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h . . . . ' t.. � . <br />�; <br /> _ j �:� <br />� _.��. <br /> � , <br /> �.� �._ � � J � � S - � <br /> r ,- u . <br />�. ........._ . e. ;:- . n�. ��g�; uegF ooFAA�MENTS OF � pRINCIPAL � 4N ANY INST4LLIdEN7 � GtiE QA7E. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE � � � ' � � <br /> » . _ ... ...... .. . .._.._ .._._ . _ ... . . . <br /> . . . ._ ,.. . .:.- : � �e-,_._..� t�. Nn_r iu�ncct(i�r <br /> APPLIED 701N57ALLNtENTS LAST YO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MUKI"v"qut. 'rnvrmev . � :.' .S •e•=.•— . -. .=< � . . . . _ ._ . <br /> � � AND ARE THEN :THE OWNERS OF �THE MOftTGAGED PROPERTY, UPaN REQUEST OF � THE � UNQERSIGNE�, OR EITHER OF THEM, � � � <br /> PAYEE AGHEES TO FURffISH T0 THE UNUER5IGNED :100% OF SUCH PRINClPAL PREPAYMENTS; UIiLESS ADVANCEMEIiT IS PRO• <br /> HIBfT£0 8Y THE REGULA710NS OF CHARTERING AI+tD Sl1PERVISORY AUTHORfT1ES THEN IN EFFECT: ALL SIiCH ADYANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECllRED BY THiS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AN� EFfECT AS IF NQ PREPAYMEN7S NAO BEEH MADE <br /> rTHE " Tt�R1'GAGOR FtIRTEIER CO�'ENAN'I`S ANA AGREES: <br /> " r� � � Thak.the �7�4art�agor will ��ay the �indehtedneas sa hereinlxtnm prrnidrd. . . .. . . �. . . � � : � �. � . . <br /> i � � <br /> � � � � � 'Chat- ihe Aiorigugor ic the. oa•nzr nt •�aid prupertp in fir. simple xnd hn.c gocu3 right :�nd lau•s`ul tsu�horit}• to sell : nnd � � . <br /> ' � ccmvey the same � and that the Kente i; free and �cit-ar of� any lien r.,r en�unbrance: tend � thoi ?�1orq;agor w�il! �c��rrant. and de(Fnd � the � � � <br /> ��� - . � litie #�i s:+i3 pmmiscs� ��against the . claims of.� al! per&ons µ�l�omsoFvec . � �� . . <br /> � 1`a� pay: immediately �rhen due :uid � t�ayal�;e all FEner�l tnics, special inzre, snecial u+ essments, �+��ter charKes, aeu�e: >er�- � � . . . <br /> �ice �charges, and other txxes :uid chargts aguinst said properiy, . and all � lazes Irvied on the deL[ eeci�rrd� herrUy, ar�ci Ldturnis}� Ihe � � <br /> y � � � !�fnri.gagee,. u�mn rEquest , i+'ii'n fhe original � nr duplicnle . receipis . thewir�r. 'P:ie '�furlFa�or agnKs - that there. shxll � he added to � � <br /> i � eaclr.munthly � Paymeni require�l liereundrr. nr -:u�der . tk�e � eridence of de•bl secured hen�k�y� nn umnunt eatimatra! by fhe � ,l3nrtgaFee � . <br /> � ,. �. to ix+� EuHiuectt W � enanle � the �1ort�aFe� fo pe�-, �av the}- Ut�e•ome dtte, nl! tases, ati:.�•ssmenL�, and similar charkes u{wn the ��rYsn• <br /> � � isea sv4jc.r.t�� thereW: a�y � �detieiency be�cause. nf ttie i�uuti; o[ such ndditional p;n'mcn4s shall be inrthrcith dep«ited bl' 2he � . . . <br /> . � . T'i�^';agar ����th -tLe Afortg2gce. upon � drmand by {he � �tbrigaqee. Any default »nder this para�n��h sh:ill fie drrmed a �lefauii in , . <br /> � . payment � of ixxes, a�sessment>, or similar chxr.