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<br /> 77-. 000618 , . . . .:. ... . .. _ .�... . . . . . �
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<br /> TS�fE.,MORTGAGOR : FU12Tf�ER COVENAIti`T5 AND AGREE&: " - ; . ' 1 ; i _
<br /> , , , _ .. .
<br /> , �, � . � . ThaY� the Svlorlgagor .�•ill pny. the -indch4edness��as� hereinkxtuxe ptwidecf.:� � � � � . � � � - � `� - � � �. �
<br /> . . . .. . _ . . . , ._ . . _ . ... . _ .
<br /> � That the Mortgagor �s ihe tiwner i�f said propehy m fer simple and � has 6aod � right �.�nnd lar•tul &uthorily tn sril nnd ' . �
<br /> r - � convey the sat{te:,qnd-thet thr sarRe is free xpd c1Qar of anV Len or rptumUrence(�and lhat d.lorfgagor will . w�arrant and defend the � �
<br /> � � tiUe to snid .�'premisei ' against the 'daims �it s14:prrsons� +,v}ramyoever:� : . . . . . � � � . . . �
<br /> . . � � . . To pey-immFdfately when due aad•peyahle a11 gene+al (azes; specinl�. lur.cs; specini �us::�•�smrnts, w�utf•r ��chargie, �se.+�er serv ��� � . . � � �
<br /> . . Ic�e� cliarges, aric3 +othrr� tares ;�nd� chargcs �agxinsi �e:ai�! grof�rtr , and HII tuxes levii��? un the r?ebt secured l�;ercby, and to (urnish � thc• � . . �
<br /> _ � � °.iurtgagre, uPcut -requw;t. �%r�f}1.. tF�e� uri�nal: ui. liuj•licate�- receipts;�. tj�fre(�r. � The � b{ortgagur agrc�s�. UiaL tl;ere shel! be �:ad�7ed • tn ' � . , . � � � � � �
<br /> ' � � rach monthly payment re�.�uin�d hs•reundrr c�r under the e��idenee� �of deb[ cccured h�•retay an am.r,unl es! �muted by the A1oYgagrr. . -, �. � � � . � , . � �
<br /> �� Yu �Ge. suffir�rni�: tn er.xble��ihe !�iotixagee-. t�� puy; us Lhe>� ber<�mr due. a!f taxes: ak,es�cnis: � and :�.irailar chatges ujum �. thr•; nrem� _ � . �
<br /> � `, i�i.s .subjEet tiheteto: anyde&cien:�• liecavu � of tYic" .iuu?cicrirj'� cC �surh adiiilibi:al - pn :men'�' shxl! tx� 7nrt}iv:ith�-�iePo�ited � hy' thv . . . " � . � � .
<br /> . � �Sortgngor uiUi�� the ?vfortgagre ujwn �demand 6y Uie �.'�Sort��a�c+e. .�ny detault ur.der thia ;�sraFraptc. s.i�all t:e d�•cmeri a � de}ault in . . . . .
<br /> payment � of . laxes; uxcessmenis, ni 5imitar �charges required . ]ien-und�-i: - �� � � � � � . . ,. . � . . . . .
<br /> � � � Tl�e��.;7urig�gbr ugree•s �.ihai it�re � shail also . he added : tn encii �rn=.mt}Jy pa}'mcnt of. rzrirr,pal ..and� inicrest �rcquire�d t:ere- .� � � . . � . . . .
<br /> �. � u�drr r+n amuunl e:limaied 2ry ihe 3furiengee !u he :u!{icier.l tn e�nabL� it,e .'dortge,�. �. ... ;;n . as i: 1w � m ., rimr. the• ir:xi; rance .
<br /> � ;,:emium <�n an>• iatiuranee. =�olici' cieliver'r.ci to thr 11mt['age'e. i+n;: dc�ficicnc;�� Fa�caus�- ,.f ihc-. � n�eiilciency� .�1 suc}: a<id�Liot�z! pay- � � � � - �
<br /> '� � . ments� �hafl � t+a �iorihwiih i:epusit 'rd b� � tViF �q�rigzgor w�iih the S1�rtgager uTK,n demand !?:✓ tfie \tortgag<�-e. An}' dFfacit ;�nder ihs . � . .
