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<br /> � :
<br /> T.F[E . MORTGAGOR' FURTHER COYIiNANTS ANq AGRL'ES: . . _ ,. . > i 1 ; ,� i } � �
<br /> That the Mortgegor will ryny the indehlednws as hercintxtore prmid�vi. ' _ (
<br /> � � � . Thnt the ��Mortgagor�� n fho '<Swnrr of �aid� prnperly ��in fco ai�niple and hns qonri riq6t nnd� 1»w(ul nulhorily In s�,ll nnd �
<br /> � � convey ��f6r same+ xnd thst thi�'�:u�ma is ftre nnJ<clenr .��f miy lii•n or rm�um6rnnce; ��nnd ' lhuGMnrlg9Fig wilt �.wnrrant�. ni�d drferid i6d � ': .� � . . . .
<br /> � ..tille to snid ��pririr.ises -� ngninst thc cli�iniy of �:��I .. �mrsnns'. whomsoevea ; : � � � . .
<br /> 'I`n pay iiimiediately whrn d�ciund° j�nyi�bl� all 'l;rniral tazis; s��ecii�l taxes, specinl �is,��ssrnents, a•alerel�ar�M1s, srw�>i :�� r�•�
<br /> , ; j . �. in� � ctmrg�. and other. tr+xea�. end chnrg�� . ngainst s:ild property�. :ai�d nli lax��s Icvird irn the dcht S��iured hemhy, ond (n (urnish the � � . . . .
<br /> ; . . �. � . .� . . . , ��: .' .
<br /> . :. � . . A!o[tgagCe. tl{ta4'�.ruqpt'st„ wjfli, Ihe roriginfll - o[ du�dir.it�' tYcriFils � tLrn•for. '!'he � \turtgagor uglrra � ih;il� �hcrn vhfl�l bi•�':iddorl to - .. , . .
<br /> � �. . � � �. ench . montlily pnym��nt requimd l:emunder ��r ��mder Ihb ����id��ncc � d debt sirurcd lirtrvby :�n . �unoiu�t rslimatc-d by Ihe .�li�rlgng��e � . . . � ' .
<br /> . � to tN� � sufficient lo'��enn6le � tlte Ato�lgagee � to pn}', ns Ihey b��comr �h�c�, . sll tn�:�e�; nnsussmen�a. nnd simil:�r ch;irgo�; �upnn� li�e .pri�m�. � . . . .
<br /> ` iaes� snbjei't thrict'c�;� :iny � tl��ficiency � iric�vuse of � fha� insnll'ici��uo}� nt s�ch� nddiLiJn.+l � �piipm�•nls =ha1l � he � (urthwith dcpoPiled by the �� �-. � � � . - . .
<br /> .. �tUrtgugor uitli lhe ASorfgnl,i�. uprn drnvu�d Ly thc \lurtgagrr. Any dcf:iult. und+tr lhiv porn„r;�ph shnll bo Jrrm�•d ;i drf:�ull in � � . �� ��
<br /> . t . � . pnyment af� li�xew, 35�ov:mentc� n� � similar charFrx mquired h��ro�wdrr;. . . . . . . . . - . � � . ,'a . . . .
<br /> ' ` . . . Th�� Mortgngur � ngre��s th+LL . lhere shnll :dso b�� ndded � u �»ic6 munt.hly� p.�vment ot � principnl und� inlrmst. iequired .� hcrw . . � � �� .
<br /> � �under cn(. omounl c�limated byih�• �liirtj�;igee iu hc aullicirnt ln ��nuLle thc � Atorlgnt;�'�• lo pny, aa il� hecomrs Juo, lhu insur:�nre . . .
<br /> � � prcrnium un any Insurance pulicy drli��cr��d tn Ihr A1urt�aF:oc. eL�y �d��(icivncy bc�•uus�r n[ thi� insufHeicuc��. o( sucli nddiliunal p:�y � . . , �
<br /> ments �i�ha11 ix• Iorthwi�h di�pnsilyd � hp � thr \furigagnr -with tlrt� � \i �irt�tagec u{rort �denr,tnd � by Ihv !tfurtl:�l:�'�', nnY deL�ull �under`.�his � . . �. � . �
<br /> • r � . � puragrn{�h vhal! lxe duemcrl n drtnull in ihr p:n•nu•nCu[ ins�iiancr �irrtniumx. [ ! thr p„licc or ��ulirirc� iirpd�ited � �:� rr such � as Mim�,. ' . . � . �. . .