�es requimd hrreu��der_ . . <br /> � � � � 7'Ge. .'�tori�agor :�rrees ihat 4iere shall alw he ad�lyd to e�acli mont}dy nxcmen� �� pt'inri}�a} ,ynd in!�re�c r��quired� hero- � <br /> � under an . xmount astimatrci hy the AlortRagec� tn tx� �W3icient ro enaule the Alorty���ee io p:iy, :a� it tk•cnmc; due. the insurance� . � - <br /> premium on any irtsurtuice pr,licq drlivered tn the 1lnrigagec. Any drficiencp ix•caus.e r.oi thr in��ufficiencz• of �uch addiGonal pay- � . . � <br /> � � . ments shall her fnnhwiih deposiied hy the '�furtgaror u�itli ihe bturtgagee u�x7n dernsmi i�y tf��- �tomat;ee. Anr df•Pavl[ under this �. . � <br /> � garegraph-�hall . i�c� deen�ed a - defnult in the pa}•men[ ot in�urancc+ pcemiume. I ( ihe pu!ic�� nr po(icirs d.•}xr:itct3 are wch us hume�� : � � <br /> � � � t��nen: nr �xll . risL t�liurs, xnd inr depusits are insu(ficieni to }�ap the entire premium. tilr- Alorien�ec m�n. apply th^ de;x�;ii.- in � � � . . <br /> �- i � _ j�ar pmmiums on. risY.s .reyuired �o tx� inwreti bp this morty:a�e. . , � � � � � <br /> . � � pay^nrnts made b•r the \torti:agor under tne uMwe paraFrnpn, may, .=t the optiun rf the '+TurigaRre.. IKr held l�y � it. .and � - . <br /> . . � � conuningte�i with vkhersuch fund> nr iu cw�n tunds !rr the pa�•ment o[ cuch iEems. anci imtil ��:� n����lirrl, eucii payments are hereb}: . . . <br /> � p1rdF�d� as secvrily fur She. unpaid. balnnce n( fhe mnn�age indebicri,^,ess. � � � <br /> � � � 'Co pivcum, leliver in, vr,d mxintain for the bem�fii. nE tFe '�lorixakc.� durinF thr life ot inis mnri�xFe nriginal polid��s and � � � <br /> � � renewals thereof, deli�•ercKS az lea+l tcm da}�s i�efore the rxpiration n! eny such policivs. insuring r��uin;t fire. and uther insurable � . <br /> . hazards. casualties,�. nnd cnntinKet�cies as the ?�Sortgagee may reyuire, in an amnunt ryual to i}iE' , 1RdPI)tF'�i1E59 vcurr•d � t�q � this � � �. � <br /> ?llortgage,� and �in cumpanies acceptable to the hlort�;n�„ee, w�iih Icn;s pa��able duuse in fa��ur nf und in turm accepluble to tne \inrign- � . . <br /> � �� �cK. .In the event uny policp is not renewctl en ur be•forF t�n deys ot it�, eapiration. thr :lurit;a�,ee may S�rocure insurunce on � the <br /> � � imp'ovements, p•sy the pn�mium thereinr, end such �um Fhal! tx�c�me immedlatel.� due snd payahle . Hitt: inierest nt. thr raie sei � � � � � � � <br /> � (nrih in said nou�• urtil paid and sh�jl t� s�cumd by � his mortgu�e. }ailure nn thc purt of the A1ort�;a�or .tu furni=_h such :rneanl.k � � � . <br /> � a are herein rcyuircd nr lo-iilure to pai• uny :ums .adranced t�ere•under siixU. at ihe opr.on of 1he \1ortF:B�Es". cunstiiu�e a cietnult . � . � <br /> � under the terms of this mong.