<br /> paragrapn shall�. f�• c±c<med a default in thr P�ymcnt � ot insivancn. � ��remiorns. � lf the �»tic}^ �or� t��diries � rSepn��i[e�d- ar�• s�ch .� teume.. .
<br /> c�wn=rs or all ri:� policie�. and ±he �ietx»its sre insufiicicr.i tu par ihe� enure �p:emicm. tt,e ',tortFa=Fe ma�. �:pnly the �i�:-�w;i: io �
<br /> � pay prr.�miums on risks rrouired to !�� invurctl by ihi.=. rnnrtt;a�ie. � � � - � �
<br /> P;+vmenLy madr. f;p i.he �S.,rtg:.ge,r ur.der d�r nxrve S,zrag=apn��: ;na��. �, tlie ���p::im �,i : t:• '.1ortFaF��e. !x• held by it un<i . � .
<br /> rommir.gir•d M•it}� nther such funds �,� its uan fu::c1= fer thc �;aymi�nt �.,f :u�.}; il;-ms. nnd until �n applied. such pxrments are. hrr�•4:c .
<br /> - � pfrKlgcd as s<•curit}• fnr the unpaid Lslant•e ot I.:�e mc,rt�agN ineSeLteriness. � .
<br />� 7b procure. delh�rr tn in� mzint �+ir. for the E - n�-fit `� t �.�� 1fo � , e� e. riur n�.. tr.� ]ifr c f t � is mnr'F _e cn•ainal � i �r:, and . . . .
<br /> zenex•als therfof, d�tuerrd �l 1 �a�c trn r� � } y k,rtcrc. t�- � �. .ivrahol �.,[ ar t c.� ; p 4ar : �r�,unn again. t fne :ind uthrr cnsurah?e �
<br /> � � hazards, casualfies, und .�ncingrnciee s, the !.lortgafiec P'+ 'S' r��uite, �n ,.n amounf t�utEi � fo ' t}�e indcLu�dness vecuted by ihis � � �
<br /> ., . . �{or2g2ge, unu i�i auuj>ar.ie3 � �� .:.b1= ::, t`,:.. .".!: r ., . . e ',�. � � s � '; tij t �-:� f _ - r i frr� _. .istil� � fr _ \tnrtc;r� . . . . .
<br /> . gnr I!i the err�t �rp palfc� ia not rc.n.ewf+l ��n ,r t �:forN tc n ..ln� . e�f iLs � xp� ai�c t}.c ; 1crt�,d �_ rc. .at � �xcrr in �renc� en !he .. �
<br /> . . . ampra:cmcnls, pey the 1!rcmium tiiorrfnr. ami s:u. h �m shaL i,r� �me immr-aiatei� dur a�d � s�al;lr u�uF mt� rest at tha� r tc �et � � . . �
<br /> �' - -.:� ...:a ,,..a _ ...ti f : 7,.. � n �_ . ..ic ���.. F:eli� rr� ott ti:�� onrt n! :t,e 3!ort�e�or io fu!nisn su:�n . renerals � . . . . .
<br /> ' itir[�i iu �'a;u u..�.�. ...... �...... .... ...._ . . .. . _. . .. : � . . � . - .
<br /> : . . .a.. .. . .,
<br /> � . as are k�ere•in myuirrd �,r t.ulure io pa , any ��e�:> .,ri� an:c�l }�� rrun�icr <nall. a: thr c;piion o{ :?,.• !.S<,rtFxKre. c:!r:stitute a r;rfault . . . .. . ,
<br /> . . undrr the term: o[ this morti;s�:r. ?'hc. . �eu :an. u! � u�� p•;lic�e ; =lia.11 . ; n t!x• e ��r�t �d drfae�t. ecr.=titute an a�ai��nme•nt ef ti��e un- � ; � �
<br /> exrnri nremium.