<br /> '- � o�cners or :�U � risk pnlirii�s. nnd lhr dcposils i� re insullicicnt to p:iy tho eulirr �ir¢inium. fhn \1urb;aG�'�• »>��F :�PPIy ILe doposit l�i � . . � � . .
<br /> i ` � - pny premiumn r�n risks requimd t� fir insur�v.i hy � his tn�+rtg:ige. � . .
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � . . 1'nymenis tnndr Uy the � \1i�rl�;ngur � undrr ihr :dwv�• p;�r.�graphs msp. ❑t tlic oplion uf Ihe J1��ril:sgc�e, he held � by it �wd � . . � .
<br /> i
<br /> �� 5 cutnminglet! �vith olhi�r :;urh I:mds or its n;rn (unds for � h�� puymout of .ucii it��ms, and until .<.o :ipplird, tiurh I):141YIPOIg :VR �n,r��by .
<br /> ' :�,� . picxlgtKi :�w srcurilv (or thc unpaid b�+Lmre o( the mort�;ag�� iudebti�clncss. � . . . . .
<br /> � 'I'o prucun deiiver to, and muinLnn !ur the brnefil uf thr �f�irig:igi�r durm�: thi• L(e of this murtg.iFe uri�;inal pnli�drs �uid � . � . � ..
<br /> ' � renewnis lherc��[, d� liror.�d at. le:�sl te�i ' dnya Ix�(orv� ihr rxpiration nf :uq• :;uch �,olicira, insunni; n;;;ain.t (irr and other inrura6le � � . � �
<br /> havnn3s, cnsunities, nnd cunlin�:encicn xs the linrq:nge�� map nv�uire. in un amouut equnl to the iude6teduevv secured b�� this
<br /> � � Mctrtgagc. ��nd in compnniex nccrptnLlc to Ihr pfurlt ugcc. ���iih lo•,s p:p•nblo clausr in fuvor uf and in (urm ucrrpl .�blr lu lloe \furt�;;�- . . � .. . . .
<br /> gce. In the event nny pnlicy ia not rone�v�Kl ��n ur iudoro irn dnYs uf ils eapirntinn. thr �turti[ag��e miip Procure insuranrn un the � . . . . . � . .
<br /> improvi•tnents. pny the premium ther��lur. and such =um ,h:dl hrcume inunrdu+tely due nnd paynble ��•ilh inlerest at Ihe r.�h� �rl . � . .
<br /> forth in s:�id notx: un� il pnid and ;h;dl L�• mcun•d br thi. mort4agc. I�adure un t6e p;�rt nf thr �lurtgagnr tu (urniFh xuch ran�•wnls . . .
<br /> nv nre he�rein rcv�uirrrl ��r I;iilurc t„ p�t�� nnq sums �id��:uicr�l homundcr ;hnll. ❑1 Ih.� nplinn o( tho �iurlgagoc, censtilula� n di�fault .� . . . . �
<br /> � ' _ � undcr lhc frrme nf thfs rnor4::igo. '1'6c drliven' nf yuch pnlirirs �h;dl . in � hr ��v��nl nf drLnilt. <•nnstitnic un nssignmrnt af thi� um . . . .
<br /> z-� ; �+um��l prnmium. � . . . .
<br /> � . An}' sutnR rrvcirod Irv the \iorli:.par Lv rv•asun ui lm;s or dmnn2i• incumd n�;ninst ntay b�• rrL�incd hy lhe 11urfKapee - . . . .. .
<br /> nnd npplicd tou�r¢d the p:�yment o! ihi� drbf. hrn�br s��currd, or. nt the uptiun ot Ihe Rtortgugea. surh sum� eithrr whully nr in � . . . . .