�Fe T}�r tieli�•en' uf suci� policie., shail. in the vreml o( d,-�tnult. constituie sn assiKnment r,E the i�n- � � . . <br /> � - eame+i pmmium. � . � � . . <br /> � - Anv �ums rrrrivr�i l;y ihF :�iutl.�;at�a�e h�� rr�Kin ��i lncc nr rinma�:e insumd a�;ainst m:ap 've rrtain�l by L�e ?41urt��ee . . . � � <br /> :ind applitryl to�curd the pyymrni af thr iieht hen�nr srured, cr. :n Ihe optinn uf the '.Sort,agee, such sums rithvr w�hnlh� or in � � � <br /> part mxy be. puid uver to the '�lorf�:�gor tu he usi� in mp:�ir sucti buildincs or to huild ncw� buildin�t in thrir place ur inr anp - � � <br /> r,ther pvr}N�s� nr obicrt sitf�facfory tn ihe Aio�it;aare u�ithovt nHectin�; d�e !ivn n!i thF mnrt�a4e 1or tbr iuil amour.t serured 'nere� - � � <br /> I>c iwr(ure �uch ��a>�nen[ . e`�rr t�x,k pl,ace. � � � <br /> "Po prurnptl�� reP«�r. re��ture ��r rrbuild am� huiluine, cr impravrmrnt, now' •,r hrrrefier on tiie which may 1»,. . .. <br /> come d:unu�ed or dest.roy'id: to L.eep sa;d prrmise� in �a�J cenriitiwi :ind repeir :md fr<ri• (rnm any mechanic'..=. lien cir other lien or � � <br /> � clai�n e�I li�n not esprrssly �;utn.�rd[nateKl to �hr lien hrrr,i: nv� to su9er cr �K•rrni� any unla�rtul u_c�� o( ur any uuisance io eaist on � . � <br /> . ;aid prnperty n�!r tn perm:t u�ac:e nn said 7,remiies, r;or tn r;u anp nther nct «�%�eri•hi� tn�� prt,{h�rq• hrre•by am��e��ed shail berome � . � . - � : <br /> lens valunhle. nor in diminis�t or imp,ir iis calue i�p xn�' act �_.r omi>sion t�, art : tn er,mpi>' �.uh :dl r.•qwremrnG u( laH' u-ith r�ptrct. - � . <br /> to t4�e mort�aged premises and the u4e thereroL . - . � � � <br /> a' � � � Thnt si�ould iho pmmicei ��r any part lherr�d tx• taLen or damaced by rexwn ot .ny puLlic improvr•ment w c��ndemnation � . � � � . . <br /> {+`: � �� pruren3ing, ur under the ri�ht oi eminent ducnain, ur in any cther msnnee tim '�lnrtga:i�.• shall be rntitlt�ct in all�ensatian�, - � � <br /> vwards, und any other payment nr mlirt thurefur, an:1 �-hall }�.� entiderL at its optinn. w cummencr. n�>rxar in und pnn-cute in iL5 � � <br /> - rrwn name un)' urtion o: pnweedin„ ��r to rnuke any enxpromise ur .etAemen; in cnnnection ti��iih hach taking or d:�magr. All �uch . � . � <br /> enmprasution. awards. ci:unac�x. right oi :.ction and Proceecin ure hereb}- x;�i�:ned tn the Afort�aFCK•. v:i�o rnay. afier ri��riuccing �. . <br /> � tneri�fmm :ill. its ex�ienses, rck�:a• any money� so n<•ei��ed hr it �u appl}• the came nn any ind�°;�i�•�ine,s cecurc-�i hrrchy. 1�hc \1nrt- � � <br /> . gagor aFrees io excK.vte such furthrr n��i�rimFnLc at �my mmt>�'r,,�u�+n, auarr,s, damegey, and ri�hcs of actinn :in�i Pnx-�•r+is ac the � <br /> : Alori�agre - m�y re4uir+e. � . . <br /> � That in ce..e nt failum tu �mrform an>� nf [he arcenents herrin, the \Sertguxce may do on !h� 11or4a�;nr'c he'tialf ever::thing �. � � <br /> � �o cv+�envnted: tnat th� :�1orf.