<br /> nny sums trcei�eJ 6}� ihe .'+1oY.�:agce i�� r.a+��n ��[ l�.�ss s;r d'ama�e i �cut� a agair,��t m��' be :etuined 'hy ! hr 49r:t�z�ee � . .. . .
<br /> ard applied � toH�xrd 1he pa�meni ui thr debt },rreny srcumd. or. at t}:c ni;ucn rf tk�� !,fartgagee, sucfi s�.�ns e-fri=r w�hnlfy or ia . . � � � �
<br /> part ma}• be paid o��er to the .'.7ort�agor tu l�e used tu n-pair such bulri�r.�= or f�, Lmid' ncw t�uitdin�s in :heir ,',acF� ar (ur anr � . � . . .
<br /> othrr purpuse or ahjewt =atislecturp to !):e .`dur, ;;aFe�• ,., rth�.nct �f?e.:ti��� ti,e iirr. ��r. th,. :nonza�r Ior !he full smcu•.t >. :ure!/ here- . . . . .
<br /> hy I�r(ore such paymrnt r•;e-r t�K�}: 7�lsce. � . . . .
<br /> ; To promPtM :rpair, restore �,t reUuild any ireildin�;. nr unf�r�;vrnt-nis nou �:r nrrca;ter un :he preasivw xhicn map ht.- . � .
<br /> ��� . , crome dameKt+d or deslruyE+): tn {.ecFi �aiii p;�:mkxs tn gc.�d rr.ndition and :ep::� r and free frr;m uny mechsnir's lien cr other ?ien :,r " - �
<br /> . claim vt lien not csprev�ly sut,urtiinated tn the lirr !��r-o1: no� to �ofier nr p.. rrr.it nnc �.m:;:w�tul u-e ur or a�y nuisanc�e tr, hxist un � �� �
<br /> sxid pruperiy nor to per�ret w�,u�e ,�•� cairi prrn�srs. r�ur 1u r,�, an)' mher a�. t af-�- reh�- t },e ��•npr-rtp l�er�•b� c��m. r.yed shuA t-rnme . - . - .� �
<br /> . :ess vriva6le. itor tn diminish et impair iis �'xlue ;;p anp act < r nnnss:uri t � � .; : tu < ,.m�d�� �,� i; h .il :�'4uirem�nt.: of iau� :�-ith � ecprct . . .
<br /> i
<br /> � U� the mon�:aged premisrs and thN u� ehrreoL � � � � �
<br /> That shuuld the premi�e= or xm� pxrt therro( 'r,e t2ktm nr �:lstna�;eK1 t � :>as�m id nny public imprnvrmrnt er condenr:aUon � . � _
<br /> . pnrceeding, or under the nFht uf r�minent d��main. or in any nth'r: msnner, the !�lortgacre shall be ��ntititai tn :dl a�mpensauo!vq � � .
<br /> � � awerds, and any oti�rr Vuyment or relicf tne•ri�ior. nad shsil be entitleri. at its option. tu cos7;en;�e, sprmer in� and prusecuir � fa iL= � .
<br /> �r - - owa namr. any aetiun vr procreding. ur to mxke any� ev�ipromise o: wtqcmrnt in c�,nnecicm xith such takirz ��r dam2ge. AI! �ueh - . �
<br /> � � compensation, awards, damacrs. right nf actio�� und pr<.r<•rais a:e hrrr!>y as4icnFes tn the !.t.�rtce�ee. +-hu rvy. aftcrdeductfng � � . � �
<br /> ' thrre{mm all ita es�wnses, release uny moneyE so rrcen•cd by' i1 ur apply ihe same vn any iadE•Medness securrd hereby. Ti;e A7nst• . . - .
<br /> gagor agze� to extrule �uoh further as=iKnmrnfs of any romper.sa� iur., aw�urdc, damnges, :md ny;htv i:f acti�,n in�i p;rnrrus as thr
<br /> �� :. , Dlortga.gee may require. . : :�. � .
<br /> � Tbat in cnse of fuilure tu perfunn any of ihr cuvenartis herein. ihs� .'+2or!gagee may do on thr \7ortkagor'c M�h•sli rv-�r��t}�ing - - .