<br /> � pert m+ry be p:iid nvur tu lhr :�torl�a�:ur �o Ix� nsrd �o n•pair ,uch huildinl;s ur In 6uild ' nea huildinga in lh��ir pl�cr ur fnr nny . � . . � � . .
<br /> i
<br /> ' othcr purP���• ur obJect vriis(nctury to Il�o 1lnrtl::��;or w�ithoul :dlri'tin�: thr licn nn thr iuortgag�� fr�r lh�� (ull nmaunt ���curr�I hrm� " � . .
<br /> . � by M•lure such Pnymi�nt rvcr Lmk pl:�cc. . - . . . . _ . . _ .
<br /> "1'u prumpUy rc{zair, restarc ur rcLuild :ury truilJin„� ur imprnvrm�•nts uo�c ��r h��r��a[I��r un lhi� prcmisns which mm� br. . . . .
<br /> �omr dnmuged ur destruyivl: tn knrp snid pnvnivrs in f.�r'd coudiliun aud rrp��ir und frr�• Rom nn)' �n��chanic�s licn ur uthrr lirn o� . . � 4
<br /> '. .� �:. .. . ..--� clnim u( lien not expres.ly �uburdinatod lo � he licn h�vr�d-: n� rt In .ulTor nr p�• rtnit ;�ny unlnwful usr uf ��r ��nr nuisanre tu exi,.l on � : . . .i
<br /> snid property nur lu ��ermit �va�te un snid prertti���s. uur tn du :uiy i,lhnr �ict a�6rn>hr fLo prup�•r(y hvrrl�v cnn�•rVrd sh:Jl I�cunte � � � .
<br /> � less valuable. nor tu diminish or imp;�ir ils valuc Iry nny :�cl �,r � nninsion I�� ncl . In i•umpl�� ���ilh all roquirrmi•nls uf law w�ith respret . . .
<br /> ' ' to the morlgngrd ptemisex and the uae lhrn�nf. � � . .
<br /> p', ;i
<br /> � .:,
<br /> _ Thut shuuld lh.• premises ur nn�� piir( Ihrrrol le� luki�n ��r dvnwgr�I 6v rr:i.nn uf :uie puhlic impruermrnl ur cnnd�•mnalinn � . � . �
<br /> ;.. i; proceiNling. or under lhc right o[ rmin<•nt dumnin. nr in any uthi•r nwnnrq thr \1 ���rtp;�gre +h.dl Lr rntitled lu nll cumpensalions. .
<br /> e�wards, nnd anY ulhcr P�Ymenl or rrlie( thrrefur, iu�d sh:�il I+c ��nti�lyd, nt its optiun. In commentt•, nppenr in nnd pnnitiale in i4e .
<br /> nwn � +�mne tmV nctiun or pnxeeding. or tu muke �im• cumprwnise or srttlrm��nt in runnection N�ith such takin�; nr d;nnnwe All aucf� �.
<br /> '� I rnmpensulion. � awarcls. � dnmuges. riFht n( action und pnxcivla nre liereby assiwn�•d !o tho f�lorl�;ngce. - who muY. +dler � deJucdn� -
<br /> ;` �s therc(rom all iLv expenves, rclen�� any rnoncYs xn rorcivcd by d ur npply lhe sum• un uny indrbt��dnrs. s��curi•d hrrrLy. '!'h�� �Inrl�
<br /> gu�,ror ngre��: . W. exr�vtc sqch furllier :aavignmcnta � nf nny eump�•nsnliun. �nvurdy. dnmu�;es, ;mJ ril;hts n( nrtion und ��rnccrdv as Uic . . . . �
<br /> . �forlFBKee may. requirc. � � � • -� .
<br /> '1'hnl in cnse u( f��ilun to perform :my of �hr cocen�ints herein. fh�• Atorigagee may du on !he Murl�:zigur'� behnl( evrr��thinF _' .
<br /> so cuvenanled: thnt lhe �lurlgugee rn:+y nlso do nnr act it may d��em ni�crss:� r�' lo prolrrl lhi� licn Ihen•n[: ih+�l the 1lnrttin�;or a�ill � `'-'
<br /> repny upon drmund any muncYs Paid or disbunrd by the �lortga�;��c for any <d thr ��bave purp�nes, and .uch moneys togeNirr wilh ..- � .