�aFer m&y also do an}� acl it rna�• drem ne<xc,:azy m prutrct the iien thrreof: that thc, blorigneor xill . � � � <br /> � mps� vprm demend any mnnrys paid or disbuAed bg 1he !.tr�rtca�ec (or any ot tbe au�n•e pur�w?e�. and such moneys roaetner irith � - � . <br /> - � intrr�st thereon et thrt iate prm�ided in suid notP �h:dl lu�r.�me so much addition.�i indnbf<-dness iicreb.� n-rur�«7 an:l mtip tx+ in- . - � <br /> � cluded in env drsrre forrcicning this mortgagr �nd t:r paid r.ut nf the. rentc ur {uuc�-c•ds �,( saie o� Faid premisc.s i! n�ri nti�rrnisi � . <br /> +`�-�� paic3; tha:. it cF.ntl not be obligstory u}nn tne hlortt�agee [n inquirc infn the va;idiip ot an�� li��r.. rncumrranc;,c, or elaim in ad- <br /> . i�andng moneys as afinve autboriucl, but noihing kmn•in cnn�ained shall tx• cunstrueri as re;uirine the 11�-,rt�u�;er to advnnce nny � � � . . <br /> ❑ione}•s ior any. c�ach p�rpcne nnr tn do any nct hrr�•uo�i��r. and tt:ai �tnrlcnce�r xhal! m.�t � ncur tm>' {��ereunal liabilitp h=-cau:c �d any- <br /> � thine it mav du or omit tn du i�frreundrr. � � <br /> . In the event o: ihe default }n• �lnrt�;s�or in thr pa}'ment nl uny in�talimt•nt . r< trqmrrd hy the \r,:r srwr.-ri hriebV, nr � <br /> � ir, tbe �rerfvrmance r.t the oblignliun in thia mnrtgs�:e or in tF.e neie vrurr�j therrhy. the 9Sortganee sl�all IK• rntiUrYi .n rirctarr the ' � <br /> dr6t serured. hen<hv due nnd pxyable w�ithnot nutirn. .md ihc ATozieaeei e}ull fik• en4tled itt i� eption. ti.�ithnut noiim. cither hy it�l( -�s;� � r � ..._c. . <br /> or kry s 'rtx.'eiJer. to be- appointeci Iq• the court lhcrvuf. nnd w�itiioue mcur,3 to t}�P adcquary u( am� �,rcuntc for tb! indeblwinrss �e- � ' � " : <br /> ..,.. NI ,u:! . . <br /> - cvre� herebyt� tn rnter up:,n and Like pnssesunn ni 11:e mnrtga�ecf prrmisrs, anu tu coll��ct and r�Kx•i:e• th�� rents. issiees Lnd pronts ; <br /> thereot, and nppiy the r,ame. l�ss coxts o( opersuon vnd collec�tinn, u�xm ihe indebfc�lnr•�,c v�curvd bc th�s �rmrt�aqe � sxid rents. , � � <br /> L . iasuea and przif'iLsl�ein� ben•hy naYi�;r.ed fo the D4orlgaF�+ aa farth�r tiMunti• tnr [he Tmyment �f ull iridrFrtedness ururred herrirv �, <br /> � . � � � ."I'he htor(gagee shull he�r thc pau'er .tn appnint uny n�eat +,r a�enis il map <ictiire ior ihr pur7�usr i:( rrpa�rin�: .aid p,-rm- r . <br /> � � ixs: .renting the same; . a>Ilectin� 4�e mnts. �reo•enues and income , ar.d it muy par oul ni sai�i incu:nr ni! rxrrt•as��= in:vrrcKi in r�nt• _ �� � <br /> � <br /> � � ing- and vtattaging :ihr same and of co!]ecting the ren[aLv therr( rom. Tfie h,aLince n��rnain�nc. iE an3-. =_h.ill hn� �p,fird tuwarti ih� _ � <br /> .. diethar�e a ihe mort�u.^.e indebtedne:,s. This azsi�rm,mt in ;o terroinatr and trrnmr rnil! and r��id utw,�� r�d,.e+..� ut this :nortcacr. � � ' <br />� <br /> Y �\ <br /> 3v �. . �-. . . _. � <br />` <br />- �ap <br /> 1 <br />