<br /> .v� cwenanted; ihat the !�Turtgagee mny aEso do any act i! may Uerm n�•crs�ry f�� protrc[ Lhe lirn ihr.-reai: tFat the Mortgagor utitl `:,� � � �
<br /> � . repey upon demand any moner•e paid or dist�ursed br thN A1ort�aK�`�' f��r any oi the nbc�t�e purpMes, and �urh moneg� toxetkier u�ith .�..� � �
<br /> interesl thereon at the rate yrv.•idrd in said note s#�ail F+rcumr r�.o much additional indebtrdnrss hrrH6�� s«cund and mnp t,r in- ; _
<br /> �, duded in any decree forec7osinF this moriea�e nnd F� paid ir�t of the ranls c�r pr<�ci�rds ut •:a1F ot �aid premisrs if not uthrnvirx -
<br /> paid; that it xhall not be obliga(ory• upon the '�1orLgaf,e:' to fnquire into the relidity of any lier.. encumbrancts, or cleim in ad-
<br /> ' vaneing moneys as above authorized. but nolhinR 3�crrin wntained �i�all be cnnstrue+l as requ�rin�; fhH ?.lortkaRre tu advanm any �
<br /> � moneys. fot any �.svch Aurpose nor to do any act h�reunder, and ihal Morigagee shall rx�t inrur any persunal l:ability 1�-ause nf any- � �
<br /> ' thing it may du or umit tu du hereundet. . '
<br /> - In 1he event of the drfault hy :�7ortgagor in the. payment o! am• installmeni. as requirrd h�� tix .`2c4e serurrd hrrrby, ur
<br /> . in the prr(ormance of the obligatian in t}�is mortF,age or in the• note securrd themby, thc .'�iort�:a�e4 s}:nll t�e rnti�ivd to �irclorr the
<br /> debt_secured hereb�• due und payable w�iihout notice, and ine A7orcgagee �hall be entitirri at its nUiior, wiihnut notrce, eithec 6r it�ett
<br /> � ur �� a receiver lo be appvinted by ihe cuurt thcrcvf, and w�i:'uiut regartl to the adeqvaq• 01 any :.ecurit� fcr 1he indebte!inrss ur-
<br /> cured hereb�; to � enter upon and tnl;e pnssrssion of the mortgaged ptemises. and to colles.[ and :ecei.p !he fPRi5, lSFUCY and pmfits
<br /> � thereaf, and epplv the same, Jess cacts o( operation and <r1leMion. upon � lhe indebtedr�-ss � �ecurrd by � thic mortgage; naid renu. �
<br /> � iscues and pro5tv being hereby�assigned t� the :�furtgagee as further ss�curity (or the parm.ent of ali indebledness secured herrby. � .
<br /> ;
<br /> . . . . . � ...�+.:..r ' .i.�v: .
<br /> � � � The Mortga�er shall have the P=^+'er to appoint any a�ent nr sFrnts it m�p deaire fc+r thrr purpcne o( re�>airinc ��id P:rm• � � , T
<br /> � - ises: � renung. the same: rnlleciinF. the rrnts, rerenues and incnmr, xnd 1f muy pay �int o( sud mcume ail F�>frensev mrurted in rr•nt- � � N �• �i�
<br /> ing and mans�inR th�e same and of collecling the rentals ihemfr�m. The 6atance irmaining, if any, shui! M• applied tuw�xrd the - ' �
<br /> L^ dischezse of the mort�aye indcbledness. This atSiQnmenl is in ierminate and k�ett�me nuil and vni�i upon rrleese uI this mort�a¢e, r,
<br /> ;4.
<br /> .__ .. �..ex.w. _ _"«.y.m">;ar.`.r]1�a��:�va,�awa..,;.w�wH+++..e�.�.�._.....,...cMaw.1wr,+.�rerrvsiRs.+�wwN�n�ivw.s+,wro�.f.c.ww•�w..e..«r...�........�...,......�..._� . �"
<br /> R
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