc remsining indebtedness hereby �
<br /> secured shall,at the option of The E'quitable Duilding and Loan A:sociation of Grand Islxnd,Kebraska,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> further noticc,and tlie amount rem�ining duc undrr said bond,and any o�her bond(or any additional advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> �" y date af exercise uf said option,bcar interest at thc maximum legal rate,and thi:mortgage may then be foreclused to satisty the amount due on said
<br /> . '! bond,and any otl�cr bond(or additional3dvances,togcthcr with all sums paid 6y said The Equitablc Duifding and Loan Associalion of Crand Island.
<br /> �� ? Nebraska Cor inrurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon, Gom date of payment at the maximum � �
<br /> -�-��� legalrale. -
<br /> As provided in the Aond secured hereby,a�hile this mortgage remains in effec[the mortgagec mxy hemafter advance aJditional sunts to the
<br /> ��nkers uf said[3ond,their assigns or sucerssors in inlerest,which sum;shall be within the security o(this mortgage the same as the funds ori�inally � �
<br /> secured thereby,fhe total amount uf principal debt not to exceed at;uiy time the ori�inal amount ot this mortgaga � �
<br /> �� t c���: 7th a�y or February ,i.n.,��77
<br /> ����t ` a �
<br /> Larry�,+-�.�,St��i ?n., ��
<br /> Dona M. Zrust :J
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, u On this ]th d��of 19 �� ,before me,
<br /> COUNI'Y OF HALL} > February �`�
<br /> thc undurigned,a Notary Public in and for said County,pusonally camc r��f:`��
<br /> ; Larry D rust and Dona M. Zrust each in his and her own right anc�,�,s sp���e��o����in�t��r � i
<br /> S J' '�
<br /> �,�the j�n�tW�p ns whose name s are a�fixed to the above instrumcnt as mortgagor5 and th2V severally � � �
<br /> ..•l�•
<br /> o\k�'ovl�edg�d�tl�6.�f�a<}d�_ rnt ro be thei r voluntary act and deed. � f ���
<br /> ��� -��N'I�S y hand and Notarial Se:d the date aforesaid. • j i Cf;r
<br /> � C�' co���Comra'�ionexpires r l!. �� /���1 /� � f"-'('�j/j'
<br /> ,,:. �: �.t -; � G_C�;�=�-� � ��'/�-c' f%t, ��1
<br /> � � ��- Nutary Public
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