<br /> intnrest lhereon nt the rnto prcrvidrd in said nulo nhnll Ix•cume vo muct� nddition;d indeldrdnr.sx hrreb�• nceurrd nnd mnv 1.� in-
<br /> cleded in nny decmi� [omclosing Wix nwrlgnge nnd be pnid uu( ot Ihr rents ur prun•eds uf nide� of �niJ premises i! nnl alherwise
<br /> puid: th�i it shnll uot be oblignlory upon tho hlortr;ugce tu inquire intu Ilu� vnliJity uf any lien. rncwnbnuues, ur rinim in nd�
<br /> vaneing moneye as ntwve �.uuUwri:ed, but nothing herein contained shnll fx� -�cunstrued es n+�uirin� Ihe �tart�;ngee fu ndvnnee nny � �
<br /> moneya for nny such purpose nor lu do any xct hereunder, imd lhat htorttinr,ev shnll nnt incur nny persunnl linbilify brci�usr of xny
<br /> thinR �t mny do or umit to do hcrrunder.
<br /> in lhe evenl o( the de(nult bY MortRagur in th�� peiymenl n( nny instalhnent, as required by Ilu• N��Ic srcurcJ hrre6y. or
<br /> in the �mrtormunce uf the ubligalion in this mortgngi� or in lh�� notr urured ihrmby, U�c �1orl�ngce shidl 6c rnlillyd tn Jrcl�rr Ihe
<br /> � dr.bt securecl hcreby due nud puyuble wilhout nolice, nnd .thr �turtgogcc nhcall 6e enlitlrcl nl its uption. ���ifhuul nulicr. i•ilhcr by ilvrll
<br /> or by u receiYer to lh uppuinttYl hy the �court thereof. nnd H�ithuul rr�;itrd l7lhe t�d�quacy o( nny aecurily Inr lhe indebtednra5 .e• � .
<br /> ci�red herehy, to entervpun nnd tnke poaSessi�ro nf ihe mt�rf�;ngetl pMlnl�cs, nnJ to colirct nnd rcarivr ihr rnnlv, issuc. nnd profifs
<br /> thereof; and 'npply lhe 4tune: .less casts of oFmrntion nnd collcetion. �qwn lhe � indrbl�rdnrsc wrcurrd b,V tliis m�vil;nl �: s;+id ronts., � .
<br /> iwvucs and prolife Leing� hereby �nsviKned to the Aturlgnpaa nv furiher �:rcurily Jor lhe piaymrnt u( alI IOIICII�PIIIIY\4 s�rurrd hrrohy. -,:��. :- •
<br /> .. . . � . � . . y �
<br /> � �
<br /> � . '1'hr. Mortgagce shnll hnve lhe power lo nppoint nny ngenl or ngents il may drvirr for Ihe purposr o( rrpoiring uud prem• �� � ��. N i: �.` '
<br /> � . iars; renting ihe same: mllecting the rents, revenues rind ineutne, nnd it mny pny out nf said incume nll exprnsrs incurral in rent• � �
<br /> ing und mm�nging lhe xame and ��f culircling ih�• rvntule Iherelrom. ��Chr hnlnnce n�innininl:, i( i�ny, yhnll I�e npplird t�werJ lhr
<br /> � dischurRe nf lhe morlgrt{�c indebtednrwR. 'I'hie nsviRnmenl ie lo t��rminutc und Ircnmr nuil and �•uid u�x�n rrlrii��� of Ihis morl�nge. � - "'�' � , ��'
<br />, . � . . . _ . , . . � . . . . . . . h , ,
<br /> L. " .""'.,,y. -- --....�..nwxr�Mraa�d+m%=+wmn.wwAtled+�M»3+tMY�t+F++SNw"�"�'.:m.�V:wvwxu.avsrm.e'nKrR .�!s.:rt'A::.n'N!�r9v.vw.uwµq�sennwtiar.�n...+.+�xkw�ww+�a.r•w.+.----�--�+—^"^�•�•• , .. � . .� .
<br /> }.,
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<br />