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�> _ <br /> �,t <br />�; `' .� I <br />� ' . . 1 �� � � . <br />� .'.. ,. . .. . . _ . . . . � .... . .. . . . . . . .w.. � � . <br /> � <br />� • '. .. � . .. <br />� �7- �(�063�! <br /> MORTGACG <br /> MORTCACELOANNO. L ZZ,SZO MGIC <br /> 'M'OW ALL h1EN BY THLSG PRE•SENTS:That Scott G. Stewart and Karen W. Stewart� BdCh 711 fll S and <br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other> <br /> ______-_Atortgagor,whether on^or moro'in conside�ation of thc sum uf <br /> Forth Thousand dild NO��OO------------------ DOLLAILS ' <br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The Equita6le Building and Luan Assocutiun of Crand Island,Nebraska,�furtgagee,upon shares of stock of <br /> saiJ ASSOC[ATION,Certifcate No.L 22.520 MGI C�do I�ereby grant,convey and mortgage unro the said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> Sescri6ed real estate,situated in Hall Counry,Nebraska: <br /> LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25) CAPITAL HEIGHTS SEVENTH <br /> ' SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> : , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> together with ail the tenements,hereditaments and appur[enances thereunto belonging,including attached floor coverings,all window screens, � �� �. � � � <br /> �� � winduw shades,blinds,slorm windo«�s,awnings,Leuting,air conditioning,and plumbing anJ waterequipmentand accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, � . � . <br /> reGigeralors,and other fixlures and equipment now on c�reafter attached to or used in connection with stid real estate. <br /> And K�hereas the mid tnortgagor has agrced and does hereby agree dtat the mortg�gor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby be(ore[he same shal!become delinyuent;to fumish approved <br /> insurance upon the builJings on said premises situated in the sum of S 4O����.�� payuble to said ASSOGATION and to delit•er tu said . . � <br /> ASSOCIATION the policies for said insuranee;and not to commit ur permit any waste on or abou[said premiser, . . <br /> f In cxse o(defaul[in tl�e pertormance oC any of the terms and mnditions of this nwrtgage or the bond secured hereby,q�e mortgagee shall, <br /> on dcmand,be emitled to immediate pussession uf ihe mortgaged premises and thc murtgagor hereby assigns, trans(ers and uts over tu the <br /> �' mortgagee all the rcnts,�e��enues and income[u be derived from the mortgaged prentises during such time as the mortgaga indebtedness sttal!cemain- � � � . <br /> ? unpaid:and the mongagee shalt havr lhc power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpox of repairing said premises and mnting � <br /> the same and collecting the¢nts,revenues and income,and it may pay out of said incmne all expenses of repairing said premises and ntcessary ' � - � �: � � -� - � <br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and o(collecting renlals thereCrom;the balance remaining,if any,to be � . - � � : . <br /> applied toward the discha�ge of said mortgage indebteJness;�hese ri�lus of die mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the exis[mce o(such � � . � . <br /> s�.�, ' default,irrespective oC any tempurary waiver of the same. � � .. �.�� <br /> Theu Presents,huu-e��er,are upon dro Cundition,That i(the said lfort�gor shall repay said loan on ur before the maturiry of sxid shares by <br /> p�yment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATIO�of the sum speciGed in the Bond secured Fereby as interest and principal on said loan,on or before - . - � � � <br /> the Twrntieth day of each and every month.until said lom is(ully paiJ;pay all taxes and assessmcnts levied against sxid premises nnd on this Afortgage ' <br /> � and the I�ond secu�ed tliereby,befure delinquency;funosh approved insurance upnn the 6uildings thrreon in Ate sum of 5 40 QQ�.Q� PaYabk <br /> ° to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance wit7i inluest at � � <br /> ��� the maximum le al rate thereon from date of a•mem all of which�tort a or hereb a rees to a rmit no waste un said remises:kae and com 1 � ��� <br /> �> <br /> 6 P'> K B Y"6 P Y:Ix P P PY <br /> w�ith all die agreements and cunditions oC d�e[iond for 54O���0.0� this day given by the said Atortgagor W:aid ASSOCIATION,and comply <br /> wilh all llie requirements of the Cunstitution and UyLaws of said ASSOCIATION;then tLese p�esents shall become null and void,otherwise they . � � <br /> p shall remain in(ull(orce and may be fureclosed at the uption u(the said ASSOCIATION after Cailure (or three months to make xny of said � . � .�. � <br /> payments or be threc munihs in ar�ean in making said monthly paymcnts,or�o keep and comply with the agreements and conditions o(said Bond; � . � <br /> and Murtgagor agrces to have a receiver appuinted forth+vilh in such foreclosure proceedings . � �. <br /> �`�� 1(thcre is any change in ownersLip of thc rea!es[ate mmtgaged herein,by sale or othcrwise,then the entirc cemaining indebtedntss hereby � <br /> secured sliall,at the uption of'fhe Equitable Auilding end Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebraska,become immediately due and payable without <br /> further notice,and the amount remaining due under s:iid bond,and any uther bond for any additional ad�ances made thueunder,shall,Gom the <br /> date o!exercise of said option,bear interesi at the maximum lcgal rate,and this mortgage may then be Comclosed to salisfy the amount due on said <br /> � bond,and any other bond for 3ddiliunal ad��ances,together with all sutns paid by said Tl�c C:yuilable duilding and Luan Associalion of Grand Island, . � � <br /> �� Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessmem.,and a6stracting extensiun charges,with interest theceon,fmm date of payment at the maximum � <br /> le�l rate. <br /> As provided in the Bond secu�eS hereby,while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgaget may hemafter adrance additional sutns lu lhe . <br /> makers of said Dond,lheir assigns ur successors in interest,which sums shall be within the security o(this mo�tyage the same as the funds uriginally <br /> . secured thereby,the total amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time U�e uriginal amount of this mortgaga � <br /> i /,/� /� -y--� <br /> Da�ed this -� � a� oc February �.o.,�977 <br /> _.E�� C� L`���%7d�/ W� �.�(Al�::^/"i%I � <br /> eo ewar Ka�ren G1�. Stewart <br /> STATE Of NE(3RASKA, ss. On this �th day oC FEbruary ]9 �� ,before me, � <br /> COUNTY OF NALL� <br /> tf e pndersi e a Nota Public'n and fo said County, erson yp ��{ 'sP t� <br /> Scott G. Stewart and Karen W. Stewart, each in h�s an��ier ovin r�gfit an� as spous�e o�eac`�i N ,,,: <br /> other, �'h° dpg personallyknawnto • y <br /> L °` <br /> me to be the idrntipl penon 5 whose name s are aCfixed to thc above instrument as mortgagor S and they severally „� � , <br /> scknowledged thc said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. �/ �` ` <br /> RRTNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aCorcsaid. / �, i � <br /> �ty Commission expires / �� <br /> (a G;!F 1l Snr.qy � , . 'otary Public <br /> 6 j.RM HI r ; �� . . ..,.����. �?! �9 7�J <br />� ,.� ,.c �r.�_,,,,,j / <br /> �tl ...!�.. __� . `� J <br />